May 14, 1904
SOUTHERN BOULEVARD.—W, G. Rule has sold for Christo¬
pher Belton to Emanuel G. Bach the southwest corner of South¬
ern Boulevard and Crotona Park East, size 50x100, adjoining the
rapid transit station at that point.
13liTH ST.-L. F. J. Weiher soid to Williams & Grodginsky
464 and 466 East 136th st, two 5-sty flats, on plot 50x100.
174TH ST.—Lionel Froehlich has sold the northeast corner of
174th st and Bathgate av, 25x95.6, 4-sty triple and 6 stores, for
Sack & Rosengatten to Daniel Korn.
William H, Dank has sold for H. J. Miiler the 3-story brick
house, 66 Albany av, 20x80; for the Brooklyn Realty Association
197 Hoyt st, 4-sty brick tenement with stores, 26x95; for H. J.
Miller the 3-ety double tenement, IGS 34th st, 25x100; for Will¬
iam A. Andrews to Mrs. Pincus, 80 Underhill av, a 4-sty brick
tenement with stores, 25x100; for J. Rubin to S. Siegelman, 562
and 564 3d av, two 3-sty brick tenements with stores; 1764
Paciflc st, a 2-sty and basement, 16.8x107; for Van Vagner &
Carpenter, 590 Baltic st, a 4-sty brick tenement house 25x100
and for John R. Ryon 470 Baltic st, 3-sty frame house 25x100.
Connfelt-Clark Co. has sold to Dennistoun M. Bell the Phelps'
place at New Rochelle.
Real Estate Notes.
Kramer, Acritelll & Co. were the brokers in the sale of 26
Mulberry st, and 235 East 107th st, reported last week.
Edward McVickar, Charles A. Geriach and Edwin H. Hess
have been elected members of the Real Estate Board of Brokera.
Jacob Finkelstein, real estate and insurance broker, will move
to the adjoining building, No. 40 Bowery, where he will occupy
the entire second floor.
The property purchased last week by the Herter Realty Co,, is
139 East 2Gth St. not 25th st, as reported in our last issue. They
now have a plot 71.8x98,9.
Contracts have been signed for the sale of the plot at the
southeast corner of Broadway and GSd st by the City Real Prop¬
erty Investing Co., reported sold last week,
'Sehmeidler & Bachrach, real estate operators, have removed
from the German-American building to the Boreel building. No.
115 Broadway, where they have a large suite of offices on the
third floor,
E. V. Pescia & Co. have leased for Rose Berney the new 6-sty
double tenement, 90 Catherine st, for a term of five years at the
annual rent of $4,800, and for Louis Kalisky to Rocco Facclola,
191 Mott st, a 6-sty double teneraent, for a term of five years, at
the annual rent of $4,000.
Folsom Bros, have rented for Messrs. A, M. Stein & Co. the
entire building at the northwest corner of 3d av and 12th st,
for a term of twenty-one years, at an aggregate rental of some¬
thing over $100,000, to a Mr. Reich; for Mrs. Annie E. Allin the
2d loft in the 4-sty building 820 Broadway for a term of years.
Bloodgood, de Saulles & Talbot have leased the following coun¬
try places through their representative Philip L. Jones: The
Michler place at Greenwich, Conn., to Mrs. N. Clark Culver,
daughter of Senator Clark; also the Barrows place to Mr. E. B.
Norton of Street & Norton; and the O. O. Howard place at Pel¬
ham Heights to Mrs, Amos Morrill.
Pocher & Co. have made the following leases: No, 146 East
llth st, for six years for Isaac D. Lorsch to Dr, Lucas P. Wil¬
liams at gross rental of $27,000; 1082 2d av, 5-sty, corner of 102d
St. for term of ten years at gross rental of $30,000 to Joseph Gilt-
water; 200 West 44th st for John J. Astor estate to S. M. Ollinger
for term of years, and store at 727 Gth av for Janes & Kirtiand to
Hine Lawton for restaurant purposes for long term of years.
Chaa. E. Duross has leased the 4-sty private house, 152 West
14th st, for a term of years, to Mary Rhode at $2,000 per annum;
also the stable, 515 West 19th st, for T. J, Trelan to W. B.
Smiths' Sons Trucking Co., for a term of years; also, Chas. E.
Duross has leased the 5-sty and basement store and tenement,
59 Mott st, to a Chinese importing house for a term of ten years
at an aggregate rental of $30,000.
No falling off in the business in Williamsburg real estate is
observable by the local brokers. In building, renting and trans¬
ferring, business is brisk in all lines. In the Bedford section of
Brooklyn almost the only available property to rent are houses
held at a figure of at least $S0. Many owners are altering
their single dwellings into two-family houses. The majority of
the buyers and renters are Manhattan people.
The Rosehill Realty Corporation, incorporated on April 28, with
a capital of $100,000, have opened elegantly furnished and well
equipped oflices in the German-American Building. No. 25 Nas¬
sau st. Rooms 1204-5. The officers of the company are Louis
J. Levy, president, and David Kidansky, vice-president The
company will do a general operating business, the buying and
selling of real estate in all sectiona of the boroughs of Manhat¬
tan and Bronx,
Fine Parquetry Floors.
The Wood Mosaic Company, of No. 315 Fifth avenue, this
city, makers and layers of parquetry floors, have recently com¬
pleted the contract for laying all the parquetry floors at "Shadow
Lawn." West End, Long Branch, the summer home of Mr. John
A. McCall. tbe president of the New Tork Life Insurance Co., of
■which Mr. Henry E, Cregier is the architect. This la one of the
largest and most costly country residences In this country and
the character of the floors laid in it by the Wood Mosaic Co. are
in keeping with the generally elaborate features of the house.
The Governor has aigned the Marshall bill amending the lien
law as to conditional sales, and it is now Chapter G98 of the
Laws of 1901. While the measure was under consideration the
opposition was vigorous. There can be no doubt that this law will
operate to the beneflt of purchasers and mortgagees of real
estate. It was approved by the principal institutions engaged in
the examination of titles and making loana on mortgagea, and
also by a number of leading lawyers.
Status of New Work.
Buildings under construction, exclusive of tenements, situated
north of 34th st, and south of 42d st. West Side, showing the present
condition of the various operations. A indicates excavating; B,
foundations; C, structural work half up; D. enclosed; E. complete.
or nearly so; N, S., not started. The first name is the owner's;
"ar't" indicates architect; "b'r" builder.
34th st. No 9 W, enlarge windows, alter staircase, install new en¬
trance, electric elevator, to 4-sty and basement brk and stone
store and studio building; Henry Clews, 630 Sth av; ar'ts, Levitan &
Fisher, 20 W Slst st; b'r, John Fulton, 451 AV 32d st—N. S.
34th st, n s. 400 w Sth av, 11-sty brk and stone store and lott
buildings; Dr H P Loomis, 58 E 34th st. and Mrs Adeline E L Prince,
15 Lexington av; ar't, F A Minuth, 280 4th av; b'r. Remington Con
Co, 135 Broadway.-N. S. Old building standing.
SSth st, s s, 415 w Sth av, 11-sty brk and stone store and loft
building; Dr Henry P Loomis. 5S E 34th st; Mrs AEL Prince, 31
W SSth st; ar't, P A Minuth, 289 4th av; b'r. Remington Con Co, 135
SSth st. No 10 W. install iron columns and beams, new floor beams,
partitions, stairs, elevator shaft, to 5-sly brk and stone store and
tenement; Walter E Lambert, 8 W 35th st; ar't, John E Kerhy, 452
5th av.-N. S.
SGth st, Nos 225 and 227 W, 7-sty brk and stone factory; Gorham
Mfg Co. 8S9 Broadway; ar't. Harry E Donneli, 3 W 29th st; b'rs.
Isaac A Hopper Se Son. 1(30 Sth av.—Iron work up 2 tiers.
STthAif^s. 325 w Stb av. 13-sty and cellar brk and stone lott
building; PT^bllshers Se Printers Really Co, 452 Sth av; ar'ts, W B
Tuhby & Bro, 81 Fulton st—N. S. Site cleared,
37th st,.JJos 604-GlO W. G-sty brk and stone warehouse; John S
Sills & Sons. 40th st and Slh av; ar't. Wm H Birkmire, 306 Broad¬
38lh st. No 7 W, 10-sty hrk loft; Philip L Provost, 330 W SSth
st; ar'ts, Israels & Harder. 31 W Slst st.-B,
SSth St. Nos 310 to 328 W. 14-sty basement, sub-cellar, brk loft
building; The Publishers & Printers Realty Co, 452 Sth av; ar'ts.
Wm B Tubhy & Bro, 81 Fulton st—Sinking caissons.
38th st, n s. 150 w IOlh av, 3-sty brk bakery, lofts and stable;
Kick Baking Co, 160 W SGth st; ar't, F A Gerber, IDS Pulton
S9th St. No 123 W, 3-sty brk theatre; Felix Isman. GOl Chesinut
st, Philadelphia. Pa; ar'ts, Wm Steel & Sons, 1600 Arch st, Philadel¬
phia.—N. S. Old huiiding standing.
10th st, No 110 W, rearrange front wall and windows, inslall iron
columns and girders, partitions, dumb-waiter, to 5-sty brk and
stone store and studio building; Cornelia B Kip and Adelaide B
Harris. 27 WilHam st, care Chas C Bull; ar't. Henry A Koelble, 103
E 12Slh St.—N. S. Building vacant.
41st st. No 129 W. 7-sty and basement cold storage and store;
C C Shayne, 124 W 42d st; ar'ts, Ward & Gottlieb, 156 Sth av.—
N, 3. Old building standing,
41st St. No 131 W, 5-sty brk and stone store and Ioft huiiding; G
C Shayne, 582 West End av; ar'ts. Ward & Gottlieb, 156 5th av.—
E, Occupied,
42d Et, s s, 18G.6 e Broad-n'ay. 12-sty brk and stone offlces, stores
and bachelor apartments; Cornelius J Ryan, 43 W 33d st; ar't, Bruce
Price, 1133 Broadway.-E.
42d st, s s I 400 w Tth av, 3-sty hrk and stone theatre; Klaw & Er-
llstst, ns| langer, 1434 Broadway: ar'ts, Herts & Tallant, 32 B
28th sl; b'r, Murphy Construction Co. 1181 Broadway.-Steel frame
ard brick walls of main part under way.
42d st, Nos 2S4 to 2S8 W, 4-sty brk and stone theatre; Oscar Ham¬
merstein, 42d st and Tth av; ar't, Albert E Westover, Keith Build¬
ing, Philadelphia. Pa.—Some masonry done.
Sth av. Nos SSO to 300. 8-sty stone, ashlar and brk slore and of¬
fice building; The Gorham Co, Broadway and 19th st; ar'ts. McKim.
Mead & While, 160 Sth av; b'r, Chas T Wills, 156 Sth av.—Struc¬
tural work almost complete.—Walls up S stories. 1