October 14, 1905
THE Highest Standard of
Instruction in Real Estate
We te.ieli hy mail liow to liny ami sell i-enl estate, "We teiieh all the pliiises
01 tbe reiil esiate business tliorouglily iiiid exbaiisiivelj'; and our lessOUS Will
lie ivorlli liundiedi ot dollais to every one iiiiei'dsted in re;il esiate
IT Is Tat^ ii>i<:ajl jiiErtiow
Write tor Booklet tJ, wliicK will tell you all about it
U.S. Real Estate Correspondence lustitute, UoKeuian tiid", 200 B'way
ery, to be erected on the south side of 13th st, 183 ft. west of
Av C, to cost $45,000.
117TH ST.-The David Marks Realty Co.. 224 East Tlst st,
will erect a 6-sty flat for 30 families, 36xS7.1il, at Nos. 515-517
East 117tb st, to cost ?38,U00. Eernstein & Eernstein, 24 East
23d st, are architects,
ARTHUR AV.—Chas. Bjorkegren, 2148 Mapes av, will build
on the northwest corner of Arthur av and Oak Tree pl, Bronx,
a 5-sty 10-family flat, 25x81, to cost $25,000. Franz Wolfgang,
787 East 177th st, will be the architect.
1(31ST ST,—Moore & Landsiedel, 3d av and USth st, are plan¬
ning for a 6-sty flat, 50x86.9, for 34 families, on the south side
of IGlst, 25 ft. west of Jackson av, Bronx, to cost $50,000. The
Hawthorn Building Co,, 5 Beekman st, are the owners.
HOE AV.—Plans are under way by Neville & Eagge, 217 West
12.")th st, for a 5-sty 11-famiiy flat, 25x87, for Abraham Silber¬
berg, 258 Eroad^vsay, to be situated on the east side of Hoe av,
300 ft north of lt>7th st. Bronx, tu cost $30,000.
fiCTH ST.—E. W, Levitan. 20 West Slst st, will be the archi¬
tect for three 6-sty 30-family flat buildings. 40x87,5. for Levine
& Davis, 1 and 3 East 107th &t, to be erected on the north side
of OUth st, 300 ft, west of 2d av, to cost J120.0CO.
TI.N:tON av,—Thomas J, Quinn, S83 East ICOth st, will build
four flats, 40x92 and lCi,4x90, on the west side of Tinton av,
150 ft, north of 16Gth st, Bronx, at a cost of $150,000. Harry
T. Howell. 3d av and 149th st, will be the architect.
J 78th ST.—Aaron M, and Wm, M, Janpole and Louis Werner,
200 Broadway, will erect a 5-sty 11-family flat, 25x88, on the
north side of ITSth st, 100 ft, east of St. Nicholas av, to eo3-
$2(i,0(K). John Hauser, 3tJ0 West 125th st. is making plans.
. CONVENT av.—Schwartz & Gross, 35 East 21st st, are plan¬
ning for the erection of two 6-sty 21-family flats, 40.8x89.5, for
Kantor, Cooper & Co., 449-455 West 41st st, to be situated on
the west side of Convent av, 27.2 ft. south of 130th st, to cost
iSOTH ST.-William Allen Balch, 5 West 31st st, is making
plans for two 5-sty -"jOxSS ft. flats, for Benj. Harris, 1827 Tlh
av, and Edward A. Isaacs, of Madison, N. J,, to be situated on
the north oide of 180ih st, 100 ft. west of St, Nicholas av, to
cost $70,00.
175TH ST.—Wm, Evans, 72 East 175th st, wili be the archi¬
tect, and Evans Buscall, 724 East 173th st, the owner, for the
5-sty 23-family flat buildings, 50x91, to be erected on the south
si^'e nf lT5th st, 00 ft. west of Washington av, Eronx, to cost
TEASDALE PL.—Lorenz F, J, Weiher, 103 Bast 125th st, is
making plans for a 5-sty flat, 33.9x90, for 20 families, at the
northwest corner of Teasdale and Cauldwell avs, Bronx, to cost
$50,000, Richard Dudensing, Jr., 150 Broadway, will be thR
'1T9TH ST.—On tbe northeast corner of 179th st and Arthur
av. Eronx, Catherine McNulty. 1805 Crotona av, will build a
5-sty 19-family flat, 38x87.0 and 96, to cost $55,000. Arthur
Boehmer, northwest corner of Locust av and 134th st, is pre¬
paring plana.
132D ST.—John Hauser, 300 West 125th st. lias plans on .the
boards for three 6-sty Hats, 41.8xS6,lil. for 31 families each, to
be built on the south side of 132d st, 100 ft. west of Amsterdam
av, cnst about $132,000, Aaron M. and Wm. M. Janpole, and
Louis Werner, 200 Broadway, are the owners.
C. A, Lupprian. New Rochelle, N. T,, wants bids on six stucco
and shingle frame dwel.ings, to be erected at Bronxville, N. Y.,
at a total cost of $36,000,
DALT AV.—Otto O, Krauss, Av B and 14th st, Unionport, has
plans for eight residences with stories, to be situated at south¬
west corner Daly av and ITSth sl, for Lena L. Schmidt, 2341
Bathgate av. One 3-stys, 23x54 ft., and seven 2-stys. 20x34 ft,,
brick, stone and concrete, tin roofs, galvanized iron cornices
and skylights, plate glass, dumb waiters, sixteen sets of plumb¬
ing and electric and gas fixtures, at a total eost of $45,000.
The neiv Lexington Hotel. J45 to 135 West 47th st, has been
leased by Col, Geo. R. Jones, who will probably receive guests
before Nov 1, Col. Jones has just finished a successful season
"as proprietor of the West End, Long Branch, He owns also the
Rockwood, Cairo, N, T,, and a summer hotel a: Waukesha,
Wis. The Lexington has 272 rooms, ITS bathrooms and 24 al¬
coves, and of the above total, 144 rooms are single rooms.
The Mar&eille.=!, the name of the new ll-sty apartment hotel
just completed at Broadway and 103d st, with dimensions of
101x120, has been leased for a term of twenty-one years to Mr.
Louis Lukes, from Milwaukee, and Mr. H. C. Griswold, of New
York, The hotul is now open for inspection, leases are
-being made, the finishing touches of decoration, etc., be¬
ing put on, necessary equipment ordered and being re¬
ceived, and in a short time the great establishment will be
in running order. A rathskeller, grill-room, billiard-room, caf^,
barber shop and one of the best-equipped kitcliens in the
city occupy what is called the cafe floor of lhe Marseilles, In
the basement beneath are located lhe electric lighting, heat¬
ing and refrigerating plants. The main enirance to the Mar¬
seilles is on 103d st. This story is IS ft. in height and has a
public dining-room with a Eroadway frontage of- 100x37 :n
width. There are also several private dining-rooms, palm and
reception-rooms, a spacious lobby, telegraph and telephone
rooms. On the mezzanine floor are other private dining-rooms.
The upper floors are divided into 17 suites of 1, 2 and 3 rooms,
with connecting baths. Three Otis elevators, two for passen¬
gers and one for freight, have been installed.
34TH ST.—William J. Majong, Van Courtlandt Park, has the
contract for extensive alterations to Nos. 338-340 East 34th st,
for William Andrew aud Martin Diehl, 338 East 34lh st, from
plans by Walter H. C. Horuum, 360 West 125th st, to cost about
46TH ST,—Plans are ready for alterations to the 4-sty resi¬
dence. 4i) West 40th st. for Mrs. C, Leslie Allen, 27 West OSd dt,
to cost $1(>,(X)0. No contracts have been awarded. New stairs,
chimney.s, toiiets, decorations, eLc. Paul R. Allen, 1133 Broad¬
way, is architect.
3D AV.—No contracts have yet been awarded for extensive
alterations to the northeast r;orner of 3d av and STth st, which
J, G, & M. Wendel. 1T5 Broadway, will make, from plans by
Henry C. Hollwedel, 23 Union sq, at a cost of about SloO,Oo6.
New fire-escapes, fireproof floors, ataircase, plumbing, etc.
31ST ST,—No contracts have been issued yet for the new 10-sly
loft building. 23x90, which Samuel E, Jacobs, 135 Broadway,
will erect at No, 25 West 31st st, at a cost of $100,000, Plan^
by W. G, Pigueron, 32 Union sq, call for a brick limestone and
copper front, tile coping, copper cornices, tin over concrete ro â– ;,
steam healing system, electric elevator, etc.
34TH ST,—Plans are ready for flgures on the general contract
for the fi-sty store and loft building, 5Qxl9T:6. which Samuel
Green, 35 Nasisau st, will build on the north side of 34th sl, 150
ft. east of Gth av, to cost $L50,000. The property adjoins the
old Broadway Tabernacle on the northeast corner of o'Lh av and
34:h Et, owned by B. Altman. Samuel Sass, 23 Park Row, is
the architect. No contracts have been awarded. The esterijr
will be of granite, iigni brick and iron, tile coping, galvanizvsl
iron cornices, skylights, wire glass, steam heit, electric systein,
elevators, etc. {Mentioned before in issue of July 15, 1905.)
143D ST.-M. J. Garvin, 330T 3d av, will have plans completed
soon for the -3-sty 50x100 ft, engine house. No. 17, to be built
on East 143d st, Brony, at a cost of about JSO,nOO,
Messrs. B'lrney & Chapman, 520 5l:h av, New York City, hav?
been commissioned to prepare plans for a new $100,000 library
building, to be erected at Winchester, Va,
3D AV.—^Plans are in progress by C. B. J. Snyder, 30O Park av,
for a new Public School building, 200x100x75x100 fl., for the
taity, to be erected at 3d av and 41si, 5 stys, to cost about
The Scottish Rites (Masonic. Order), H. Onslon, 15 Exchange
pl, Jersey City, N. J,, has commissioned John T, Rowland, Jr..
13 Exchange p!. as architect for its new clubhouse, to be erectel
in the vicinity of Jackson av, that place (See issue of Oct,
7, 1905,)
The Record and Guide is informed that negotiations are under
way for sale of properly upon which il is proposed to build 'i
IC-sty hotel and thealre building in Harlem. No title has yit
pas.sed hands, and it is too early for further announcement on
the subject,
140TH ST.-The Corporation of St, Regis, Marie Den Frontgons,
626 West 140ih st, president, and Joseph H, McGuire, 45 East
42d st, architect, is taking bids on the general contract for
the new 4-sty Chapel and Convent, 87x82. to be erected on the
south side of 140ih st, 270 ft, west of Broadway, at: an estimated
cost nf about $65,000, (See issue of Sept. 30. 1005.)
Estimates Recei-vable.
G. K, Thompson, liO Broadway, New York City, is taking
flgures on the 5-sty store and office building which Eus^ene
Lambden. New Rochelle, N. Y., will build at Huguenot and LavV-
ton sis, that city.
Figures will be received by Hugh Roberts, 1 Exchange pl,
Jersey City, N. J., for the new 3-sty granite and marble court
house, 133x175 ft., forHudson County, to be erected at New¬
ark and Baldwin avs, "Jersey City.