December 3, 1904
The Ordinary " Fireproofing" is a Dull, Inartistic
Tbe Only Place for it, with all its Imperfections, is in
Walls and Floors.
" Hecla Fireproofing "—the Only System of Real Fire=
proofing—is also Adaptable to tbe Highest Artistic Effects.
It is Obedient to all the Requiremeats of the Architect's
The System of Real Fireproofing
The Hecla Iron Works
Brooklyn, N. V.
lam T, Keogh Amusement Co., of Lexinglon av and 170th
St. It will be of brick and steel, 3 stories, about 188x54, to cost
$175,000. Neville & Bagge, 217 W. 125ln st, drew the plans.
5TH AV.—Marc Eidlitz & Sons, 489 5th av, have obtained the
conlract for extensive improvements to the 5-sty residence of
Frank J. Gould, 834 5th av. Plans by Tork Sc Sawyer, of 156
5th av, provide for a squash court to be built on the roof, il wili
be 30x18 feet in size, and 23 feet in height, with white glass sky¬
lights, and terra cotta walls. The cost is placed at $7,000.
5TH AV.—Miiliken Bros., 11 Broadway, have received the con¬
tract for structural steel for a 11-sty store and offlce building,
49.5x125 feel, lo be built for Horace A. Hutchins, of Madison,
N. J., on the southeast corner of Slh av and 39th st and 2 East
39th st, from plans by C. P. H. Gilbert, of 1123 Eroadway. No
other contract.i have been let. Work will begin May Isl. 1905.
3D AV.—The Century Conslruction Co., 5-9 East 42d sl, has
secured al $33,500 the contract for foundations for the new
Bronx Borough Court House to be erected at 3d av, 161st st and
Brook av, Bronx, from plans by Michael J. Garvin, of 3307 3d av.
The building will have 4 stories and cellar, will measure 100x98,
with a rear line of 174 feet, and will have exteriors of granite.
No other contracts have been let.
FULTON ST.—C. F. Bond, Inc., 130 Liberly st, have just re¬
ceived the general contract to build the G-sty store and loft,
25.4y2xl20iA, for Dodge & Oicott, of SS William sl, which will be
erected at S7 Fulton st, running through lo SS Ann st, at a cost
of $60,000. The building will contain a tile roof, limestone, brick
and slone exterior, steel frame, terra cotta work, copper and
wireglass skylights, elevators, steam heat, etc. Ernest Greene, 5
Beekman st. Is the architect.
Bids Opened.
Fire Commissioner Hayes has awarded the contract for a new
firehouse at East 138th sl and Cypress av, The Bronx, to Al¬
fred Nugent Sc Sons, of Hudson and Spring sts, whose bid, $38,-
510, was the lowest of flfteen submitted. The site for the new
building is in a district crowded with factories and tenemenls.
At present there is no firehouse within a radius of half a mile.
Bids were opened by William McAdoo, police commissioner,
300 Mulberry st, Thursday, December 1st. for the erection of the
new Police Headquarters building for the city, to be situated on
Central Market, Broome and Centre sts, from plans by Hopkin,
Koen Sc Huntington, 244 Sth av. The structure will be 5 stories
in height, 307x39 and 81 feet on the ground, wilh an exterior of
marble, granite and Indiana limestone. The bids are as follows:
Gillespie Bros.. $630,000 (low bidder); P. J. Brennan, $750,000;
L. A. Burk, $699,050; Benedetto & Forliano, $815,000; Thomaa
Cockerill, $748,175; P. J. Carlin, $073,000; P, W. Finn, $093,000;
P. Gallagher, $091,400; R. E. Henningham, $705,590; Kelly &
Kelley, $74S,200; T. B. Leahy, $700,000; J. D. Murphy Co., .'^724,-
987; Murphy Bros., .1>72S,U29; Murphy Conslruction Co.. $099,109;
R. J. Mahoney, $697,000; C. H. Peckworth, $719,945; N. W. Ryan,
$724,775; J. R. Sheehan & Son, $776,000; J. H. Parker, $711,890.
W. I. Montgomery, general contractor, of High Point, N. C,
is at work on the interior finish of the hunting lodge he is
building for Clarence Mackay at Jamestown, N. C, from the
plans of McKim, Mead & White 160 Sth av, New Tork.
40TH ST.—"The Brook," with club house at 6 East 35th
sl, will eventually take possession of 7 East 40lh st., altering the
same for their own occupancy. Messrs, McKim, Mead &
White, 160 Slh av, are the club's architects.
Revised bids for the public bath on Av A at 23d st are due on
Wednesday. Arnold W. Brunner, 33 Union sq, architect.
The Virginia Portland Cement Co. are completing the last
shipments on a large order of their well known brand of "Old
Dominion" Portland cement, which is being used in connection
wilh the filtration plant at Washingion, D. C, ■
The new Tompkins Square Carnegie Library, branch of the
New Tork Public Library, at 331-333 East 10th st, New York,
was opened to the public on Thursday, December 1st. This
makes the second Carnegie Library opening within a week, the
new Tottenville brancli was dedicated Nov. 2G.
The firm of Fanning & O'Rourlte, who were In ihe plastering
business, and members of lhe Building Trades Employers' As¬
sociation, has been dissolved. Mr. Fanning is lo commence busi¬
ness alone, independent of the association, and il ts said lhat he
will employ some of the men who were locked oul by the firm.
Mr. O'Rourke will retain his membership in the association.
The following is statement of permits granted by the Brook¬
lyn division of the Tenement House Department for the Bor¬
oughs of Erooklyn, Queens and Richmond for the week ending
Saturday, Nov. 2Gth: New buildings; Borough of Brooklyn—■
Erick buildings, 3; frame buildings, 3. Borough of •
Brick buildings, 2; frame buildings, 2. Borough of Richrnm
Alterations: Borough of Brooklyn, 28; Borough of J^tTcens, 0'
Borough of Richmond, 0. Total new buildings ^pSnltQrations