â– flT, TManHattau]
September 23, 1899.
To the Editor of the Record and Guide:
.What is the commission a broker is entitled to who rents a pri¬
vate dwelling for two years and eleven months?
Answer.—Two and a half per cent, on firsl year's rental,—
Editor Record and Guide.
James J. Corbett, the pugilist, has sold to Louis and John
Brandt his property on Jerome av. near Fordham road, Eor a
nominal considération, subject to a mortgage of .^12,UU0. The
Messrs. Brandt hâve resold the sarae to Eliphalet C. Smith, who
will erecl four -l-story brick dwellings. the price being also re¬
eorded as nominal. The latter. siraultaneously. filed two mort-
sages, aggregating .'j;.^tj,.jOO, on same, $43,000 of which is a build¬
ing loan mortgage. ____ _^
It is rumored that a flat is to be built on the east side of Stuy¬
vesant av, about 80 south Lafayette av, Brooklyn.
Also that a Mr. Breitkopf is to add a large extension to his hall
on the corner of Pennsylvania and Jamaica avs, Brooklyn.
On Tuesday there were filed wîth the Building Department
eight plans calling for ten building to cost $372,000, and to be
erected in the Borough of Manhattan, while four plans, embrac¬
ing fifteen buildings, ^vere filed for the Borough of Bronx, to
cost ?140,000.
In conséquence of the Dewey Hohdays. Friday anâ Saturclay next
week, and lhe closing of tbe city offices, the Record and Guide will be
issued on Thursday morning.
Peal Estate Market.
The following are the comparative tahles of Manhattan and the
Bronx Of the Conveyances, Mortgages and Projected Buildings
for the corresponding weeks of 1S99 and 1S9S:
ISna. 1H99.
Sept. I.J to 21, iuc. Sept. 13 ta 21, inp, -
Total N'n. for .Mvinhattan 170 Total Xo, for Bronx____ .s:î
Amoiiiu invoived ........ïl,221,!«)l Amount involved....... .«;200,]I(>
Number nominal ....... 107 Number nominal ....... ;3S
laOQ. 1S98.
Sept, 17, to '21. inc. Sept. 16 lo 22, inc.
Total No, for ManbEttan and Bronx,. . '2Ô^i 201
Amount InTolved.................... .?!,428,1111 Çl.OÔii.eiîl
Number uornioal .................... 145 00
Total No, Conveyances, Jan, 1 lo date, 11,7711 10:460
Total Amt. Conveyances.Jan. 1 to date ,'ïl17.:'.2li,4:;4 ^74,600,920
,—Manhattan & Bronx,-,
i.snn, ifti\n. ims.
,-----Sept, ^r, to 21.inp,-----, Sept,l.") to21, Sept,lUto22
.Manhallan, Brons. inc, Inc,
Total number for......... lui o;; 284 '>;-ll>
Amount involved.......... .'^â– .4,i;-l,S.47:; S4*.'i.!i24 .'!ô,i:î4 mi Sr.2 S05 S44
KuDiber over 7,%......... 7^ 4'> ' H7 y>'i
Amount iovolved.......... ;;^,I2.^,^i:^.â– i -'{;.'ÎÛ8,Si)f! Ii;i,434,o20 Sl,176,arw
Number at C%............ na 49 102 7X
Amount îQvolved.......... S0.-ie,O!)O S;i70,02S -ïl,126.118 .îS&7.4.'5ii
Number at less iban o%.,. ^3 2 tjri ;4j
Amount involved ... ----- .¥2,ôt;6,7ôO .'i;7.0o5 :i;2.5T3,T5Ù S;S02,obil
No, above to Banks, Trust ^
and Insurance Co,'e. ... 52 S 60 .Si!
Amount iuvtilved.......... $2,717..ïOI) -^;41,.^.40 $2.7.^0,040 S8.Sfi.7liO
Total No. Morteages, Jan. 1 to date. .. 14,080 11,77::
Total Amt. Mortgages, Jan. 1 lo date.. $33!),S05,403 .îl"7,022,(;01
1S!>9. ISOS,
Sept, Ij to 21, inc. Sept, 16 to 22, inc.
Total No, New 1 ulldlnga:
Manbattan............ 27
Brons................. \jTi
Grand lotal......... ---------------- 122 76
Total amouut for
Manhattan............ Ç.SGl.lOO
Bronx................. ,STll,47."i
Grand total......... —---------. .'j;i,D72,S73 Sl.195,070
Total amount of altération
Manhattan............ $37,285
Bronx................. .I;fi,:i50
Grand total.........---------------- $43,635 »......^
Total No. New buildings, Manhallan
anâ Bron.-î, Jan. 1 to date......... 3,433 •> 450
Total Amt. New Bulldinea. Manhallan
and Bronx. Jan. 1 to date......... ,ÏS!l,i;!)2,317 $50.373,705
Total Amt. Altérations, Jan. 1 to date, $5,43g,4o2 $5,767,30ô
The volume of brokerage business â– \vas twice as large this -week
as last, Indeed, the budget is somewhat longer than might bave
been expected. The activity, however, was chiefly of a profes-
'slonal nature, although some dwellings and fiats -were perma¬
nently disposed of, The feature of the market was the spécula¬
tive demand for vacant lots in Bronx and in the Italian tenement
district on the upper East Side, and for sites intended for im¬
provement with elevator-flats and good private houses. The total
number of transactions reported is 40, ivith considérations given
in 0, amounting to 5^218.000, The figures for the corresponding
â– week last year were 48, 18 and îfluGO.SOO. respectively; lasl week
there were 2T transactions, with considération given in none.
243 West Broadway, for the estate of Wm, Tucker, deceased.
This is a valuabie 0-story building în good order, containing ele¬
vator and steam heat and po-n-er. The lot is ST.SxlOO. He wili
, also on the same day sell the corner double teneraent and stores
No. li!75 lst av. Xhis properly is said to be well rented. The sale
is formally announced in our business pages, and maps, etc.,
can be had of the auctioneer at No. 00 Liberty st.
Attention is called to the announcement appearing in our busi¬
ness pages, and relating to the factory corner 12th av and 30th
at. which is offered to tenants, This is a désirable building for
factory purposes; it contains five lofts, has light on four sides,
contains an SO-horse-power engine and steam heat. Inquiries
should be directed to John Jordan & Son, No, 440 West 2Sth st.
Gossip of the Week.
Bryan L, Kennelly begins bis fall season iii voluntary auction.''
hy offering on Monday nest the important parcel Nos. 241 and
Bleecker st. Nos. is23 and 325, near Christopher st, old build¬
ings, 39,Sx74; sellers, Joséphine L. Peyton estate and David J.
Newland; buyers, Adelson & Slone; broker, L. M. Jewell.
12th st. Nos. 313 to 321 East, old buildings, on plot 100x103.3;
sellers, Muby estate and Joseph Drumstatter; buyers. Weil &
ITth st. No, 327 West, old building, 2ôx02; buyer, Joseph L.
49th st. north sîde, 189 feet east of Madison av, o-sty American
baseraent dwelling. 20x00x100; seller, Charies Buek; buyer,
George M, Sidenherg; price, about $35,000.
llth av. No. 710, near -ôlst st, old building, SOxGO; buyer. Mary
T, Cusick; broker, William Rooney.
22d st. No. 108 West, old buiiding, IG.SxlOO; seller, a Mrs. Ver-
dier, of Paris. France; buyers, Adams & Co, ; brokers. Ogden &
Clarkson; priée, $20.000. Tbe buyers recently bought No. 110,
adjoining, at $30,000,
25th st, No, 314 East. old buildings, 2Ôx0S.9; sellers, Charles P.
and John T, Murpby; buyers. Lowenfeld Se Prager,
Madison av, southwest corner of lOlst st, JTi-sty flat, 25x100;
seller, F. A, Vivanti; buyer, Mount Sinai Hospital; broker, S. H.
Greenbaum. The buyers now own the enlire square block
bounded by lOOth and lOlst st. Sth and Madison avs. They took
title last week to three flats adjoining the one on the corner, the
balance of the block they bought last year.
Sth av. No. Sjj4, betw-een ôlst and ô2d sts, .5-sty double flat, 25x
SO; seller, estate of John Schramm; broker. Delancey T. Smith.
5(îth st. Nos. 30 and 32 West, two 4-sty dwellings. 16x100.5, and
25x110, respectively; sellers, James Lenox Banks and Mrs. Shep¬
pard Knapp; buyer. Henry Seligman; brokers, Henry D. Winans
& May. The buyer wili tear down tbe présent buildings and erect
a new dwelling.
â– 57th st. No. 30 East, 4-story dwelling, 10x100,5; salier. David
27th st. No 320 East, 3-sty and basemenl ûwelling; sellers.
Bowlinda Jones and Kate E. Bayldon; buyer, Charles H. Duffy;
broker, Ward Belknap.
45th st. Nos, 05 and 07 West, two 3-sty dw-ellings, on lot 37.6x
IUO; seller of No. 07. Mrs, Sarah J, Merrîtt; buyer, W. Rafel;
brokers, W. B, Taylor & Sons and tbe firm of L. J, Carpenter.
The houses are leased until May, 1900, and it îs reported that
the buyer întends. when the leases expire, to erect an apartment
holel simiiar to the Schuyler, located at Nos, 50 and 01, on the
same block.
Cherry st. Nos, 123 and 125, 33xG0, two antiquated 3-sty dwell¬
ings; buyers, Mandelbaum & Lewine; brokers, E. A. Cruikshank
& Co.
1.59th st. No. 53S West, 5-sty flat, 25x100; sellers, Ernst-Marx-
Nathan Co. ; buyer, Alexander Davidson; brokers, Wallers Bros.
,173d st, No, 513 West, 3-sty and basement dwelling, 18x50x100;
. sellers, Ernst-Marx-Nathan Co.; buyer, Mrs, Anna V. S. Raynor;
broker, David Stewart.
102d st. No. 253 West. 4-sty American basement dwelling, ISx
SOxlOO; seller. Jaraes Livingston; brokers. Frank L. Fisher Co.
lOSth st. No. 322 West, ô-sty American basement dwelling, 25x
102.2; seller, James A. Farley; price, .'i!48,C00,
Madîson av, No. 1714, near 113th st, 3-sty dwelling, 16,0x70;
sellers, Lowenfeld & Prager; buyer, Max, Litowich; price, $9,800.
lOOth st, north side; lOlst st, south side. 100 feet east of 2d av.
plot of 27 lots, 18 belng on lOOth st and 9 on lOlst st; seller, Ebling
estate; brokers. Leitner & Marks.
Madison av. No. 645, between ôOth and GOth sts, old building,
25x90; sellers, CoUins Si Collins; buyer. A. I. Sire; brokers, B. C,
*dt F. T. Barry. The sellers bought this property at auction in
Aprii, 1890. for !?50,750. It has been idle since then. It is re¬
ported that the buyer will erect an S-story building on tb? lot.
124th st. No, 142 West, dwelling, 25x100; sellers, Adelson &
Slone; buyer, Albert M, Obayon.
Lexington av. No. 1838. near 114th st. 4-sty single flat, 20x
100; seller, Christopher Kelly; buyer, W. H. Saul; brokers, J. P.
Se E. J. Murray.
3d av. No, 1702. near OSth st, 5-sty flat; seller, The Trustées
of tbe Scotch Presbyterian Church; buyer, a Mr. Golden; broker.
Alexander Wilson,
lOOth st. No, 305 West, 5-sty American basement dwelling. 20x
GOxlOO; seller, Joseph A. Farley; price, about .f47,00(J.