Bronx August i8, 1906.
Aug 14, 3 years. 57e.
of N Y. Courtlandt
Paulsen. Wm to Lillie Neuhaus. Websler av. No 3067, w s. 450
s Woodlawn road, late Scott av, runs w 120 x s 17,1 xse 17,10
X e 1U4 to av, x n 25 to heginning, Aug 9, due July 1, 1909.
57c- Aug 11, 1000, 12:3331. 8,000
Pirk, Amalia to George Kerner. Decatur av, w s, 175,4 n 195th
st, runs n w 127.2 xne 30.11 xse 22,9 x s w 1.1 x s e 99,2
X s 25. Aug 13, due Jan 1, 1909, 5%. Aug 15. lOOii. 12:3283,
â– •Pandolfo, Angelo, Carmelo and Enrico to B H Strauss. 230th st,
n s. 80.6 w White Plains road, 25x114, Wakefield. Aug 7, 5
years. 5%. Aug 11, 1906. 8,500
Proebsel, Anna to Chas Massoth, Honeywell av, s e s, at n e s
181st st, runs n e along av, 70,11 xse 29,4 x s w 68,4 to st, x
n w 19,3 to beginning; 17Sth st, n e s, at s e s Mohegan av, runs
s e along st, 143,4 xne 36.4 x n w 145,2 to av, xsw 31.2 x s
4,0 to beginning, except part for av. Aug 13, due July 1, 1907.
67c. Aug 14. 1906, 11:3123 and 3125. 9,000
Pollock, Henry with Henry H Vorndran. Rodgers pl, e s, 492.4
n Westchester av, 30x89x22,1x90. Extension mort. Aug 2.
Aug 10. 1906. 10:2699. nom
Russhon, Mary to Howard M Taylor. H_ull av, w s, 401,4 n
Woodlawn road, 50x100. P M, Aug la, 1906, 2 years. 57o.
12:3345. 2.000
'Robinson, Margaret H to Thomas Stretch. Plot begins 205 w
White Plains road and 470 n Morris Park av, runs w 100 x w
25 X e 100 X s 25 to beginning, right of way to Morris Park av.
Aug 14, installs, IV/c. Aug l.:>, 1906, 600
Reiter, Louis to Rachel Reiter. Westchester av, w s, at e s
Jackson av, runs n e 39,8 x n w 31.3 xsw 53,11, Prior mort
$17,000. Aug 15, 2 years, —7c Aug 16, 1906. 10:2645, 2,000
'Reichert, Wm and Fritz Gaertner to Percy S Dudley, Dudley
av, s s, 75 e Mapes av, 25x109. P M, Aug 14. 3 years, .570.
Aug 16. 1906, 1,260
'Rechert, Frank to Arthur Radomsky and Chas We^ss. Dudley
av, u s, 50 w Mapes av, 12-5x100, P M,
Aug 16, 1906.
Reiner, Joseph and Agatha to Bungay Co
av, e s. bet 150tb sl and 151st st .and at s w cor lot 2i3, runs
n_19.y X e 8ll X s 19,8 x w SO to beginning, being part of lot
2i3 map Melrose Soulh, Aug 15, S years, [j'/c. Aug 10. 1906,
9:2397. 1,700
'Reynolds, James to Phineas C Louusbury trustee Stephen R Kir¬
by, Av C, n e cor 4th st, 108x102,6, Unionport. Aug 9. 1
year, 57c. Aug 10. 1906. 10 000
Ruhin, Jacob H to Henry J Meyerhoff. Crimmins av, n w cor
141st st, 27x80x21,4x80,2, Prior mort $28,000. Aug 9, 3 yrs,
0%. Aug 10. 1900. 10:2550. 6,000
'Sheehan, John E to Wm W Penfield. Lots 138 and 139 map sub¬
division of portion of Penfield property, east of White Plains
av, Wakefield. P M. Aug 0, 3 years, 57o, Aug 10, 1906.
'Sella, Grato to Justus D Michell. Leggett pl, e s, 275 n Mc¬
Graw av, 51x221x214. gore. Aug 1, 3 years, 5%. Aug 14,
10116, 2,000
'Smithson, Eliz to Sarah 0 Mason. 22Sd st, n s, 55,6 w 4th av.
2 lots, each 25x100, Wakefield. 2 morts. each $3,500. July 27,
3 years, 5i,^7c aud 57t, Aug 10, 1900, 7,000
'Soukup, -â– \nton lo John Holsan. Matilda st, n w s, lot 72 map
South Washine.tonville, oOxlOO, P M. Prior mort $2,800. Aug
10, due May 10, 1909, —7c. Aug 11, 1906. _ _ 000
Sasso, Michele lo Mary Heim. Hoe av, w s, 22-3 s 172d st,
25x100, P M, Prior mort JO.OOO, Aug lo, due Feb 15, 1907.
67c, Aug 16, 1906. 11:2981, 1,000
Steckler, David and Wm Solomon to Geo Brown. Wales av. s w
cor 147th st, 100x100; Union av, n w cor 150th st, 25x100.
Certiflcate as lo reduction of mort, &c, Aug 14. Aug 16,
1906. 10:2577. â– ------
"Stumpf, Frank to Percy S Dadley. Harrington av, n s, 75 e
Mapes av. 25x100, P M. Aug 14. 3 years, o7c Aug 10, 1900, 420
'Stitt, John to Percy S Dudley. Dudley av, s s, 200 w Cornell av,"
50x100, P M. Aug 14. 3 years, 57. Aug 16, 19:'6. 660
'Speers, Saml lo Percy S Dudley, George st, c s, 100_n Dudley
av, 45,6x151.5x24.11x150. P M, Aug 14, 3 years, d7c Aug
10, 1906, 450
Schill, Edward A to Solon L Frank et al, Jerome av, s e cor
213th St. 50x100,3. July 31. S years, 57c.
Schwarzler, Elizabeth
Worth av, 46,0x100.
Aug 16, 1906.
to Josephine Stein, 174th st, s s, 239 e
P M, Aug 13. 5 years, 57:. Aug 10, 1906.
Sternberger. Minna M to Alfred C Gants et al. Summit av, e s.
175 s 162d st, 25x100; Summit av, e s, 225 s 162d st, 30x95,
Prior morl $7,750. Aug 14, payable Feh 14, 190S, 6%, Aug 16,
:i);]6, 9:2524, 4,800
^'Sutherland, Fannie E to Geo Brockway et al trustees. Cor¬
nell av, n s, 105 e Old road, SOxlOO. Westchester. Sept 19, 1900,
due Jan 19, 1902, 6%. Aug 13, 1906. 1,700
Schmitt, A Emil to Cbas Remsen, Palisade av, w s, 456 n
South av, runs n w 340 to e s of an alley, xne 14-3,9 xse
347 lo Palisade av, x s e 14S,9 to heginuing. contains 1 196-
1,1100 acres. All title to alley. Aug 9, 3 years, 57c, Aug 10,
in06, 13:3424, _ 15,000
Sieferman, Andreas to Fredk Dillemuth. 158th st, n s, 9o w Tin-
ton av, ."0x100, Aug 1, due July 1, 1909. 6%. Aug 10, 1900,
10:2056. 1,000
'Shatzkin (A) & Sons, Inc, to Sound Realty Co. 226th st, s s,
528,9 e Paulding av, 75x109, 3PM morts, each $420. Aug IS.
due July 12, 190:i, —7-- Aug 15, 1900, 1,260
'Same to same, 226th st, n s, 198 e Paulding av, 75x109,6. 3 P
M morts, each $455. Aug IS, due July 12, 1009, —%. Aug 15.
1906. 1..365
'Same to same, 22fith st. n s. .300 w Paulding av, 25x02,6x21x
109.3. AuglS, due July 12, 1909. —%. Aug 15, 1906. 437.50
'Same to same, 22oth st, s s, 461,4 w Paulding av, 25xl26,10x
28.4x139,11, P M, Aug 13, due July 12. 1909, —%. Aug 15.
1906. 612.50
*Same to same, 226ih st, n s, 325 w Paulding av, 2.)x74-9x30,6x
92,6. P M, Aug IS, due July 12, 1909, —7c. Aug 15. 1900.
'Tofano, Frank to Frank M Patterson. 4th st, w s, at s s Rus¬
kin st, 36.10x119.5x31x120,0, Aug 3. 1 year, —%. Aug 14,
1906. 500
'Thompson, Wm D to James French, Pleasant or Olinville av, w
s, being s V2 lot 58 map Olinville, 50xlf)0. P M. June 21, 3
years. G'/c. Aug 11, 1006. Re-recorded from June 23, 1900,
•Tepper, Isak to Sound Realty Co. 223th st. s e cor Bronxwood
av. 125x.55,3xl31,2x—. P M. Aug 14. due July 12, 1909, —7c
Aug 15, 1900. 1.855
'Same to same, Paulding av. s w cor 225th st, 34,6xl09.0x34.6x
11,4. P M. Aug 14, due July 12, 1909, —7c. Aug 15, 1906. 980
•Same to same. 224th st, s s, 100 e Paulding av, 41.6x109.6,
P M. Aug 14, due July 12, 1909, —7c. Aug 15, 1906. S22,50
'Same to same. 223d st, s s, 249.4 e Corsa lane, 25x177,11 to
Corsa lane x30.2xl61-2. P M. Aug 14. due July 12, 1909, —7c
Aug 15. 1906, 770
'Same to same. Pauldiug av, w s, 59.6 s 224th st. 53,6x101.4x
88.9. gore. P M. Aug 14, due July 12. 1909, —7o. Aug 15,
1906. 700
•Ufland, Wm to North New York Co-operative Building & Loan
Assoc, Boyd av, c s, 125 n Jefierson av, 25x100, except part
for av. Aug 14, 3 years, —'/c- Aug 15, 1006. 3,500
W;eil, Saml with Clara W Zucker. 146th st, s s, 400 e Willis av.
25x100. Subordination agreement. Aug 1, Aug 14, 1906.
9:2290. nom
'Westfield. Harry to Louise Klener, Pelham or Westchester road,
s s, at n w cor land conveyed hy Buscb to Neeb, runs s 381 x w
42 X n 355 to road, x e 48-6 to beginning. _being part of estate
of Geo Baxter. P M. July 3, o years, o'/c. Aug 10. 1906.
'Wulfsohn. Max and Herman Gauss to MT VERNON TRUST CO
et al trustees Susan A Peufield, Cleveland av, s s, lots 10 and
11 X w 20 ft of lot 12 map Penfield property. South Mt Vernon.
P M, June 28, S years, 57-. Aug 11, 1906,_ 3,825
'Same to Wm W Penfield, Lots 306 and .30( map subdivision
portion of Penfield property, at Wakefield. P M. Aug 6, 3
years, 0%. Aug 11, 1906. _ JlOO
•Weber, Chas A to Marie Moritz. llth st, n s, 35o w Av D, 2ox
108, Unionport, Aug 9, 3 years, G7c. Aug 11, 1906. 1,500
•Windhorst, Henry H to Gottlieb Schultheis, 218th st, n s, 400 w
5th st, 100x114, Wakefield. P M. July 16, 3 years, oW/o.
Aug 14 ,1900, 2,000
*Wright, Marie to Percy S Dudley, Dudley av, n s, 200 w Cor¬
nell av, 25x114.6x25,3x11.2. P M.
10, 1900,
'Wabst. Hugo to Percy S Dudley,
Cornell av, 25x93,7x2^x93, map Harrington estate.
14, 3 years, 57,. Aug 16, 1906.
Aug 14, 3 years, 5%. Aug
Harrington av. s s, 675 w
P M, Aug
'Whitlock, Thaddeus B to Geo A Devermann, Plot begins 490 e
from poinj While Plains road 595 n Morris Park av, runs e
100 X n 2y X w 100 x s 25 to beginning, and right of way from
Morris Park av, P M, Prior mort $3,000. Aug 15, installs.
6%. Aug 16, 1906. 1,350
Weiher. Loreuz to State Realty & Mortgage Co, St Anns av, n w
cor 158th st, 88,3x100, Aug 16, 1906. 1 year. G'/c 70,000
•Wood, John H to Hudson P Rose, Washington st, e s, abt 10 s
Washington pi, 25x105,2. P M. Aug 6, 1 year, 57c. Aug 16.
1906, IW
The first name Is that of the ow'r; ar't stands for architect; m'n
for mason, c'r for carpenter, and b'r for huilder.
When character of roof is not r-.entioned, it is to be understood
that the root is lo he of tin.
Cherry st, Nos 106 and 108',^, O-sty brk and stone tenement, 50x87;
cost, $50,01)0; M .'V Rofrano. 8 Roosevelt st; ar'ts, Bernstein &
Bernstein, 24 E 23d St.—855.
Eldridge st. Nos 218, and 220, two 1-sty hrk and stone outhouses,
8,6x11; cost, $600; M Diamondston, 132 Nassau st; ar't, O Reiss¬
mann, 30 1st St.—864.
Lewis St. w 5, 100 n Deiancey st, two 6-sly brk and stone tenements,
25x87; total cost, $40,000; Morris Fisher, 302 Deiancey st; ar'ts.
Sommerfeld Sc Steckler, 19 Union sq,—S73,
Norfolk st. No 32, 1-sly brk and stone outhouse, 3.10x7; cost, $200;
Samuel Alter. 333 .3d av; ar't, M Zipkes, 147 4th av.—856,
10th st. No 267 East, 1-sty brk outhouse, 13.4x10,2; cost, $1,000:
.Amelia Herman, 40 W 52d st; ar'ts, Herts & Tallant, 113 B
19th St.—871.
ISth st, Nos 530-532 East, 6-sty brk and stone store and tenement,
50x90,3; cost, $55,000; Samuel Wanderman, 230 Grand st; ar't,
Samuel Sass, 23 Park row,—878.
Av A, No 2.14, 1-sty brk and stone outhouse, 9x8,6; cost, $800; Sam
Rosenberg, 150 Lenox av; ar't, O Reissmann, 30 1st st.—803.
Kith st. No 445 W, G-sly hrk and stone stable, 20x92x88, plastic
slate roof; cost, $25,000; The Abingdon Reconstruction Co, 336
W 4th st; ar't, Louis C Maurer, 22 E 21st st,—862.
24th st, s s, 225 w 1st av, 6-sty hrk and stone store and tene¬
ment. .50x85.9; cost, $50,000; Pasquale Lauria, 244 Mott st; ar't,
Chas M Strauh, 122 Bowery,—849.
34th st, n s, 272 e Oth av, 11-sty hrk and stone store and loft build¬
ing, 48x197.0, 5-ply tar and gravel roof; cost, $350,000; Oppen¬
heim, Collins Sc Go, 921 Broadway; ar'ts, Buchman & Fox, 11 E
59th St.—807,
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