12 Breslen, Martha G.—Henry J. Scadder.
(1876) ...................................
12 Boyd, John—The Brooklyn Bank. (1873) ,.
12 BoUnt, Frank—Frederick Heuter. (1876)..
13 Boyd, James M.—Samuel Edwards. (1876).
15 Bickelhoupt, Adam—^Ferroplastic Manufac¬
turing Company. (1876)*................
lu Byrdsail, Anna H., Louisa H. and W. R. T.
—Wui. W.Pearson. (1876)...............
11 Carpenti-r, Georf<e 3.—Henry Weisendan-
ger. (1874).............................
11 Same---------same. (1875)...............
13 Cantlon, Philip—Thomas B. Whitney,
IG Coon, Sarah A.—Josejjh Hanner. (1874)___
16 Connell, Mary C.—James vLcKenny. (1876)
17 Cunningham, Edward—James E. Hoiden,
17 Same---------Jamos Brooks. (1876)......
•17 Same---------Henry .^. Stadler. (187G)...
15 Dunks, Charles H.—Henry S. Cunningham.
IG Donnelly, Terence O'N.—Lawrence Q.
Deuizman. {ISTA)......................
11 Farrell. Thomas—James E. Hilsey. (1873)
12 Farrar. Wm. H.—James Fisk, Jr, (1867)...
13 Ferry, Ebunezor L.—Patrick Hennessey,
17 Foran, Thomas E,—David M. Koehler.
17 Same---------James E. Holden. (1876)..
17 Same---------James Brooks. (1876)......
17 Same---------Henry A. Stadler. (1876)...
12 Grady, Patri.k H.-AVest side Bank. (187G)
13 Gavin, Michael—The Hazard Powder Co,
13 Same---------Jonathan A Frazier. (1874),.
13 Same---------James McArdle. (1875).....
13 Gedney, Edwaid M.—Samuol A. Hills,
13 Green, Andrew H.—F. H, M, Newcomb.
17 G( ssner, AA'm, J.—John M. Pinkney. (1875)
15 Hlrshlield, EUas—Marks Levy. (1S7G)*___
16 Hahn, Michael—Susan J. Fleury.. (1874)..
16 Herr, Frederick—GoorRe Sloane. (1876)+..
16 Hale, Seth W,—Tbe Omaha National Bank.
17 Higgins, Alvin—The Delaware, Lackawana
and Western liailroad Company. (1875)..
17 Same---------same. (1874)..............
11 Kennard & Hay Stationery Manufacturing
aud Printing Company—First National
Bank of Jersey City. (1875)..............
12 Kely, Jane A.—Matthew T. Brennan.
13 Kirby, Spencer—F. H. M, Newcomb,
16 Kotiner, Joseph — Charles Sommerfeld.
17 Klinberger, Sigismund—German Exchange
Bank. (1876)............................
17 Kibbe, Augustus F.—David Stuart. (1876).
12 Nostrand, Benjamin B.—Joseph T. Barnum.
16 Nussbaum, Henrietta—Susan J. Fleury.
12 Oppenheimer, Edward—Mary Ann Frank¬
lin. (1874)§............................
11 Pearson, Thomas—Alexander S. Toplanyi.
13 Stoltz, Michael—Franz Bayer. (1875)......
13 Same---------Peter Albrecht. (1869).....
13 Styles, Silas M.—Elizabeth R. B. King.
13 Stampel, John—uharles L. Weeks. (1871).,
15 Stearns, W. E,—John E. Powers. (1876)...
15 Springsteen, John S.—Grace H. Spring¬
steen. (1876)............................
15 Schuster, Samuel-Susau J. Flear>. (1874).
17 Schafer, Henry—Charles Uhllg. (1876)*___
17 Stegman, John H. and Conrad—John Levy.
13 The Mayor, &c., of NewYork—F. H. M. New¬
comb. (1876)............................
15 The Grocers' Bank of New York.—Thos. D.
Penfield. (1874)§........................
16 The Second Av. E. E. Co.—John Lauben-
heimer. (1876)...........................
16 ArmyandNavy Club—Harris Bogert. (1876)
17 The Commissioners ot Eoiigratiou of the
State of New York—James Kearney. (1875)
17 The First Universalist Society of Brooklyn-
Martin W. Brett. (1874).................
13 Vanderbilt, Edward V«'.—Lydia Ann Hoke.
13 Same---------same. (1876)...............
12 Whitn6y,William—James L.Mitchell. (1876)
12 Same---------James Fisk, Jr. (1867)......
12 Same---------same. (1867)..............
12 Same---------David M. Dusenbury. (1869)
16 Webb, Eobert S.—Gardner Howland. (1868)
16 Wait, Edgar F.—James McKenney. (1876).
17 Watts, Charles—Jacdb Scbaudein. (1876)...
16 Young, Hugh—William Eots. (1875).......
16 Same---------Dorchester Union Freestone
Co. (1875).
16 Same---------Jolin J. Hyde. (1875);.....
16 Same---------Dorchester Union Freestone
Co. (1875)............................
16 Same-——James Cummings. (1875),.
16 Sdme-^—^William Meozies. (1875)...
16 Same---—Charles M, Terry. (1815..).-
106 00
283 43
124 98
140 51
1,561 58
705 00
54 78
69 26
221 79
168 78
334 20
107 29
222 05
235 67
80 73
116 45
373 90
2,875 77
233 97
437 65
107 29
222 05
235 07
275 49
1,634 12
211 50
777 36
455 43
48 04
1,529 94
687 52
1,175 75
2,802 13
819 56
143 78
348 32
2,036 33
1,806 75
48 04
350 20
952 45
785 85
657 39
1,175 75
473 12
301 75
49 00
118 88
321 30
164 92
537 58
140 41
1,175 75
715 22
•293 17
48 04
128 12
113 29
3.-3 21
1,092 86
8,321 03
159 36
256 44
1,442 99
2,875 .77
2,909 41
494 60
2,670 51
334 20
407 68
725 21
1,163 93
272 84
953 97
380 Ot
463 86
232 77
15 Concord av., u. e. cor. Denmau pl. W. G.
Tucker & Co. agt. Mary Weber..........30 00
18 Clinton pl. (No.'"74). WiUiam Jolmson ast.
W. P. Davis and E. C. Ricbards........TlOO 40
12 Pifteentb St., n. s. (No. 163 West). Fifz
Hugh Smitb agt. 0. Parmelle aud A! ex. M.
Gibbs............... ........no amount
13 Fom-tb av. (Nos. 337, 339. and ,341), s. e. cor.
25tn St. H. & H, P. Taylor agt. E. R.,Cham-
berlain & Co. and T. B. WUson..........469 13
15 First av., e. s., according to diagram near
Slst St. Jobn Becker agt. WilUam Bishop
and A. '!'. WUson (Superintendent)......271 38
15 Fiftietb st. (No. 531 West), s. s. Denis Daly
agt. Andrew Delany.....................204 00
16 Filty-tburtli st., n. s., 300 w. llth av. J. &
E. Darrow agt. II. Wingate. (Coniinued to
1877).....................................84 89
17 Fifty-eighth St., n, s,, 120 e. Gth av. Frank
Goldman agt. Jobn D, Phyfe, A. Dold and
M. Pentzel..............................133 47
18 Fortieth St., n. w. eor. Gth av., 200x100,
New York Rooflng Co. agt. John McDon¬
neU.....................................170 00
13 Lafayeite pl. (Nos. 59, 61. 63 and 65), s. w.
cor, Astor pl. H. and H. F. Taylor agi. B,
K. Chamberlain & Co. and 0. B. Potter.1,671 00
17 Lexington av., s. e. cor. 93d St., 5 bs, PbUip
RoUhaus, Jr., agt. WUUam RusseU.....1,250 00
12 Orchard St., s. e. cor. Ogden av. James W.
Colwell agt. Joiui Lennon.........,......612 43
16 One Hundi-ed and Thirty-third St., s, s,, 150
w. 6th av,, lOOx—. Geoige S, Diossy agt.
John O'Connor and S, P. Foster ......1,700 00
12 Spring st. (No. 155). Fitz Hugh Smith agt.
Jobn Iliscock aud A. M. Gibbs.......... 11 00
16 Seventy-sixth St.. s. s., 319.6 w. 1st av. T.
P. Galligan agt, Albert Reiss............209 25
18 Seveniy-sixth st,, s. s,, 319.6 w, 1st av. T.
P. GalUgan agt. same...................209 25
12 Thompson st. (No. 27). C. D. Lamarche
• agr. Johu P. Schmol...............•.....118 00
16 Vesey st. (No. 98). W. M. and R. H. John¬
son agt. — Sweeney.....................16 75
18 WiUiam st., w. s., entire fi-ont bet. FiUton
and Ann sts,, ruuning back on street, 106
Ifeet. Thomas Hagan agt, A. J. Kerwin. 1,487 00
18 Same property. Gilroy & Reynolds agt.
same................................ 1,374 00
18 Same property. Morris, Delano & Co. agt.
same...................................800 00
Compiled by Thomas Costigan, Lien Clerk County
Clerk's Office. Evenings, at Office No. 360
West 29th St.
May --------
15 Cumberland st. (No. 301), e. s. Alexander
Dugan agt. Hare & Flaherty, and M. M.
Belding................,.................27 98
12 Decatur-St., n. s., 85 e. Throop av., 20uxl00.
WUUam J. Northiidge agt. John J. Quinn
and Frederick T. Cowan.................72 30
10 Penn st., s. e. s., 180 w. Bedford av., 20x100.
John Schultz, Otto Pfeffer and Joseph Si¬
mon agt. Aaron Cameron and Warren Mun¬
ger....................................200 00
11 Penn St., s. e. s., 183 n. e. Bedford av,, 20x
100. Same agt. Aaron Cameron and Anna
Munger.................................200 00
12 Chestnut st., n. w. s., 175 n. e. Central
av., 25x110x25x120. Marryat & Nelson agt.
John and Sophia Palmer and Christina
Eiley...................................225 28
11 Meserole st. (No. 26), s. s. Ludwig Conrad
agt. John Schneider and August Schwel3e.l25 00
15 Fourth av., s. e. s., 50 n. e. 28th St., 26x100.
Joseph Gleason agt. Augustus Stockman.1,400 00
* Vacated by order of Court.
t Eeleased.
II Satisfied by Execution.
t Secured on Appeal
§ Eeversed.
Plan 341.—Fifty-first st., s. s., 100 w. 10th av.,
rear, one two-story brick stable; cost, $900; owner,
John Tresch, on premises; architect, Fred. Graid &
Plan 342.—One Hundred and Forty-fifth st., n..
s., 275 e. WUUs av., one tvvoTstory frame dweUing,
21x30; cost, $1,450; owner, Michael Aske; architect
and carpenter, Michael Geraghty; mason, Patrick
Plan 343.—Twenty-seventh st, (No. 311 West),
one tour-story brick tenement, 24x48; cost, $7,000;
owner, Francis McCabe, 154 West 24th st,; arcM¬
tects, West & Anderson.
Plan 344.—Ninetieth st. (Nos. 151 and 153), two
five-story brown stone tenements, 25x65; cost,
$15,000; owner, Mrs. Catharine Weeks, 149 East
90th.St.; architect, Joseph M. Dunn; builders not
Plan 345.—Greenwich st. (No. 422), cor. Laight
St., one five-siory brick stores and tenements, 20.8
x58; cost, $9,000; owner, Mr. O'Hare, on premises;
architect, Charles Reelde.
Plan 346.—WiUett st. (No. 26), one five-story
brick tenement, 25x64; cost, $10,000; owner, Fr.
Hoch, 173 Rivington St.; architect, A. H, Blanken¬
Plan 347.—Seventy-ninth st. (Nos. 240. 242, 244
East), three four-siory brown stone tenements, 25x
60; cost, each, $7,000; owner. V/m. H. McCool, 121
East 79th St.; architect, Wm, E. Waring.
Plan 348.—Thirty-eighth st, (Nos, 348 and 350),
rear, two three-story brick tenements, 25x27; eost,
each, $2,500; owner, Mathew Schoener, 350 West
38th St.; architect, George Hobzeit; builders, P.
Kay and H. Grube. Jr.
Plan 349.—Ninth av. (No. 474), one flve-siory
brown-stone tenement, 25x65; cost, $10,000: owner,
Michael Davey, 415 West 37th st.; architect,'George
Hobzeit; builders, not selected.
Plan 350.—Fifty-third st. (No. 445 West), one flve-
story brick tenement, 25x58; cost, $10,000; ow'ner
aud mason, G. A. Zimmermann, on preniises; archi¬
tect, George Hobzeit; carpenter, not selected.
Plan 351.—Anderson av., w. s., 200 s. Orcliard
St., one one-story frame church, 35.4x80; cost,
$2,500; owner. Church of the Sacred Heart.
Plan 352.—Fifty-muth st., n. s., 134 w. 8LI1 av.,
one one-story brick stable, lOO.xlOO; cost, $15,000;
owner, Mary J. Tallman, Morrisania ; architect,
Charles Mettam.
Plan 353—Bowery (No. 216), one three-story
brick stores and dwellings, 25x60 ; cost, $10,300 ;
owner, William H. Bradford, 21 Washingtou pl.;
archiieet, WilUam E. Bloodgood: mason, Freeman
Bloodgood; carpenter, G. L. Baxter.
Plan 354.—Ninth av,, s. e, cor. 61st st,, flve four-
story brown stone flats, 20 and 20.5x60 and 70.6; cost,
each, $16,000; owner, Wm. P. Lee, S'iO 5th av.; arch¬
itect, John G. Prague.
Plan 355.—Sixty-fli-stst.,s. s., 70 e. Oth av., seven
four-story brown stone dwellings, 18.()X55; cost,
each, $15,500; owner, Wm. P. Lee, 320 5th av.;
architect, John G. Prague.
Plan 356__Third st. (No. 226, East), one five-
story brick tenement, 25x49; cost, $8,000; owner,
J. Wannemacher, on premises; arclutect, WiUiam
Plan 357.—Hester st. XNo. 162), one four-story
brick tenement, 24.6x40; cost, $6,000; owner, Alicia
Korrigan, 112 Mott st.; architect, William Jose.
Plan 358.—One Hundred and Twenty-flfth st.
(No. 167, East), one three-story brick store and
dwelling, 16x44; cost, $2,500; owner, Levi Adams,
on premises; architect, Andrew Spence.
Plan 359.—Eleventh av.. e. s., 24.9 s. 36lh St., one
five-story brick store and tenenieut, 24.8x75; cost,
$10,000; owner, James Rowan, on premises; archi¬
tect, Johu M. Forster.
Guernsey st. (No. 191), w. s., 100 s. Calyer st.,
one three-story frame tenement, 25x38; owner, Wm.
Brown; architect, Davis; buUdor, WalUng Fen¬
Warren st. (No. 286), near Com-t st., one one-
story brick office, 20x20; owner, &c., M. Freeman
& Son.
Classon av,. 70 s. Atlantic av., one thi-ee-story
brick tenement, 24.11x50; owner and mason,
Mathias Gavan, 1,066 Atlantic av.; architect, Aug.
HiU; carpenter, Thos. Doniy.
Classon av. (No. 170), vr. a., bet. Myrtle and
Park avs,, One one-story frame store, 20x12; owner,
Lydia J. Harper, 170 Classon av.; builder, J. B,
De Kalb av. (No. 52), one one-story brick black¬
smith shop, 25x75; owner, Mr. Harris; builder,
Lawrence Davis.
Feanklin av., e. s., 100 s. Green av., one one-
story flrame and brick carpenter shop, 18x24; own¬
er and carpenter, Myron C. Bush, 187 Van Buren
St.; mason", James SmaU.
Harrison av. (No. 168), one three-story brick
tenement. 25x48; owner, PhUUp Hoehn, 168 HaiTi¬
son aV.; architect, Theodore J. Beir.
Rbbd av., w. a., 20 s. Decatur St., one two-story
frame dwelUng, 20x36; owner, G. Gill.
Wtthe av., s. s., 40 from Hooper st. towards
Hewes st., three three-story brick tenements, 20x
45;-owner, Alexander L. Baird; architect and bmld¬
er, A. W. Dickie.
Willoughby av., 83 fl-om n. w. cor. SkUlman St.,
one two-story frame dwelUng, 17x25; owner and
architect, James ConneU; buUders, Thomas and
Sylvester Nash.
Sixth av., w. s., cor. St. John's j)l., five three-
story btown stone dwellings, '20x48';" owner and
buUder, John Gordon; architect, M. J. MorriU.