Record and Guide
February 20, 1897.
17 Sohl, Charles—H Wellbrock et al. .266.20
17 Schultz, John and Joseph—A H Ziegier.
17 Seward, Eugene C—C M and P B Pratt.
....................(D) 1,052.55
17 Stork, Philip—L Steinhardt el al. .326,96
17 Selenkow, Morris—H B Claflin & Co..
17 St John, Adeline E—H E Ransweiier.l2S,95
15 Schellenberger, Louis—Henry E Ran_s-
18 Steidle, Otto^—the same..........125.95
18 Slanwood. Henry-Geo W Church. .138.44
11 Tebbe, Eliza—Amalie Klaus...........
.....;...............(D) 1,386.45
16 Titus, Andrew R-J E Kerr & Co. .629.96
17 Thomson, W J—W H Miles, Jr. ,. .155.05
11 Richards Company—C N Lee et al..
11 Brooklyn Yeast Co—Jamer Steara Heat¬
ing Go....................22.92
11 American Belgian Lamp Co—J Enright
11 Joseph Fallert Bwg Co—Annie Devlin.
.. ......................2,245.00
11 United State Projectile Co—P P Hogan
16 Brooklyn L R R Co—Ellen Shore. .3,615.82
17 Brooklyn "L" R R Co—J Jaeger------282,40
17 Brooklyn Union "L" R R Co------the same.
18 Holland Cluh—Geo B Lauck......425.24
11 Van Horn, Geo K—Brooklyn Daily Eagle
11 ' the same - the same........21.67
16 Van Buren, Anna M—B Wilkenloh. .422.70
15 Vose, Predk C—Joseph A Vose el al.lOS,37
11 Wells, Harry—G Duke............9.00
11 Wilson, Elbert G—J McLoughlin.....
.... ................(D) 15,408.94
13 Wertheim, Herman—John P Kane Co.
.................. '........125.02
17 Woods, Thomas—Sarah B Wells... .186.95
17 Williams, Joseph—A L Ahlbrecht. .. .24,83
11 Zises, Samuel—Brooklyn Bank, Brook¬
lyn ......................225.13
11 Zimmerman, Frederick—L Abrams.,..
13 Zimmerman. Louis—John P Kane Co...
16 Zimmerman, Fredk and Margt—Welz &
Adams, Wm H-J W Holmes. 1897......$209.48
Boyes. W H—Cobb Company. 1897......709.07
Brooklyn Heights R B Co—J Munz. 1897.865.49
Brooklyn Heigbts R R Co—G B Walters. 18%.
. , , , _.......... -VfOiV.O^
Same^-^' h' Carroll, Jr, 1898.........1,813,32
Same-----H Magnussen. 1897..........3,3uO.0O
Same-----J H Carroll. Jr. 1897............88.52
City of Brooklyn—C Frans. 1895..-.....16(!.50
Same------same. 1890...................37-07
Connors, James and Patrick—P E Conmy. 1896
Doenecke, Justus and Caroline—L Bossert 1897
Fedorgreon, Nathan—H Freeman. ISfiG. .117.10
Fortenbach. Philip—Adelaide Davis. 1896.330.32
Green, Theo B and Geo W exrs Benj F Consta¬
ble—C L Lyou. 1897..................241.72
Hall, Amos C—Mary J Hagner. 1890......81.12
Jaegel. Julius and Mary—Caroline Traum. 1890.
Myerle Dsvld—Emily M Stern. 1896-----107,07
Nassau Electric R R Co—M McGrath. 1897, .
Sam4^J Parker. 1897.................450-00
Same-----Mathilda Hailing- 1897........105.49
Same^-----sarae. 1896.................2,033,04
Nolan. Wm E—F Schirmer. 1896........361.50
Prudential Ins Co of Am—Bmma A Bentley.
1807 ..........................706.7r>
Ryan, Tbomas—T W Welch. 1888..........12.75
Stalnaker, Wm H admr Emma Stalnaker—S & J
A Bennett. 1896......................176.21
Same------A C Aubery. 1896...............-20.00
Scbult. Herman—F G Wild. 1897........120..S'I
Silberstein, Israel and Gregory—H D Buegelei-
sen. 1807..........................66,10
Smith, Fredk N—Mary J Hagner. ISOli-----81.12
Spetb, Theo, Sr—F Huhn. 1897..........57.31
Wright, "Wm H—E C Morse. 1896........252.08
Zareck. David—Wm H Frank Brewing Go. 1896
February 11.
Property Brooklyn Heights R R Co cu account
cleaning dirt from tracks. Jobn Henry agl
Brooklyn Heights R R Co and Geo S Whipple.
Hoyt St. n e cor Baltic st, 100x100, Wm W
Vredenburgh agt Dora Manneck........94,51
Milford St. e s. 110 n Belmonl av, 100x100.
Jobn C Creveling agt Michl Whalen.......31.98
Butler st, n s, 25 e Nostrand av, 145.6x100-
Rufus H Enirick agt John F and Mary Ryan.
February 13.
45th st, s s, lOi) w Olh av, 25x100.2. Ulysses
IBrown agt Mrs E Crist.................39.38
Washine'on :iv, No 6u3, e s, l'9.7 n Sl Mart;s av,
25xTJ." O'-'i'iir :-'l Martin agt Fraut: R Burrows,
Ida and J-roine Ba'-bydt...............10.00
flallii ,,1.. n e cur I'oyt st, lOOxU'O. Mpx P
While agt Dora Mannlck...............l;r>,0(l
Fob: i;ary 15.
37th st, n s, 100 w 4lh av, 40x100.2, John Mc-
l%"o\vn agl Edwd B Rergen, Silas A Condit
and F. C Underhiil......................52,00
SaiidB sl, n s, 75 TV Adams st, 81x135. John W
McArdell agt "John" Schuman aud Josepb
B Antwiler.......-.. ................40.00
February 16.
Bay 35th st, e s, 280 w Benson av, 60x08,6.
Charlea Cochrane and ano agt Lydia Ray-
Noatrand av, s w cor Fenimore st, 40x100.
Thomas McCann agt Martin D Doscher, Henry
Meyer and Geo S Whipp... '...........639.08
February 17.
Fountain av, w s, 100 n Glenmore av, llOx—.
Jamer Steam Heating Co agt Mlchl F Walsh
and Johu J Sullivan....................115.00
Pebrueray 18.
Throop av, e s, extends from Putnam to Jeffer¬
son av, 200x100. New York State Banking
Co aet C E & F L Hine and Geo E Lovett..
.................................. 1^)28-25
February 15.
Willoughby av. cor Evergreen av. Jobu Lar¬
son on Henry Ahrens to pay Donald Mac¬
donald $1,187.00 whan floors are laid and par¬
titions set...........................-----
February 18.
6lh st, Nos 591 and 593. Augustus Hurd and
G F Hunt on Wm H Dole to pay James D
Rankin when buildings are completed.. 8.500
February 10.
Chauncey st. No 255, n s, 25x100, Thos D
Hutchinson and Chas Lyons agt Wm C Smith
and H 0 Humphreys. (May 11, 1896)____if:55.O0
February 11.
Hawthorne st. Nos 123 and 125, n s. Ross Sc
Snyder agt Saltus S Clark and ano exrs Lu¬
cius E Clark and Prances Jezek. (Lieu filed
Dec 4, 1896.)........................850-00
February 13.
Sutter av, n s, 75 e Stone av. 25x48- Francesco
Napolltano agt Samuei Gotberer and Vincenzo
Bouagur. l,Sept. 29, 1896.)............98,SS
February 15.
Macon st. s a. 100 w Marcy av, 60x100. Michl
P Brennan agt Mary N Glazier. <Feb 13,
1897)............................... 455.00
February 16,
Vermont st, e s, 115 s Cemetery of the Ever¬
greens, 25x68. Fritz Happ agt Sophie Hafner.
(Oct 27,)-.._^........................75,00
Chauncey st, s s, 140 w Hopkinson av,,95x100.
N W and I N Curtis assignees agt W W and
A H Weeks, Cynthia B and Charles M Weeks.
[Aug 0, 1896.)......................108.95
Belmont av, s s, 7o e Thalford av, 25x100.
James F Barry agl Nathan Schonbrun. (July
February 17.
39tb st, a s, 140 e 4th av, 140x100. Christen
Henriksen agt John Keeier and S T Hatch &
Co. (Nov 24. 1896)....................64.33
The flrst name is tbat of the owner; ar't stands
for architect; b'r for builder.
All roofing material Is tin unless otherwise
13S—East 35lh st, w s, 100 s Av G, 2-sty
and atlic frame dwell'g, 2 families, 23x50,
shingle roof and hot air heat; cost, $3,400; C
Schussler, 704 Hart st; b'r, R Von Lehn,
New York av and Av F; b'r, not selected,
(Corrects error in last issue when it appeared
as East 3d st.)
Plan 149—Bowery walk, s s. 50 w Tilyous
walk, 1-sty frame pavilion, 40x70, gravel roof;
cost, .$600; ow'r and b'r, Albert Tice, on prera¬
150—52d st, s a, 200 w Sth av, 4-sly brk
tenem'ts, 8 families. 20.6x77; cost, $5,000; G
B Hopkins, 53d st and Sth av; ar't, H L Spi¬
cer, 204 Montague st; b'r, not selected.
151—Newkirk av, n s, 42 e Bast 31st st, 3-
sty and basemt brick school house, 114.8x69,
steam and hot air; cost, $47,838; Board of Ed¬
ucation, 131 Livingston sl; ar't, J ^ McNaugh-
lon, 131 Livingston sl; b'r, W H Port, Nor¬
man av and Russell st-
152—Classon av, e s, 106-3 s Hewes st, 2-
sly brk shop, 29.4x66, gravel roof; cost, $2,-
500; C Rauschinberg, ISS Washington av;
ar't, F Holmberg, 911 Broadway; b'r, not se¬
153—Bedford av, w s, 24 n Hooper st, flve
4-sty brick tenemts, 8 fams, 25x69; total
cost. $50,000; Beer & Schaffner. 1124 Broad¬
way; ar't, H Vollweiler, 483 Hart st; b'r,
154—At Z, n s, 42 e East 26th st, 3-sty and
basemt brick school house, 114.8x69; cost,
$48,644; Board of Education; ar't, J W
Naughton, 131 Rivingston sl; b'rs, F J Kelly
& Sou, 245 Garfleid pl.
155—4th pl. No 61, 4-sty brick tenem't S
fams, 25x62, parlor healers; cost, $S,000;
ow'r and ar't, G W Kenny, 259 Olh st.
156—Nassau av, n w cor Oakland st, four
3-sty brick stores and tenem'ls, 4 and 0
fams, 25x65; total cost, $28,000; ow'r and
b'r, D Mahr, 657 Humboldt st; ar't, B Fin¬
keusieper, 93 Broadway.
157—Bristol st, w s, 171 n Eastern Park¬
way, 2-sty frame dwell'g, 2 fams, 20x45;
cost, $2,200; owr and b'r, Wm Haubitzsch.
ou prems; ar't, C Infanger, 2590 Atlantic av.
158—Grant av, w s, 420 s Jamaica av, 2-
sty and attic frame dwell'g, 17x50; cost, $1,-
600; M Wirdleck, Grant av; art and h'r, A
Rose. 108 Jerome st.
159—Butler st, s a, 225 e Smith &t, 3-Bty
brick store and dwell'g, 2 fams, 29.6x60,
gravel roof and furnace; cost, $10,000; Wm
B Rogers & Co, 88 Butler st; ar't, M J Mor¬
rill, 350 Fuiton st; b'r, Tbos Donlon, 3d av
and Butler st.
160—East ISth st, s w cor Church av; 4-
sty brick store aud dwell'g, 3 fams, 29.6x
76.6, steam heat; cost, $10,000; Jno Luck,
828 Flatbush av; ar'l, J A Davidson, 828
Flatbush av; br, not selected.
161—70th st, s s, 420 e 10th av, 2-sty and
atlic frame dwell'g, 1 fam, 21x29, shingle
roof and furnace; cost, $3,000; Bay Ridge
Impt Co, 199 Montague st; ar't, W B Wills,
17 Troutman st; b'r, H E Haugaard, Rich¬
mond HiU, L I.
162—75th st, n e cor 10th av, 2-sty and at¬
tic frame dwell'g, 1 fam, shingle roof and
furnace; cost, $4,500; ow'r, ar't and b'r, same
as last.
163—74th st, s e cor 10th av, 2-sty and at¬
tic frame dwell'g, 1 fam, 22x35.6, shingle
roof and furnace; cost, $4,000; ow'r, ar't and
b'r, sarae as last.
164—72d st, s s, 460 e 10th av, 2-sty and at¬
tic frame dwell'g, 1 fam, 26x35, shingle roof
and furnace; cost, $3,600; ow'r, ar't and b'r,
same as last.
165—Suydam st, n s, 250 e Evergreen av,
two 3-Ely brick tenem'ts, 5 fams, 25x67; to¬
tal cost, $14,000; Eirich & Spaeth, Troutman
st, near Knickerbocker av; ar't, Hugo Smith,
836 Broadway; b'r, F Spaeth, 123 Jefferson
166—60lh st, s s, 70.3 w New Utrecht av.
2-sty frame dwell'g, 3 fams, 20x45; cost,
$1,800; M Maggio, 366 Columbia st; ar't, M
Corneistrie, 278 19th st; b'r, not selected.
167—Hendrix st, w s, 360 n Hegeman av,
2-sty frame dwell'g, 2 fams, 20x42; cost, $1,-
500; ow'r and b'r, M King. 707 Butler st; ar't,
H Vollweiler, 483 Hart st.
16S—Grand av, w s, 300 n Putnam av, two
3-Ety and basemt brick dweli'gs, 1 fam. 20x
45; cost, each $6,000; ow'r and h'r, John
Gordon, 31 Lefferts pl; ar'l, R Dixon, 213
Montague st.
169—Freeman st, s s, 150 e Manhattan av.
two 4-sty brick tenem'ts, S fams. 25x65,
gravel roof; total cost, $16,000; ow'r and ar't,
P Bierschenck. 2(X) Freeman st; b'r, not se-
170—Voorhees av. n s, 170 e East 18th st,
2-sty brick store and tenem't, 4 fams, 37.6k
36; cost, $2,500; V Giordano, Sheepshead Bay
road; ar't, M Bernstein, 241 East Broadway,
N Y; h'r, not selected.
171—Manhattan av, e s, 50 s Greene at; 4-
sly brk tenem't, 8 fams, 25x65, gravel roof;
cost, $S,000; J Bloechle, 486 Manhattan av;
ar't, T Engelhardt. 905 Broadway; b'r. not
172—One heach, e s of West SSth st, 200 a
Surf av, 1-sty frame office, 12x12, shingle
roof; cost, $400; ow'r and ar'l, Thos Six-
smith, Sea Gate; b'r, C Wyndom, Sea Gate.
173—Martense st, s s, 247 e Rogers av. flve
3 and 2-sty and attic frame dwell'gs, 1 fam.
lSx40, gravel and shingle roofs; total cost,
$14,000; G Levy, 371 Fulton sl; ar't. W H
Waldron, 1S73 Pacific st; b'r, not selected.
174—Surf av, n s, 200 w West 12th st, 1-
Ely frame pavilion, 72x100, gravel roof; cost,
$8,000; Jno A Cook, 447 14th st; ar't, B H
Brinckerhoff. Bowery and Schweickerts walk;
b'r, not selected.
175—SSlh st, w s, 250 n 17th av, 2-sty
frame tenem't, 4 fams, 28x52; cost, $1,400;
ow'r and h'r, Jno Henni, Benson av and Bay
13th St.
176-17th av, e s, SO s SSth st. two 2-Bty
and atlic frame dwell'gs. 1 fam, 18x31, shin¬
gle roof and furnace; total cost, $4,000; M A
Stratton, 136 Bay 16th st; ar't aud h'r. S J
Atwater, Bay IOlh st, near Cropsey av.
177—Russell st, e s, 100 s Driggs av. 2-sty
and basemt frame dwell'g, 3 fams, 20x53;
cost, .$2,100; Chas Engert, Humboldt st and
Engert av; ar't, F J Berlenbach, 260 Graham
av; b'r, R Mueller, 44 Stanhope st.
178—Russell st, e s, 120 s Driggs av. six
2-sty and basemt frame dwell'gs, 3 fams, SOx
45; total cost, $12,600; ow'r. ar't and h'r,
same as last.
179—Maple st, n s, 200 w Albany av, 1-sty
frame stable, 20x16. felt roof; cost, $50; ow'r
and b'r, Donald F Ayres. 189 Montague st.
180_6th av, e s, 60 s 64th st, 1-sty frame
dweli'g, one family, 20x3S; cost, $700; ow'r
and ar't, Jobn Schmitt, Sth av and 66th st;
b'r, not selected.
1§4—East New York av, n e cor Schenectady
av, 1-sly frame wagon shed, 20x36; cost, $150;
A Derby & Son, on premises; ar't, R H Tyn-
dall. 261 E Slst st; b'r, not selected.
IS'2—Enfield st, s w cor Liberty av, 1-sly
frame store, 20x40; cost, $400; A V Theuret,
on premises; ar't, H Poblman. Liberty av, near
Lincoln av; b'r, not selected.
1S3—Tulip St. n s, 500 w Bedford av. flve
3-sty hrk dweU'gs, one family. 20x45; lotal
cost, .$30,000; ow'r aud b'r. Jobn C Sawkins,
81 Basl Broadway; ar't, J J Petit, 186 Remsen
184—Barren Island, near steamboat dock,
1-sty and attic frame boarding house, 26x40.
gravel roof; cost. $1,000; Luder & Bredon, on
premises; ar't, O H Lee, Rockaway av and Av
F: b'r, R Bohrmau, East 94th st and Av K.
ISS-East Slst st, e s, ISO s Av F, 2-Bty and
attic frame dwell'g. one famUy, 20.6x32, shin¬
gle rool and hot air; cost, $2,500; E F. Cohn,