The Reai. Estate Record.
l'i\iiigt<ui st (Xf>. 277i, s s, IIWI. 1 w C^annon st,
lNx">'>.xl.>x.">fi.:i. three-slory frame (brick front)
dwelFg. Henrv Fieseler to Caroline wife of
.Aiitoii Fieseler. (.Mort. §.'!,000.) June '23,
Riviiigtttu st iNo. ."JJ.""), ss, (iS o Mangin st, 22x
7.*i. four-sUuv brick tenem't. (Partition.)
(nlbert H. Crawfrird to Nathan Clark. (Mort
S2.«C('.) N.iv. i:;..........................L.500
Spring st, s s. ,50,(i w Mulberry st, '2.5.3x104.fi.v
•2."ixll(l.:!. Jdlin J, Morr.iw to Michael J.
guigley. Nov. IX.......................13,.50O
"VVaslungton st (No. IS2), w s. 111 n Dey st, 10.5
x:'i(>.''.xb'>.">.x37.'.(. Tiinothy and Agnes Sulli¬
van to Tiiiiuthv E. Learv. Nov. 5.......nom
1st >t (Xo. (;',i3.j), s.s, 7.S.I \v 1st av, iaio.\;-;8.fix
•_'t..4x;>5,10, four-story brick store and tenem't-
Micliael Gies to Nicolaus Gies. {}4 part.)
(.Mort. ^4.-2.)(!.i Nov. 11............T......300
fith st (No. •2-2'2\, s s, 280 w 2d av, 2.5.x97, three¬
story brit-k dwell'g, and two-.story brick
stable in rear. (Foreclos.) John W. Searing
to Patrick, Margaret ami Pierce Itlaloney.
Uct. -28..................................8,700
lltb st (No. 40S E.I, s s, 144 e 1st av, 2.5x94.8,
iivp-storv brick store and teuem't. Bernhard
l-'.vbel t<j Barbara Aulbach. (.Mort. $10,000.)
Del. -25.................................13,905
lltb st, s w s, 175 11 w :m1 av, 25x95. Robert li.
snn-ves:nit agt Eliza Matthews. Decree in
favor of plaiiiiifi'.
15th st (N<i. 42 \V,), s s, 575 w 5th av, 25x103.3.
Andres Dold to Justus Oesterlein. (Mort.
§l(i.yiJ(i.) Nov. 14........................nom
IGth st iNo. •2i<0 Ea, s s, 100.2 e .'id av, 19.9x
](>:>.:>. four-slory brick dwell'g. Abbie W.
wife of Jacob Ru.ssell to Friedrich Seibel.
Nov. I'.t.................................10,000
17th st (No. 410), s s, 12L7 w Oth av, 2.5x9-2,
threestory frame store and dwell'g, and two-.
sKirv frame dweU'g in rear. Michael Gies to
Jact'ib Steiper, Brooklyn. (Mort. $4,300.)
Nov. 11....................................200
•24th st (No. 1'25), n s, 300 e 4th av, *25x9S.9,
three storv brick dwell'g. (Foreclos.) Sid¬
ney J. Cowen to Sam'l B. Ladd, Nov.l2,11,C03
24th st. No, 2;'. West, Isaac Phillips and ano,
(exrs,. &c, J. Horspool, dec'd.) to Harriet J.
H. Aiuler.son, Newburg. Nov. 18.........nom
'2.5th st (No. 17), II s, '200 w Gth av, 2.5x98.9, two¬
story brick building. Phillip Phoenix et al.
(exrs. Marv \Y. Phujiiix) to Marv C. w-jfe of
George H. Warren, Trov, N. Y. Oct, 21, 10,-2.50
•26th st (No. 141), n s, 4-.'5 w Gth av, lG.8x9S.9,
four-story brick dwell'g. (Foreclos.) Mau¬
rice Dillon to Ptobert P. Carpenter (admr.
K. A. Heelas (dec'd,) Nov, lo............(),'200
32ti st (No. 19), n s. 300 w .5th av, '25x98.9, four¬
story stone front dweU'g. George L. Jewett
and ant>. (exrs. Clement Jewett (dec'd.) to
GusU-iv Stellway. Oct. 11...............30,000
a5lh st (No. 318), s s, 1.50 w 8th av, 1-2.0x98,9,
threestory brick dwell'g. Beldie ami Abra¬
ham Kramer to Juliet G. wife of Robert
Morrison. Nov. 17....................5,.500
SGth st, s.s, 2Su e 7tli av. (Agreement as to use
of .stable.) David Moore with JohnE, Sid-
man ......................................nom
SSthst (No.-249). ns. 308.7 e Sth av, 17.1x98.9,
fourstory brick dwell'g. Austin Abbott to
Charles Scliarbach. (Morts. §4,7.50.) Oc¬
tober'23................... ...........8,.500
:}9th st, n s, 400 e Sth av, abt 100x100.2, indeft.
strip olfeast side. Ann Norton (widow), Far
liiK'kaway, L. L, to Isaac Hochster. (Q, C)
Nov. 15....................................;^00
41st st (No. 4), ss,9.S.4 eoih av, •20.10x98.9, four¬
storj' sitme front dwell'g. Martha L. wife
of Waller Iv. Marvin to Daniel C. Corbin.
(Contract.) Nov. 15.....................30,000
44th st, II s, KM) w 8th av, 25x100.4. John J.
and John G. Partlin to Benjamin Richard-
sou. (Q. C.) Nov, 1.5.....................nom
4Gihst (No. .54.5), n s, 1.50 e Ilth av, '25x100.4,
four story brick tenein't and two-story brick
dweU'g in rear. August Ivan to Malvina
wife of John S. Sharpe. (Morts. §9,9.50.)
Nov. 17..................................10,,500
46th st (No. -243), n s, 150 e Sth av, '2.5x100.5, five-
.story stone front dwell'g. Samuel Mc¬
Millan to Charles Gahren. (Mort. .§13,01)0.)
Nov. 14..................................24,000
47th st (No. 343), n s, '2.50 e Oth av, 25x100.5.
four-st«ry stone front tenem't and three¬
story frame shoi) in rear. Charlotte A. wife
of Jobn 11. Morris to Edmund P. Livingston,
Oak Hill, N. Y. (.MorLs. §13,000)........1.5,000
49th st, s s, I4'i w 4th av, •2OxlO0..5. Maria H.
Guion, William H., Jr., and Alpbeus R.
Guion (heii-s E. M. Guitwi) to Hannah I.
Guion (widow). (Q. C.) Nov. 17..........nom
.52d st (No. 1-20), s s, UTS vr Lexington av, I8x
100.5, four-story stone front dwell'g. (Fore¬
clos.) S. Nelson White to Stein way & Sons.
(Mort. §10,000.) Nov. 14)................2,500
.52<1 Kt, II s, 125 w 5tli av, 50xl0.'t.5, vacanL
Benjamin, Ichabod P.. Clemence L., Amelia
W. and John L, Stephens and Elizabeth S.
wife of William H. Cooke to "William K.
Vanderbilt. Nov. 11....................00.000
5Sd st, s s, 220.2 e Gth av, .5()xl00..5, new buiM'gs
projected. Clemence L. wife of Lewis C.
Ha-sell, Georgetown, S. C, and Margaret W.
Boardman (widow) to Edward Oppenheimer
and David Dinkelspiel. (Morts. -§14,000.)
Nov. 11............................... 3I,.500
.53dst, ss, 3-20 e Oth av, 0.2xl00..5. Benjamin
Stephens et al. to Clemence L. wife of Lewis
C. Hasell and Margaret W^. Boardman. (C,
a. G.) Nov. 11............................nom
5Sa st (No, 448), s s, 125 e 10th av, 25x100,5,
three-storj' frame dweU'g and two-story
frame dweU'g in rear. Catharina Weigelt
(widow) to Joseph H. Frecben. (Mort. §2,400.)
Nov, IS..................................5,'2.50
.54th st (No, 128), ss, 375 w Gth av. 2.5x100.5,
two-story brick stable. Phillips Phoenix et
al. (exr,s.* Mary W. Phoenix) to Mary C. wife
of George H. Warren, Troy, N. Y. Oc¬
tober 21..............................10,500
.55th st (No. 33), n s, 420 w .5th av, 15x100.5,
four-storj (stone front) dweU'g. EUen J.
wife of Francis Brandt to George G. Perkins.
(Mort. .§l4,0tH).) Nov. 14.................15,.500
.5Gth st (No. 453). n s, 80.6 e 10th av, runs oast
I'.t.G X nortii SC.5 x west 20 x south '2(1 x east
0.6 X south 1)0.5 to beginning, four-storj' brick
dwell'g. (Foreclos.) Henrj' W. Kennedj' to
The Citizens'Ins. Co. Oct. '29..........7,(i00
.57th st (No. 7.5), ns, 116 w 4th av, 19xl0(l..5,
four story (stone front) dweU'g. WiUiam F.
Croft to Jo.seph Moviiis, Nov. 15........:i7,.500
.57th st (No. 77), n s, 100 4th av, 16x100.5, four¬
storj' (stone front) dweU'g. W^illiam F. Croft
to Louis Lutz. Nov. 15................ .:^5,500
.5Sth St. s s, 106.5 e 1st av, 75x100.4, Jacob
Prtj'ing to William Baird. (C. a. G.) (Con¬
firmation deed.) Nov. 13..................nom
SSth st, s s, 100 e '2d av, 150x100.5. Charles
Devlin to John Livingston. (Q. C.) No¬
vember 18 '..............................nom
.5Sth st (No. 300), s s, 119 e 2d av, 109.2x100.5,
four-storj' stone front build'g, John Living¬
ston to George E. Kitching. Nov. 18-----82,' 00
.5Sthst (No. 316), ss, 228.2e2d av, 21.10x100.5,
four-story stone front tenem't. John Liv
ingston to Jameson D. Kitching. Nov. 18. lf),400
.59th st, s s, 125 w 5th av plaza and 325 w 5th av,
.50x100.5, onestory frame store and dweU'g.
Jacob Vanderpoel to John Anderson, Tarrj'¬
town. Oct. 1...........................50,000
59th st (Nos. 336 to 340), s s, 375 e Oth av, .50x
100..5, three three-storj' frame dwell'gs.
Richard H. Treacy to Jacob B. Van Houten,
Hallock's MUls, N. Y, (Mort. .§20,000.) No¬
vember 13................................45,000
GOth st, n s, 45 e Lexington av, 20x100,5, Alex¬
ander Henry to Fanny vvife of William Cohen.
(All liens.) 'Oct. 2J........................nom
Olst st (No. 15), n s, 120 w Madison av, 2.5x100.5,
four-storj' (stone front) dweU'g. Abraham
Dowdney to James R. Breen and Williain P.
Parsons. (Mort. §6,000, &c., &c.) Novem¬
ber 15 ...................................IS,.500
6Ist st (No. 43), n s, 85 e Madison av- 1.5xl00.:5,
fourstory (stone front) dweU'g. William J.
Hutchinson to Thomas Murphj'. Nov. 1.. 17,500
6:M sc (No. 44), ss, 114.7 w 4th av, 14.-2xl(ki..5,
four-storj'^ stone front dwell'g. Thomas Kil¬
patrick to Eunice A. wife of Francis A.
VVhite. (Mort. §6,000.) Nov. 17.........14.000
(Hth st, n s, (Party wall agreement,) William
F. Croft with George L. Kingsland et al.
(exrs., &c.)............................... nom
C7th st, s s, 1.50 e 10th av, 50.vl00.5, one-story
frame chapel. Mary J. Genin to Thomas H.
Genin. Nov. 18.........................13.000
G7th st (No. 41), n s, 100 vr 4th av, 20x100.5,
four-story (stone front) dweU'g. Anderson
Fowler to Caroline H. Jewett. (Mort. § 1,5,000.)
May 31..................................24,000
69th st, n s, 1.55 w Madison av, 30x100,5, vacant.
Mary E. wife of Alexander T. Compton to
William S. Brown, White Plains, N. Y.
(Morts. §16,000.) Nov. 10...............30,(.00
Tlst st (No. 136), ss, 15 w Lexington av. 1.5x80.5,
four-story stone front dwell'g, also }4 of
alley on rear. (Foreclos.) Robert P. flope
to Franklin Hallock. (Mort. §7,000 and inter¬
est Jan. 1, 1879.) Nov, 19................2.000
7-2d st, s s, 200 w '2d av, 50x102.2, new build'gs
projected. W. G. Langdon and ano. (exrs.
Rebecca Jones, dec'd) to Bridget M. wife of
Terence Farlej-. Nov. 12................. 6,500
72d st, s s, 200 w .3d av, .50x102.2. vacant.
Sarah T. Oliver (widow) and the heii-s of Al¬
exander Oliver to Isaac Metzger. (.5-6 part.)
Nov. 17................................10,000
Same property. Frances Anne Oliver to same.
(I-6part.) (Q. C.) Nov. 18................507
Same propertj'. John IL Riker (guard.) to
same. (Infant's share.) Nov. 18..........2,0(MI
72 I st, s s, '2011 w 3d av, .50x102.2. vacant. Wil
Iinm H. Oliver, Thompsonville, N. Y., to
Sstrah T. Oliver. (1-6 part.) May 21.......3(M)
74th st (No. 494), s .s, 100 w Av A, 2.5x102.2, five-
storj' brick store and tenein't, (Foreclos.)
Jnmes T. Van Rensselar to The Bank [qr Sav¬
ings. Citv New York. Nov. 13.........10,200'
74th st (No. 480), s s, '275 w Av A, '25x1(12.2,
fivestorj' brick tenem't. (Foreclo.s.) Rufus
G. Beardslee to The Mutual Life lns. Co.,
NewYork, Nov. 14....................10,(K)0'
74th st, n s, 150 w 3d av, 100x102,2, new build'gs
projectetj. Marj' Freeborn (individ, and with
ano., exrs. W.A.Freeborn) to Anthonv Mc¬
Quade. (Re-recorded.) July 8........1.14,000'
74tb st, s s, 225 w Sth av. (llelea-se mort.)
Henry Oothout .ind Louis P. Seibert (guards.)
to Hilah L. wife of John Mulford. Julj' 2.
...............................consid, omitted
7.5th st (No. '233,, n s, 205 w 2d av, 25x102.2, four¬
story brick tenem't. William P. O'Connor
(indivitl. and as exr. Sarah M. Donaldson,
dec'd) to Jacob I. Rosenstein. Nov. 17___3,01.'>
75th st (Nos. 2a5 to 239), n s, 125 w 2tl av, SOx
10-2.2, three four-storj' stone front tenem'ts.
Jacob I. Rosenstein to Morris Keller, (Mort.s.
.§24,000.) Nov, 12.........................54,000
7Gth st, n s, 1'25 o 1st av, 19xlO'2.2. Hugo A'^an
Brandenstein to Charles Beutel. ^Correction
deed.) Nov. 13.........................nom
76th st, s s, 100 e 2d av. (Release mort.) Adam
Sander to Jane and Hannah Colgate and
Elizabeth Maghee. Nov. 15...............1 ,(J0()
Same propertj'. (Release mort.) Charles A.
Buddensick to same. â– Nov. 15............1,000
70th st (Nos. 345 and 347), n s, 275 e 2d av, 50x
102.2, two tour-storj' stone front tenem'ts.
Jacob I. Rosenstein to Heinrich Walther.
(MorL §14,000.) Nov. 12.................3),000
Same propertj'. Heinrich Walther to Marvelle
W, Coouer. (Morts. §14,000.) Nov. 15...2.5,000
7Gth st, s s, 100 e '2d av, '200x102.2, new build'gs
projected, Jacob I. Rosenstein to Morris
Keller. (Morts. §50,(00.) Nov. 15......l-20,000
SOth st, n s, '227.10 w Av A, 17.2xl02.'2. Edward
Kilpatrick to Edward W. Kilpatrick. Oc¬
tober 2....................................nom
Slst st, ss, 100—*2d av, 210 front, fourteen!
three-vtorj' brown stone houses. (Morts.
113th st, n s, .52 e 4th av, 112x—, seven three¬
story brick dwell'gs. (Mort. §3l,.500)......
lllth .st, n w cor4th av, 1.55x—ten three-.storj'
brown stone houses and one two ssory brick
stable. (Mort. §51,000)....................
Madison av, n e cor lltb st, 61x70. (Mort.
William Libbej' to Joseph Murray. (Agree¬
ment to exchange for farm 300 acres and
homestead, stock, and farm tools at Ridge¬
wood, N. J., on both sides Erie R. R. Nov. 5
S2d -st, s s, 1.50 w 1st av, 100x102.2, new build'gs
projected. Samuel Boj'^d to Thomas Smith.
(Taxes, 1879.) Nov. 19...................12,000
S2d -st, 11 s, '203.4 w 2d av, 76.3xl02.'2, new build¬
ings projected. Otto W. Loefiler to Francis
W. Williams and Alexander G. Black. No¬
vember 19...............................51,000
85th st (No. 443), n s, 94 w Av A, 25xl02.'2, four¬
storj' (stone front) tenein't. Otto W. Loefiler
to Francis W. Williams and Alexander G.
Black. (Mort. §9,000,) Nov. 19..........17,000
SSth st, n .s, 94 w Av A. (Release mort.) Wil¬
liam Hall & Sons tj Otto W. Loelller.
Nov. IS....................................nom
Same property. Release mort. Justus W.
Buttelmann to same. Nov. 19.............nom
SGth st, n s, 96 e 1st av, 85.v90.8, vacant. Leila
B. Scrymser to Otto W. Loelller. Novem¬
ber 15.. ...............................14,.50O
SSth st, s .s, 1.57 w Av A, 25x100.8, t"liree-story
brick dwell'g. Emma J, wife of John S.
Johnston, Astoria, L. L, to Labert Suydam.
(Mort. §5,000.) Nov. 14................"......500
89th st, n s, GOO w Sth av, .50x100.8. Jupiter Z.
K. M. Hesser to Thomas Adams. Nov. 10...5,400
Same property. (Release of dower.) Lisette
Hesser to same............................nom
ooth st, s s, 175 e Sth av, 75x100, vacant. (Fore¬
clos.) Theodore P. Gates to Mary F. Hop¬
kins, San Francisco, Cal. Nov. 17.......21,000
IOOth st, srf, 400 w Sth av, 125x100.11, vacant.
Joseph Reckendorfer to David H. McAlpin.
(Mort. §7,.500.) Nov. 18.................16,000
103d st, ns, 185 e 3d av, 7.5x100.11, new build¬
ings projected. JohnH. Deane and Ward B.
Chamberlin to Julius Spaeth. (Mort. §371.)
Nov. 13.................................7,.500
lllth st (No. 118). s s, 155 e 4th av, 16.8x100.10,
two-story frame dwell'g. Franklin D.
Thompson to Daniel S. Field, Nov. 19... .4,000