March 29, 1919
131ST st ,2:i0 W (7:1937-18^). ns. 436 e
8 av, 16x99.11, 3-sty & b stn dwg; Pauline
Miehling, 229 W 131, to Esther Bright, 151
W 131; sub to PM mtg $7,000; Mar21; Mar
22*19; A$4,100-5,200 (R S $8.50). nom
138TH Bt, 143 W (7:2007-6). ns, 100 e 7
av, 26x99.11, 5-sty bk tnt; Michl Erlanger
to Hannah Erlanger, his wife, both at 790
Riverside dr; mtg $21,000; Marl7; Mar24
'19; A$fci,200-18,000. nom
144TH st, 310-2 W (7:2044-20), ss, 175 W
8 av, 50x99.11, 4-sty bk garage; Edmund
CofEin to Henry S Coffin, 129 E 71, Va Pt,
6 Wm S Coftin, 110 E 71. Vi Pt, in all %
pts; mtg $20,000; Mar20; Mar24'19; A$14,-
500-29,000 (R S $30). O C & 100
146TH st, 218-20 W (7:2031-44). SS. 260 w
7 av. 40x99.11. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Mon¬
mouth Holding Co to Plumbers Realty Co,
135 Bway; mtg $32,000 & AL; also PM mtg
$3,000; Maris ;Mar21'19; A$8,000-33,000 (R S
$6.50). . nom
14STH st, 205 W; see 148th, 207 W.
148TH Ht, 207 W (7:2034-24), ns, 175
w 7 av, 37.6x99.11, 5-sty bk tnt; A$7,500-
27,000; also 148TH ST, 205 W (7:2034-25).
ns, 137.6 w 7 av, 37.5x99.11. 5-sty bk ttnt;
A$7,500-27.000; Wm Hyman et al to Millie
Rosenberg, 894 Riverside dr; AL; Mar21;
Mar24'19 (R S $1). nom
153L) at, 538 W (7:2084-54), ss, 525 w
Ams av, 25x99.11, 5-sty bk tnt; Service
Realty Co, 7 E 42, to Thos C Devlin, &
Janet L, Ms wife, or the survivor, both at
Stanford, Dutchess Co, NY; mtg $20,250 &
AL; MarlS; Mar24'19; A$9,000-21,000 (R S
$10). O C & 100
157TH st, 502 W (8:2115-33), S5, 100 w
Ams av, 25x99.11, 2-sty bk academy; Marie
S Gilbert (Boatwick). of Gilbertsville. NY,
to Birdie Citron, 501 W 143; AL; Mar21;
Mar25'l-9; A$10,500-14,500 (R S $12.50).
O C & 12,500
170TH st, 555-61 W (8:2127-23), ns, 100
w Audubon av, 75x100. 6-sty bk tnt;
Heights Leasehold Corpn, 233 Bway. to
Wm Goldstone, 140 W 69; mtg $90,500 &
AL; Mar21; Mar25'19; A$31,000-105.000 (R
S $16.50). nom
174TH St, 550-2 W; see Audubon av,
Av A, 1363 (5:1467-26), WS, 51.2 s 73d,
25.3x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Benenson
Realty Co, 509 Willis av. to Arrow Hold¬
ing Corpn, 217 Bway; mtg $16,000; Marl;
Mar20'19; A$9,000-23,000 (R S $2). nom
Amsterdam av, 1710 (7:2076-34), ws,
49.11 s 145th, 25x84, 5-sty bk tnt & strs;
Martin Wallace to Richd G Barter, 531 W
145; mtg $24,000; Mar2; Mar20'19; A$22,000-
31.000 (R S $21). O C & 100
Amsterdam av, 2388-90 (8:2152-17), WS,
25 s 179th, 75x100, 6-sty bk tnt & strs;
Farmers Loan & Trust Co, TRSTE will
Mary E B Field, to Arrow Holding Corpn,
217 Bway B&S; AL; MarlS; Mar22'19; A
$32,000-100,000 (R S $94). O C & 100
Amsterdam av, 2388-90 (8:2152-17), ws,
25 a 179th, 75x100. 6-sty bk tnt & strs;
Arrow Holding Corpn to Vartan Holding
Co, 15 Park Row; mtg $85,000 & AL; Mar
21; Mar26'19; A$32,000-100,000 (R S $16).
O C & 100
Audubon av, 172-82 (8:2130-15-17), swc
174th (Nos 550-2), 99.11x100, 2-5-sty bk
tnts, strs on av; J G Leasing Co to Den¬
wood Realty Co, 509 Willis av; mtg $121,-
350 & AL; Mar20; Mar24'19; A$50,500-132,-
000 (R S $16.50). O C & 100
Broadway, 388 (1:195-3). es, 111.3 s
Walker, 27.9x175 to ws Cortlandt alley.
5-sty stn loft & atr bldg; Agnes Sillcock
to Lawyers Realty Co. 160 Bway; B&S;
mtg $55,000 & AL; Mar20; Mar21'19; A
$94,000-104,000. nom
Broadway, 388 (1:195-3) . es, 111.3 s
Walker, 27.9x175 to ws Cortlandt alley, 5-
sty stn loft & str bldg; Lawyers Realty Co
to Agnes Sillcock. 24 St Nicholas pl; B&S;
AL; Mar20'19; A$94,000-104.000. nom
Broadway. 2612-4 (7:1870-45). es. 55 s
99th. 45.11x125, 8-sty bk tnt; Sedan Hold¬
ing Corpn to Orton Holding Corpn. 2609
Bwav; mtg $182,500 & AL; Mar5; Mar26'19;
A$105.000-215.000 (R S $11.50). O C & 100
Lexlnf^^on av, 190 (3:887-79). ws, 67.8 s
32d, 22x80. 3-sty & b bk dwg; Pearl Niles,
Town of Union, NJ, to Clara Bernhart, 416
Ft Waahington av; B&S & CaG; mtg $24,-
000 & AL; Febl4; Mar22*19; A$23,750-25,-
500. nom
Lexington av, 2076-80; see Worth, 174-
Madison av (5:1386-52). sec 72d (.No 26),
runa Sl02.2xe58.3xn22.2xwl8.3xn80 to st x
w40 to beg, 5-sty & b atn dwg; Letitia H
McKiinley. of Bklyn, to Fred T Ley, at
"Bonnie Brae," Longhill st, Springfield,
Mass; Harold A Ley, 259 Longhill st,
Springfield, Mass. & Leo L Ley. 46 Ran-
161.8 to es Riverside dr at point 203.11 n
181st xn on curve 39.8 & 147.3 & 82.10 &
16.3xe5.3 & 292.9 to av xs242.10 to beg, ex¬
cept 2,204.3 so ft taken by city; vacant;
Lilly Busch, widow, at St Louis, Mo, to
Arthur G Quinn, 5 W 102; Sept7'18; Mar
22'19; A$155,000-155,000 (R S $125). 126,000
Northern av (8:2170); also RIVERSIDE
DR; same prop; Arthur G Quinn to Fort
Washington Point Corpn, 44 E 48; mtg
$75,000 & AL; Mar21; Mar22'19. O C & 100
Parle av, 3H3 (5:1308-2), es, 25.4 n 53d,
runs e70xs25.4 to ns 53d (No 103), xe20xn
100.5xw9U to es Park av xs75.1 to beg, 13-
sty bk tnt; Harry F Piersons, 146 Central
Park W, individ, & Bergdorf & Goodman
Co, 616 5 av. to Robt C Knapp, 90 5th st.
Garden City, LI; Henry Brady. 521 W 111,
& Edw H Hudson, 205 W 107. as TRSTES
of the estate of Clarence Payne, bankrupt:
QC & Release of all liens; Feb27; Mar20
'19; A$235.000-525.000 (R S 50c). nom
Riverside dr, es. 203.11 n 181st; see Nor¬
thern av, ws, 178.3 n 181st.
Sherman av 10 (8:2175-92), nws, at sws
Arden, 80x125, 5-sty bk tnt; Ralph L Crow,
of Rye, NY, to Benenson Realty Co. 509
Willis av; mtg $75,000 & AL; Marl4; Mar
21'19; A$27.000-110,000 (R S $39). nom
Sherman av, 10; Benenson Realty Co,
509 Willis av, to Henry F Keil. 401 E 163;
mtg $94,000 & AL; Mar20; Mar21'19 (R S
$44). O C & 100
West Broadway, 132 (36) (1:144-31).
nws, abt 75 n Duane, 25x50, 4-sty bk loft
& str bldg; John M & Adelaide M Jones,
132 E 56. to Maurice H Smith, 60 W 129;
mtg $13,000 & AL; Mar20; Mar24'19; A$18,-
000-21,000 (R S $8.50). O C & 100
West Broadway, 503 (2:524-6), es, 175 s
Bleecker. 25x100, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Albt L & Arthur B Levy, heirs &c Morris
Levy, to Jos M Fishel, 850 Park av; ^ pt;
AT; AL; Mar21; Mar24'19; A$15,000-23,000
(R S $5). nom
XST av. 286 (3:948-52), ey, 23 s 17th, 23x
94. 3-sty bk tnt & strs; Saml M Spedon,
262 E 52, Bklyn, to Leopold Boroschek. 1
W 92; B&S & CaG; Mar24'19; A$11.500-
14,000 (R S $12). O C & 100
1ST av, 2037 (6:1677-24), ws, 25.11 n
105th. 25x100, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Leon
Kaufmann. ref, to Wm Goodman, 301 W
91. & Lily Reismann, 611 W 127. EXRS
Maximillian or Milton Reismann, plffs;
FORECLOS Jan29'19; Marl9; Mar20'19; A
$11,000-28,000 (R S $20). 20,000
3D av. 1759 (6:1647-48), es, 75.9 s 98ch.
25x83.9, 5-sty stn tnt & strs; Chas E Has¬
kell, at Orange, NJ, to Annie Josefsthal,
2065 Fulton. Bklyn. B of Q. & Adolph Bal-
izer, 1411 Myrtle av, Bklyn; mtg $9,500 &
AL; Mar22; Mar25'19; A$ll,700-20,000 (R S
$1.50). O C & 100
3D av, 1885 (6:1654-2), es, 20 n 104th,
26.10x100, 5-sty bk tnt & atrs; Louise Fox
to Clara Klingenstein, 102 E 79; AL; Dec
Sl'lS: Mar26'19; A$18,400-29,500. O C & 100
STH nv, 374 (3:837-pt lot 42), ws, 37 n
35th. 37x100. pt 6-sty stn str; Ball Realty
Co to Ancell H & T Arthur Ball, all at
Water Mill. LI; mtg $375,000 & AL; June
26'17; Mar26'19; A$------$-------. nom
STH av, 374 (3:S37-pt lot 42), ws, 37 n
35th. 37x100. pt 6-sty stn str; Ancell H &
T Arthur Ball, both at Water Mill, LI, to
Beat & Co, 372 5 av; mtg $375,000 & AL;
June26']7; Mar26'19; A$------$------. nom
."►TH av, 382 (3:837-pt lot 42), ws. 95.5
s 36th, 28x100. pt 6-stv stn str; Ball Real¬
ty Co to Ancell H & T Arthur Ball, all at
Water Mill. LI; mtg $400,000 & AL; June
26-17: Mar26'19; A$-------$------. nom
.'iTH av, 3S2 (3:837-pt lot 42), ws, 95.5
a 36th. 28x100, pt 6-sty stn str; Ancell H
& T Arthur Ball, both at Water Mill, LI,
to Beat & Co, 372 5 av; mtg $400,000 &
AL; June26'17; Mar26*19: A$-------$------.
STH BV, 1071 (5:1500-2), es, 25.8 n SSth,
runs n30xel27.Sxs55.8 to SSth xw25xn25.8x
W102.8 to beg. 6-sty stn dwg; Jas A Lynch,
ref. to Hubert T Parson, at Shadow Lawn.
West End. NJ, one of the defts: mtg $126.-
000; FORECLOS tax lien; Mar6'19; Marl9;
Mar20'19; A$180,000-250,000 (R S $3.50).
7TH av, 237 (3:799-78), es, 59.3 a 24th,
19.9x80. 4-sty bk tnt & atr. 1-sty ext;
Lewis Smith, of Rhinebeck, NY. et al. to
.Tease E Kahn, 10 Brown's Portnt. Astoria.
B of Q; Marl2; Mar26'19; A$24.000-26.000
(R S $21). O C & 100
7TH av. 237; Mary I Smith, 497 Park
pl, Bklyn, ADMTRX John F Smith, to
same; AT; mtg $15,000 & AL; Mar24; Mar
26*19 (R S $2). O C & 1.883.33
TTH av. 800-8 (4:1024-29), nwc 52d (No
201), 75.5x74.4. 3-aty bk atr & hall; Hasco
■Dnn/Hnr,- nn OOO TXT 49 f n TV, no Oi.Tl n I n o-_
8TH av, 470 (3:783-85)
24.3x100, 3 & 4-3ty bk i
Oscar V Haubner to Fred
Haubner, all at Pembrol
dens. B of Q; AT; mtg
Apr26'18; Mar20'19; A$4S
STH av, 2577; see 129t
STH av. 2924 (7:2040-62
25x100, 1-sty fr str; Ma
to John W GofC. NY; Vz
1897; Mar26'19; A$7,000-8,
9TH av, 74 (3:739-4), es,
100, 3-sty bk tnt & str;
Donald H Elder, 333 W 14
2236 University av; B&i
AL; Mar20; Mar2ri8; A$]
9TH av, 76-8 (3:739-5 i
15th, runs n38.8xel00xs47
bk tnts & strs; Bee Hold:
H Elder, 333 W 14, & Mi
University av; mtg $16,0'
Mar21'19; A$21,000-23,000
9TH av, 730 (4:1040-4)
20.7x100, 4-9ty stn tnt
rear tnt; Laura A Cregj
Laura E Walker, 539 W
& AL; Mar24; Mar26'19
(R S $1).
IITH av, 671 (4:1096-3
48th. 16.8x100, 4-sty bk t
Muller, 671 11 av, to F 1
& Sons, 90 West; mtg
A$6,000-8,500 (R S $7).
Borough of Ma:
MAR. 20, 2,V,^22, 2-
Exchange pl, -41-9; see
oof"^?^*'' *•*' 'i57 (misclj
228 W; powev of atty to
mtgs, &c; luisie A Dun-
Can, to Chalmers Wood,
South st, 90 (1:74-4), n^
ling al., 20.4x69.8x20.2x69.!
strs; re dower; Alice K 1
rico County, Va. to Nina
Pine, NY, & Susan Van R
lany or Delaney pl. Phi
MarS; Mar21'19; A$17,000
AVall st, 37j see Wall, <
Wall st, 45-7; see Wall
Wail St. 49 (1:26), swc
owned by party 1st pt;
45-7, 49.10X—, owned by i
as to erection of fire exi
party 2d pt; Atlantic M
Wall, with U S Trust Co
Marl9; Mar24'19.
Wail St. 49-51 (1:26), s
33-9), runs through to
owned by party 1st pt; a]
& EXCHANGE PL, 43-9,
2d pt; agmt & consent b-
open three windows on i
agmt rec Janl7'17; Atlant
49 Wall, with Wall St Ex
43 Exch pl; AugS'lS; Mar
William st, 3.^-0; see V
William st, swc Wall; i
1«TH St. 51 W (3:818)
20x92; consent of stockho]
herewith in confirmation
ally rec Apr7'17; Hurtr
Louis Schlechter; Mar22;
17TH St. 228 W; see Fo
53D st, 103 E; see Park
OlST st, 1.54 E (5;1395-
av, 19x100.5, 4-sty & b s
Junel5'17; Frank W P Ja
NJ, & ano, TRSTES Ama
to Pauline K Schrenkeise:
Mar20; Mar21'19; A$19,00G
63D St. 159-67 E (5:131
w 3 av, 100x100.5, 5-3-sty
mtg rec May29'17; Centra
TRSTE under mtg made
Corpn. to Fredk J Stern*
21; Mar25'19; A$87.500-10
146TH St. 167 W^; see 7
186TH St. 600 W; see
1509-15. *
Northern av (8:2179-10),
as in year 1910), runs wl
Riveraide dr at point 203,
curve 39.8 & 147.3 & 82.1
292.9 to av X3242.10 to t
taken by city: vacant; r
27, 1869; Aug5, 1889; Li
T.nnia AT*-. at ol 'Ti'DC'TiTr