Record and Guide.
Jnly 7,1894
wife of Francis B Austin to Nathaniel
Niles. June 15. other conaid and 100
St Nicholaa terrace being a strip 60 wide]
. and extdg 199.10 from 127th st to 128tli
Bt taken for said St Nicholas terrace.
St Nicholas terrace? begins St Nicholas
Acatlemy pl S terrace, e s. at a
.'point of intersection with s a of 130th st
if extended cast acros8 terrace, runs s
along 6 a of terrace 450.4 to northeast¬
erly line of old Academy pl. x n w along
sai'd line 123 to the w s ot St Nicholas
tcrr.ace.xn along same 169.3 x n e 188.6
to beginning, being apiece taken for
said terrace.
St Nicholas terrace/begins St Nicholaa
129tli st S terrace, w ,s. at s a
of 120tli st if extended, runs n 60 to n s
of 120t,list, X w abt :il to old e line St
Nicholas terrace, x s 61 to s s 129tli st,
xe20.3. being part of 129th st, 60 ft
Vacant. Female Academy of Sacre'd
Heart to Mayor. &c. New York, lu con¬
sideration of eonvcyauee ol other prop¬
erty. .Iune21. See below. exch
â– St Nicholas terrace) begins St Nicholaa
St Nicholas av } av,w s, intersection
12Sth st ) with s s of 128tli
st, as laid out, Ac, but ab:iu(Ioned, runs
n 60.7 to n s said 128th st, x w along
eaidline 191.3 to e a St Nicholas ter¬
race, x s 60 tos s 128t.h st.x e 182.4,
being land embraced in old st, now
clos^'l- ^ ., , ,,,.,
St Nicholas terrace, e s, .at n s said 1 JSth
et. closed, runs n 9.4 xso25.1 x w 22.7,
gore piece of old Acatleiuy pl, closed.
St Nicholas terrace, n w cor 128th st, a
parcel conipriKing all land contained in
old Acadamy pl aud old St Nicholas
terrace, bet aaid 128th st and 120t,h st.
St Nicholas terrace, n w cor 129th
st, two eoiitisruous parcels, comprising
all the lands comprised iu old Academy
pl and old St NJctiolas terrace, vacant.
The Mayor, i&c, Noav York, to Female 'â– '
Academy of the Sacred Heart. May 21,-
See above. exch
StNiehoIas terrace, w s, 30 s 134th st, runs ,
/ s 0.2 33-100 iuxe 0.2 32-100 into terrace, '
X n 0.4. Marv G Pinkney to Feiu.ale Acad¬
emy of tbe S'acred Heart. Juno 28. nom
^ &6auton st. No 240. u e cor Willett st, 25x
/ 100,5-8ty brk tenem't with stores. Pincus
/ Lowenfc'ld to Isaac Cohen. Mt. $30,000. /
/ June 28. ^ *l-9'^**
Stanton st. Nos 322 and 324, n e cor Goerck
8t, 32.2x70, 5-.stv brktenem't witb stores.
Beniamin Kai.ser to Samuel Harris and '
Adolpb Gross. Mt. $30,300. June 30.
SWllivan st, No 156, w s, 115.1 s Houston st,
^nsw64xn]0.7x w 72.2 x s 10.10 to
point 64 e st, x e 11.1 x s 25 x
e 25 X 8 1.4 X 0 100.2 to Sullivan st, x n
25.3, 4-sty brk teneui't with three 3-sty
brk teueiii'ts on rear. Louisa L Wright
to Eleauor M wife of ChaaG Gilliat, New-
^ port, R 1. June 25. uom
/Sullivan st Jbegius Sullivan st, e s. 125
/ "Varick pl. No.-? S " Housttni st, 25x100, 5-
/ st brk teneui't with stores. Sallie M Cory
/ to Eli/M wifeol Alfred Roe. H &â– S. June
/ 20. "'»"
â– Washington st, Nos 750-754, s w cor Betli-
â– /uue st, 62.7x81. 5-,stv brk factory. Archi¬
bald D Russell to James A Webb Mt.-
$45,000. RerecordeU. March 22. 75.000
Wasbingtou et. No 389, e a, 75 a Hubert st.
25.2x70. 5-sty brk store. Mary E Pig-
gott to William Piggott. Q C. Oct 31, -
1891. D«"i
/"averley pl. No 174, w s, abt 75 n Christo¬
pher st, 21.4x85. 3-sty brk dwell'g. Dora
D wife of aud Albert Kesuer to Joseph
Jaeser and Elizabeth his wife. June 28.
Waverley pl, No 152, 8 w B. 3.54.9 n w 6th
av, 21x97, 3-sty brk dwell'g on rear.
Robert Hayward to Wm D Koopuian.
Mt. $8,000. June .SO. 15.000
West St. No 425, s 0 cor W llth st, runs e
57.3 X s 22.0 X n w 17 X -w 46 to West at,
/ xn 20.9, 3-sty brk aud frame store and
/ tenem't. Louis Schortemeier to John
/ Moonan. May 31, 23,000
niliam st, No.s SO and 82, c s, extends from
Liberty at to Maiden lane, 72.8x25x61.11
x32.7, 4-stv brk .store, new buildiug pro¬
jected. Maiy A (iillcspie widow to An-
Konetta B Wolfe ot at exrs aud trustees
John Wolfe. All title. June 8. 50,000
3d st. No 217, u s. 1 iHt e Av B, 23x0(>.2, 4-
sty brk store, and teuem't witb 4-st,v brk
te'ueiu't on rear. Katie OlVner to Iguatz
Offner. B & S. Aug 3. ISOI. nom
/ Bame properly. Ignat-/. Dlfnerto K:itieOtt'-
/ / ner. i-jpart. B «.V rt. Ma.rcb 20. nom^
/ 4thst. N»)235. e s, 20.1 u lOtli si, 20x80.
/ /4-stv brk dwell'g. I'atk ()"l'bayne t^> A
M Hiurieltc \\\U; ot Louis lioiupiicr. Mt. .
$11,000. .Inly 3. 20,000'
5tb st, No 303, II s, 75 e 2d ay, 2nx 18.6, 5-
sty brk tenenrt. .Tolin Amnion to .fohii
Wealcand Albertine bis wifo. J/f. $13.-
000. July 3. .. 21.000
/ 8tli St. No 360, n s, 233 e Av C. 25x03.11.
' 7 4-sty brk store and teuem't with 3-stj' brk
/ teuem't ou rear. Magdalena wile of
/ Henry J Scbumaeiier and Caroline wife â–
of Sauiuel S<diiimaclior to Margaret wile
of Henry Reitb. ^ipart.s. June 30. noiu
8tb st, No'358, s s. 107.5 e Av C, 10.11x97.6,
4-sty brk tenem't. Margaret wife of
Henry Reit.b aiul Caroline wife of Samuel
Schumacher to Magdab-na wife of Heury
J Schumaeher. i^i parts. June 30. uom
9th st. No 703, n s. 58 0 Av C, 25x.">8.2, 5-
,' sty brk tenem't with store. Jacob Errcg-
/ ger, Brooklyn, to Jacob W Enegger.
Junel. "Oni
lOtb st. No 215 E, n s. abt 225 e 2d av. 25x
1-2 the block, 6-sty brk teuem't,. Ernst /
Hansgen to Peter Thomas, Hempstead, L -^
I. ML $28,000. June 29. nom
12th st. No 516, s s, 395.6 w Av B, 25x
103.3. 4-stv hrk store aud tenem't. with
2-sty brk "liuilding on rear. Lionid Ja-
eobs, Jacksonville, Fla, to Alfred Gnt-
willig. Q C. .luni^ 27. nom ,
12th st. No 517. u s. 420 wAvH, 25x1 â–
, 103.3. 5-sty brk tenem't with store.s. [
wtb st, No329, 11 s,213.10 w Av C, 24.0x1
—. 5-Mty brk teuem't. J
' Allicrt'G W Stake, Stapb^on, S I, to
Julia A Vienieister. .hme 30. . nom
19th st. No 336. s a. 254 w Ist av. 21 xlO.'!.3.
/4-stv brk tenem't. Anthony Cliiichy to
' Maria S Clinchy liis wife, li &. S. June/
2M. Kift
16th st. No 518. s s, 270.0 eAvA, 18.9x •
103.3, 1-sty brktenem't. Catherine wife -
of and .Ja.col) llaiibert to Fred V May-
fortb. Jnly 2. nom
Same pro)ierty. I''ied V Mayforth to .Jacob
ihmbert aiid Uatheriii<> his wife. Ca G.
.Inly 2. nom
16(.h st, No 251, n s, 200 e Sth av, 17x80,
3-stv brk dwell'g. Victor L Veyac to
Albert Etzcl. July 5. nom
l(;t.h St. No342, ss, abt 27.-. c 9th av. 25x
61.5 x25x()3.8, 3-sty brk dwell'g. ICliza ^
S Young, Weat New Brighton, S I. to Al-
lie.rt. Etzel. July 3. nom-
IMth St. No 338. s s, 180 w l,st av, 20x02. 3-
sty brk teuem't. Wm S Tisd;ile. Koselle,
N" J, to Johanna Dicacher. Ml. $7..500.
July 2. nom
IStb'st, No333, n s, 260 wist av, 20x92,
. 3-8ty brk tenem't. Fiauz Sen- to Elise /
Serr. 'Sub to mort. May 28. noiri
2l8t st. No 250, 8 s. abt 210 e Sth av, 22.3x
92x22.4x92, 4-8ty brk dwell'g. Susan
/ wife of .John T.Stanley to Chas H Win-
field, Jersey City, N J. July 3. See SSth
St. 30.000
22dst, N«441, ns, abt350 w Oth av, 20x
â– 08.8. 4-aty atone ftout dwell'g. J(din
O'Donoghue to Mary and Sarah
O'Douoghue. CaG. July 3. uom
24th et. No 443, n a, 266.8 e 10th av, 20.10
/x98.9. 3-.sty brk dwell'g. Jane F Roome
' widow to Margaret wife of William Law, -
June 9. 11.000'
25th St. Nos242-246, s s, 60.7w 2d av, runs
s 59.3 X w 9 X s 19,9 x w 29 x s 10.9 x w
, 20 X n 98.9 to 25th st, x e 58, three 3-.sty .
' lu-k tenem'ts. Jacob Cohen to Robert P ^
Green. Mt. $26,000. June 29. nom
25th st. No 238, s s, 138.7 w 2d av, 20x
98.9, 3-sty brk tenem't. Jacob Cohen to
Esther Levy. Mt. $!>,000, taxes, Aie.,
Jnly 2. See below. noui
25tb at. No 244, s s. 79.7 w 2d av. 10x79. .3-
sty brk tenem't. Esther wife of and
Charles Levy to Jacob Cohen. June 29.
See al)Ovc. noiu
26tb st. No 233. n e, 175 w 2d av. 25x08.8,
5-sty brk tenem't. Jacques Bach to Lucy
Baeh. Juue 22. gift
26tb st. No 231, n s. 200 w 2d av. 25x98.8,
- 5-sty brk teneui't. Same to Bertha. B
Bach. Juue 22. gift
26t.h st. No 332, s S, 175 w 1st av, 25x08.9.
/â– l-at.v brk store and tenem't with 4-sty
' brk'tonein't on rear. Sallie wife of David .
K Schustertolda Rothschild. Mt. $15,- /
500. July 3. noih
27th st. No 430, a a, 375 e 10th av, 25x08.0.
3-aty frame store and teuem't with 1-sty
frame buildiug on rear. Henrietta Stud¬
iuski to Leo Studiuski. Mi. .$22,500.
July 3. 25.300
28th St. Nos 136 and 138, s s. 425 w 6th av,
50x98.9, 1 and 2-sty brk stables. Apple-
ton L Clark to Catharine. d'Anglemont.
Juue 29. 35,000
28th .St. Nos 219-225, n s, 216.8 e 3d av,
93.4x08.0, four 5-aty brk temmi'ts. Fore-
clos. Donald McLean to Wm B M .for- , Ml. $100,000 and ueiialty for viola¬
tion of building law.s, .Tunc 20. 7,108
29tli St, No 216, .s a, 225.10 w 7th av, 24.10 .
X98.9, 5-stv brk tenem't. Helen Bonnell /
to Simon P Flannery. Mt. $16,000. June,'
30. nom
30th st. No 235, n -s, 419.9 e 8tb av. 19.9x
/ 98.9, 3-8ty brk dwell'g. Ceo Van Vliet to
/ VV Wallace Detrick. Mt. $8,000. .Inne
20. 12.250 St. No 545. n a. 224.7 e 1 Itb av. U!x
31.6. 'l-sty brk store and tenem't. Will¬
iam Hamilton to Willia.m aud Sophia
La.i)kenaii. .fuiic 29. 3.."»00
3lst st, No 310, u s. 220 e 2d av. 20k9S.9.
.[-st.v brk store .-lud li-ni'urt. ,\.rif>l ide.s
Martinez, lo Mary J Mitchell. Juue 25.
32d at, No .^59. n s. 193,9 e 9tb av, 18.Ox
08.!), l-sty stoui' front dwcH'g. Isaac
Paruilv to Clias Jl I'armlv. V> part. !•>
jiiort .fs.OOO. Mays. .jh'i.
34tli St.. No 227, u s. 308. I w 7th av, lO.Sx
08.0, 4-sty stiuie front ilwell'g. 'I'luunas
Ru.ssell exr. Ac. Henry D Ranuey to Ella
A Smith. July 2. " 18.500
36tb St. No 26. s s, 350 w 5th av. 15x98.;i,
3-sty brk dwell'g. .lames C Peil, .Jr,
Yonkera, to Joseph Holland. .lune 30.
37th st. No 222,8 s, 275 w 7th av. lS.9x
98.9, 4-sty brk dwell'g. Lutlier R Marsh
to Clarissa J wife of John J Huyler,
Middletown, N Y. Mt. $8,000. May 17.
other eonsid and 100
SSth St. Nos 257-261. n s. 150 e8th av, 76.6
/x98.9, three 5-sty brk'Hate. John, Henry
^ A and Carrie W Bade to Chas A Moffat.
Ml. .$(i0.00il. ,Iuly 3. nom
39tb st, No 137. n s, 300 e 10th av, 25x98.9.
/ 5-sty brk tenem't with stores. Win F
Kne'blcr to Caroline Knebler. All hens.
July 3. -^ 20.500
39tb 'et. No-HOfJ. s s. 125 wSth av. 25x98.9,
/5-sty brk store and tenem't with l-sty
fraiiie building on rear. Mina otherwise
Plermiuer Wick widow and John, An¬
drew and William Wick devisees An-
<tre%v Wiclt to Daniel Lavery. July 2.
Same pro])ertv. Hclease dower. Mina Wick
otherwise l-lerniiner Wick widow to
same. July 2. nom
4ptb St. No 320. 8 s. 275 e 2d av, 25x98.!).
/4-8ty brk tenem't. Partition. Freilk P
Forster to Stephen J Moran. June 22.
â– 10th st, No 112. e a, 200 e Park av. 20x98.8,
3-8tv brk dwell'g. Maria E wife of Janu^s
H Kent, South Koyalton, A't, Harriet wife
ofWeet K Uebtmann. Emma wife of John
A Schoutag, South Royalttm. aud Lillian
wife of Geo W Lipjicncott, New Roebelle,
' sty frame tenem't on rear. Josepb Brucker
to Conrad Kaltenbach aud Catharine bis
wile, tenants by entirety. Mt. $10,000.
July ,5. 17,600
4lstst. No 308, s S. 108,9 e 2d av, 16.3x
/ 74.3x17.10x67,4-sty brk dwell'g. John
Murpbv to Edward Murphy. CaG. Mt.
$3,500'. Juue 29. nom
42d8t,Nos229and 231, n a, 400 e Sthav.
'37.6x100.5. two 5-sty stone front flats.
store iu No 229. Thos E and Margaret
Foran to Peter Cassidy. Mt. $40,000.
Juue 30. , 40,667
43d st. No 137, n s, 158.4 e Lexington av,
16.8x100.5, 4-8ty stone front dweH'g.
Partition. Fredk P Forster to Sarah
M(n'an. June 22. 13.800
44th st, No 11.S, s s, 225;i w Gth av, 18.8x
7100.1x18.6x100.4. 5-sty brk dwell'g. Johu
' H Hmdley to Emibo Y Do la T Bebiri.
June 30. 23,5|l0
4&tb st. No 145, n s, 245 w 3d av_. runs n
/1OO.5 X w 30 X S 42.7 X e 1 x s .->7.10 to
/ st, X e 29. 5-sty brk flat. Alfred J O'Keeffo
to Mai7 E wife of Henry D Harris. Mt.
$26,000. June 2. See Columbus av. nom
^Ist St. No 24, s s, 74.0 e iladison av. runs
a 60 X w 1.4 X s 10.8 x e 26.10 x n 70.8
to 51st st, X w 25.0, 4-sty stoue front
I dwell'g.
51st st, s 8, 100 e Madison av, 22.6x64.8,
1-atv stone front building.
51st St. a 8,122.6 c Madison ay, 22.6x64.8,
All title iu all of above.
Madison av, e s, 60 s 51st st. 80.10x73.2.
vacant. 1-24 part of thia.
Annie G Smith and ano exrs aud trustees
Roswell Smith to Cath L wife of Chas W
Wells. Juue 27. nom
,72d st. n s, 375 w Sth av, 37.2x— to point
/ 403.8 w 8th av, x e 28.8 x s 100.5. Re¬
lease mort. Benjamin A Sands et al exrs
SainlS Sands to J.aines A Striker. Juue
12. 173
53d st. No 406, s s, 131,6 e 1st av, 18.0x
/100.5, 4-sty stone front dwell'fj. Hulda
' wife of .losepb Wittner to Harris Samil-
Bon. Mt. $9,000. Juue 29. See 75tli st.
-,. st, Nos 421 and 423, n s. 277.4 e 1st av.
41.8x70x42.4x77.6. two 4-sty stone front
flats. Lissctto Levis to Louis Kramer.
Mt. $14,000. Nov 11, 1893. nom
54tb st. No 448. s s, 200 e 10th av. 25x
/100.5. 5.stv brk teuem't. Wilhaui Ran-
' kin to Wm'H Peck. .)f(. $16,000. June
29 nom
37tli st, Nti 227, n s, 330 e 3d av, 20x100.5,
/ 4.8ty stone front dweH'g. Bella G Fagan
' formerly Me.Anauny to Mary J MeAn-
anny. .lunelS. ««">
SSth St. No 51, u S.120e6thav. lO.SxlCO.S.
4-stv stoue front dwell'g. H;iriiett De-
/ muth to Fredk A Ca.stlc. May 19. 35,000
58tb St. No 139. n s. 186.1 w Av A. 20.4x
/lOO.-l. 3-stv- stone front dweH'g. Jacob S
â– ' Blever et'al exrs Emanuel Blever to
Mayer Levy, .luue 27. ' 1.000
Same propertv. Carrie Bleycr widow to
aame. Q V. June 27. nom
' (iOth st. No 110 • I begins 60th st. s e
.Lexiiiiiton av. No 755 S cor Lexington av.
'21.6x100.5, 5-sty stoue front tlat and
. stores ou st aud 5-sty bflc stores and flats
on av. Ludwig Fromiii to Martin L
Strauss. All liens, .luue 30. nom
OOtb St. No 138. 8 w eiu- Lexington av, 22.6
/ xlOll.5. .5-stv brk and sloiic flat witli
.' stores. Sam'e to Martin L Strau.s.s. .All
liens, .lune 30,
Anisterdain av.
6iith St., No 209, n s, 175 w Amsterdam
'25x100.5. 5 st\- stone front tenem t.
' Chas S Osborn to Eugene C Potter. ML
$15,000. June 20. See Central Park
West. '^""'
68th st", n s, 50 e Columbns av. 18x100.5.
Release mort. Philip J Sands trustee to
Edwaid Kilpatrick. June 27. nom