April 6. 1907
45th st E, No 145, n s, 200 w 3d av, 20x100.5, 3-sty stone front
dwelling. Thomas Conville to Bernard J and John Conville.
Dec 1, 1905. Mar 29, 1007. 5:1300—271^. A $12,000—$16,-
000. uom
46th st E, No' 238, on raap Nos 238 and 240, s s, 162.6 w 2d av,
37.6x100.11. 6-sty brk teneraent and store. Joseph Newmark et
al to Theodore Kieval, of Brooklyn. Mort $38,000. Mar 29,
1907. 5:1313. other consid and 100
46th st W, No 447, n s, 479.2 w 9lh av, 24,2x100.5, 4-sty brk ten¬
emeut and store. John Kommer to Mary A Finneran. Mort
$11,000. Mar 28. April 2, 1907. 4:1056—13. A $9,000-$13,-
000. olher consid and 100
46th st W, No 233, n s, 275 c 8th av, 25xl00,o, 3-sty brk tene¬
ment and store. Release mort. Mutual Life Ins Co of N Y to
Ethan Allen TRUSTEE for Josephine M Alien will of Chas F
Allen. April 3. April 4, 1907. 4:1018—12. A $24,000—$25.-
000. nom
47lh sl E. No 145, n s, 241.8 e Lexington av, 16.8x100.5. 3-sty
stone front dwelling. Ma.x Rechnitzer to Amelia E Nichols of
Bernards, Somerset Co, N J. Mort $12,000. Mar 28. April
1, 1907. 5:1302—2914. A $10,0UO—$14,500.
other consid and 100
49th st E, No 48, s s, 225 w 4tTi av, 25x100,5. 4-sty slone front
dwelling, David H Rowland to Edwin D Worcester. Mar 11,
Mar 29, 1907. 5:1284-46. A $47,000—$50,000.
other consid and 100
Slst st W, No 129, n s, 380 n w Gth av, 20x100.5, 3-sty brk stable.
Seth B French to Henry C Frick. Feb 20. Mar 16, 1907.
4:1004^17. A $18,000—$26,000. Corrects error in issue of Mar
23, when location was 41st st. No 139 W. ,
other consid and 100
Slst st W, No 411, n s. 150 w Oth av, 25x100.5, 5-sty stoue front
tenement. John Merkel to Cath O'Brien. Mort $15,000. April
1, 1907. 4:1061—2G. A $10,OUO—.$22,000. 100
52d st W, No 346, s s, 350 e Oth av, 30x100.5, 5-sty brk tene¬
ment and store. John Deppeler to Theresa Blumenthal ^ud
Saral H Anspacher. Mar 28. April 1, 19U7. 4:1042—50. A
$16,500—$20,000. other consid aud 100
S2d st W, Nos 426 and 428, s s, 325 w Oth av, 50x100,5, two 5-
sty brk tenements and slores. Patrick McCarthy to William
Goldberg. Mort $45,000, Mar 25. April 2, 1907. 4:1061—
46 aud 47. A $18,000—$40,000. other eonsid aud 100
SSd st W, No 141. n s, 318.9 e 7th av, 18.9x100, 4-sty stone front
tenement. Mary C Fash widow and HEIR Frank Shephard to
Mary T Sprowl. B&S and correction deed. Mar 12. April 1,
1907. 4:1006—131/2. A $11,000—$13,000. nom
54th st W, No 2G1, n s, 62.0 e Sth av, l8.9xG2.ll, 4-sty stone
front dwelling, Daniel B Freedman to Isaac Blum. Mort $15.-
500. Mar 28. Mar 30, 1907. 4:1026^1C. A $17,000—Ir 18,-
000: other consid and 1(10
54th st W. No 402, s s, SO w Oth av, 20x50.2, 3-sty brk teuement.
Chas F Myers to Margt E Weill. Mort $5,000. Mar 30, 1907.
4:1063—.36V2. A $5,000—$7,000. other cousid and 100
54th st W, No 147, n s, 225 e 7th av, 25x100.5, 2-sty brk stable.
Richard Mortimer EXR Anna E Mortimer to Geo McK Brown.
April 1. 1907. 4:1007—10. A $25,000—$29,000. 40.000
54th st E, No 108, s s, 90 e Park av, 2oxl00.5, 5-sty brk tene¬
ment. Emma G Hamilton to Thomas B Crimmins Real Estate
and Construction Co. Mort $25,000. Mar 2S. April 1, 1907.
5:1308—68. A $2U,O0O—$30,500. nom
55th st E, No 120, s s, 183.9 w Lexington av, 18.9x100.5, 4-sty
stone frout dwelling. Warren E Dennis to Arthur W Butler.
Mort $32,400. April 2. April 3, 1907. 5:1309—64. A $25,000
—$29,000. other consid aud IOO
55th st W. No 249, n s. 140 e Sth av, 20x100.5, 4-sty stone front
dwelling. Francis Neher to James S Cattanach. April 1. Apr
2. 1907. 4:1027—7. A .$22,000—$25,000. other consid and 100
56th st E, Nos 411 to 421, n s, 174 e 1st av, 120x89.4x120.3x97.2,
three G-sty brlt tenements, store in Nos 411 and 413. Julius
Berliner et al to Lewis Realty & Construction Co. Mort $60,-
000. Jan 31. Mar 29, 1907. 5:1368-8 to 12. A $;12 000—
$41,000. other consid aud 100
SOth st W, No 419, n s, 275 w Oth av, 25x100.5, 5-sty brk tene¬
ment. Daniel Fraad et al to Carrie Silverberg. Mort $20,000.
April 1. April 2, 1907. 4:1066-21. A $9,000—$16,000.
other consid and 100
57th st W, Nos no to 114, on map No 110, s s. 175 w Oth av, 75
xlOO.S, tj-sty brk tenement. John L Elliot to The Lotus Club.
Mort $200,000. April 1. April 2, 1907. 4:1009^10. A $125,-
000—$210,000. other consid and 100
Same property. Ethel sometime wife of John L Elliot to same.
Q C. April 1. April 2, 1907. 4:1009. nom
S7th st E, No 329, n s. 280 w 1st av, 20x100.4^ 3-sty stone front
dwelling. Isaac Edesheimer to Marie Rieth. "Mort $8,.500. Apr
1, 1907. 5:13.50—15. A $9,000—$13,000. 15,750
SSth st W, Nos 308 and 310, s s, 142 w Sth av. 41.11xl00.Sx41.9x
100,5, 9-sty brk aud stone hotel. Kath E Masterson to Prances
R Scott. All liens. Mar 5. Mar 29. 1907. 4:1048-39. A
.$40,000—$180,000. other consid and 100
58th st E, No 224, s s, 300 w 2d av, ruus s 100 x w 5 x s 0.5 x w
15 X n 100.5 to st, x e 20 to beginning, with all title to strip
5 ft wide and 5 inches in dcplh adj s e part of above, 3-sty
stone front dwelling. -Hugo Schulten to John Bozzuffi. April 1.
April 2, 1907, 5:1331—37. A $8,500—$12,000.
other eonsid and 100
. 58th st E, No_224. s s, 300 w 2d av, runs s 100 x w 5 x s 0,5 x w
15 X n 100.;> to st, x e 20 to heginning, wilh all titie to strip 5
feet wide and 5 inches in depth, adj s e part of above, 3-sty stone
front dwflling, John Bozzuffi to Anna H Fischer. Mort $10 000.
April 1. April 2, 1907. 5:1331—37. A $8,500-$12,000.
other consid aud 100
59th st W, Nos 222 and 224, or | s s, 325 w 7lh av, 50x100.5, 0-
Central Park South j sty brk teuement. Edw- S Si¬
mon to Gainsborough Studios, a corporation, Mort $120 000
Mar 25. April 1, 1907. 4:1030^6. A $100.000—$125 000.
61st st E, No 11, n s, 145 w Madison av, 25x100.5, 5-sty stoue
front dwelling. Pauline W wife Almeric H Paget to Wesley
Thorn, of Plainfield. N J. Mar 14. Mar 29, 1907. 5:1376-
11. A $100,000—$145,000. other consid and 100
Same property. Wesley Thorn to Ruth B Pratt. Mort $100,000.
Mar 28. Mar 29, 1907. 5:13(6. other consid and 100
62d st W, Nos 156 and 158, s s, 100 e Amsterdam av, 50x100.5,
two 5-sty brk tenements.
67th st, No 428, s s, 220 w Av A, 40x100.5. 6-s'ty brk teneraent
and store.
Kath E Masterson to Frances R Scott. B&S. All liens. Mar
28. Mar 29, 1907. 4:1133—59 and 60. A $24,00O-$50,000;
5:1461-34. A $14,000—P $40,000. nom
ODth st W, No 18, s s, 250 w Central Park West, 25x100.5, S-sty
stone front tenement. Montgomery Maze to The Maze Realty
Co. All liens. Oct 3, 1904. April 1, 1907. 4:1117—43. A
_$17,60O—$27,000. _ other consid and 100
60th st W, No 18, s s, 2ijO w Central Park West, 25x100.5, S-sty
stone front tenement. Maze Realty Co to Ida Margoles Mort
$12,000. April 1, 1907. 4;1117-^3.' A $17,000—$27,000^
Gotn st W, No 136, s s. 458 e. Amsterdam av, 20x100.5, 4-sty stone
front dwelling. Hamilton H Salmon to James I Brokaw. Q
C and confirmation deed. Mar 25. April 1, 1907. 4'1136—46
_A $12,000—$19,000. nom
61th st E, No 48, s s, 140 w Park av, 20x100.5, 4-sLy stone front
dwelling. Mary E Andrews lo Phebe C Lawrence. Mort $25-
000. April 1. iy07. 5:1.381^21^. A $50,000-$57,000.
68h st W, No 245, n s, 500 w Amsterdam av, 25x100.5, 3-sty brk
stable. Edmee Reisinger to Hugo Reisinger. Jan 2. Apr 4
190(. 4:1160—12. A $6,500—$18,000. nom
69Lh st W, No 110, s s, 100 w Columbus av, 18x100.5, 4-sty stone
front dwelling. Hattie B Howe to Marion B Kress. Mort $21,-
000. April 2, 1907. 4:1140—37. A $12,500—$21,000.
other consid and 100
lOth st W, No 259. n s, 191.1 e West End av, 16.11x100.5. i-sty
brk dwelling. Cora Kessler lo Harry S Houpt. Mar 29. Apr
3, 1907. 4;1162—9. A $10,000—$19,000.
other consid and 100
(2d st E_, Nos ;>34 to 538, s w cor Exterior st, 82x76.8x75.3x76.8,
three »-sty brk loft and store buildings. Adolf Klemt to The
Knickerbocker Bread & Yeast Co. Mort $62,000. B&S and
correction deed. Jau 10, 11106. Mar 29, 1907. 5;1483—'*8 to
30. . A $22,50O-$44,0OO. nom
72d st E, s s, 548 e Av A, a strip, runs s 76.8 x e 1 x n 14,8 x w
0.6 X n 62 to st X w 0.0 to beginning. Release mort. German
Savings Bank lo The Five-Thirty East Seventy-Second Street
Co. Mar 25. Mar 2!), 1907. 5:1483. nom
Same pcoperty. Release mort. Lonis F Schroeder lo same Mar
25. Mar 2y, iyU7. 5:1483. nora
72d st E, No 340, s s, 350 e 2d av. 16.7x102.2, 3-sty stone front
dwelling. Wolf Rosen to Louis Karmiohl. Mort $7 000. April
1, lOOi. 5;]44G—38. A $6,O00-$S,500. other consid and 100
r;ith st E, No 339. n s. lOll w 1st av, 25x97.1x2.5.4x93, 5-sty brk
teneraent _and store. Herraiue Oppenheimer to Berta Ungar
Mort^$19.o00. Mar 28. April 2, 1907. 5:1450-22. A $9,000
^ —$18,000. other consid and 100
i4th st E, No IOG, s s, 54 e Park av, 18x74, 3-sty stone front
dwelling. Bertram G Goodhue to Lydia Goodhue. Mort $29,000.
Mar 30. April 3, 1907. 5:1408—69. A $15,000—P ,$20,000.
i4th st E, No 140, s s, 18.9 e Lexington av, 18.9x68.2, 3-sty slone
front dwelling. Alfred Busselle to Walter H Powers. Mort
.$12..5O0. Mar 28. April 3, 1907. 5:1408-52. A ."SOOOO—Sll-
000. * 100
16th sl E, No 422, s s, 30O w Av A, 25x102.2, S-sty brk tene¬
ment. Herraan Lubetkin to Isaac Portman. All title. Mort
$23,o00. Mar 20. April 3, 1907. 5:1470-38. A $7,000—$16,-
fOO. other consid and 100
/Gth st W, No 322, s s, 280 w West End av. 20x102,2, 3-sty and
baseraent brk dwelliug, Waldron Williaras to Rebecca Sampter.
Mort $20,000. Mar 28. Mar 30, 1907. 4:1185—36. A $15,000
—$28,000. other consid and 100
I (jth st E, No 118, s s, abt 168 e 4th av, —x—. 3-sty stoue front
7Glh st E, No 122, s s, abt 200 e 4th av, —x—, 3-sty stone front
7l>lh sl E, Nos 126 and 128, s s. abt 235 e 4th av, —x—, two
3-sty stone front dwellings.
76th st E, No 134. s s, abt 80 w Lexington av, —x—, 3-sty stone
front dwelling.
Virginia A Stirling or Sterling, of Boston, Mass, to Frank H
Zabriskie, of Greenfield, Mass. All right, title and interest to
'A part. Q C. Mort $02,560. May 17, 1906. Mar 29. 1907.
5:1410—(;0.(i2 to 64 and 6514. A $66.000—$76,500. nom
7lib st E, No 231, n s, 305 w 2d av, 25x102.2, 3-sty brk dwelling
and 2-sty Irame building in rear. Andrew J Larkiu to John C
Welwood. Mort $11,000. April 3. April 4, 1907. 5'1432—
__12. A $11,000-$13,000. 100
( lib st E, No 231, n s, 305 w 2d av, 25x102.2. 3-sty brk dwelliug
and 2-sty frame building on rear. David Lippmaun et al to
Andrew J Larkin, Borough of Richmond. Mort $8,000. April
3, 1907. 5:1432-12, A $11,000—$13,000. 100
78th st W, No 153, n s, 2.30 e Amsterdam av, 20.1x102,2, 4-sty
and basement stone front dwelliug. Maurice A Herts EXR Belle
M Herts to Antoinette D Myers. Mort $20,000. April 1
1907. 4:11.50—10. A $13,000—$25,000. 31750
78th st B, No 107, n s, 137.9 e Park av, 18.9x102.2, 3-sty stone
front dwelling._ Bernard Drachman and auo to Leopold Kauf¬
raann. Juue 2;), 1905. Re-recorded from June 28 1905 Apr
2, 1907. 5:1413—6^ A $18,.500—$22,500, nom
No 348. s s, 110 w 1st av, 17x80, 3-sty stone front
Chas A Brodil to James O'Connell. Mort $12,000.
Mar 29, 1907. 5:1453-3114, A $5,000-$8,500.
other cousid and 100
SOth st W, No 335. n s. 287 w Columhus av, 21x102.2, 4-sty and
basement stone front dwelling. Sarah B McAdam to Vedanta
Society of N Y. Mort $15,000. April 1, 1!)07. 4:1211—21 A
$12,000-$24.000. 34,000
soth st E. Nos i>03 to 51.5, n s. 98 e Av A, 17.5x102.2. 3-sty brk
tenement and 1 and 2-sty frame and brk buildings and vacant.
Harry Abrams to Fanny" Heiibrunn. All liens. Mar 29 Apr
4, 1907. 5:1577—5 to 11. A $38,500-$48,500.
other consid and 100
Slst st E. No IGO. s s, 190.6 w 3d av. 20x104.4, 3-sty stone frout
dwelling. Alberta P Tracy to Sarah L and Mary R Dolan AH
title. Q C. Dec IS, 1906. April 2, 1907. 5:1509—45. A $10,-
000-$1S,000. '■ iJom
Slst st E, Nos 444 to -150, s s, 88 w Av A, 68.6x102,2, four 3-sty
brk dweliiugs. Abraham Jacobs to Sam Golding. Mort $,30,100,
April 1. April 4, 1907. 5:1.560—28'/2 to -30. A $18,000-$24,-
000. ^ other consid and 100
Slst st E, No ]2], n s, 105 w Lexington av, 20x102.2, 3-sty brk
dwelling. Chas S Faulkner to Stephen D Marshall. Mort $20,-
000. April 1, 1907. 5:1510-12. A $11,500-$17.500.
other consid and 100
83d st E, No 214, s s, 203.4 e 3d av, 25.5x102.2, 5-sty brk tene¬
ment. Maria Ruff to Julius Hanitseh. Mort $18,000. Mar 30,
1907. 5:1.528^{0. A $9,500-$27,500. other consid and 100
79th st E.
Mar 28.
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