Mortgages RECORD AND GUIDE ^»««^«*-
August 6, 1910.
Interior marble
Material and work the standard for I 4 years. Our rep¬
utation the best positive evidence as to our superiority.
325-327 East 94th St., New York
Nugent, Eliza Eagleton with Ezekiel Fixman, Oolb st. No 164,
s s, 192 e Amsterdam av, 18xl(X).3. Extension of mort for $3,-
000 to Aug 9, 1911, at 6%, also subordination agreement. Aug
2, 1910. 4:1136. oom
New York Polyclinic Medical School £ Hospital to Jno A Wyeth-
50th st. No 339, n s, 425 w Sth av, 19.2x100.5. June IS, 3
years, 6%. July 29. 1910. 4:1041. 5,000
New York Polyclinic Medical School & Hospital to Jno A Wyeth.
30th Bt No 337, n s, 405.10 w Sth av, 19.2x100,5. Prior mort
$11,000- June 13, 3 years, 6%, July 29, 1910. 4:1041, 2,o00
New York Post Graduate Medical Schoo_l & Hospital with Chase
Realty Co. 135th st, Nos 143 and 14a, n b, 200 e 7th av, 40x
9911. Extension of $35,000 mort until June 16, 1915. at 4V27'--
June 16, July 29, 1910, 7:1920. nom
New York Polyclinic Medical School & Hospital to Jno A Wyeth.
JjOth st. No 351, n s, 540 w Sth av, 19.2x100.5. June 13^ 3
years. 69(. July 29, 1910. 4:1011, ■-3,000
New York Polyclinic Medical School & Hospital to Jno A Wyeth,
SOth st. No 335, n s, 386,8 w Sth av, 19,2x100,5. June 13, S
years, 6%, July 29, 1910. 4:1041, 2.500
N Y City Drug Mills Realty Co to Winthrop D Mitchell £ ano exrs
£ trustees Mathias M Dodd. Cherry st, Nos 397 to 403, s s, 139,6
e Scammel st, 108x85x107,4x80.10. P M. July 1, due July 6.
1915. 57c. Aug 2, 1910, 1:260. 40,000
Naumburg Edwd S to TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST GO, 83d
st. No 9, n s, 170 w Central Park West, 20x102.2. P M. Prior
mort $15,000. Aug 1, due, &c, as per bond. Aug 2, 1010, 4:-
1197, 6,000
Oppenheimer, Julius with Wm R Sidenberg, T5th st. No 40 W.
Extension of $26,000 mort until Aug 1, 1913, at 4^;%. July
29. 1910. 4:1127. Qom
O'Rourke, Frank to Catherine wife Patrick G Tigbe of Yonkers,
N Y. llth av, No 162, e s, 24.8 n 22d st, 24.8x75. leasehold,
prior mt $4,000; 22d st, Nos 5-55 £ 537, n s, 673 w 10th av,
50x98.9 leasehold, prior mt $10,000, July 28, demand, 6%-
Aug 1, 1910. 3:694. ^.000
Ortman, Max J £ David A Levien to Annie Sarnold. Rivmgton st.
No 134 n s, abt S3 e Norfolk st, 22x78, wilh use of 3 ft alley
in rear'running to Norfolk st. Aug 2, 1910, 5 years. 4^^%. 2;-
354 18,000
PltiHi Luigi to Lion Brewery. 108th st. No 228, s b, 225 w _2d
av, 25x100.11. July 28, demand, 6%. July 29, 1910. 6:16oi. _
Parsell Henry V A to Frances F Thompson, Slst st. No 122, s
s 256 w Columbus av, 19x102.2, P M, July 28, due, £c, as
per bond. July 30, 1910- 4:1211, 20 OOO
Same to Sarah E Collins. Same property, July 29, 3 years. 57r.
July 30, 1910. 4:1211- ' ^, 3,000
Parsell, Maud B to Mary F Collins. Lenox av. No 24/, w s,
(i3 2 n 122d st, 19x80, July 28, 2 years, 5%. July 29, 1910.
7:1907. 3, GOO
Pesce Enrico to Sarah Asch as trustee Simon A Asch. Pleasant
av No 271, w s, 126.9 s lloth st, runs w 69 x n 0,7% x w o
X n 12 2 X e 74 to av X s 12.6 to beginning. Prior mt -$-------_
July 29, 5 yrs. 57^ Aug 1, 1910. 6:1708. 4,2o0
Pesce En'rico to Sarah Asch as trustee Simon A Asch. Pleasant
av No 273 w s, 101.3 s 115th st, 13x74. Prior mt $-----. July
29' 5 yrs, 5%, Aug 1, 1910. 0:1708. 4,250
Paterno. Domenico to Henry Elias Brewing Co, Houston st. No
128 W, Saloon lease. Juiy 27. deraand, 6%. Aug 2, 1910. 2:__-
Pet^r Louise wife of Louis to Lion Brewery, 4th st. No 197,
n s 1.jO e Av a 25x90.2. Saloon lease, July 29, demand, 6%.
Aug 1, 1910. 2:400. . , ,^ i~a^'^"''
Roux Mary to Alice D Conger. S4th st. No 441, n s, lio,3-w
Av' K 18 9x102.2, Prior mort $6,-500, July 28, due Aug 1.
1012 G7c- July 30. 1910. 5:1564, 900
Rosen, Abraham to Agency Realty £ Mort Co, Rivington st, Nos
75 £ 77 S3, ■5S.1 e Allen st, 42.2x77, Prior mort $ol,000. July
0, 5 yea'rs. 6%. July 29, 1910. 2:41.5. ^^2^'^
Radley, John J to METROPOLITAN SAVINGS BANK. 2/th st
Nos 510 to 514. s s, 150 w 10th av. 75x98.9. Aug I, 1910_. 3
yrs 5%. 3:698. _„ ^'^^^
Russell, Ora M to Stronghold Realty Co. S2d st No ^oO, s s, 4f0
w Central Park West, 16,6x102,2, Prior mt $16,000. Juiy 29,
due, £c, as per bond, Aug 1, 1910, 4:1193. (,000
Regnault, John R £ Chas H to W^m O Kolbe of Brooklyn 3d av.
No 565, e s, 49,5 n 37th st, 24,8x105, Prior mt $18,000. July
30, 3 yrs, 6%.- Aug 1, 1910, 3:918- .,.";;*''
Roosevelt, Jas R et al trus William Astor with Rivington Neigh¬
borhood Assoc. 1st st, Nos 84 & 86. Extension mort for
$35,000 to May 1, 1915, at 5%, .4ug 2, 1910, 2:429, nom
Rosenbaum, Elias to GERMAN SAVINGS BANK, 1st av, No 16oS,
e s 75.10 n 86th st. 25x74, Aug 2, 1910, 3 years, 5%. 5:lo6a
Rowan Realty Co to Camolin Realty Co, 5 th a v. No 516, n w cor
43d st. No 1, 29x125, P M. Prior mort $600,000, Aug \^%^^
£c, as per bond, Aug 2, 1910, 5:12o9, 200,000
Reynolds, Patk to Ernest Sass. SSth st. No 168, s s 18.-3^ w
3d av 17,7x100.8. Aug 2, 1910, 5 years, 57c- 5:lol6, 5,000
Roeraer^ Emily M to Cephas Brainerd & ano exrs, £c, Rosyell
Smith! 20th st. No 40, s s 175 w 4th av. 2-ox92, P M. Aug
o 1 yr 4V7c. Aug 3, 1910. 3:S4S, 3o,000
Realty Holding Go to Chelsea Realty Co. 40th st. No 220, s s,
228 6 w 7th av, 14.3x98.9; 40th s_t No 222 ss 24241 w Tth
av, 14x98.9. P M. Aug 2, 1 yr, o^c Aug 3, 1910. 6. 'f>9.^^^^
Same to same. Same property. Certificate of consent to above
mort Aug 2. Aug 3, 1910. 3:789. ------
Riley Nellie C to Catharine A Kane. Manhattan av, s e cor
121st St. fto 318, 25.11x95. July 22, 2 yrs. 6%, Aug 4, 1910
T-1Q47 ^.ouif
Schiitt Frank C to St Johns Park Realty Co. Greenwich st, No
dift "w s abt 50 s Desbrosses st, 20,10x80. P M. Prior mort
rIoOO • July lo. 3 yrs, 6%. Aug 3, 1910. 1:223 4^_00
3,^s.uw. / ,., j^merican Mort Co, Reade st, No 138, n s, 2o
^"xfsSubpinatTon agreement, July 29, Aug 3, 1910, 1:UL^
Schwjsrer, Geo to Glara £ Laura Reinwarth, OSth st. No 123. n
s, o98.9 e Amsterdam av, 24-0x100,11, Prior mort $------, Aug 3,
1910, 5 yi-s, 4Vi7i. 7:lS53. 14,000
Schlitt. Frank C to Hudson Realty Co. 173d st, Nos o63 to 567,
n s, 137-6 e St Nicholas av, S lots, each 37.6x100- S P M.
morts, each $6,000- Prior mort $32,000 on each, Aug 1, due
May 1, 1914, interest as per bond, Aug 3. 1910. 8:2130. 18.000
Saguenay Realty Co to GREENWICH SAVINGS BANK- Broad¬
way, Nos 3660 to 3666, n e cor lolst st, 99.11x150. Certificate
of consent to raort for $510,000. July 26. Aug 3, 1910. 7:-
2083. . ------
Saguenay Realty Co to GREENWICH SAVINGS BANK. Broadway.
Nos 36G0 lo 3666, n e cor 151st st, 99.11x150. Aug S, 1910,
due as per bond. 7:20S3. 253,000
Sherwood Gonstruction Co with METROPOLITAN LIFE INS CO.
25th st, Nos 146 to 150, s s, 229 e 7th av, 5o.8x98,9. Subordina¬
tion agreement, -Aug 2. Aug 4, 1910^ 3:S00, nom
Scheuermann, Annie L, Mary .\, Chas M & Cath his wife £ Geo
A £ Ellen his wife to Michael C Gross, 17th st. Nos 422 £
424, s s, abt 2oO w Av A, -50x92. Prior mort $-----. July 14,
demand. 6%. Aug 4, 1910. 3:948. 1,000
Stern, Sarauel E A & Simeon Newton Leo trustees Benjarain G
W Llchtenberg to Eversley Chiids exr £ trustee William H H
Ghilds, 62d st. No 1.5S. s s, 100 w 3d av, -25x100.5. Juiy 29, 5
yrs, 5%. Aug 4, 1910. 5:1396. 18,000
Saguenay Realty Co to Yorktown Realty Co. Broadway, Nos 3660
to 3666, n e cor lolst st, 99.11xly0. Prior mort $235,000. Aug
3, deraand, 6%. Aug 4, 1910, 7;20SS, 10.383:8.:i
Same to same. Same property. Certiflcate of consent to above
mortgage. Aug 3. Aug 4, 1910. 7:2083. ------
Schneile, Lena of Brooklyn to BANK FOR SAVINGS, Gity of N Y.
78th St. No 421. n s, 319 e 1st av. 25x102,2. Aug 4, 1910, 5
yrs, 4^%- 5:1473. 7,000
Sturges, Thos T to Eugene Underbill £ ano trustees Emily Un¬
derbill. 42d st. No 223, n e s, 300 w Broadway, 23x98.9. Prior
mt $------. July 29, 1910, 1 yr. 6%. 4:1014. 1,000
Slater, Jas with BANK FOR SAVINGS in City N Y. SOth st. No
104 W, Extension of $30,000 mort until July 21. 191-7. at
4W/c- July 21. July 29. 1910. 3:803, nom
Soltmann, Edw G to Emil Seibt, SOth st. No 216, s s, 605 e Sth
av, 21x98.9; 36th st. Nos 206 to 214, s s, 95 w 7th av, 79x98,9,
P M, Prior mort $14o,000. July 28, due, &c, as per bond. July
29, 1910, S:7&5, 23,000
SAVOY TRUST CO, Michael Brigante Co & Saverio Ursetti with
Fredk Falkenberg. Mulberry st, Nos 186, ISS, e s, 131.3 n
Broome st, 4S.7xlOO,l.>:S3.S.x99,S, Subordination mort, July 28,
July 29. 1910. 2:480, nom
Smith, Louise to Harriet S James. OOth st, No 144. s s, 309.21,^
e Ams av, 15.4^x83.1. Aug 1, 1910. due. &c, as per bond,
7:1853. l.OOl)
Sterling Realty Co to Mary E Taylor. Sherman av, n w s, 100
s w Isham st, 75x100, Aug 1, 1910, due Aug 1, 191S, 5V0c.
8:2227- 15,000
Schneider, Ghas A to Chas Schneider, Jr, 18th st, No 343, n s,
160 w 1st av, 20x92. July 30, 3 yrs. 5%. Aug 1, 1910. 3:924.
- 2.0OO
Stramlello, Michael £ Frauk Spica to EMIGRANT INDUST SAV¬
INGS BANK, 120th st. No 342, s s, 170 w 1st av, 20x100,11.
Aug 2, 1910, 5 years, '>7c. 6:1796. 7,500
Schramm. Antonia J to Elizabeth Phillips. ISlst st. No .53, n s,
260 e Lenox av. 25x98.11. Prior mort $22,500. Aug 1, due July
6 1911. G7r. Aug 2, 1910. 6:17'29, 500
TITLE GUARANTEE £ TRD.ST CO with Harry J Luce, 52d st. No
4 E Extension of $1SO,000 mort until June 29, 1913. at 4V->7c-
July 25. July SO, 1910, 5:1287, uom
Tull. Jos to Solomon L Pakas. 7th av. No 2297, e s, 24.11 s
135th st, 16.7x73, P M. Prior mort $12,000. July 27, due, £c,
as per bond, July 29, 1910, 7:1919. - 1,000
Tuso, Raffaele to Clara Spina -wife of Dominico Spina. Houston
st. No 97, s s, 75 e Thompson st, 25x73.2. Prior mt $26 000
-Aug 1, 1910, installs. 7r as per bond. 2:316. 1,000
TITLE GUARANTEE £ TRUST CO with Stockton Realty Co.
Slst st. No 11 E. Extension of mt for $75,000 to May 1, 1912,
at 57c. July 12, Aug 1, 1910. 3;861. nom
Thorn, Wesley to Florence Waldstein et al exrs David L Einstein.
57th st. No ,39, n s O^o w Sth av, 33-4x100,5, P M. July 5,
due July 27, 1913, 4iA'r^, Aug 2. 1910. 3:1273, 16.5,000
Tischler, Moris M fo PUBLIC BANK of N Y Citv, 2d av. No 2018,
s e cor 104th st. No 300, 25,11x75. Prior mort $19,000, July
25, demand. 6^.. Aug 2. 1910. 6:1675, 3,000
Tassi, Jos to William S Hull et al. Downing st, Nos 45 & 47,
n s. 92,7 w Bedford st. 29.7x90. P M. May 26. 3 yrs, 5%. Aug
3. 1910. 2:528. 14,400
Tsssi, Jos to Lion Brewerv of N Y City, Houston st. No 121. s s,
23 p Sullivan st, 2,5x05. Aug 2, demand, G7c- Aug 3, 1910,
Thorne, Fredk H to Emily M Roemer.
.Aug 2, 1 yr.
■^"^- /vLv ctuh FO ty.fif h%^t Exchange,- 45th st. Nos 141
Stewart Mar> C wUh^b^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^ q^^_
Aug"l Aug g, 1910. 4:998. _ no
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20th St. No 40, s w s,
175 n w 4th av, 25x92, Aug 2, 1 vr, 6%, Aug 3, 1910. 3:-
,848. • 29.000
Thorne. Predk H to Emilv M Roemer. 20th st. No 40, s w s,
1T.5 n w 4th av, 25x92, P M. Prior mort $35,000. Aug 2, 1 yr,
G7c. Aug S. 1910, 3:848, 30,-500
Tissot, Harry L to Lulu W'einstein. Vesey st. No 53, s s, abt
155 e Greenwich st, 25x.S2: also land in Brooklyn. Prior mts
of $40,000. Aug 2, 2 yrs, G^/r. Aug 3, 1910. 1:85. 2,000
I'nion Construction £ Realtv Co to Adele Kneeland extrx, £c, Chas
Kneeland. West End av. No 50, e s, 50,5 s 62d st, 25x100, Julv
2T, 3 years, ■57c- July 29. 1910. 4:11.53, 13,500
Same to same. Same nroperty. Certificate as to above mort,
July 28. July 29, 1010. 4:1153.------
Victor Hotel Co lo 47th St Mort Co, 47th st, Nos 145 to 155,
n s 240 e 7th av, 120x100.5. P M, Prior mort $480,000,
July 27 due Aug 1, 1922, 57:. July 30, 1910, 4:1000.
^ '- 170.009'
Demetrlos Kanallouulos, Ann st. No 27
demand, 6^<-. Aug 2, 1910, 1:90. 950.
Vandernoel Watson to Marsuerite Gautier. 40th st. No 218. s
= o-iis w 7th av, 14,.Sx98.9, P M, Aug 2, 1910, 2 vears,-5%.",
3:789, 14,000
Weinstein. Abraham D to L.4,W^YERS TITLE INS & TRUST CO.
109th st, Nos 11 to 17, n s, 172.6 c Sth av, two lots, each
36 3x10011 Two raorts, each $40,0(X), July 29, 5 years, fi<Vr.
July 30, 1910, 6:1613. 80,000
Vlachor, Apostle to
Leasehold- .\ug 1,