July 3, 1915
12TH st, 229-31 E (2:467), all; Hattie
Minster, 407 Central Park vV, to Frank
Dwoikni, 1344 Park av; S'/oy & 20 days
irom M:irlO; June29'15. 8,600
12I'll st, 48 W (2:575), all; Annie R
1 Green berg to Victorine Franctort, 48 W
12; 6yt Octl; JuneSOlo. . 1,800
14iH st, 4u7 E; Fredk A Locke to Otto
Hille & Julia, his wife, 444 B 84; 14 pt;
AT; Decl'lS; June2S'15. nom
14T11 st, 431 VV (3:712). 2d H; Anton
GranUl to Anna Lohmann, 167 W 2^1; 7
9-12yf Julyla; June28'lo. 720 to 1,080
32D, 3IU-2 E (3:937), all; Sybil Realty
Co to Wm Greenberg, 323 E 84; oyf Mar
1- June26'15. 4,400 to 4,800
14TH st, 407 B (3:946); asn Ls; Otto
Hille to Fredk A Locke. 1006 Seneca av,
Evergreen, B of Q; 1/2 pt; DeclS; June2S
'15. nom
50TH st W, nwc 5 av, see 5 av, 626.
51S'r st, 524 W (4:1079); asn Ls; Jas,
Quinn, 524 W 51. to Thos Fitzgerald, 357
W 50; Junel4; June25'15. nom
75TH st B, nwc 3 av, see 3 av, nwc 75.
SIST st, 336 B (5:1543), str, b & w apt
above str & two front rooms of e apt
above str; Adam H Michel to Julius
Franke, 450 VV 50; Syf Julyl; 5y ren; June
29'15. 900 & 960
S4TH st, 210 W (4:1231), str fl & pt b;
Hy G K Heath, of Pelham Manor, NiT, to
Jno Nolan, 341 W 54, & ano; Syf JunelS;
Julyl'15. 1,500
99'rH st, 8 "W (7:1834), all; Arthur L
Livermore, 30 Broad, THSTB will Jno P
Kennedy, to Vasa K Bracher, 2010 Bway;
Syf Julyl; Julyl'15. 2,100
104'rH st, 341 B (6:1676). all; Chas Zer-
bai'ini to Columbus Real Estate & Mtg Co,
346 Bway; 4 10-12yf Julyl; June25'15. 1,201/
tll'I'H st, 88-92 B (6:1616), SS, 50 w
Park av, 48x100.11; sobrn of Ls to mtg
for $2,000; Isidore Lasser, 105 E Main st,
Plymouth, Pa, owner, & Molly Korner, 62
E 99, lessee, with Abel King, 148 B 65,
mtgee; June22; Julyl'15, nom
ILVl'H st, 237-9 VV (7:1831). all; Leopold
Rothschild to MarlrUs Chajes, 102 B 111;
4yr Julvl; June29'15. 4,100
116TH st W, nwc St Nicholas av, see St
Nicholas av, nwc 116.
123TH St. 251 W (7:1931), Str; Stumpf &
Langhoff Co to Alex Edelstein, 224 W
122; lOyf Mayl; June29'15. 3,000 & 3,600
.\v .V, 1607 (5:1564); asn Ls; Margt
Koch, Individ & -\DMRX Jno J Koch, to
Hy Kopf. 56 Manhattan; June2S; June29
'15. nom
Av .\, 1607 (5:1564), stl- & b; Bliz M
Sayer of Bklyn to Hy Kopf, 56 Manhattan;
Syf Mayl'16; Julyl'15. 1,200
Av B, 03 (2:389), nee 6th (No 6OII/2), 20.2
x9S, all; Richd M Lederer. 55 Av B, to
Harry Roth, 97 Av B; 21yf Julyl; June29
'15. taxes &c & 3,150 & 3,350
Av C, 32 (2:372), top fl; Bdw'Baumann,
336 E 72, to Gustav Beldegreen, 27 Av C;
4yf Mayl; June29'15. 480
Broadway, 182-4 (1:65); also JOHN ST,
4-10; asn Ls; Convent Park Constn Co, 198
Bway, to Geo H Simonson, 22 Rochelle pl.
New Rochelle, NY; AT; mtg $68,000; Augl
'14; June29'15. O C & 100
Broadway, 1.82-4 (1:65); also JOHN ST,
4-10; asn Ls; Geo H Simonson. 22 Rochelle
.pi, in Westchester Co, NY, to John Street
Corpn, 49 Chambers; .-VT; mtg $68,000;
.4pr30; June29'15. O C & 100
Broadway, 182 (1:65), str; John Street
Corpn, 49 Chambers, to Herman A Goen,
749 West End av; 19yf Mayl; June29'15.
Lexington av, 141 (3:885); sur Ls; Mal-
vin Buchwalder. ADMTRX Adolf Bucli-
w-alder, 141 Lex av, with Eugenie J Smith,
323 W 100; June7; June25'15. nom
Lexington av, 730 (5:1313), all; Geo O
Pitzipio to Nora B Higgins, 730 Lex av,
6 ano; 10 S-12yf Julyl; JuneSO'lS.
taxes, &c, & 1,500
Madison av, 176 (3:863), 2d fl & front
pt Sth fl; Centerboro Realty Co to Moun¬
tain Community Inc; Syf Febl; JuneSO'lS.
3,800 to 4.300
Madison av, 414 (5:1284), ws, 27 n 48th,
24x95, all, with option to purchase within
7 yrs for $200,000; David Dows to Doug¬
las L Elliman & Co. 421 Madison av; 21yf
Octl; June29'15. taxes &c & 9,900
St Nicholas av (7:1922), nwc 116th, str
& b: Bl Nido Realty Co to The Colonial
Bank, Col av cor Slst; lOyf Septl; Julyl
'15. 4,500
1ST av, 213 (2:454), str & pt b; Geo
Hodgins et al, GDNS of Rose Robinson et
al. to Jacob Silver, 213 1 av; Syf Junel;
June29'15. 900
1ST av, 314 (3:950). the land; N Y Life
Ins & Trust Co. 52 Wall, TRSTB will
Mary Griffin, to Bernard L & Bliz Kurz,
408 B 20; Syf Mayl; June29'15.
taxes &c & 360
2D av. 97 (2:461), str fl & b & apt on
1st fl above str; The Estate of Geo Horn-
berger to Saul Elfenbein & Max Bngleman,
97 2 av; lOyf Mayl; June29'15. 2,640
3D av (5:1410), nwc 75th, cor str & c-
Philo Realty & Constn Co to Jas Smith'
1689 2 av, & Jno Smith, 116 B 109; from
Junel'lS to Apr30'2S; June28'15
I 1.980 to 2,100
I .5TH av, 626 (5:1266), nwc 50th 35.5x65
X irreg xl23; also 50TH ST, 1 W, ns, 123 w
5 av, 41x100.5x33x irreg: conflrmation of
two asn leases: Michl Friedsam to Som-
ersworth Realty Co, 233 Bway Mav27-
June28'15. nom
.STH av. 699 (4:1034). swc 44th (Nos 302-
4); agmt as to ext of Ls for lOyf Febl'39-
W'm Shoemaker & ano to Thos Hughes'
670 9 av. & ano: -\pr23'13: JuneSO'lS. nom
9TH av. .5.33 (3:736). str. b & 2d fl; Ma¬
tilda B B'einhauer, EXTRX & TRSTE of
Ferdinand Beinhaner to Jno H Howard
6 Andrew Christen, both at 535 9 av 5vf
Novl'12; JuneSO'lS: $119 & $129 monthly
gross rental, for term 7,251
9TH av, 605 (4:1056); asn Ls; Margt
McUermou. to Otio G Lindenberg, 419 vV
11; AT; June9; JuneSOlo. nom
L,au(i under waters (3:966 of East River,
begins 3.9 n 34tU & 400.5 e 1 av, or at ws
oj Av A, runs els6,xn40xwl81.Sxs40.2 to
beg, coiiiains 7,Sa6 s(i ft. wha'i-f prop,
pariy 2d pt to erect sued; City N \, by
Comr of Docks, to Long Island R K Co,
'( av & 32d; lOyi Mayl; lOy ren at advance
of iU'/c; June2S'15. 27i^ cts sq ft
Piers (Aew> 37 & 38, NR (2:b55 & 606),
with bulkheads extenuing from point '10
s of ss pier 37 n to point 95 n 01 n's pier
38, with sheds thereon; party 2d pl to
erect new slied to cost about $110,000 on
Ijortion pier 38; City N Y, by Dept of
Docks, to Mallory Steamship Co, at pier
39, N R; loyf Mayl, with privilege of 2
reus of lOy each & further ren of 9y; June
2S'15; $lS!i,817.51, less bVs'yh for cost of re¬
moval of present shed & rebuilding. -------
Borough of the Bronx.
Iloli'mau st, swc Fordham rd, see Ford-
ham rd, 566.
165'rH st, 491 E (9:2370), all; Louis
Tevcn to .Morris Aboier, 254 E 165, & ano;
Syf Julyl; Julyl'15. 5,550
2I9TH st E (*>, nee Barnes av, 52.6x
114, Wakeheld; 1,000 yr tax lease; Gilbert
S Lyon, County Treasurer of Westchester,
to Saml M Purdy. of West Farms; Marl
'63; JuneSO; Julyl'lS. 1.88
2i9TH st B C); same prop; asn tax Ls;
Saml M Purdy to Danl Owen; Mar29'S7;
JuneSO'lS. nom
Barnes aiv, 4037 (.*), str; Theresia Manko
to Pasquale Montagna, 829 E 226; Syf May
1; JuneSO'lS. 240
Barnes av, nee 219th, see 219th E. nee
Barnes av.
Fordham rd, 566 (11:3067), swc Hoff¬
man, cor str; Rudolph Simon to Jos
Leone, 2509 Hoffman; 9 10-12yf Julyl;
JuneSO'lS. 1,200 & 1,320
Prospect av, 594 (10:2684), str; Morris
Podolsky to Wm Rosenblatt, 594 Pros¬
pect av; Syf MarlS; June 30'15. 660 & 720
Prospect av. 1407 (11:2962), str next to
corner; Saml Teeshoff to Abr Steinberg,
775 Jennings; Syf Mayl; JuneSO'lS.
480 to 540
St Anns av, 298 (10:2551), bakery str &
c; Diedrich Goebelsmann to Emma A Nie-
belschutz, 298 St Anns av; Syf Novl'12;
Julyl'lS. 1,200 to 1,380
St .Vnns av, 208; asn Ls; Emma A Nie-
bi Ischutz to Aug- Goebelsmann; AprS;
Julyl'lS. nom
Tremont av, 742 (11:2951), all; Arville
Realty & Amusement Co to Bdw Derrick,
755 Eastern pkway, Bklyn; lOyf Julyl;
JuneSO'lS. 3,200 to 4,000
. 3D av, 4072 (11:2930); asn Ls; Morris
Blaser to Saml & Meyer Wunsch, 1331 5
av; Junel6; Julyl'lS. nom
Borough of Manhattan.
JUNE 25, 26, 28, 29,, 29, 30 AND JULY 1.
Arden st (8:2174), es, 161 n Nagle av,
27x110; PM; pr mtg $22,000; JuneSO'lS;
due Julyl'lS, 6%; Charles Hensle Realtv
Co, 530 W 207, to Marie C Ott, 17 Arden.
Beekman pl, 23 (5:1362), es, 20.5 n 50th,
20x100; pi- mtg $-------; June29; JuneSO'lS;
due .4pr30'18, 51^ %; Mary L Schmid,
widow & devisee Chas Schmid, 23 Beek¬
man pl, to Rudolph J Schaefer at Larch-
moiit, NY, & ano, exrs Maximilian Schaef¬
er. 2,000
Beekman pl. 23; ext of mtg for $7,000
to .VprSO'lS, 0%; June29; JuneSO'lS; Chas
W Bohmfalk. 851 Lex av. with Marv I,
Schmid. widow & devisee Chas Schmid, 23
Beekman pl. nom
Cathedral Pkway, 501-7, see Aras av.
Central Park 8, 1.50-80, see 7 av, 919.
Chambers st, 110 (1:136); ext of mtg for
$47,500 to June2S'16, 5%; June28; JuneSO
'15; Emigrant Indust Savings Bank, 51
Chambers, with Rosa Wolff, 216 W 100.
Clinton st, 174 (1:314) ; ext of three mt.gs
for $24,000 aggregate to Julyl'lS, 5%;
June 22; JuneSO'lS; Jeanette Dietz, 720
Riv dr & ano with Jno A Brown. Jr, at
Newtown Township, c/o Girard Trust Co
of I'hila, Pa. nom
Cooper st (8:2239). ns, 100 w 204th, 100
xlOO; PM: JuneSO; Julyl'15; lv6%; Edith
W Lawson, 554 W 181, to Wm M Moore, at
190tli & University av, Bronx. 10,000
Division st, .5.3-5 (1:281), ss, — e Cath,
25x68; PM: pr mtg $-------; JuneSO; Julvl
•15; 5y6%; Saml Fishman to Leon Hirscih,
(90 Riverside dr. 9,000
Division st. 96-8 (1:293), ns, 73.9 w
Allen, —X—X—xllO.6; pr mtg $39,000;
JuneSO; Julyl'lS; due & int as per agmt;
Philip Goldman to Harry Welinsky, 28
Division, & ano. 2 500
Duane st. <M» (1:254); sal Ls; JuiieO;
Julyl'lS; demand. 6%; Julius Bohn of
Bklyn to Jacob Ruppert, a corpn. 1639 3
^^'- . 2.000
Dyckman st (8:2150), es, at its junction
with Harlem River Speedway, —x—â– Jan
17'9S; June29'15: agmt that party 3d pt
will hold title for parties hereto & that
each of parties will pay % of mtg for
$43,000, taxes, &c, & that net profits will
lie equally divided: Hugh J Grant, party
1st pt: Theo H Silkman, party 2d pt, &
Danl E Seybel. party Sd pt. ' nom
Elixabcth St. 233-5 (2:508) ws, 80 8 n
Prince, runs Wl01.6xn20xe9.6xn20xe90 8 to
st xs40 to beg; also BLIZ.\BETH ST 237
(2:508), ws. 121 n Prince, 20.2x91 3x20 6x
91; also MOTT ST. 196-8 (2:479) es 127 10
s Spring. 50x94; pr mtg $134,500: june21-
June26'lS; demand, 6%: Celestino De
Marco to American Fidelity Co, 123 Will¬
iam, gold 25,000
Elizabeth st, 237, see Elizabeth, 233-5.
Essex st, 2r,, or Hester st, 42 (1:297);
ext of mtg for $35,000 to Junel5'20,
5'/,,; JunelS; June29'i5; Kings Co Trust Co
et al with Meyer Greenberg, 1262 54th,
iiklyn. nom
Essex st, 23, or Hester st, 42 (1:297);
ext of mtg for $4,000 to Junel'20, 6%;
pr mtg $3o,000; JunelS; June29'15; Cae-
cilie Ettinger, 9 Vernon ter, East Orange,
NJ. with Meyer Greenberg, 1262 54th,
Bklyn. nom
Fulton st, 70-6 (1:76), ss, extends from
es Gold (Nos 48-50) to ws Ryders alley,
68.1x75.8 on alley x64.10 on rear & 71.5 on
Gold st; June25'15; 5y5%; Bliz A Davis, 4
W 31, to Emigrant Indust Savgs Bank,
Gocrck st, 124 (2:325), es, 70 n Stanton,
26x100; pr mtg $-------; JuneSO; Julyl'lS;
3y or sooner, B%; Carmana Realty Co to
Amelia Wiegand, 454 St Nicholas av, extrx
& trste Geo Wiegand. 4,500
Hold st, 48-50, see Pulton, 70-6.
Greene st, 69 (2:486), ws, 188.6 s Srping,
37.6x100; PM; pr mtg $30,000; JuneSO; July
I'lS; due Julyl'16, 6%; Windamere Real
Estate Co, Inc. to Robt Weber, 22 W 120.
CIreeuwich st, 807 (2:625); ext of mtg
for $6,000 to SeptlS'lS, bVz%; June29'15-
Bmnia H & J Bdw Mastin, exrs Charlotte
H Dickinson, with Laura B' Caldwell, nom
Hester st, 42, see Essex, 25.
Houston st, 291 E (2:350), ss, 25 w Clin¬
ton, 25x100; ext of mtg for $4,000 to June
21'1S, 6%; June21; June25'15; Henry
Friedman with Wm Klein, 60 Av C. nom
John st, 4-10, see Bway, 182-4.
I,ibcrty st, 36-8, see Nassau, 35-9.
Ludlow st, 118 (2:410); ext of mtg for
$23,000 to Junel6'20, 5%; Junel6; June26
'15; Emigrant Indust Savgs Bank with
Barton H Zabin, 229 W 110, nom
Madison st, 282 (1:269), ss, 115 w Mont¬
gomery. 25x100; pr mtg $22,650; June24;
June26'15; due Julyl'lS, 6%; Chas &
Sophie Cohen, 976 Fox, Bronx, to Alex
Bernstein, 999 Aldus, Bronx. 3 000
Manhattan st, 25 (7:1966), nes, 377.4 se
Ams av. 25x113x28.2x100; certf as to
mtg tor $-------, d.Tted Apr3'14; June25'15;
Manhattan Pork & Provision Co to Com¬
monwealth Savings Bank. _____
Mulberry st. 243 (2:495), ws, abt 140 s
Prince, 25x100; i/i pt; June24; June26'lS;
ly without int; The Dacunto Realty Co &
Maria, wife i^alm Bracco, to Sabbina De
Marco, 8746 Bay 24, Bklyn. 1000
Nassau st, 3.5-9 (1:48), swc Liberty (Nos
â– >6-8), 79.2x99.7x irreg xlll; ext of mtg
for $1,400,000 to June30'20, 5%; May21-
June28'lS; I'ostal Life Ins Co, 35 Nassau,
with Metropolitan Life Ins Co, 1 Madison
''^'- nom
1ST St. 248-50 (3:946), ses, 5L9 sw ISth.
51.6x94; leasehold; June29'15%; due Julyl
'17, 6%; Hy J Kopf, of Sayville, LL to
Bertha C Herrfeldt, 473 W 158. 1 000
3D st, 71 E (2:445). ns, 325 e 2 av. 25x
90.2; pr mtg $25,000; June21; June26'15;
due Julyl7'18, 5%; Aaron Rosenberg to
Jacob Rosenberg, 1090 7 av. 4 000
3D st, 71 E (2:445); ext of mtg for .$'25,-
001) to Julyl7'lS, 5%; Junel7; June25'15-
Louise Benziger with Aaron Rosenberg.
2 W 120. noSi
3D St. 311-3 E (2:373); ext of mtg for
$43,500 to June28'18, 5%; June26: JuneSO
'15; Sol H Kohn, 334 W 72, with David
Isseks, 308 Henry. nom
9TH st, 314-6 E, See 1 av, 69.
IOTH st, 233 E, see 1 av, 69.
lOTH st, 384 E (2:392). ss, 158 w Av C,
15x92.3: pr mtg $26,000; June28'15; due
Julyl'19, 6%; Jacob Rosenfeld & Eva
Glaubinger. both of Bklyn. to Abr M
Stark. 285 S 1. Bklyn, & ano. 4,000
IITH st, 614 E (2:393), ss, 218 e Av B.
2ox94.9; pr mtg $21,000; June26; June29
'15; due Jan25'20, 6%: Wolf & Louis Mes-
singer to Oliver J Kernes, 26 Franklin,
Bklyn. i ^oq
1.3TH St. 631 E (2:396), ns, 310.6 w'av
C. 27.6x103.3; pr mtg $-------; JuneSO; July
1 lo: 3y or sooner. S%; Carmana Realty
Co to Amelia Wiegand, 454 St Nicholas
av, extrx & trste Geo Wiegand. 4,000
20TH St. 120 W (3:795). ss, 253.8 w 6
av. 25x92: pr mtg $55,000, which is to be
reduced to $45,000 by payment of this $10 -
000 mtg; JuneS; JuneSO'lS: due & int as
per bond; Chas Connor to Danl Buckley
58 W 72. 10,0(10
20TH st, 120 W (3:795); ext of mtg for
$4d,000 to June4'20' 5%; Junel9; JuneSO
15; Florence E Billings with Chas Con¬
nor. 135 E 43. nom
24TH st, 41.3-5 E (3:956). n.s. 200 e 1 av.
50x98.9: June25'15; due & int as per bond;
John. George. Edw C & Chas H Kreeb to
Eugene D Hawkins, 51 B 67, TRSTE Jos
W Meeks. 30.000
2.5TH St. 146-50 W (3:800), ss, 229 e 7
av, 55.8x98.9; ext of mtg for $210,000 to
Octl'20. 5%; JuneO: June28'15: Isabel H
Cohen, at Palisade. NJ, with Metropolitan
Life Ins Co, 1 Madison av. nom
2.-TH St. 432 W (3:723); ext of mtg for
$6,000 to Jiinel7'18. 5':^,; Junel7: June26'15;
Emigrant Indust Savgs Bank with Hy B A
Simmons. 437 W 25, & Hy G Simmons, 304
10th. Bklyn. nom
29TH St. 25 E, see Madison av 99-103
.30TH St. 306 E (3:935), S.S, 118.7 e 2 av,
21x98.9; Julyl'lS: due & int as per bond;
Louis Drewes. at Beach av, Mamaroneck,
NY, to Max Gluck, 539 2 av. 5 000
.32D st, 4.3-7 W (3:834), ns, 588 w 5 av
59x98.9; ext of mtg for $350,000 to Septl
'20, 51/3%: Junel7: JuneSO'lS; D A Cush¬
man Realty Corpn, 172.9 av. with Metro,
politnn Life Ins Co, 1 Madison av. nom
32D St. 43-7 -W; certf as to mtg for
$350,000; Junel7; JuneSO'lS; same to same.
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