February 14, 1903.
Drs. Smilh al Madison av and 42d st, and that they have been
resold to the United States Really & Construction Co.
JONES ST.—Frederick C. Zobel has sold to Joshue M. Sprague.
of Scarsdale. N. T., Nos. 8 to 12 Jones st. a 9-sty !oft huilding,
on plot 75x100. In part payment he takes a plot of land on White
Plains road, at Eastchester. The Jones st property figures in the
trade at $134,000, as against $05,000 for the White Plains road.
STH ST.—Adolf Mandel has sold 340 East Sth st, a 5-sty build¬
ing, on lot 25x97.6, to a builder for improvement.
2D AV.—John Donnelly & Co. have sold for Mrs. L. Parmann
to Mary L. Neenam the four 3-sly buildings at the southwest
corner of 2d av and 41st st, on plot 75x75, for $76,000.
40TH ST.—The Engineers' Club has purchased under contract
-from William M. Martin .32 and 34 Wesl 40th st, two 5-sty
Et glish basement dwellings, on plot 50x98.9, and a new club¬
house will be built on the site. The Engineers' Club now occu¬
pies quarters at 374 olh av, and will remain there until Its lease
expires, about four years from now. No. 22 West 40th st, a
dwelling, on lot 15x98.9, sold last year for $58,750.
42D ST.—Parish, Fisher, Mooney & Co. sold for William H.
Moore, who was represented by Daniel Birdsall & Co., No. 103
West 42d st, a 5-sty business building with stores, on a lot 20x
75.4, 40 feet west of Oth av,
SOTH ST.—Ames & Co. sold for Lucy L. George No. 5 West
SOth st, a 4-sly brownstone front dwelling, on a lol 25x100. The
brokers report that the contract price was $100,000. It sold last
year for $81,000. No. 3, adjoining, sold in April, 1902, for $87,500.
21ST ST,—Post & Reese, in conjunction with H. J. Sachs, have
sold No. 11 W^est 21st st, a 4-sly and basemenl brownstone dwell¬
ing, with a dining-room extension, on lot 28x98.9. for George B,
WILLIAM ST.—Mayer S. Auerbach has sold 103 and 105 Will¬
iam st, a 5-sty building, on lot 42.11x81.2x37x79.1. It adjoins
the southwest corner of John st, and is opposite the Woodbridge
building and in the same block with the Black Building. To tliese
9 and 12-sly fireproof office buildings has recently been added
another, at the southeast corner of Platt st, and it is probable
that furtlier reimprovement of this part of William st will be
pushed rapidly.
35TH ST.—Hall J. How & Co. have sold for the Benjamin es¬
tate to Nelson D. Stillwell 152 to 156 East 35th st, old buildings,
on plot 06x97.6.
50th ST.—The Cumings estate has sold 69 West 50th st, a 4
sty and basement brownstone front dwelling, on lot 18.8x100.3.
19th ST.—Nathan Fernbacher has bought from the esiate of
Hannah Bodenheim 234 and 230 East 19th st, two 3-sty dwell¬
ings, on plot 41.Sx92x irregular.
22D ST.—Joseph Wolf has sold from the plans the 6-sty
business building, now being built, on a lot 23x98.9, at 36 West
22d st, to Bamberger, Stern & Co.
47TH ST.—Albert B. Ashforth has sold for Sarah J. H. Choate
to Mitchell A. C. Levy 73 West 47th st, a 4-sty dwelling, on lot
21ST ST.—John Peters has sold for the-Cregier estate to Jacob
Weinstein No 242 E. 21st st, 3-sty dwelling, on lol size 21x92.
This gives Mr. Weinslein a plot of 84x92, of which 42x92 has
been sold to a builder, who will improve same with a modern
apartment house.
SOTH ST.—E. A. Cruikshank and Tucker, Spire & Co. have
sold for James R. Stevens No. 20 West 39th st, a 4-sty dwell¬
ing, on lot 22x98.9. It has been leased for twenty years to
George Brodsky.
5TH AV.—Brigadier-General Charles F. Roe has sold to Will¬
iam B. Boulton, through Pease & Elliman, No. 40 Sth av. a 4-sty
dwelliTig, on lot 25x100; and with De Blois & Eldridge No. 10
West llth st, a 4-sty dwelling, on lot 25x94.10. the two parcels
forming an L around the southwest corner of llth st.
ALLEN ST.—N. Kersh has sold to R. Goodman Nos. 137 and
159 Allen sl, and to J. Lessler No. 101 Alien st. The properties
Lre 7-sty tenements, on plot 62.0x87.6.
55TH ST.-J. Mayhew "Walnwright has sold No. 131 East 33th
St. a 4-sty dwelling, on lot 18.9x100.5. Herbert A. Sherman and
Latham & Peet were the broicers.
44TH ST.—Cedar B. Wilken has sold Nos. 149 and 151 West
44th sl. a 7-sty aparlment house, on lot 32.10x100.4. Andrews,
Bell & Co. and George W. Eowan were the brokers.
33D ST.—Klein & Jackson have resold 255 lo 259 West 33d st,
three old buildings, on plot 05xll3x irregular, which they re¬
cently bought from Lewis Heyman and John Jeroloman. It is
reported that the deal also includes 258 Wesl 34lh st.
GOERCK ST.—William and Julius Bachrach have bought from
H. H. Muller 27 and 29 Goerck st, old buildings, on plot 50x100.
CANNON ST.—H. Rinaldo Brothers have sold for the esiate of
Harris Baum to Lowenfeld & Prager 97 and 99 Cannon st, 4-sty
front and rear tenements, on plot 50x100.
MADISON ST.—Lena Miller has sold to Morris L. Moshkwitz
the southwest corner of Madison and Gouverneur sts, a 6-sty
teiiement, on lot 24.6x60.
21ST ST.—M. & L. Hess have sold for the Pacific Realty Co.
the 4-sty dwelling 37 "West 21st st, 25x9S.9. The buyer, Joseph
Wolf, has also bought from Auguste P. Montant the similar ad¬
joining house, 39 West 21st st. Upon the entire plot Mr. Wolf
intends to erect a 6-sly store and lofl building.
BROADWAT.—The Century Realty Company has bought the
holdings of Cyrus Clark in the block bounded by Broadway and
7th av, 49th and 50th sts. known as 1614 to 1626 Broadway and
748 to 754 7th av. The Broadway frontage is 126.3 feet, and
that on 7th av 100.4 feet, beginning in the case of either thor-
oughfar^e 25 feet north of 49th st, and extending to within 50
feet of 50th st on the Broadway side and to within about 75 feet
on the 7th av front. The entire plot, which is now covered by old
buildings, has an area of about 16,000 square feet. The price
asked for the properly was $500,000.
IITH ST.-William A. White & Sons have sold for the Baldwin
estate to Mandelbaum & Lewine 332 Wesl llth st, a 3-sty dwell¬
ing, on lot 25x101.10.
26TH ST.-S. B. Goodale & Son have sold for William A. Parke
the 5-sty tenement 126 "West 26th st.
5STH ST.—Joseph Jordan has sold to John H. "Wohltmann the
5-sty dwelling, 438 West SSth st, 23x100.5. Martin & Schmonsees
were the brokers.
2d AV,—Myer Hellman reports that he has sold the property
976 2d av, a 4-sty tenement, on lot 20sl00.
24TH ST.—Eastman Johnson has sold through S, B. Goodale
& Son No. 61 West 24th st.
1ST AV.—William Wicke & Co. have sold the plot, 50x100, al
the northeast corner of 1st av and 31st st, and an adjoining
lot on the street. The buyer will erect a factory.
IITH AV.—The Empire City Realty Co. has sold the vacant
lot, 24.8x100, west side of llth av, 74 feet south of 29lh sl; also
the plot, 75x98 9. south side of 29th st, 175 feet west of llth
av. John P. Kirwan was the broker and Herbert Elkin the
7TH AV.—Klein & Jackson have bought the plot, with old
buildings, at the southwest corner of 7th av and 35tb sl, together
with Nos. 306 and 30S West 35th st, giving them a plot, 56.1x100.
G. Gevine is the seller of the 7th av parcel, and the estate of
Henry Spear of 35th st.
53D ST.—Folsom Brothers and James Kyle & Sons have sold
for the estate of Joseph I. West to Schmeidler & Bachrach 217
East 53d st, a 3-sty and basement dwelling, on lot 16.8x100,5.
32D ST.—Jacques Krakauer has sold Nos. 11 and 13 West 32d
st, two 4-sty brownstone buildings, on plot 50x98.9. This prop¬
erty was reported sold in September last.
37TH ST.—The Samuel K. Lyon estate has sold to Charles W.
Clinton No. 45 East 57th st, a 4-sty dwelling, on lot 20x80.5.
NEW ST.—It is reported that Robert Ireland has sold the 7-sty
building al the northwest corner of New and Beaver sts. The
plot has a frontage of 104.2 on New st and of 30.2 on Beaver, On
the north it abuts the Standard Oil building, and on the west
the Welles building.
BROAD ST.—Nos, 82 and 84 Broad st are reported to have been
sold by George S. Morrison. The first is a 4-sty building, on lot
24.6x81, adjoining the Popham building; the second is a similar
building, on lol 26.10xl04x iiTegular. Presumably both properties
have been sold to the same buyers. These parcels are located
opposite the triangular block bounded by Broad, South, William
and Beaver, now owned by the City Real Property Investing Co.
112TH ST.—Nelson D. Stillwell has sold the plot, 87.6xlOO.ll,
on the north side of 112th sl, 141.7 feet east of Riverside Drive,
to E. J, Moloughney, who has resold it to Michael Tully for Im¬
provement with a 6-sty apartment house.
STH AV.—Wilhelm Lauter has sold to a client of M. Veit 2109
Sth av, southwest corner of 114th st, a 5-sty flat, with store, on
lot 25.3x95.
3 SOTH ST.—Albert Friedlander has sold lo a Mr. Stern No. 110
Wesl 130th st, a 3-sly and basement dwelling, on lot 17x100.
OlST ST.—H. H. Cammann & Co. and F. B. Robert have sold
for the Elkus estate. No. 45 Easl Olst st, a 4-sly dwelling on
lot 19x100.5. E. Raymond Bosfange, the buyer, it is understood,
will modernize the building.
SIST ST.—H. Oppenheim has bought from W. & J. Bachrach
No. 235 East Slst st, a 6-sty tenement, on lot 25x102.2.
S5TH ST.—Duff & Conger have sold for John McCarron to
Charles Gulden No. 67 East SSth st, a 5-sty flat, on lot 25x102,2.
SSTH ST.—Rosie T. Shanley has sold to Joseph Fettretch No,
3.35 West SSlh st, a 4-sly dwelling, on lot 20x100.8. Frederick
Zittel was the broker.
125TH ST.—Sarah Dsvoe has sold the 4-sly brick tenement,
on lot 16,8x100, No. 157 Bast 125th st. Brokers, D. H. Scully and
A. W. Mead.
CENTRAL PARK WEST.—Robert M. Miles, Jr., attorney Tsr
the Jai Alai Ball Co. of Havana, announced the completion of
negotiations for the sale of that corporation's block on Central
Park West, between 62d and 63d sts, a plot of seventeen lots.
The purchase price is said lo be considerably over $600,000. The
company bought the plot in 1902 for $570,000. The buyer, it is
said, will erect an apartment hotel on the entire plot.
95TH ST.—Slawson & Hobbs sold for a client of W. D. Starr
Nos. 156 to 162 West 95th st.
AMSTERDAM AV.—Lachman & Goldsmith sold the lot, 2Sx
100, at the southwest corner of Amsterdam av and ISOth st.
103D ST.—George W. Wilder has sold No. 323 West 103d st, a
3-sty dwelling, on lot 20x100.1.