The Real Estate Record.
May 10, 1884
Prencb, widow, individ,, and, witb other, as
exrs., &c., Richard French, to Julia L, Tall¬
madge and Laura B. Field. April 29. 43.000
Gramercy park, No. 39, e s, 19.8 a 3lst tt, I9.8x
hO, five-story brick (^tone front) dweU'g.
Emily I. wife of Tbomas L. Jamea to James
Campbell. Morts. Sll.OOO. Mar, 3, 26,000
Greene st, s w cor Houston at, 95x100;
Nos. 145 and 147 Greeue st, two three-
story brick atores and dwell'gs; Kos.
-l49 and 151 Greene st. two fourstory brick
(stone from) factory; N", 53 Houston st,
three-story brick store and dwell'g. Mayer
and Simon Sternberger to William Astor,
May 2. 170.000
Gay st, No. 19, e s, 167.S n Waverly pl, 19x65,
three-story brick dweU'g. James Eddy, Provi¬
dence, E, I., to Frances 0. Closey. MnyL 3,500
Hague st, cor Pearl st. Release all claims rela¬
tive to building, &c,, and general release.
William A, Carsey to Edward B. Cobb,
Tarrytown, N. Y. nom
Hester st, Ho. 183, n s, 83.5 w Mott st, mns west
17,6 X north 71.9 x east 0.4 x north 28 x east
17.1 xsouth 99.8, five-story brick store and
tenem't and four-story briek tenem't on rear.
James H. Redman and auo., exra, C, H. Red¬
man, to Henry Friedhoff, May 1. 13,000
Hester st. No. 187, n a, 50 e Mulberry sb, 25x
100, five-story brick store and tenom't and
four-story brick tenem't on rear, James H.
Redman and ano., exrs, C, H. Redman, to
John C. and Behrend W, Huser. May 1. 19,000
Same property, James H. and Wm, H. Red¬
man and Harriet L. Stilwell to John C. and
Behrend W. Huser, April 25, nom
Jackson st, n w cor Cherry st, 75x100, four
two-story frame stores and dwell'gs on Jack-
8on st and three two story frame atores end
dwell'gs on Cherry st, Valentin Roeszler to
Qeorge Linder. X part, Mort. $10,000,
April 30, 13.525
Liberty st. No. 65, n a, 20.7x95,8x20,9 x
96.11, four-story brick building. William
R, WiUiams fco The Real Estate Exchange
and Auction Room (Limited). May 1, 71,500
Laigbt st, ns, lot 1164 B Church Farm, 25sS3x
—x85.6. The Rector, See, Trinity Church to
Robert E. Dietz, Sub. to lease, and taxes and
assmts, from date of same. May 1, 13,500
Ludlow at, No, 87, w s, 113.6 n Broome st, 37x
87,6x%.9x87.7, tvpo story frame (brick front)
dwell'g. Johanna wife of Peter Noelke, Jer¬
sey City, to Charles Tisch. Mort. S15,0U0.
May 3. 3ii,500
Lawrence st, s s, S.'ixlOO, the easterly boundary
being a line which, continued south to 135lh
or Manhattan sts, would be abt 259 w 9th av,
original line, said lot adj on Ihe easterly side
land of J. Dempsey and on the westerly side
land formerly of A. Watt. Eliza T, wifeof
John J, Weldon to John O'Connor, April
30. 3,4.50
Mahattan st, n s, and Lawrence st, s s, 50x3UO,
bet 9th and IOth avs. bounded east by land
of grantor, David Moleuaor, Camptown, N.
J,, to Mercy L. wife of Joseph W, Clinch and
daughter of grantor. Re-recorded. Juno
28, 1641. gift
Manhattan St. s s, 174.6 V7 125th st, 78.10x81x
68.6x81.8, vacant. Joshua M. Biush, Brook¬
lyn, to Thomas S. Williams. April 1. 10,000
Monroe st, Nn. £99, n s, 1^95 w Jackson st, SOx
94.6x20x94,5, two-story brick store and
dweli'g and ooe-story frame stable on rear.
James F. McLaughlin, exr. Bridget Mc¬
Laughlin, to George W. Tubl.s. May 2. 4,400
Same pioperty, James F., Jobn T. and Ed¬
ward B. McLaughlin and Mary A. wife of
Richard Smith, children and heirs Bridget
McLougblin, dec'd, to same. April 30, nom
Monroest (Rutgers pl). No, 3, n b, 36.6 e Jef¬
ferson st, 26x13'!, four-story brick dwell'g.
Sarah A. wife of George H. Walker to
Rapha*-1 and Solomon L, Kuschewsfcv,
Morts. *7,600, May I. 12,500
Molt st. No. 30. e s, SU,9 a Pell at. 24s95x?4.2x
94,8, ihree-story brick dwell'g. Benjemen
Sire to Albert Eiess. Mort. $9,000. May
1. 13,750
Same property. Release morfc. The trusteea
ofthe Uorpira'iou of the United Brethren'a
Church to B;igemen Sire. May 3. 1.500
Mottst, No. 30, ys, S0.9 s Pell st, 24s95x34.3x
94.8. Albert Nieas to Jobn MoCloskev. Mort.
|9,O00. May 3, ' 13,750
Mottst. No. 41, w s, abt 17.T n Bayard st, i5x
93.6x".i5x94. four-story brick store and dwell¬
ing and twostory frame stable on rear.
George F. Farrell to John Howard. May
1. ]3,a40
Macdougal st, w s, 69 s Waverly pi, 8x8x— to
beginning. Release from covenant not to
build upon premises. Mary O. and Joseph
W. Alsop, Middletown, Conn., toJamesReu-
wick anj WUliam H. Russell. May 3. 1,3(10
Madison &t, u 3, 163 4 e Pike st, 25.4x100,
Clinton st, w s, .^0 n Madi..-on st, 35s95
Bast Broadway, s s, 47.4 w Clinton st, 24x37.6,
Emily A. Hurry, Williani C. Renwick,
Helen S. Schaff and Mary C. Strong, New
York, and Ellen J. wife of Philip R. Ren¬
wick, to William C. Renwick, iruslee for
Philip R, Renwick. Q.C. April 29. nom
Norfolk st. No. 73, w s, 135 s Deiancey pt, 3Fx
100, three story frame (hrick fronl) stcre aud
dwell'g and tbree-story brick dwell'g on rear,
Matilda wife of and Herman F, Wolf, Hen¬
ry, Caroline aud Bernardino Tietjen, Brook¬
lyn, to Harris and Samuel J. Silberman.
AprUSO. 11,000
Oliver st. No. 49, w a, 73.10 n Oak pt, 24,6xlUl
z24.7xlOu.ll, es delineated on map, but aa
per old deed it is Oliver st, w s. 25,3ilC0,f our-
story brick store and tenem't and fonr-story
brick tenem't on rear. Martin Mclnerny to
Henry Pasinsky. AprU SU. 13,4U0
Pine at. No. bX. bs, 125.6:eBroadway, 21.1x73.9
x21x74.5, five-atory brick ofSce building.
Partition. Edward F. Davenport to William
K. Aaton, May 5, 108,000
Pine sfc, Nos. 8 and 10, n a, 191 e Broadway,
runsnorth 73.10 i weat 47.2 x soulh 7 x eust
0.8 X south 66,7 to st, x east 46.2, flv6->tory
brick (stone front) office building, Thomas
and W, Storm, exra. and trustees S. Storai,
to Marcellus Hartley. April 30. 4UO.O0O
Same property. Tbomas Storm to same. Q.
C. April 30. nom
Sarae property. Gerardine wife of Edmund
Guilbert, formerly Gerardine Storm, and
Edith, Theodore M, and Walton Storm, heirs
J. G. Storm, tosame. Q.C. April SO, nom
Pine st, No,88,ns, 58.11 w Front st, 16.1fx'
22.11x16,11x22.10, four-story brick store
and dwell'g.
De Peyster st, No. 8, s s, 63.8 w Front st,
16.2x37x17x36.6, three-story brick store
and dweU'g:"
George H. Burgess, David M. Moore, both of
Plainfield, N. J., and Eugene W. Durkee,
Patchogue, L. I., to Eugene R. Durkee,
Brooklvn. All title. C. a. G, May_ 1. 10,801)
Pine st. Ho. 151. Permission to maintain win¬
dows, &c, John C. Brown to George P,
Wetmore, Newport, R. I. April 29, nom
Prince st, n w cor Mercer st, 100x99.6, Nos.
93-99 Prince at and No, 147 Mercer st, two
three and one four-story brick stores and
dwell'gs on Prince st and three-story brick
store and dwell'g on Mercer sD. Louis Stras¬
burger and Marx Otiinger, exrs, and trus¬
tees 8, Lightstone, to John J. Astor, Moy 1,
Ridge st. No. 117, w s, 175 n Stanton st, 25x
100, flve-story brick store and tenem't. Ber¬
tha wife of Marx, Solomon to George Muller,
Mort. $12,200. April 23. 23,000
Rivington st, No. 286, n a, 17,6 w Cannon st,
17.6 J 70, two-storv frame (brick front)
dwell'g. S<>pbia Moas et al,, exrs. 3, D. Moss,
to Morris k! Jesup, May 1, 0,500
Same pi operty. Release dower. Sophia Moas,
widow, to Morris K. Jesup. May 1. nom
Ru'gers st, No. 3, w s, 45.7 n East Broadway,
runs north 20.10 x norlhwest 28.5 xsouth
84.1 xeast 25 to beginning, five-story brick
store and tenem't. Moses Solomon to Jetta
Rosenberg. X part. May 6. Mort. X "^
tfi,00li, 6,6U0
Rutgers st, w s, abt 60.9 n East Broadway
runs north 5.8 to New Canal st, x northwest
28 X south to point opposite point of begin¬
ing, X east to beginning. Error, course
omitted. Edward A. Bedlow to Moaes Solo¬
mon. Sub. to lease. May 6, 4,150
Rutgers st, late No. 4, w s, 45,7 n Eaaf
Broadway, 15,3x35,
Also lease and renewals of Rutgers st, w s,
abt 6(1.9 n East Broadway, runs north 5.8 j-
to New Canal st, x northwest 28.5 x south
to point opposite point of beginning, x east
25 to beginning.
Augusta Hein, by Frederick W. Fisher,
guard., to Mosea Solomon. Mort. $6,00i>.
May 6, 9,050
Rutgtrs pl (Monroe sf), No. 37, n w cor Clinton
st, 26.6x131,10, fourstory brick store and
tenem't and two-story brick stable on rear.
Forecloa, JohnW. Van Hoesen to Robert
Lindheim, May 1. 18,0OD
Same property. Roberfc Lindheim to Samuel
Langer, Mort, SlO.OUi'. May 1. 18,000
Bame property. Philip White to Robert Lind¬
heim, Q. C. May 1, nom
Sheriff st. No. 63, w a, 125 sRivington st, 35x
100, three-story frame (brick front) store and
dwell'g and two-story frame dwell'g on rear,
William Harris and Rachel Harris to Andrew
Proae, Mort. «;4.5(W. April 25, 7,100
Stanton st, No. 237. CanceUation of contract
to sell. Gerson Krakower (to whom said
contract is assigned by Tobias and Gerson
Krakower in consid. of $200) to Jobn Geis.
consid. 300
Stanton at. No. 237. sa, 25x75, three-story brick
siore and dweU'g and Lhree-Ptory brick
dwell'g on rear. Agnea wife of John Geib
to Marcus aimon. May 5, lO.OOO
Sullivan al. No, 152, \v s, 165,8 a Houston at, 'j
34,6\100.4x34xl00.4, three-atory frame store
and dwell'g and four-atory brick tenem'ton
Sullivan st. No. 150, w s, 190.3 s Houston st,
25,1x109,4x34,6x100.4, three-atory frame
atore and dwell'g and four-story brick ten-
unent on rear,
Judson Jarvis and Sarah A. Jarvia, widow,
to Samuel Weeks, Jr. May 1. 32,000
Soulh st, Nos. 268 and £90, n s, 90 e Clinton st,
9i>.4sl45,10 to Water st, flve-story brick
warehouse, Forecloa. William P. Dixon
to Henrv Bedlow. May 5. 3S,5(iO
Sonth st. No. 28, a w cor Cuylers alley, 20.10
x99.1, fi\ e-story brick warehouse, 1-34 pai't.
Kouth st. No. 32, n s, bet Cuylers alley and
Old slip, 23.3x86.4x23,3x87.1. 1-34 part.
Water st. No 296, ns, 25.2x109.10x25.1x118.1,
1-16 part.
Water st, No. 389, n s, 25,7x99,1x24.7x90.9,
I-16 part.
Three four-story brick warehouses.
James and HenryE,, Jr., Nesmith, Brooklyn,
to James J. and Henry E, Nesmith, O, a. G.
l-'.'4 part, April 30. nom
Weehawk'.n st. No, 9, e s, 87,11 n Christopher
at, runs easfc 74.11 xnorth 10,6 x east 9,10 i
north 10.3 x west 73.6 to sb, x eouth 22, thrae-
fitory frame (brick front) dwell'g and two¬
story brick s'.able on rear, Dennis Markey
to Thomaa E, Keane. April 28, 6,400
Walker st, No. 9, end west half of No. II, a s,
100 e West Broadway, 30x106. two-atory
brick store, Camille C. Roumage to Ambrose
K. Ely. AprU 30. 23,750
Walker st. No. 13, and east half of No. 11, s s,
130 e Wesfc Broadway, 30x106, two-story
brick atore, Mayer and Simon Sternberger
to Ambrose K. Ely. April 30. 23,750
Walker st. No. 48, n s, 25x100, I
iValker st, n s, adjoins above on east, 25x100, I
Nos. 48 and 50, flve-story brick (stone front) f
Bti. re, J
David L. Whittier. Chicago, HI,, to Maria
Jones, widow, for life and then to George W.
and Walter 0. Jonee, M part. April 28. 30,000
Sameproperty. David Lane to same. 3^ part.
April kS. 60,000
Same property. George W. Lane to same. X
part. April 25. 30,ii00
Willett st. No. 97, w s, 125 s Stanton st, 25x100,
flve-story brick tenem't. Adam Knoll to
Karolina wife ot Phillip Bopp. Mort, $8,400.
May 1. 22,500
Wooster st, No, 6, es, 79,4 n Canal st, 25x100,
Wooster sfc. No. 8, e 8, 104.4 n Canal st,25i
Wooster St. No. 10, e a, 139.4 n Canal st, 25x
Three three-story hrick buildings.
Robert F. Tilney to John Boyd. Partition.
May 1. 53,950
Wooster st, Ko. 6, e s, 79.4 n Canal st, 25x100,
three-etory brick building. John Boyd to
Joseph F. Tobin. C, a. G. May 1, 16,800
Wooster at, No, 39, w e, bet Grand and Broome
ats, 25x100. one-story frame ahed. Robert F.
Tilney to WiUiam Collina. Partition, May 1.
Waverly pl. No. 103, s w s, 44 n w Macdougal
st, 33x97, three-story brick dwell'g. Jessie
Elder, New Rochelle, N. Y,, to Charles A.
Peabody, Jr. April 39. 13,6y0
Waverly pl, s wcor Macdougal st, 44x97, new
flafc projected, Cecile Rusch, Edgewater, N.
J,,extrx. and trustee A. Rusch, to James Ren¬
wick and WiUiam H. Russell, % part.
April 30. 27,760
Same property. Robert Ernst to some. C. a,
G. 3^ parfc. April 30. 9,250
Same property. Cecile Ruach, Edgewater, N.
J,, trustee under deed trusfc, to same. Q, C.
April 30, nom
Waverly pl, No, 160, s e. S33.9 w 6th av, 31x97,
two-story brick dwell'g and two-story brick
dwell'g on rear, Robert Hayward to Lam¬
bert Suydam, AprU 29, 8,800
Wall st, No. 83, nes, runs northeast 55.2 x
southeast 10 x northeast 16.6 x southeast 3.6
X southweat 8 x southeast 6.4 to alley X
BOUthwest along alley 63 to Wall sb, x north¬
weat 19.6, five-atory brick (stone front) office
buUding. James D. Fish to The Marine
National Bank. Mort, $28,000. May 2, 65.000
Water st, Nos. I.'i5-139. ses, extending from'
Pine sfc, to De Peyster st, being 69.3 on
Pine sfc and 61 ou De Peyster at, five-sfcory
brick office building.
Da Peyster st, No, 8, s w s, 16.4x36. Ilxl6.4x
37,3, seven-story brick office building.
De Pevstor st. No. 7, n e s, 71.11 a Water at.
runs northeast 53,10 x aoutheast 17.2 x
sonthwest 17.1 x aoutheast 5.11 x southweat
37 to De P6y.sfer at, x northweet 23,3, five¬
story brick office building,
George H. Burgess, Plainfield, N. J., to Eu¬
gene R. Durkee, Brooklyn, C. a. G. May
1. 82,200
Water st. No, 164, nws, 17.11x80.3, four-story
brick store Daniel D. Lord et al., exrs. D.
Lord, to David Lachenbmch. April 29, 18,250
Woter st. No, 3^)8. n wcor Peck slip, 19x50.5x17
X.50., four-story brick store. Hannah Good¬
win et al., esrs. C. Goodwin, to John N,
Eitel, Brooklyn. , May 1. 20.025
Same pi operty. Release dower. Hannah
Goodwin, widow, tosame. Mayl. nom
Water st. No. 375, a e s, 53.5 s w Dover st, runs
southeast 78 X southwest 9.2 x northwest 4.1
X southwest 13.9 x northwest 72.6 to fit, x
northwest 2-1.6, two story brick and frame
dweU'g. Robert C. Livingaton to George W,
Chrit^topber, May 1. 13,500
Wflter St. Nos. S8l and 383, s e cor Dover sfc,
35 8x73.9x34.1x70, two two-story brick stores
and dwell'gs and two-story frama stable on
rear. Johanna wife of and John Brosnan to
George H. Murris, Brooklyn. May 1. 15,300
3d st. No. 3^1), s s, 477.5 w Av D, runs south o3
X east 1 X south 73 x west 23,1 x uorth 106 to
3d st, y east 22.1. two-story frame (brick
front) dn< ll'g and four-story brick fcenem't
on rear, Albert CeppeUe to Peter Bans,
Mort. $5,0un. April 30, 11,250
4tb sb, n o cor Lafayette pl, 23x100; No, 13 La¬
fayetto pl, three-sbory brick dweli'g. Gusba-
vus A. Sabine to RosweU Smilh, % part, and
Theodore L. De Vinne, X P*''*^' tenants in
common. M.M-t. StO.OOt'. April 30. 33,500
4th st. No. 50, s a, 450 w 2d av, runs south 45.8
X wesb 37.7 X norbh 7 x east 5 x north 19.5 x
north 35.11 bo 4ih ab, x eaat 33, three-alory
brick store and dwell'g. John C, Bailey et
al., see Lexington av, to Francis W. Quinby.
Q. C. AprU 30. nom
Sarae property. Charles H. Bailey, exr. Eliza¬
beth Bailey, to same. April 30. 10.000
4th at. No. 67, n s, 2i7.5 a Bowery, 35x100.
Gottlieb Grissler to Christian Fausel. April
30. IS.COO
5th St. IiO. SOO, s s, 102 e Av D, runs aoutb 56 i
east 3 X south 40 x east 22.8 x nortb 95 to 5tb