EAL Estate
Vol. XIL
No. 292
Published Weekly by
m REAL mm mm association.
One year, in advance...........S8 00
AJl communications should be addressed to
C "W. 8TVEI3T,
Whiting Building, 345 and 847 Broadway.
Elections, in a general way, are almost en¬
tirely "Without our province ; but so far as the
several offices of record in the counties of New
Tork and Kings are concerned, no persons are
more vitally interested than our subscribers as
to the men chosen to conduct them. And we
allude-to the coming election only because
such a choice is to be made in each county;
New York electing a Clerk, and Kinsfs a Clerk
and Register. Of coui-se we do not pretend
that a JDerson of any uncommon qualifications
is required to fill any of these positions.
The incumbent should have some acquaint¬
ance with the details of his office, however,
and be capable in selecting honest, careful,
and courteous subordinates, for it is with them
the community are thrown mostly into con¬
tact. Lilie master, like man, applies with
peculiar force to political affiliations, and this
might be beneficially remembered in making
a selection from amongst the candidates who
will offer themselves.
In New York but one organization—Tam-
many_lias so far presented a candidate for
the Clerkship.
This gentleman, Mr. William "Walsh, is a
native of Ireland, but his father removed to
this city when the subject of this sketch was
three years old. He is, tlierefore, essentially
a New Yorker, having since resided in the
lower wards of this city.' He is about thirty-
seven years of age, was a member of the Legis¬
lature in 1860 and 1861, and in the Fall of
1861 was elected to the Board of Aldermen,
and in 1863 President of that Board. From
that time until the reorganization of Tammany,
in 1872, he has been connected with Demo¬
cratic organizations opposed to Tammany^
In 1864 ho was nominated by the McKeon
Democratic organization ^for Congress against
Morgan Jones, and made a strong run. Since
the reorganization of Tammany he has been,
one of Mr. Kelly's assistants and co-workers in
controlling and shaping the policy of the
In Kings the nominations are full, the Re¬
publicans having nominated Mr. Nelson
Schaurman for the Clerkship against the Dem¬
ocratic candidate and- present incumbent,
George H. Herrman. We can only say for
Mr. Herrman that his administration has been
T«r7 satisfactory, aad if lie is defeated it will
be simply because of a stronger personal in¬
fluence on the part of his adversary, and can
in no wise be considered a criticism on his
official career.
For Register, the Republicans name Mr.
Silas B. Dutcher, a gentleman eminentl}'
worth}'^ the strong support he receives from
that party, and if, in alluding to his opponent
on the Democratic side of the house, Mr.
William Barre, we express ourselves more dis¬
tinctly, it is for the reason that, as deputy Reg¬
ister, it has been our lot to come into contact
with him more or less almost daily duiing the
many years the Real Estate Record has
existed. We can vouch for his fidelity to bus¬
iness, his universal affability toward those
seeking information from him, and his general
earnestness in conducting the aflairs of the
office, so that the petty annoyances too often
confronting one in public places have been the
exception iu tbat office.
10 Breevokt PL. (No. 7), coe. 10th
St. (Cont'n to Oct. llth, 1874.)
Theron Rykert agt. Jacob Wilson. §1,750 00
10 Forty-third bt. (No. 15 E.), n. s.
David McMaater agt. Mary Ridg-
way............................. 680 00
11 Fifty-ninth st. (No. 57 E.), n. s.
Samuel Garson agt. Mrs. A. C. Post 16 00
11 First av., w. s., 10 houses, ext'dq
from s.. w. cor. 41st st. to n. w.
cor. 40tli., St. J. J. Knoeppel agt.
Walter Gutting................... 1,700 00
13 Fifty-eighth st., s. s., 375 e. 9th
av,, 5. houses. Newman Cowan
agt. Isaac Bernheimer............ 470 00
13 Fifth av., s. e. cob. oOth st., 25x
200. George Coombs agt. George
Kemp........................... 86 00
13 Fifth av., s. e. cor. 50th st., 45x
67. Martin Fogarty agt. same___ 294 00
14 Fifth av.. s. e. cor. 50th st., SOx
200. Laflin & Kand Bowder Co.
agt. same........................ 449 50
14 Fifth av., s. e. cor. 50th st.
Sandy GoUum agt. same......... 8 75
14 Same property. Henry Loughlin
agt. same........................ 11 50
14 Same property. Frank McNa-
mara agt. same.................. 27 75
14 Same property. John Burns agt.
same............................. 11 50
16 Fiftieth st. (Nos. 404 and 406 W.)
(Cont'n to Oct. 17,1S74.) Herman
Korotowstri agt. John Foersch... 178 94
16 Fifty-eighth st., s. s., 325 w. 8th '
av., 10 houses. Charles R. Har¬
vey agt. William McGrath........ 5,000 00
9 Monroe st. (No. 62), s. s. John
Schmidt agt. Mr. McColligan..... 35 00
"9 Same pbopebtt. Simon Weilee
agt. same...........:............. 40 00
11 Same property. Henry Diercks
agt. same........................ 44 00
11 Same property. Hanlon & Mob-
gan agt. same.................... 480 60
11 Same property. GotpriedFbesids
agt. same........................ 53 50
U Same peopbrtt. Fredbrioks
Fuchs agt. same................. 45 87
11 Same property. August Mallies
agt. same......................., 4.2 50
11 Same property. Alexander Bruce
agt. same........................ 61 71
13 Same property. Jeremiah Fitz-
gerald agt. same................. 48 75
11 One Hundred and Thirtieth st.,
n. s., 8 houses, com. 142 w. 4th
av. F. Schmitt & Go. agt. Joseph
Lutteneblagel.................... 6,600 CO
14 One Hundred and Thirty-first
St., 8. s., 6 houses, com. 150 e. 6th
av. Johu Coombs agt. H. P. Hunt 183 00
14 One Hundred and Fourth st., s.
s., 6 houses, com. 100 \v. Sd av.
(Cont'n to Oct. 17, 1874.) Nolen
& Steers agt. Edward Fitzgerald.. 87 Oi
11 Pearl st. (No. 439), n. s. James
Hanlon agt. Dufiy & Bro......... 825 00
11 Seventh st.. n. s., 2 houses, com.
125 w. Av. D. James Hanley agt.
Thomas Gillespie................ 45 CO
14 Sixth av., n. e. cor. 23d st., 98.8x
141. J. G. Batterson agt. Trustees
of the Masonic Hall and Asylum
Fund............................ 20,000 00
10 Wards Island Buildings. D. E.
Donovan agt. Commissioners of
Emigration of the State of New
York............................ 1 923 36
Oct. --------
13 Moore st., n. s., 125 w. Grah-^m
av., 7.5x—. Nicholas Connor agt.
Geo. Kodabeck and John Andrews. §135 00
15 Same property. K. G. Phelps &
Co. agt. same parties............. iS49 70
10 De Kalb av., s. s., 375 e. Throop
av., 100x100. Chas. Schwenk asjt.
Jas. M. Ashton and 1. C. Debevoise 290 00
15 Luquer st., s. s., 284.6 e. Henry st.,
62.7X—xl2.1xl03. J. T. E. and H.
C. Litchfield agt.' Eohert Tackaber-
ry and Jeremiah Dalton.......... 336 00
14 Decatur st., n. s., 289 e. Lewis av.,
60x100. Laurence Kenney agt.
David H. Fowler................. 303 18
15 Decatur st., n. s., 290 e. Lewis av.,
20x100. Laurence Kenney agt. D.
H. and Amelia Fowler........... 303 18
15 Pacific st., s. s.,39 w. Emmett st.,
56x50, 3 houses. Chas. Hart agt.
Thos. McCartney and Wm. Glenn. 150 CO
11 Green st. (No. 207), n. s., 175 w.
Oakland St., 2.5x100. Emerson,
Chellborg & Co. agt. David Lane. • 219 2Q
8 Boulevard, e. s., 75 s. Chestnut
St., 25x100. Frederick Protzman
agt. Fisher & Co. and B. Mortier . 22 J)
9 Hicks st., n. w. cor. State st.,
34.5x77. Robert Taylor agt. John
Segelken......................... i,627 60
8 Union pl., e. s., running from
Newtown Creek to Ash st., along
Ash St. 198, thence to creek at
point beginning. Robert Yv^ilson
agt. The Oleophine Oil Co........ 410 9$
9 Macdonough st., n. w. cor. Tomp-
kins av., 83x100. Watroues &
Wilhson agt. W. S. Rolin & Son
and the Tompkins Av. Presbyte¬
rian Church...................... §19 43
13 La^^ayette av., s. b., 120 e. Tomp-
kins av., 80x100. W. E. Chapman
agt. C. B. Piper and Henry Taylor. 615 48
13 Thirty-eighth bt., s. e. cor. Sth
av., 40x100. Hobby, Leeds & Co.
agt, John Mertias and T. TiUman. 163 60