May 5, 1888
Record and Guide.
ow'rs, ar'ts and b'rs, Martin Sc Lee, 440 Clermont
747_Troutman st, s s, 100 e Hamburg av, six
tbree-story frame (brick filled) tenem'te, 36x57,
-tin roofs; cost, each, $4,600; Dietrich & Reitzen¬
stein, Bushwick av, s e cor Varet st; ar't, H.
VoUweiler; b'r, not selected.
748—Irving av, e s, 50 n Palmetto st, one three¬
story frame Qjrick filled) tenem't, 25x57, tin roof;
cosfc, $4,500; ow'r and b'r, Ludwig Kuntz, 1447
Gates av; ar't, H, VoUweiier.
749—50th st, s s, 375 e 5th av, one one-story
frame dweU'g, 30x34, tm roof; cost, $700; J.
Gai-ut, 30 2d av; b'r, J. Erickson.
750—Macon st, No. 163, uear Tompkins av, one
one-story bi'ick refrigerator, 6x8.6 tin roof,
wooden cornice; cost, $150; W. B. Pierson, on
' premises; ar't and c'r, L. R. Doxsey; m'n, J.
751—Montgomery sfc, s s, 885 w Oth av, one
three-story front and four-story rear bi'ick dweU-
bert; b'r, H. Murdock.
753—Montgoniei-y st, s s, 265 w Oth av, one
three-story front and four-story rear brick dweU'g,
20x43, extension 14x18, tin slate and mansard i-oof.
iron cornice: cost, $11,000; E. S. Mower, 111
Broadway, New York; ar'fc and b'r, same as last,
753—Columbia sfc, n e cor Mill st, one one-story
frame shop, 15x14, gravel roof; eost, $300; John
Lenny, 73 4th pl.
754_Decatm- st, No. 7, n s, 69.6 e Tompkins av,
rear, one two-story brick stable and dweU'g, 20x
36, tm roof; cost, $2,000; J. D. Sullivan, 74 Mc¬
Donough st; ai-t, A. W. Blazo; b'r, not selected.
755—Same premises, front, one three-story
brick tenem't, 30.6x55.6 tin roof, iron cornice;
cost, $7,000; ow'r, ai-'t and b'r, sarae as last.
756—Tompkins av, Nos. 486-489, e s, 43 n Deca¬
tur st, two tour-story brick stores aud tenem'ts,
one 40x55 and one 20x55, tin roofs, wooden cor¬
nices; total cost, $31,000; ow'r,ar'tand b'r, same
as last.
757_Ross st, E s, 250 e Kent av, one one-story
brick shed and stable, 38x9.6, gravel roof; cost,
$375; C. H. Medicus, 38 aud 40 Ro^ st; b'r,
J, J. McCoy.
758—Herldmer st, n s, 200 w Rockaway av, flve
three-story brick tenem'ts, 20x45, fciu or gi-av 1
roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each, $6,000; Eugene
H. Wilson, 430 Wesfc 125th st. New York; ar't, J.
B. Styles.
759—Bergen st, Ko. 766, s s, 160 w Grand av,
one three-story brick teuem't, 32x45, tin roof,
wooden coruice; cost £5,200; Peter Birmingham,
onpremises; ar't, T. Esip; b'r, J. Power.
A. S. BedeU; b'r, W. Smith.
761—Douglass st, Ko. 104, n s, 120 w FrankUn
av, one one-story brick dweU'g, 20x35, tiu roof,
wooden cornice; cost, $260; ow'r and b'r, John
Evers; ar't, J. A. Kostrand,
762—Pennsylvania av, w s, 75 n Baltic av, one
two-story and attic frame dweU'g, 20x33, tin
roof; cost, $2,650; John J. Ives, 75 Van Siclen
av; ai-'t, G. Danmar; b'rs, Whitlock & HiU.
763—Grand st, Ko. 78B, being 150 from Kew-
town Creek, one one-story coal shed, 40x60, boai-d
roof; cost, $400; ow'r and b'r, John Green, 51
Ellery st.
764—Pacific st, n s, 83.4 w Utiea av, one one¬
story frame stable, 16.8x30, shingle roof; cost,
$125; J. J. HaU, 1793 Atlanfcic av; ar't andb'r,
W. Lander.
765—Troutman st, ns, 133 e Hamburg av, one
three-story frame tenem'fc, 25x56, tin roof; cost,
$4,800; Cornelia Fink, -^32 Troutman st; ar't, F.
Hohnberg; b'r, C. Fiul:.
766—Linwood st, u e cor Folsom pl, one one¬
story frame stable, 14x14, shingle roof; cost, $150;
Charles Scher es, ou premises; b'r, J. Piring,
767—7th av, s e cor Berkeley pl, one fom--story
brick, stone and terra cotta apartment house, 60x
72.4, gravel roof, terra cotta cornice; cost, $46,-
000; L. W. Winkelmann, 1,54 Atlantic av; ar't,
M. J. MorriU; b'r, P. J. Carbn.
768~52d st, n s, 220 e -'^d av, one two-story ancl
basement frame dweU'g, 20x38, tin roof; cost,
$2,500; ow'r, art and c'r, C. Edwards, 311 62d st;
769—Prospect av, n s, 155 w 5th av, six two¬
story and basement brick dwell'gs, 16.3x45, tin
roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each $4,600; ow'rs
and b'rs. Wood & Hermans, 257 17th st; ar't, J.
F. Wood.
770—48tb st, s s, 176 e 3d av, two two-story and
basemenfc frarae dweU'gs, 20x36, tin roof; cost,
$1,800; Edgar C. Gedney, 154 West llth st, Kew
York; ar't, G. W. Bush,
771—Clifton pl, s s, 174,8 s Grand av, four two-
and-a-balf-story and basemenfc brown stone
dweU'gs, 18x42, tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost,
each $5,350; ow'r and b'r, Joseph I. Kirby, 73
Gatesav; art, A, HiU.
Plan 783—Gold st, Nos. 3.3-43, seven-story brick
extension on Nos. 33 and 35, 40.3x97.4, asphalt
and tile roof, &c.; cost, abt $80,000; Excelsior
Steam Power Co., 13 Spruce st; ar't, W. C. Gun-
neU; m'ns, R. L. Darragh & Co.; c'r, R. B.
825—Orchard terrace, w Sj 173 s Kingsbridge
road, one-story frame extension, 36.9x8, tin roof;
cost, $250; J. Hanken, 75 Av D; ar't, H. Bruns.
826—:id av. No. 1073, new windows, &c.; cost,
$550; D. W, Searle, 6 West 137fch st.
837—Rivington et, Ko. 54, raised one story and
£our-3tory brick extension, 18x25, tin roof; cost,
$10,000; Mrs, E, Myers, 314 Bast 79th st; ar't, G.
W. Spitzer.
828—Pearl st. No. 235, raised one story; cost,
$1,500; J. D. Eldredge, 339 West 54th st; ar't, J.
M. Farnsworth. Abandoned.
839—Henry st, Ko. 130, raised one story aud in¬
ternal alterations; cost, $2,300; Wm. Remsen, 26
Waverly pl; b'r, W. A. Hankinsou,
830—Sth av, Ko. 74, new show windows, &c.;
cost, $100; Wm. Astor, 23 West 20th st;b'r, J.
831—173d st, Nos. 715 and 719 E., raised one
story; cost, $300; G. C. Dressel, on preiuises.
83:i—39th st, No. 305 W., alterations to walls,
internal alfcerafcions, dumb waiter, Sec.; cost, abt
$5,000; M. Corbett, 310 West 30th st; ar't, F.
833-5th av, No, 73, five-story brick exten¬
sion, 38,7x40, tin roof, also internal alterations;
cost, $50 000; J. Soimeborn, 333 West 58th st;
ai-'t, R. N. Anderson,
834—Bleecker st, Ko. Ill, internal alterations;
cost, $200; R. Ernst, 131 Wesfc st; b'r, 0. Ham-
8g5_57th st, Ko. 155 W., extended when raised
abt 30 ft, internal alterations. Sec; cost, $900;
Mrs. H. Sidenbei-g; ar'ts, D. & J. Jardme.
836—4th av. No. 44, internal alterations; cost,
$170; Mary Dooley, 43 ith av; b'r, E. Contaufc.
837—Cherry st, No. 416, waUs altered; cost
$300; W. Pennefetber, 233 Henry st; ar'ts and
b'rs, Slevin & Sheeran.
838—48th St. No. 338 W., window frame altered;
cost, $300; H. Wittpenn, on premises; c'r, C.
Buss man.
839—Av A, No. 386, two-story brick extension,
10x;i4.6, tin roof; cost, abt $1,800; F. Vettel, on
premises; ar't, C. Stegmayer.
840-PeU st. No. 10, one-story brick extension,
2.5x31, tin roof; cost, $1,000; C. A. Plath, 109
Madison st; ar'ts, J. Boekell Sc Son.
841—Locust av, cor Walker st. West Farms,
one-story frame extension; cost, $4,000; Mayor,
Aldermen and Commonwealth, City HaU, Kew
\ork; ai-t G. W. Debevoise.
842—.'ith st, No. 325 E,, internal alterations to
school-house; cosfc, $1,,500; ow'r and ar't, same as
843—Boston Post road, Kingsbridge, raise ex¬
tension one-story, build boiler-house, &c.; eost,
$5,000; ow'r and ar't, same as last.
844—42d st, No. 17 E., n w cor Madison av, in¬
terual altei-ations, stairs, etc.; cost, $7,000; J.
Stickney, 40 Wesfc 57th st; ar'ts, Hubert, Pii-sson
84.5—33d st, n e cor Ofcb av, internal alterations;
cost, $20,000; trustees, Masonic HaU and Asylum,
on premises; lessees, Gaificld Safe Deposit Co., on
]jremises; ar'te, N. Le Bran & Sou.
846—Wall st, Kos. 14, 16 and 18, internal alter¬
ations; cost, $750-Madam D. Tallerrand, Paris,
France; agent, H. S. Ely, 19 East 55tb st; ar'ts,
F. & W. E. Bloodgood; b'rs, W. J. Sc G. C. Al¬
847_Broad st Nos. 96 and 98, internal altera¬
tions; cosfc, $7,000; J. S. Davidson, 246 West 45th
st; ar't, E. T. LitteU; m'ns, W. & T. Lamb; c'r,
B. Gallaghei-.
848—SSth st, 447 E., internal alterations; cost,
$250; M. Healy, on premises; m'n, M. Bowler;
c'r, W. Muirhead.
849—Irvmg pl, s w cor 15th sfc, four-story brick
extension, 26.6x33,10, tiu roof, internal altera¬
tions. &c,; cost,------; Mrs. H. A. Grain, 153 East
53d st; lessee, G. Amberg; ar't, T. G. Stem; m'ns,
J. Sc L. Weber; c'r, H. Schiffler.
850—6tb st. No. 533 E., new show window, &c.;
cost, $400; J. Grasenauer 609 East Oth st; ar't,
C. Sfcurtz Kober; b'r, C. SheU.
8.51_6th st, No. 530 E., new show windows;
cost, $375; ow'r, ar't and b'r, same as above.
862—Sdav, No. 1533, waUs altered; cost, $600;
S. Sternfels, on premises.
853—50th st, Ko. 74 W., internal alterations,
&c.; cost, $1,000; J. F. Eronowsky, ou premises;
ar't, J. Sexton.
854_24th st, 343 B., waUs altered; cost, $250;
C, CaUahan, 43 West 33d st; ar't, J. Sexton.
855—Union sq. No. 37, one-story irou and wood
extension, 8x5.6, tin roof; cost, $160; Ann D. Lee,
Berlin, Germany, by G. V. N. Baldwin, 7 West
19th St.
856—137th st, Ko. 206 and 308 W., walls altered;
cost, $100; W. Husted, 465 West 21st st; lessee
and b'r, F. F. Smith.
857—Vesey st, Nos. 38 and 40, internal alter-
tions; cosfc, $100; H. C. Stephens, att'y for owner,
Rahway, N. J.
S58—East Broadway, No. 143, internal alter¬
ations: cost, $800; S. Alter, 340 Clinton st; ar'ts,
Schneider Sc Hei-ter.
859—10th av, w s,75 n 183d st, one-story frame
extension, 18x13; cost, $175; J. Bro«m, 146th sfc
and llth av; ai-'t, J. Kraft; b'r, A. CampbeU.
860^48th st, Ko. 440 W. walls altered; cost,
$150- J. H. Wessel, 43S West 4Sth st; ar't, J.
Wolf; b'rs, Bradley Sc LiUey.
801—4Sth st, No. 438 W., two-story brick exteu-
tion, 36x18, tm roof; cost, $450; ow'r, ar't aud
b'rs, same as above.
862—167th st, s s, 100 e 10th av, three buUdings
raised one stoiy; cost, $3,000. J. E. Cronly, 147
West Slst St.
863—59fch st. No. 158 and 160 E., internal alter¬
ations; cost, $300; E. C. Schaefer, 629 Madison
av; ar't, J. Kastner.
864—9th av, Ko. 366, walls altered; cost, $325;
J. A. Muth, on premises; ar'ts and b'rs, TerreU Sc
865-42dst, No. 107 W,, two-story brick exten¬
sion, 20x35, tra roof; cost, $1,7.50; W. Sptrb, 143
West 53d St; ar't, S. Love; b'l-s, A. Woodruff's
866—98th 3t, Nos. 304 -Bud 200 E,, waUs altered;
cost, $300; C. L. Lincoln, 521 6th av, Brooklyn;
b'r, J. O'Connell.
867—10th av, n e cor 187th st, internal altera¬
tions and walls altered; cost, $176; D. Fields,
Broadway; ar't, A. Spence; b'rs, Mentz & Mc¬
868-5th av, No. 98, two-story stone and brick
extension, 26x32, tinroof; cost, $13,000; W. Geb¬
hard, 11 Pine st; ar't, J. P. Hardenbergh.
869—58th st, Ko. 314 W,, three-story brick ex¬
tension, 13.4x28, .tin roof; cost, $5,000; E. C. G.
Von Pein, 939 lOtS av; ar't, J. W. Cole; b'r, J.
870—Washington st. No. 799, cor Horatio st,
walls altered; cost. $600; Mary McCrystal, Pater¬
son, N. J.; agent, J, McCrystal; ar't, L. F.
Heinecke; b'r, J. Brennan.
871—79th sfc. No. 155 E,, intei-nal alfcerafcions,
&c.; cost, $500; J. Oppenheimer, 155 Easfc 79th
st; ar't, J. G, Michel- b'r, P. H, Mela.
872—Liberty st. No, 55, internal alterations;
cost, $250; Bryant BuUdmg Co., by H. Godwin,
814 Madison av; art, J. Woff.
873—fith av, Ko. 938, new show windows; cost,
$1,300; J. AppeU, 337 West 23d st; ar'te, C. A.
French Se Co.
874—Broad st, Kos. 76 and 78, interaal altera¬
tions; cost, $200; the ow'rs by J, McL. Nash, 11
West 19fch st; ar't, J. A. P. Fish; b'rs, W. & T.
Lamb, Jr.
875—SOth st, n e cor Av B, waUs altered; cost,
$100; P. Sheehy, 146 East S7th st; ar't, J. Sheri¬
dan; m'ns. Cook & Higgins.
876—125th st. No. 59 E., one-story brick exten¬
sion, 15.6x21, tin roof; cost, $l,.5O0; H, Moss, 305
East 62d st; ar't, J. 0. Bm-ne; b'rs, Messrs. Lord.
877—144th st, Ko. 463 E., walls altered; cost,
$500; F. Ki-anz, 1363 Fulton av; ai-'t, M. J. Gar¬
vin; c'r, J. J. Anderson.
878—3d av, Ko. 498, three-story brick exten¬
sion, 30.8x11; cost, $3,000; J. J. Astor, 338 Sth
av; ar't and b'r, J. Downey,
879—Popham st, n s, 300 w Fleetwood av, one-
and-a-haU-sfcory fi'ame extension, 17x10, shingle
roof; cost, $200; J. A. WooLC, on premises; ar't
and b'r, C. H. Steck.
880-3d av, Ko. i486, partitions rearranged;
cost, $10; F. Michler, 446 West 13tii st; c'r, G.
881-.59tb st. No. 71 E,, one-story brick exten¬
sion, 18x35, tin roof; cost, $3,000; H. F. Strong,
35 East 76th st; ai-'fcs. A. B. Ogden & Son.
883—Oth st. No. 23!', internal alterations; cost,
$600 ■ F. Eoch, on premises; ai-'te, Reutz & Lange;
b'r, C. Doerfiei-.
883—83d st, Nos. 316 and 318 E., tank on roof;
cost, $50; J. Werner, onpremises.
884—22d st, Ko. 60 W., two-story brick exten¬
sion, 30x38.9, tin roof, also intei-nal alterations,
&c.; cost, $5,000; estate S. R. Jacobs, by Jane
Jacobs, guard., 30 West SSth st; ar'ts, Thom Sc
885—Chi-istopher st, Nos. 168-174, nms through
to Barrow st, waUs altered; cost, $450; The
Christopher Se Tenth Street R, R Co, by G, W.
Lynch, ou premises; ar't, Harkness Fire Extin¬
guisher Co.
886—Cenfcre st, s s, 125 w Walker sfc (24th Ward),
Wesfc Farms, one-sfcory frame extension, 30x12.4,
tinroof; cost, $300; Emma L. Brown, 1244 Centre
st; ar't, C. S. Clark.
887-Av A, e s, 47 s SOfch st, waUs altered, inter- J
ior alterations; cost, $1,000; G. P. Lies, 106 East
78th st; ar'ts, Bachman & Deisler.
888—Essex st, Ko. 50, internal alterations and
walls altered; cost, $700; J. S. Baun, 244 East
110th st; W. Gross, 316 East 83d .st; ar'te, Herter
889—^1 Ifch av^o. 161, new sashes, doors, &c.;
cost, $300; H. Heins, 300 East 86th st; c'r, G. W.
890—Decatur av, w s, 75 n Brookline st, buUd¬
ing to be moved from present position; cost,------;
Salome Purroy, Pordham; ar'te, jircfcancier &
891—VanderbUt av and 44th st, main waiting-
room, ticket office, 19x4,6, glazed roof; cost,$7ny;
N. Y. C. Se H. R. R., by JT M. Toucey; art, W.
892—Henry sfc, Ko. 317, raised fcwo-stoi-y and
four-story brick extension, 23.6x37, fcin roof; cost,
$9,000; L. Goodman, on promises; ai-'fc, F. Ebe¬
893—Fulton st, Ko. 35, alterations to show win¬
dows; cost, $600; Estate T. Loffern J. A Hamil¬
ton, 33 Bast 39th st, exr.; ai-'ts, Hanlon Sc Hay¬
894—3d av, Ko. 477, one-story brick exteu¬
sion, 18.6x36, tin roof, also infcei-nal alterations:
cost, $2,000; Ann Brown, 53 James st; art, F.
895—Pearl st, Ko. 163, intoi-nal alterations;
cosfc, $3,000; W. CruUcshank, 173 West 126fch st;
b'r, E, Smith.
896—33d st. No, 28 W., two-story brick exten¬
sion, 13x33, tin roof; cost, $4 000; Elizabeth M.
Crosby, 7 Wesfc 32d st; art, J. E. Terhime; b'r,
S. McMUlen.
Plan 383—17fch st, s s, 335 e Sth av, substitute flat
roof: cosfc, $700; Mi-, PoUen, onpremises.
384—South nth -st, n w cor Berry st, add one
story; cost, $9000; Jno. McLoughlin, 66 South
llth st; art, W. H. Gaylor; m'n, Jas. RodweU.
385—Kent ay, foot of Rodney st, add oue story;
cost, $3,000; Fredarick Seholes; ar'fc, W. H.
386—Flushing av. No. 454, fchree-story fi-ame
extension, 4x26, grarvel roof; cost, $300; John
Gotze, 427 Bedford ay.