December 10, 1921
Mulberry st, 117 (1:206), ws, 130.4 s Hester,
24.11x100x24.9x100; pr mlg $34,000; Nov29;
Dec3'21; ly6% ; Carmela Boffa to Angelo
Bove, 1009 50lh, Bklyu. 3,000
Pine st, 37-9 (1:43); agmnt extending two
mlgs for $300,000 & $65,000, respectively, to Dec
1'24 al 6% & consolidating same with ratg for
$30,000 dated Dec2'21; Dec2 ; DecS'21; Chibaa-
kind Corpn with Dry Dock Savings Instn (R S
$282.30). DO'n
Pine Bt, 37-39 (1:43), 88, runs s74xe35.3x8
17.10xe0.6xs—xe6.10xn94.7 to Pine xw50.3 to
beg; equal lien with two mtgs aggregating
$365,000; Dec2; Dec3'21; due, &c, as per bond;
Chibankind Corpn to Dry Dock Savgs Instn.
Pine st, 27-29; certf as to above mtg; Dec
2; Dec3'21; same to same. ------
Reade st, 186; See Duane, 212.
St Marks pl, 49 (2:430), ns, 200 e 2 av, 25
x89.ll; PM; pr mtg $——; NovSO; Decl21;
installs, 0% ; Jeanetle Kaplan to JuUus Hesse,
551 S av. 13,000
St Nicholas pl, 87-89 (7:2069), ws, 133.10 s
ISSth, 51.6x112x46.3x112.1; PM ; pr mtg $83,375;
AT&I; Nov29; Nov30'21; 3y6% ; Max Weisler,
Bkiyn, to Sidney H Nadler, 662 B 21, Bklyu.
Sonth Bt, 13-14 (1:4) ; also BROAD ST, 140
(1:4), leasehold of upper part of bidg above
str; PJI; NovlO; Decl'21; 5y, % as per notes;
P & K Trading Co to Unity Lunch, Inc.
notes 16,000
Stanton st, 314 (2:330), ns, 76 w Goerck, 20.7
x75; PM; Decl; Dec2'21; 5y6% ; Morris Fried¬
man to CyU Teitelbaum, 228 Verraout, Bkiyn.
: 4,100
Suffolk St. 55 (2:351) ; agraut raodifying terra
of ralg of $2,500 dated Aprl'21; Dec2; DecS
'21; Esther Koppelman with Jacob Blura, ------.
Suffolk St. 65-7 (2:351); agrant raodifying
terras of ralg of $1,730 dated June2'21; Dec2;
Dec5'21; Felix Kunstler with Jacob Blura, ------
Suffolk St. 57 (2:351); agmnt modifying
terms of ratg of .$2,300 dated Aprl'21; Dec2;
Dec5'21; Esther Koppelman -vvitn Jacob Blura,
------. nom
Suffolk st, 171 (2:355); ext $5,000 mtg to
Junel'2S at 6% ; Decl; Dec2'21; Jos L Butten¬
wieser wilh Soloraon Goldstein, 1137 B 17,
Bklvn (R S .$2.30). nom
SuUivan st, 160-62 (2:518), swc Houston
(Nos 127-31), 100x48: pr mtg $86,000; Nov28:
Nov30'21: 7y67o; Cosirao Di Fiore to Jos
Rubino, 5 9 av. ll,.3fl'l
SuUivan st, 173 (2:523), es, 123 n Houston,
25x10(1; I'JI: pr ratg $14,000; Nov2S; Decl'21;
installs, 6% ; Giambattista Laraia to John D
Watson, 630 W 172. 6,000
Washington st, 63 (1:18) ; certf as to mtg for
$0,200: Ocf22: Nov.30'2] ; Grecian Importing &
Trading Co lo S Clark Williams. ——
Waverly pl. 102 (2:552), ss, 44 w W^ashing-
ton sq W, 44x97; PJI; pr mtg $83,000; Dec
1; Nov30'21 ; 5y6% ; Kate Evans to Long
Beach Automobile & .Storage Co, 368 Broome.
1 14,000
West st, 361 (2:601), leasehold; AT&I; Oct
21; Dec6'21; due as per notes, 6%; Andrew
Raptakis & Geo H Cacdelis to Louia G Bco¬
nora. 301 W'est at (R S 20c). 350
WiUiam st. 25-9: see Exchagne pl, .36-42.
4TH St. 25 E (2:344), ns, 117.8 e Lafayette,
runs nl26.4xe21xsl27.4 to st xw21 to beg; also
AT&I lo strip 4TH ST, ns, 138.8 e Lafayette,
0.6x62.10; Dec2'21; installs, 6%; Lebertan
Corpn lo Regal Finance Corpn, 621 Bwav.
4TH st, 25 E; also AT&I to strip on 4TH
ST; cerlf as to above ralg; sarae to sarae:
4TH Bt W, swc JIacdougal; see JIacdougal.
4TH st, 165-9 W (2:392); ext $46,000 ratg
to Octl7, 26 at 6%; NovSO; Decl'20; Italian
Savinga Bank with Harry Fischel, 116 E 93, el
al, exrs Nathan Hutkoff (R S .$23.23). nora
STH st, 324M: E (2:390), 88, 387.6 e Av B.
24.9x58.11x24.10x61.5; PM; pr ratg $------•; Dec
1'21; ly6% ; Isidor & Hyraan Leetz to Her¬
man Greenwald, 261 E 7. 1,000
lOTH Bt, 241-S E; see 1 av. 163.
IITH St. 32 E (2:568), ss. 169.10 w Univer¬
sity pi, 25x94.10; PM; pr mlg $20,00fl; Decl:
Dec3'21; ly6% ; Saral Seabury to Richard
Condon, exr & trste Anna M Romaine, (ilS
Edcecorabe av. 5,000
IITH st, 60S E (2:.304), ns. 71 e Av B, 21.4x
77.6: PJI: pr ratg .$9,600; Dec2; Dec3'21: iu¬
stalls. 6% ; David Elkin to Canal Securities
Corpn. 110 W 40. SOOO
13TH Bt, 1.39 W (2:609), ns, 120 e 7 av, 20x
lOS.S: I'JI: Decl; Dec2'21; .3y6% ; ICath Hallett
to Clarence Buttenwieser, 135 Central Park W.
ISTH st, 1.39 W; PJI; pr ratg $13,000; Decl:
Dec2'21; installs, 6%; aame to same. 7,.30fl
ISTH St. 230-3 W (2:617). SS. 2.33.2 e Green-
â– wich av. 40.1x89 6x42.2x76.4: ext $42,300 mtg
to Jiine1'28 at 6%; NovS; Dec2'21; Lambert
Suydam, trtse Lambert Suydam. wilh tireen¬
wich Estate. Inc. 22 W .32. nom
14TH St. 305 E (3:896), na, 119 e 3 av, 29.2x
103.3; PM; Decl; Dec2'21; instaUs, 6%; Con¬
stantinos D Alexander to H D H Realty Corpn,
309 Bway. 4 000
UTH st, 323 E (3:921), ns, 256.8 e 2 av, 23.1
xlOS.S: PJI; Decl; Dec2'21; Sy6% ; Giuseppe
Ciriucione to Jos JI Adrian, Jr, Southeast, NY,
& ano, exra & trstes Jos JI Adrian. 18,500
16TH st, S3S-36 E (3:922), ns, 120 c Living¬
ston pi, 32.6x92; also 16TH ST, 327 B, ns,
152 6 e Livingston pl, 26.6x92; Nov25'18; Nov
3fl'21, 3y6% ; Erminia M C Schroen to Chas J
Britz, Jr, 336 B 166. 6,300
16TH Bt, 337 E; See 16th, S23-S B.
19TH St. 336 W (3:7421, ss, abt 4'20 w 8 av,
25x92; PM; pr ralg $10,000; Decl'21; 3y6'/o ;
Wm P Cunningham to Eiiz Little, 336 W 19.
20TH st, 101-27 W; see 6 av, 321-37.
22D Bt, 227 E (3:903), ns, 230 nw 2 av, 25x
08.9; PJI: pr mtg $10,000; NovlS; DecS 21; Sy
G'/c ; Benj Rybakoff' to Fredk Schwanhauser,
ISS Fairview av, Jersey City Heights, N J.
24TH st, 323 E (3:929), ns, 275 e 2 av, 2Sx
98.9; DecS'21; Sy6% ; Jos M & Eugene R
Dunne lo Bmigrant ludust Savgs Bank. 3,500
26TII st, 242 E (3:900), SS, 80 w 2 av, 20x74:
PJI- pr mtg $7,300; Decl; Dec5'21; inslalls,
6C/C ; Alois Herda lo Cosmic Holding Corpn,
108 Bway.
26TH st, 355 W (3:750), US, 142 e 9 av, 22k
98.9; pr ratg $19,000; Decl; Dec3'21; installs,
G'/o ; T P Kelly & Co to Isidor Klein, ISO Beh
OSd, Arverne, LI. ^^_ ^ „^ 4/100
28TH st, 40 W (3:829), ss, 22o e 6 av, 25x98.9;
PJI- pr ratg $50,000; Nov29; Dec2-21; due July
1'25 6% : JIaurice Cantor & Geo Angel lo JIar¬
tin IT Goodkind, 1000 Park av, & ano, exrs
Itosa Goodkind. , ^ -7.500
38TH st, 146-48 W (3:803); certf as to pay¬
raent of $3,000 on a/c of ratg of $00,000 daled
Nov28'17; NovlO; Nov30'21; Glenbrook Co to
Weichraan-Harle Realty Corpn.------
38TH St. 365 W (3:752), ns, 109.8 e 9 av, 16.8
x98 9- P.M; Dec2; Dec6'21; 5y0% ; Patrick J
Kilcarr to Hugh Reilly, 358 W 31. 9,000
28TH Ht, 449 W (3:726), nes. abt ISO e 10 av,
23x98.9, leasehold; Decl; DecS'21; 2y0% ; Wra
C Dycker, 100 Cedar Hill av, Nyack, N Y, &
John Ritter, 5 Vincent pl. So Lynnbrook, L I,
to Arlhorst Realty Corpn, ei2A McDonough,
Bklyn. 3,000
29TH St, 3C0 E; see 3 av, 411.
;{3D st, 332-4 E (3:938), ss. 250 e 2 av SOx
98.9: PJI; pr mlg $13,300; Nov22; Nov30'21;
due Mav22'24, G7c ; Vincenzo La Barbera &
Filippo "La Sala to JIary M Duffy, 433 7flth,
Bklvn. 2,500
:f5TH st, 355 W (3:785); ext $10..3OO mtg to
NovL'3'2i at G'/c; Nov23; Dec6'21; North River
Saviilgs Bank with Edwin Bendheira, 50 W
.S3 & Julius Bendheira. 300 West Eud av, iu¬
divid & as exrs Adolph JI Bendheim (R S
.$8.23). no™
37TH St. 313-31 W (3:761), ns, 175 w 8 av,
lOfl.xOS.O; bldg loan; NovS; Dec2'21; ly6% ;
Herald Square Press Bldg Corpn to Sam Jlin¬
skoff', 2:360 Grand Concourse, Bronx. 73,000
37TH 8t, 313-21 Wi cerlf as to above mlg;
NovS; Dec2'21: same to sarae. ------
37TH st, 313-21 W; NovS; Dec2'21; to be
paid upon completion of bldg, 6% ; same to
same. 50.00"
37TH Bt, 313-31 W; certf as to above ralg;
NovS; Dec2'21; same to same. ------
.S8TH Kt, 49-63 W (3:8401, ns. 219 e 6 av, 31
X9S.9; I'JI: pr ratg $120,000; Dec2; Dec3'21;
3v6% ; A S Roberts Realty Co to Frank R
Burr, 320 W 20. 50,000
SSTH St. 49-53 W (3:840); ext .$120,000 mlg
for 2 years from Oct21'24 at 6%; Dec2; DecS
'21; Frank R Burr with Dry Dock Savings
Instn (R S $60). noin
39TH Bt. 20-22 W (3:840), ss, 303 w 5 av, 44x
98.9; I'JI: pr mtg $80,000: Decl: Dec2'21; Sy
6% : Charlotte Wealherley. Bklyn, to Edith
McK Jliller. 1.36 E 78. 60.000
4nTH st, 303 W (3:7631. SS, 125 w 8 av, 23x
9S.9: PJI; Decl'21; inatalla, 6%; Polexeni
Spelaeris lo Jlay S Roeaer, 13 W 122. 6,500
4IST st, 43 E: aee 42d, .36 E.
41ST st, 349 E (5:13.34). ns, 84 w 1 av. runs
ii40.1xiiwSxu.36.4xw2Sxs98.9 to sl xeSO lo beg;
NovSO; Dec3'21 ; 2y6% : Geo A JloUeson to
Edw H JIarrin, 749 Iraniston av, Bridgeport,
Conn, et al. 2,000
421) st, 66 E (3:1276), ss, 118.6 e Mad av,
rnna a74xw18.8xa48.3xe9.6 xs21.2 xw9.6 xsl.lO xe
2().3xs52 to 41st (No 43) xe29.0xnlfll.5xn4O(',xn
w7.11xn.34.0 to 42d xw31.6 to beg; also MADI¬
SON AX, 305. es, 73 n 41st. 23.9x100. lease¬
hold: .4T&I: Nov29: Nov30'21 : dne JIav20'22.
6% ; St Cloud Hotel Co to Cath HoIIingsworth.
.SOO Riverside dr. 12.465
43D St. 56 E: also JIADISON AV. .303; also
41 ST ST. 43 E: certf as to above ratg; Nov
29: Nov3fl'21: same to aarae. ------
42I> St. 261 W: aee 8 .av. 660-2.
42D St. 636-40 W (4:1070). aa. 41.3.10 w 10 iiv.
.38.9x98.9; also 42D ST. 542-46 (4:1070). as,
474.7 w 10 av, 138.9x98.9; alao 97TIT ST, S.33-37
E (6:1669), ns. 80 w 1 av, 39.9x100.11. lease-
liolrta; pr ratg $20,800: Nov25; Dec6'21: 4y,
int as per notes: Dominant Really Cornn to
Albert T Weinberg, 1702 Jladison av, Palti-
raore. Md. 16.683
42D st, 536-46 W; also 97TH ST, 335-37 E;
certf as to above mtg; Nov25; Dec6'21; sarae
to sarae. ------
42D st, 642-6 W; see 42d, 536-40 W.
46TH st, 409 W (4:1055), ns, 128 w 9 av, 24x
100.4; Dec2: DecS'21; deraaud, 6%; Geo F
Hannan, HI Williaras av, Aldene, Roselle Park,
NJ, to Isaac H Levy, 105 W 73. 503.30
45TH st, 434 W (4:1054), SS. 430 w 9 av, 25
xlOO.4; I'JI; DecS; Dec6'21; due, &c, as per
bond; Clarence S McKune to Chas Brandt.
449 W 47. 2,500
46TH st, 216 W (4:1017), SS, 216.4 w Bway,
18.7x100.5: PJI; Decl; Dec6'21; due, &c, as per
bond: Anuie Jloore to Bond & JItg Guar Co.
Bklyu. .30.000
46TH st, 216 W; sobrn agrat; Dec2; Dec6
'21; Lion Brewery of N Y City with sarae.
47TH st, 311-13 E (5:1340), ns, 175 e 2 av, 50
xlOO; PM; NovSO; DecS'21; 2y6% ; Joan Hold¬
ing Co to Isaac Untermyer, 300 Park av, et al.
47TH st, 455 W (4:1057), ns, 203 e 10 av, 20x
100.5; Nov29; Nov30'21; 5y6%; Dora Legault
lo Emigrant Indust Saviugs Bank. 9,000
47TH Bt, 455 W; PM ; pr mtg $9,000; Nov29;
Nov30'21; installs, 6%; JIargt B Bergeret to
Dora Legault, 435 W 47. 7.500
48TH St. 141 E (5:1303), na, 290 w 3 av, 20x
68.10x20x70.4; Sept:iO; Decl 21: ly6% ISC
Corpn to Bdw Corning Co, 145 E 45. 7,000
48TH st, 141 E; certf as to above mlg; Sept
30: Decl'21; same to same, ------
49TH st, 109 W (4:1002), ns, 130 w 6 av, 25x
100.5; PM; Dec2; Dec5'21; due Novl'26, 6%;
Peirce Harjes to Jlorania Really Corpn, 427 W
14. 31,300
49TII St. 109 W (4:1002), ns, 150 w 6 av, 25
XlOO.S; Dec2'21; due, &c, as per bond; Jlorania
Realty Corpii lo Union Dirae Savings Bank.
49TH St, 109 W; certf as to above mtg; Dec
2'21; same to same. ------
50TH St. 342-6 E (5:1342), ss, 175 w 1 av, 60
XlOO.S: P.M; pr mtg $23,700: Decl; Dec2'21; 5y
G7o ; Louis Hobiger to lierman Kahn, 70 E
77. et al, exrs, &c, Soloraon Kahn. 17,300
SOTH st, 346 E (5:1342), SS, 175 w 1 av, 20
XlOO.S; I'.M; Decl; Dec2'21; 5y6% ; Louis Ho¬
biger to German Kahn, 70 E 77. 8,000
51ST st, 122-4 E (5:1305), 88, 105 w Lex av,
30x100.5; bldg loan; Nov29; Nov30'21; demand,
6% : 122 B Slst St, Inc, to City Mtg Co, 52
Bway. 250 000
61ST st, 122-4 E; cerlf as to above mtg;
Nov29; NovS0'21; same to same. ------
51ST st, 122-4 E: PM; pr mtg $230,000; Nov
0: Nov3n'21; due, &c, as per bond; sarae to
A C C Realty Co, 90 Worth. 65,0W)
51ST St. 122-4 E (3:1.303), ss, 105 w Lex av,
iSflxlOO.S: agrat consolidating two mtge for
$12..5(iO each & extending due date to Nov29
'22 al 6% ; also subordinating said mtgs as
consolidated lo ralg for .$250,000: Nov29; Nov
30'21: Ewing Bacon & Henry, a corpn, 101
Park av, & 122 E Slst St, Inc, with City JItg
Co (R S $12..30). uom
56TH Bt. 45 W (5:1272), leaaehold: DecS;
Dec6'21: due, &c. as per notea: Eugenie &
Siraon Genzburg to Isaac Sprinzen, 192 Deca¬
tur st, Bklvn. 3,000
59TH st, 428-32 E (5:1,370), ss, 189.6 w Av A,
07x100.5; Nov.SO; Dec2'21; ly6% ; Greater
Eagle Wet Wash Laundry, Inc, to Henrietta
(ioldfein. 1993 Creaton av, Bronx. 20.0(X)
59TH st, S06 W (4:1049), leaaehold; Nov.30;
Decl'21; due Julyl'26, S% ; Constantine Coki¬
nakis & Leon Audreadis to Constantine Foltis,
42 Gleane. EIrahurst, LI. 22.825
OlST st, 203 W (4:1153), ns, 92 w Ams av,
-27x100.5: PJI; Decl: Dec2'21; 3v6% ; Henrv B
Golobe to Hvman Levin, 248 W 3.3. S'.SOO
62D st, 22 E (3 :1376) ; ext $76,000 mtg to Nov
12'24 at 6%; .\ovl2; Dec2'21: Empire Citv
Savings Bank wilh Alice B Siraraons, 128 B
6(1 (R S .$.')S). uom
63TH st, 2.38 W: see West End av, 116.
68TH St. 161 E (3:1402). SS, 145 w 3 av, 25x
100.5; PJI; Nov29; Nov.30'21; due, &c, as per
bond: Sisters of Charity of St Vincent de
Paul, a corpn, to United Securities Corpu,
.",44 Jackson al, St Paul, Jlinn. 16.000
70TH St. 56 W (4:1122). ss. 148 e Col av, 22x
IflO.S: PJI; pr ratg .$30,000; Decl; Dec2'21: 3y
G'/c ; Jlaniie T JIcBachern to Hugo S Joaepli,
47 W 86. 6,500
70TH st, 112 W (4:1141), ss, 100 w Col av, 20
xlflfl.S; alao 7flTH ST. 114 W. aa. 12fl w Col av.
18.6x100.3: alao 70TH ST, 116 W. sa. 138.6 w
Col av, 18.6x100.3: PJI; pr ralg .$49,500; Decl:
Dec5'21: 3y0% : 114 W 70th St Corpn to Mar¬
tha T Kellv, 105 W 69. 22,000
70TH st, 144 W (4:1141), ss, 400 w Col av,
Uxlflfl.S; PJI; pr ratg $21,000; Nov30'21 : .3y
6% : Remeldina Knoppert to Cora C MuTa-v.
144 W 70 7.750
70TH st, 144 W (4:1141), sa, 400 w Col av.
17x100.3: given as col'aleral securitv for pay¬
ment of 6 notea; pr mtg .$28.7.30: Nov.30- Dec
1'21: due JIav.3fl'22. 6%: Remeldina L Knop¬
pert to Iiv H Lazarus, 220 E US. 2.350
70TH st, 114-16 W; aee 7flth. 112 W.
71ST St. 1.55 E (3:14fl6). ns. 335 w 3 av, 20x
IflO: Nov.SO: Dec.3'21; 3y6% ; Carolyn W Mor¬
ris to Bankera Trust Co, trste Jlaria De W
.Tessup. 25,000