AprU 11, 1885
The Record and Guide.
tlui-d sti-eet, and the two five-story brick tenements, Nos. 418 and 420 West
Sixteenth street. On the same day Mr. Smyth wiU seU the five-story brick
flats, Nos. 108 and 110 East Eighty-ninth street.
Yesterday several sales ivere held, none, however, being particularly
1884. 1885.
Apr. 5 to 11. Apr. 4 to 10.
No. of buildings................................ 91 71
Kstimatedcost ................................$2,185,550 $1,096,370
* Includes Fifth av Plaza apartment house, costing about $1,000,000.
Gossip ot" the Week.
Thirty three and four-stoi y dweUings on the east side of Seventh avenue,
extending from Twenty-seventh to Twenty-eighth streets, and having a
frontage ot 205 feet on both streets, have been sold by the Mitchell estate to
Sire & Sons, tor about $380,000.
E. H. Ludlow & Co. reports the sale for C. T. Barney of the elegant
dweUing on the southeast coi-ner of FUth avenue and Sixty-third street at
about $'300,000.
Alden & Sterne have sold for the o«-ner, Philip Bruiiner, the tom--story
buUding and lot on the northwest corner ot Thirteenth street and Fifth
avenue, known as " the Lenox House," to W. Jennings Demorest for $100,000.
This property has a width ou Fifth avenue of .51 feet and 7 inches, and a depth
ot 100 feet on Thirteenth street. It is uow occupied as a hotel, but we
understand will soon be converted into fh'st-class stores aud offices.
C. W. Luyster and J. R. Smith have sold the four-story brown stone
front dweUing, No. 451 West Seveuty-second street, 33x60x103.3, for $43,000
to Pai-ker R. Whiteomb, and a simUar dwelling. No. 4.53, adjoining,
30x60x102.2, to G. H. Hopper for $38,000; Riker & Son sold No. 451.
Thomas & Eckerson have sold for Hannah Hall the tour-story stone front
dwelling, No. 18 East Thirty-second street, between Madison and Fifth
avenues, 20x100, for $43,500 to Joseph H. Snyder.
Charles Graham & Sous have sold the four-story and basement brown
stone dwelling on the north side of Seventieth sti-eet, 125 feet east of Madi¬
son av, 25.0x63x100, to Geo. Kemp for $45,000 cash.
John O. Higgins has sold for Mrs. Augusta Redfleld the plot on the
west side ot Seventh avenue, extending from One Hundred and Twenty-
fourth to One Hundred and Twenty-fifth street, 200x.50, tor $60,000, to
Alva S. Walker, who wUl erect thereon an apartment house similar to the
Berkshire, at Eighth avenue and One Hundred and Twenty-fifth street.
W. Reynolds Brown has sold for Walter T. Marvin eighteen lots on
One Hundred and Thirty-seventh and One Hundred and Thirty-eighth
streets and WiUis avenue for $48,000.
Maclay & Davies have leased the first three stories ot their factory build¬
ing, at Nos. 33, 35 and 37 Bleecker street, 75 feet square, to Schumacher
& Ettlmger for $10,000 for one year.
Wm. F. Hays has sold three lots on the north side of Eighty-second street,
100 feet east of Ninth avenue, 75x100, to Richard Deeves for $35,500.
F. CorreU has sold the three-story brown stone front dweUing, No. 403
West Seventy-first st, 16x55x74, for $15,000 to Dr. Utter.
John Livingston has sold the thi-ee-story brown stone front dwelling, No.
981 Lexington avenue, 2CxlOO, to Mayer Kahn for $35,000.
Mayer Kahn has sold the three-story brown stone front dweUIng, No. 165
East Seventieth street, 16.Sxl0fl.5, for $14,000 to Mrs. Margaret Harrison,
and the lot on the south side of Ninety-second street, commencing 133 feet
west of Madison avenue, 35.6x100.8, to John Livingston for $16,000.
Messrs. Keppler & Schwarzmann, proprietors ot Puck, and J. Ottmann,
recently purchased the southwest corner of Houston and Mulberry street,
116.11xll3.8xl30.10xi;37.11, for $140,000, and the FrankUn Savmgs Bank
have loaned thereon $130,000 for three yeai-s at 4).,' per cent, interest.
W. W. Montague has sold for M. Brennan the last of the row ot four-
story brown stone front dweUmgs on West Eighty-fom-th street. No. 360,
17.8x50x100, to Edward Hart; for I. M. GreneU a three-story stone front
dweUing on Eighty-seventh street, between Ninth and Tenth avenues, 16.8x
50x100, to Mrs. Knapp, and tor Mr. Cruikshank a similar dwelling, No. 346
West Eighty-fourth street, 17.8x53x100, for $13,000.
Victor Freund & Sou have made the foUowing sales: For Geo. V. Johnson
the flve-story double tenement. No. 143 Chrystie street, 35.6x85x100, for
$34,000 to Herman Levy; for Charles RUey the four-story flat, No. 163 East
Seventy-fifth street, 20x75x100, for $19,.500 to Jacob Kessler, and No. 101,
adjoining, for S. J. Grant to Wm. Stevenson for $18,500. They have also
sold for the Morgan estate eleven lots on the north side of One Hundred
and Fiftieth street, 100 west Tenth avenue, adjoining the proposed new fac¬
tory of Lott & Co., to Geo. H. Cannon.
Henry Moss has purchased the five-story brick dwelling, No. 205 East
Sixty-second street, tor $14,000.
Hiram Merritt has sold the three-story and basement brick dwelling. No.
835 East Eighteenth street, 20x92, for $13,800.
Wolf Boroschek has sold the two-story dweUing, No. 81 Madison street,
to a Mr. Martin tor about $12,000. Mr. Martin will add two stories to the
F. R. Houghton has sold the premises, No. 24 SuUivan street, occupied by
the ChUdren's Aid Society, to Capt. E. G. Tinker for $14,350.
S. M. Blakely has sold for Anne R. Mears the four-story brick tenement.
No. 448 West Thirty-eighth street, with stable m rear, lot 27x100, for $15,500.
Robert Auld has sold for J. G. Flammer the lot on the southeast corner
of Ninth avenue and Fifty-third street, 25.5x100, with old frame biulding,
to James Everard for $16,500; and the five-story double tenement. No. 519
West Fiftieth street, 25x75x100, for David Christie, to Frederick P. Sutton
for $18,000.
F. G. Swartwout & Co. have sold for the Germania Life Insurance
Company the three-story brown stone house. No. 325 East One Hundred
and Twenty-fourth street, 18x50x100, for $10,500; for E. Lidgate, the three-
story brick house. No. 124 East One Hundred and Fifteenth street, 18x50x
100, for $9,000, and for M. Jukes a similar house. No. 116 East One Hun¬
dred and Twenty-first street, 16.8x46x100, for $8,500.
S. G. Hyatt & Co. have sold for Frederick K. Agate the three-story high
stoop brown stone houses, Nos. 246 and 348 West Fiftj'-fifth street, for
$18,500 each.
Crevier & WooUey have sold for Mrs. Barney WiUiams the fonr-story
brown stone dwelUng, No. 115 West Tliirty-eighth street, 20x.55xl00.
At the office ot The Record and Guide there has been sold this week ten
shares of the Real Estate Exchange and Auction Room (Limited) for $1,150
and we have a purchaser ready to take ten more at the same price. Address
this office. We have ten shares for sale at $1,250.
Potter & Bro. have sold for .John F. Dunker the five-story triple flat ou
the west side ot Niuth Avenue, 24.0 south of Eighty-third street, 26x80x100,
for $32,000. The same flrm have sold one lot on the south side ot Ninety-
ninth street, 100 feet east of the boulevard, 25x100, to John F. Dmiker for
immediate improvement.
Riker & Son have sold for TaUman Bros, the three-story Mansard roof
twenty-five toot dweUiug, No. 342 West FUty-seventh street, for $35,000.
Schmidt & Ely have sold for Mrs. Heleu P. Stanbery the three-and-a-
half-story brick store and dwelling. No. 176 Third aveuue, 19,3x100, for
The premises Nos. 240 aud 250 Stanton street, 35x75 and 25x100 respec¬
tively, have been sold, tho former tor $8,000 and the latter for $10,500.
Wm. A. Wheelock is the purchaser of No. 36 East Sixty-eighth street,
the sale ot which was reported last week. The price paid was $45,000
and the brokers Scott & Myers.
John Gorman has sold the three-story stone front dwelling. No. 106 East
Eighty-flfth street, 18.7x103.3, for $12,500, to F. R. Walker.
John T. Farley has sold the four-story stone front dweUing, No. 1048 Lex¬
ington avenue, for about $'20,000, to Bertha Aaron, the present occupant.
W. R. Grace & Co. have leased the Exchange floor of the old Cotton
Exchange for ten years, $8,000 per annum for the first five years, and
$10,000 tor the remaining term. Since this lease was consummated Georg'e
Ehret, the owner, has been offered $200,000 for the property.
Morris B. Baer & Co. have sold for David Browu the three-story and
basement brick dweUing, No. 458 West Thirty-fom-th street, for $12,500,
and for O. C. Ferris the lot. No. 256 West One Hundi-ed and Twenty.'
fifth street, for $30,000.
T. W. Myers has sold the four-story stone front dwelling, No. 612
Fifth avenue, Columbia College leasehold, lot 15x12.5, for $38,000, to P. K
Cole & Mui-phy wUl sell in partitiou ou Thursday, AprU 16, at No. 379
Fulton street, 179 lots and parts of lots on Fourth and FUth avenues.
Sterling, St. John's and Lincoln places, Butler and Douglass streets. This
property is weU located for improvemeut. The sale is positive.
Apr.5 to 11.
Number of buildings.......................... 68
Estimated cost................................ $273,2.30
Apr. 4 to 10.
W. F. Corwith has sold the lot on the east side ot Manhattan avenue, 170
south of Norman avenue, to S. M. Randall for $3,000, and a lot on tho
same street, 100 feet south of Nassau avemie, to John Smith for $1,500.
Frederick HeiT has sold the two-story frame dweUmg with extension, 30x
45x100, No. 771 Lexington avenue, to Henry Crotton tor $3,150.
Wm. O. Sumner has sold the four-story and basement brick dweUIng, 23x
90, No. 18 Bedford avenue, to Mrs. E. A. Styles for $15,500; a three-story
and basement brown stone dwelling, No. 96 Taylor street, 20x100, to D.
Nichols for $9,000; a three-story and basement frame dwelling. No. 68
Second street (E. D.), 32x110, for $5,.550; and ten lots on Wythe avenue,
extending from Rutledge to Pemi street, 200x100, to Peter Cummerford
for $13,500.
D. B. TreadweU has sold twenty-six lots on the north side of Greenpoint
avenue, between Manhattan and FrankUn avenues, for $81,000, to J. R.
Sparrow & Son; two four-story brick buUdings on southeast corner of
Kent and Franklin streets to A. C. Clark for $35,000, and four three-story
brick stores and dwellings southwest corner Franklin and Kent streets for
Out Among the Builders.
Richard Deeves wiU shortly commence the erection ot four foui'-story
and basement high stoop brick and stone private dweUings on the north side
of Eighty-second street, commencing 100 teet east of Ninth avenue. Two
wiU have a frontage of 18 teet, one 19 and one 20, the estimated cost of the
improvement being about $72,000.
Babcock & McAvoy have the plans under way for a six-story and base¬
ment store buUding, 35x93, to be built at No. 131 Worth street, for J. P.
Conlon. The front will be of PhUadelphia brick with Wyoming stone
trunmings, the cost being estimated at about $30,000. The same architects
have the plans tor a five-story brick and brown stone flat and store, 35x
96, to be buUt on the northeast corner of One Hnndi-ed and Fifteenth street
and Lexmgton avenue, for Thomas Snuth, at a cost of about $30,000.
Joseph Schwarzler wUl at once commence the erection of thi-ee five-story
tenements and stores on the northwest corner of Tenth avenue and Thirty-
seventh street,
Wm. O'Gorman has completed the plans for and wiU shortly commeuce
the erection ot between forty and fifty two and three-story brick and brown
stone front houses of vai-ious sizes, ranging from 15 to 17x50, on the north
side of One Hundred aud Thirty-eighth street, the north side of One Hun¬
dred and Thirty-ninth street and the south side of One Himdi-ed and Fortieth
street, between WiUis and Brook avenues; owners, WUUam O'Gorman and
Hermann Stursberg. Mr. O'Qorman has already buUt 140 houses iu the
same locaUty.
Fred. CorreU will improve the fom- lots on the southwest corner of Lex¬
ington avenue and Eighty-fu-st street, 104.4x80.
John Livingston wiU improve the lot on the south side of Ninety-second
street, commencing ;132 feet west of Madison avenue, 25.6x100.8, by the
erection of a five-story brown stone front flat from plans by F. T. Camp.