By the Treasury Department, Washington, D, C, until August
15, at 2 p, m., for the installation of an electric elevator in the
U- S. Appraiser's stores building, at Philadelphia, Pa.; until
August 21, at 2 p. m,; for furnishing the heating apparatus, com¬
plete in place, for the U. S. Post-Ofiice at Elgin, Illinoia; and
until August 22, at 2 p. m., for furnishing and installing new
boiler plant, for the U, S. Marine Hospital at Cleveland, Ohio, in
accordance with drawings and specifications, which may be ob¬
tained of James Knox Taylor, Supervising Architect.
By the Department of Sewers, at Nos. 13 to 21 Park row, until
August 7th, at 12 m„ for sewer in Hoe st, from 167th st to Free¬
man st; in 176th st, from Southern Boulevard to summit west of
Marmion av; in Walton av. from Belmont st to Rockwod st; ancj
in Rockwood st, from Walton av to Grand Boulevard and Con¬
course. In Queens: Sewer in Franklin pl, about 300 feet east of
Summit st, thence westerly to Summit st, and thence northerly
through Summit st to connect with existing sewer in Maple av,
in the Third Ward; in Franklin st, from Woolsey st to "Willow st.
The G. M, Newell Engineering Co., of Philadelphia, have the
contract for erecting the new sugar refinery on the New Jersey
shoi'e of the Hudson River, opposite Grant's Tomb. The refin¬
ery will have a capacity of 15,000 barrels and the enterprise is
backed by Robert Crooks & Co,
The contract for the erection of the 12-sty hotel for The
Woman's Hotel Company has been awarded to the Louis Weber
Building Company. The new building will be located at No. 29
East 29th st, and extends to 30th st, the plot being 75x197.6;
Robert W. Gibson, No. 76 William st, is the architect, and esti¬
mated the cost at .$350,000.
The New Tork Edison Company, successors to the Edison Elec¬
tric Illuminating Company of New York, have awarded to the
Marine Engine and Machine Company, of No. 80 Broadway. Ibis
city, contracts covering the installation of one of their "New
Standard" passenger and freight elevators in their new water¬
side station, SSth and 39th sts. East River, and an automatically-
eontrolled passenger elevator at their West 26th st station.
The contract for painting and enameling the hospital building
at Ellis Island has been awarded to Louis Wechsler at $1,800;
Boring & Tiiton, architects.
The general contract for erecting the new 6-sty building at the
southeast corner of Broadway and Houston st, for Harriet G,
Coogan. has been awarded to Murphy Bros,; D'Oench & Yost,
No. 289 4th av, architects.
East 16th st, west side, 250 south Av E, 2-sty frame residence,
29.6x36, to cost .$5,500; owner, Edward Dickinson, Linden Boule¬
vard; architects, J. S. Kennedy & Co,, 44 Court st. Contract not
let: see architect.
East 3d st, west side, 140 south Church av. 2-sty frame, 2-
family residence; cost, about $10,500; owner, Martin Johnson.
;'Mth st, near J3th av; architect, John C. Walsh, 1127 Liberty av.
The owner builds.
East Sth St. between Avenues A and B, 2-sty frame residence,
32x40: cost, $4,000; owner, W^alter Moore; architect. A, White
Pierce. 1127 Flatbush av. Contract not let. See architect.
Washington av, residence, to cost about $15,000; owner, Henry
Heisenbuttel, of HeisenbutteJ, Neering & Co. (grocers). Flushing
av and Hall st.
Bath av, south side, 46 west Bay 14th st. 3-sty frame residence
and store, to cost $4,500; owner, Chas, Willesen (candy), 58 Av
B. New York; architect, C. Schubert, 1832 Bath av. Contract will
be awarded in a few days.
McKibben st, Nos. 64 to 70, two 5-sty brick and stone tene¬
ments with all improvements, 105x88; builders, Balleisen & Wex¬
ler, No, 152 Boerum st, cor Graham av; architects, Sass & Small¬
heiser, 23 Park row. New York; ■work to commence Oct. 1; these
tenements will probably be the flrst to be erected in this section
under the new^ law.
Greenwood av and East 3d st, two 2-sty frame residences, 18x
30, to cost $6,000; owner, M. Kirchner, Greenwood av and East
3d st; architect, J. Sarsfield Kennedy, 44 Court st. Owner builds.
Smith and Wyckoff sts, 4-sty brick store and lofts, 55x75, to
cost $22,000. Contract not let; see A. Ulrich Arbuckle, archi¬
tect, Fulton st.
Prospect pl, 75 east Kingston av, four 2-sty dwellings, 19x48, to
cost ,'i;20.000. Owner, E. H. Bishop, builder, 647 Putnam av:
architect. Axel Hedman. Arbuckle Building, Brooklyn. Owner
East 12th st, east side, 200 n Beverly road, 2-sty frame resi¬
dence, 26x42; owner, Floyd E. Moore, carpenter, 168 7th av; ar¬
chitect, Jno. E, Walsh, 1127 Liberty av. Owner builds.
Brooklyn Hills (Borough of Queens).—Two and a-half-sty
frame residence, to cost $3,500; owner, W. W. Whitenack, 439
Evergreen av; architect. A, W. Pierce, 1127 Flatbush av. Owner
builds.-----Glendale, cor Myrtle and Lafayette avs, 2-sty frame
hotel and dance hall, to cost $10,000; owner, Geo. Hoffman, on
premises; architects, L, Berger & Co., 300 St, Nicholas av, Brook¬
lyn, Contracts not let. See owner.
Fishei-'s Island, N, Y.—Frame summer cottage, to cost $5,000;
owner, P, L, Montague, agt., 38 Park row, N. Y,; home, Dobb's
Ferry, N. Y.; architects, Donnelly & Hazeltine, Gai-field Build¬
ing, New London, Conn,
Cedarhurst, L. I.—Two and a-half-sty frame residence, 100x30,
to cost $10,000; owner, Thos. F. White; architects, Mcllvaine &
Tucker. 19 Liberty st, N. Y.
Far Rockaway, L, I.—Two and a-half-sty frame residence, to
cost .$10,000; owner, Mrs. J. A. Einstein; architect, Harry Allen
Jacobs, 1135 Broadway, N Y, Plans in progress; ready for fig¬
ures in a few days.
01 Interest to the Building Trades.
Bids are now in for plumbing the new Hall of Records. This
is the last of the municipal jobs on hand, where the plumbing is
in the general contract.
Some 45 or 50 Vermont granite-cutters are now on strike, and,
it is said, the situation is not without probabilities of a general
strike involving 3,000 men.
The Marine Engine and Machine Company have leased a suite
of offices on the eleventh floor of the Townsend Building, comer
Broadway and 25th st, for the use of their sales and engineering
Buchman & Fox, 11 E. 59th st, it is said, ■will have the plans
for the proposed 12-sty mercantile building to be erected at the
corner of 34th st and Broadway. Robert Smith & Co., 58 West
14th st, owners.
A branch of the Master Plumbers' Association has been estab¬
lished in the Bronx, and is said to be growing rapidly and get¬
ting in many members, who would not join the parent organiza¬
tion owing to the different conditions existing between the two
parts of the city.
Napoleon Le Brun's will was offered for probate in the Surro¬
gate's Oflice this week. With the exception of a bequest of .$1,-
200 to Louise Bellay, who had been in his employ for many years,
the testator leaves all his estate, which is valued at $90,000, to
his daughter, Adele L. Le Brun. and his sons, Pierre L. and
Michael M Le Brun.
Sexauer & Friedman, architectural and ornamental iron-work¬
ers, of No. 512 West 36th st, recently completed, or have in hand,
the following contracts: The ornamental iron-work for 3 elegant
houses On S6th st, near 5th av, for G. C. & C. J. Weber; stoop
railing and canopy for No. 39 East 61st st; front and vestibule
doors, balcony railing and window guards for No. 43 East GOth
st, Brun & Hauser. architects; and canopy for apartment house
on southeast comer of 7th av and 114th st. Their telephone call
is 3,650 38th st,
A Washington, D. C, dispatch of July 31st says: The di=-.eree-
ment bet^veen the Hopper flrm, contractors for the four 'ation
work on the new Custom House in New York, and the granite
men. over a technical question about the cutting of the granite
for that work, was settled to-day by the Treasury Department.
This removes the last ground of apprehension as to the Hoppers
getting through by September 25th, the date called for by their
contract. It is expected to award the work on the superstructure
long enough before that time to have no lapse occur between the
two parts of the building operations.
Recent Legal Decisions.
Mortgage foreclosure sale—An afiidavit that a claim was made
to boilers, etc., in a house sold under mortgage foreclosure by
the vendors of such articles is Insufficient as an objection to the
title. A person who purchased at a foreclosure sale unfinished
houses, in which were boilers, heaters, radiators, ranges, dumb¬
waiters, and tubs, is not entitled to relief from his purchase,
upon showing that he believed that those articles would pass
with the title, and were to be permanently attached to the land,
but that the vendors thereof had notified him that they had de¬
livered the chattels to the owner of the equity of redemption un¬
der contracts of conditional sale, and that the title thereto had
never passed out of them—there being no evidence that the
claims of the vendors were made in good faith and rested on a
basis of right. (Murphy v. Smith, 61 App. Div,, 574.)
Mortgage—What proof is required to show that a deed abso¬
lute on its face is a mortgage, A deed absolute upon its face
may in equity be shown by parol or other extrinsic evidence
to have been intended as a mortgage. A written defeasance is not
essential, but if an oral defeasance is relied upon it must be es¬
tablished by clear and conclusive evidence beyond a reasonable
doubt. Such evidence need not be the direct testimony of a wit¬
ness, but may consist of extrinsic facts. (Farmers' and Me¬
chanics' Bank v. Smith, 61 App. Div., 315.)
Summary proceedings—An agreement not creating the relation
of landlord and tenant. The owner of premises can maintain
summary proceedings to dispossess only in case where the con¬
ventional relation of landlord and tenant exists between the par¬
ties, and that relation is not created by an arrangement under