EAL Estate Record
Vol. yi.
No. 145.
Published Weekly by
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The year 1870 is about to be laid upon the
shelf, to take its place alongside of the many
thousands Avhich have preceded it. The time
is at hand 'when the reflection forces itself upon
the mind of every thinking man, of how much
good he may have done during its passage, and
to lay up plans for the coming of 1871. In
this coimection we cannot but thiiik hoAv much
pleasure our friend Dr. Otto Fullgrapp
must take when he reviews the fact that dur¬
ing the year 1870 the Bond Street Homoeopathic
Dispensary, of which he is the founder and
manager, has treated nearly 32,000 cases of dis¬
eases, including over 74,000 prescriptions fur¬
nished, and about 8,500 out-door visits. This is
certainly a proud record, and shows how much
misery may be alleviated by the well-directed
efforts of one man ; for, although there are
now many able physicians who Avork in connec¬
tion with Dr. Fullgraff, to him solely is due
the credit of originating and carrying on this
good Avork.
Probably the most successful classes of dis¬
eases treated at this Institution are those of the
throat and lungs, to the study of which Dr.
Fullgraff has expended much time and
money, and has succeeded in inventing a series
of delicately constructed instruments, by means
of Avhich a medicated spray may be thrown with
unerring certainty directly upon the parts af¬
fected. The old method of using a probang in¬
discriminately, has been consigned by Dr. Full¬
grapp to the dark ages. It is exceedingly in¬
teresting 'to witness a patient when inhaling
the medicated vapors from these delicate in-
Btrumentsj which require great skill upon the
part of the operator, and a thorough knowledge
of the construction of the vocal organs. By
means of diverse reflectors, the whole interior
of the throat- can be plainly seen, and the pa¬
tient,, under the direction of the Doctor, being
called upon to utter different sounds Avhich
call tato play the different parts of the throat,
and so dilate the vocal cords that the instru¬
ments can be plainly seen pas-sing between
them directly to the diseased parts. The
Doctor pursues a similar method in his treat¬
ment of nasal catarrh, and has achieved signal
success in relieAnng and curing many cases. We
do not know of any more instructive and inter¬
esting experinients to witness than those of the
Doctor in connection Avith the throat and lungs.
Feav portions of the city have recently under¬
gone more rapid improvement than Sixth ave¬
nue, in the immediate neighborhood of Twenty-
third street. Besides Booth's fine theatre,
which Avas in itself enough to make a grand
landmark, the new Masonic Temple is slowly
rearing its large proportions directly opposite,
and very recently, Avith unusual rapidity, Bry¬
ant's New Opera House has been erected close
by, but a few doors west of Sixth avenue, and
was opened to the public some four or five
weeks ago.
Although built on a comparatively small
scale, this pretty little theatre may be consid¬
ered one of the best things of the kind yet
erected in Ncav York. It occupies a frontage
of 50 feet on Twenty-third streetj rimning
back 100 feet, and is capable of seating about
500 people. The interior consists of a hand¬
some parterre, with gallery above, the latter
quite unobstructed by columns, being so con¬
structed as to be suspended by the strong roof-
framing above. The whole arrangement is ex¬
tremely simple, but most pleasing in effect,
and exhibits everywhere the proofs of good and
sensible design. The entrances, lobbies, stair¬
cases, etc., are all spacious and most conven¬
iently arranged for egress and ingress; the seats
roomy and comfortable, and so disposed that
everybody can have a perfect view of the stage;
the A'cntilation excellent, and precautions have
been taken, through abundant water supply, to
avoid all danger from fire, in cases of sudden
emergency. Unlike the generality of theatres,
which depend so much for effect upon gaudy or¬
namentation, the merit of the one in question
rests in its extreme simplicity; and yet the im¬
pression created is very satisfactory. The ex¬
terior is equally successful. It presents a four-
story Italian facade, with Mansart roof of mod¬
est but pleasing design, the whole length of the
front on first floor being occupied by a Corin¬
thian colonnade, which forms a very imposing
and convenient entrance to the building. This
theatre was erected by A,. B. Darling. Esq.,;
one of the proprietors of the Fifth Avenue
Hotel^ froin the desigfiSOf Mf. S. D.- Hatch.
In an article on Park affairs, published in las-t
week's Record, a tjTpographical error made us
state that the Park Commissioners had in con¬
templation the widening of Fifth avenue, from"
Twenty-third to Seventy-sixth street. What
Ave intended-to state was, that the Commis¬
sioners proposed widening Fifth avenue on the
easf side, from Broadway to Twenty-sixth
16 Baxter ST., vr. s. (No. 50). Mathew
McKeon agfc. David Finilifce....... $40 00
17 Chrtstie st., e. s. (No. 172), bet.
Rivington & Delancey sts. Peter
Seebald agfc. W. E. Price.......... 3,185 00
17 Eleventh av., w. s., 79.4 s. Fokty-
ninth st. J. J. BurcheU agt.
DederickHamil................... 900 00
32 Eleventh st., n. s. (No. 341), bet.
Isfc and 2d avs. W. G. H. Ran¬
dolph agfc. Ambrose O'Neil........ 562 03
17 Fifty-eighth st., s. s. (Nos. 316,
318, 320, 322, and 324 W.). R. H.
Taylor & L. Taylor, Jr., agt. Isaac
Bemheimer....................... 212 40
17 Forty-fifth st., n. s., 3 houses,
com. 350 e. 8th av. William Hogan
agt. The Church of St. Mary The
Virgin.......................... 34 00
17 Same property. James Willis
agt. same........................ 24 62
17 Same property. Joseph Sullivan
agt. same........................ 156 43
19 Forty-first st., n s , 150 w. Secokd
av. R. J. Fullam agfc. Mr. Noiris. 63 36
19 Fifty-seventh st.j n. s., 132 w.
Lexingfcon av. John Darrow agt.— ',320 71
20 Forty-eighth st., s. s., about 55
w. 1st av. C. H. Reilly agt. J.
O'Connor........................ 1,144 80
22 Fifty-seventh st., n. s., com. 100
w. Lexington av. A. W. Budlong
agt. G. E. ThraU................. 1,204 46
20 Grand st., s. s. (No. 447). Wagner
& Pfeiff agfc. J. H. Hughes........ 64 50
21 Laurens st., av. s. (No. 181), bet.
Bleecker and Houston sts. Deroude
& Jones agt. Jos. Frick........... 168 65
20 Mulberry st., s. or av. s. (No. 3).
Fredk. HoUdeck agt. Mver Rosen¬
thal ...................*.......... 25 00
20 Same property. Winters, Hunt . ,
&Co. agt.-----................... 9006
17 Ninth av., w. s., bet. 82d and 83d
sfcs. A. & W. Wild agt. The
Vestrymen, tfec, of the Bethelem
Mission.......................... 63 75
20 Same property. Ambrose Meb-
cer agt. same..................... 82 00
21 One Hundred and Fifty-ninth
St., s." S., aboufc 270 w. 10th av.
Gardner Landon, Jr., & Co., agt.
John Shackleton.................. 197 82
19 Sixth av. and 55th st., n. e. cor.
Geo. Frey et al. agfc. Abm. Mead.. S35 75
20 Sixth av. and 23d st., n. e. cOh.,
98.8x141.6. David Flemming agt.
The Trustees of Masonic Hall___. 3,033 60
20 Second AV., e. s., 2 houses, com. 40
B. 107th st. Anthony McLaughlin
agt. Richd. McAnnlty............ ISS 47
20 Seventy-eighth st., n . s. , 2 houses,
com. 155 e. 3d. av. J.E.Redman
agt. Ann Kelly.....:....... -..... 855 8&
17 "TAVENTY-ErGHTH ST., N.- S. (No. 9
West). Wm. Johnson agfc. Enoch
Hidden..........;............... Ii760 ^5