EAL Estate Record
Vol. XVIir.
No. 435.
Published Weekly by
C. \V. SVVEUT...............Pkesident and Tbeasurer
PltESTON I. SWEET...........Secretary.
ONE YEAR, iu advance___$10 00.
Gommuuicationa should be addressed to
Nos. 345 AND 347 Broadway.
The market during tho past weolt showed no new
feature, and, apart from the regular routine of fore¬
closure sales at tho E.KChunge, but little has been ac¬
complished in tho way of selling. The moat important
sale of tho weolt was that of tlio Union Gas Works, con¬
sisting of the buildings and block of land hounded by
Second avenue, Harlem River, Ninety-eighth and Nine¬
ty-ninth streets, which was sold to the plalntitVa in the
legal action for $200,000. The sale of tho property on
tho southeast corner of Broadway and Fortieth street'
which brought In tho aggregate only $37,500, was made
merely for tho purpose of perfecting title. The partlo"
utars relating thereto, with all other sales that hayo
boon consummated at the Exchange since our last Issue,
will he found annexed.
Ninotoonth St.. h, b„ 246,3 o. 2d av,, throe-story
brick house and Jot, 20,11x02, to E, R, Deni-
Bon (Taxes,),,,,.,,,,,........ ,,,,............ $7,709
Thirty-ttrst St.. n.p,, 300 e, iHh ay.. tliroo'Story
bvlok house and lot, 16,8x98,0, to Patrick MoIh-.
tiro (PJalutlff)......,.,,., ..,.,,.,,.,,........ 0,255
Ninth «v.. 0. fl,, 7S.3 n.43d 8t„ 9 lirjok houaes.
tvimt and mp, and lot, as.isiQO, to l-'recleilelf
HfttiQi'man (Plnlntifl).....,.,,,,.............., a 000
Ninth av. and 44th nt„ s, e, oor,. 4 fgnv-stovy
lu'iek houses'and lota, eaeli 98,lsiOO, to D. WiU
umvlMPlivlatlft),,,.,,,.,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,......, 41,300
Barretto uv., oor. Maswell st., extending to Log-
fietVa Qreek, West Paring, asrt Wftrd, l,a§5,ls
:i30,lQsaOi.asl,nt)a,(), to l\. l. Mount (PJaiutitt), ig.ooo
JiJuUi av, and B-Jtth at,, b, w. eor,, tour-etopy
lu'lek hotel aad lot, 95s80, to Ffaaels Blefnting
(Plalntiir)....................................! 10,038
A ilia pi,, e, 8,, tot No. !tu on Map of lltona, Mor-
ylBauia, 234 Wavd, to Natbaa llu tlioff (Plaintiff) 1,8SS
LaDij-etto pL, w. B., a. Pine Bt., lOQsiaO, and lOOs
lao adj, on f oi'dham av., to lleWnsou .te 8eliul)>
nor (t'of Kftlntifl')....,,.........., ....,,,,.,, 3JOO
Oonti-al av., 0. b., uoavPino St., l60sl2U, to Meytsv
, Linn......................................... 636
Lttrayetto pi., e. s., e. Pino at., 60sl90, to Plalntift' 100
'riiin,v-nlntli 8t., s. b., 976 w. lOtli av., lieiigo and
let, 9B}t08.0, te Haauiel Vooi'heea.............. o.QOO
I'hlvd av., e. s. 100.3. s. 108tk at., lioiiae and let,
mslOO, toJeba MoOael.....................I 11,260
Ouo Hnudsed and l^ortiefeli at., a. a., 431,0 e.
Aksandoi' av., aSslOO, lieuae and lot, to John
it. Willia...,.................................. a,600
one auadrs-d and Twentieth St., a. a., 150 e. 3d
av., two heuBoa and lota, eaoh aSslOO, to Jaaiea
Wood (Dst'endant)..........,....,............ 17,600
Second St., a. a,, aoo w. Waihtugtea av., Mei>.
I'iaanla, 28d Ward, to 8. A, Milla (Defeadant).. 3,600
seventy'Sevsath at,, a. a.. 980 w, 8d av., to Plain.
lift'............................................ 9,600
One Hundi^sd aud Eighth at., a, a., 25 w. Lexiug*
ton av,, 25x100) to ^------...................... 1,400
ileufy at., a, s., llntgers isaae of hottae aad lot
No. yi)i) on Map of Eutgera JEstate (lease 91
yeats front No vein bet, 1867, gi'ound tonfc $176
per year), to Plaintifl.......................... 6,000
Second av., iiarlem Eiver, 98th and 99th sts.,
Whole block, With Uiiildlngs, known as tJaioa
Gas WotkSi to Eeeeivers of Townsend Savings
Bank (Plaintifl')...............................200.000
Forty-second St., n. S., G2 W. 9th av;, house and
lot, 19x80.5, to InahHannar.................. 9,420
Forty-second st., n. s., adj., 19x100.5, to same.... 9)420
Attorney st., e. s., 175 n. Stanton at., five-story
brick tenement house and lot, 25x100, to Jacob
Elusham (Defendant)........................ 11,850
Third av., e. s.. 41.4 s. 79th st., flve-story brick
tenement house and lot, 20,3x85, to Jonas Hel¬
ler (Plaintiff)................................ 14 735
Sixty-third st., s. s., 205 e, 3d av., house and lot '
25x100, to Thos. Cummins (Plainti^...,,,..,! 6,200
One Hundred and Forty-eighth st., s. s., 500 w.
7th av., 50.k99.11, to C. J. Betts................ 2.350
One Hundred and Forty-eighth st., s. s., adj., 50
x99.ll, to Mr. Brown......................... 2,300
Tenth st. (West), n. s., 118.9 e. Bleecker st.. house
and lot, 18.9x90, to Adolph Schreigemuller___ 5,130
Broadway and 40th st., s. e. cor., 25.7x110.8x24.8
X109.9, to Isaac M. Kellogg.................... 20.000
Fortieth St., adj. above, 2 lots, each 25x93.9, to
same.......................................... 17,500
Fifty-second St., s. s., 250 o. 2d av., house and lot,
19x100.5, to a. W. Chamberlin................ 12.000
First av. and 71st St., n. e. cor., 4 houses and
plot, 102.2x75, to Henry Oppenheimer (Plain¬
tiff).......................................... 31,000
Seventy-flrst St., adj., 2 houses and lots, each
1G.X102.2, to same............................. 10,000
Fortieth st., s. s., 215 0, 3d av., house aud lot,
20x08.9, to John B. Radley.................... 8.000
BUIOK.—In a general way matters remain much tho
same on tho market lor North River hards, with possibly
a tendency toward somewhat greater steadlncsa. The
heated term has retarded work to some extent, but, all
things considered, consumption was fair, with indica¬
tions of its continuation. Brick come into use in so many
wayti whore either new operations or repairs are goluj?
on, that tho call for tliem becomes a greater certainty
than any other material. Yet, as we have frequently
written, and found our remarks supported by the re-
Bixlts, the moment an attempt is made to force huainess
sellers lose an advantage, and while tenipurarily sales
may be quicker or prices flrmer, tlte reaotjou la a'ure to
come and set matters lurtherbftok than betoro, Buyera, in
fact, adhere to the hand-to-mouth policy, and tho greater
the elfort made to force tl>oni from it the more stispt-
oions and oautlouH thoy beoonie, The supplteshave been
about equal to all wants, with now ana then a lUtie e-x-
cess, tliuugU soiu'coly enough to get beyond control, aud
on tblHreeeiveraobtulned their sivsUtadvantagp. Aoev-
tain "lanoy" bfaad is quoted at *(! pe? M, hut $8,fi0 is a
pretty good prioe to get, and the average top sales do
not esoeed $B,S6 for HavoTstraws, For pale brlok there
has been a demand guffleient to esbaust the supply
aliout as last as offered, and prJeeB stiffened soraewbat,
with a great many sales made at 13 per M, This rate at
the ploflo, however, le rather estreme, ai moBt wants
are ftUed and hnyers withdrawing, Fronts remain raueh
the Bftine, Ualtlmorns and PhUadelnhlaB, and tbe olioloe
malioB ot Oroton, finding a good Mr market and ooni-
mandlag fall former rates, though dealovs Bay there is
Btill plenty of room I'or improvement ia the demand.
We quote i Pale, per M, $a.as®Oj Harda, toriver, U
m,ii\ Haverstraw Bay, |4,60@B.505 treats, Oroton=
brewa, $10; darls, %IU red, lia; Philadelphia, |a8@2Tj
Baltimore, $31®88. ¥ard priees, delivery Inoluded.
|a(i>3 higher on erdlaary, and $8@8 ea ftents.
OIlMBNT.=For domestle the demand ia without mueh
anlmatiou, aad tbe general poiltloa veld ©f iaterest.
I'be wholeaale valuee are atill named at $1.10 and $1.90,
roapeetlvely, oa "Oseek" aad here, aad for flrat^elaga
ateelt theao llgurea would probably be laalated upoa.
Some abadiag, however, haa, it ia thought, taken plaeo
ea leading braada la a quiet way, while aakaown and
irregular ateck can la many eaaea be Ibuad openly of-
feving at a reduutiea. Produotioa moderate, li'er tor'
etga deaeriptiona there haa been a ftilrlah demaad and
about a ateady market, tbe ratea i'or aame thiie eiwrent
aeeaiing to be aeeeptablo to both buyer aad aeller. Sup"
pll§8 pleaty (or all wanta, and mere ean be iaereuaed by
cable ordera at any time. We hear ot aome l.aoo bbla.
Portland, recently, aeld at $a.60®3.76, es veaael aad
store. We tiuote, irom pier aad yard aad aeeerding to
braad, aa Miowst Portlaad, $8.40@4; Bomaa, $3,50@4!
Keene, $7.76@8 i'or coarse, aad $11.76©19 for fine; Mar»
tttt's, $7(^7.25 for coatee, and $il@li.26 for flae; La
Forge,Portland, |4.lo@4,26i and Lime of Teil, f9.86@3.
GtriASS.-=impottera of French window glass ask about
former rates, and continue to assume a pretty firm tone,
but they are not encouraged by much demand. Buyers,
indeed, are extremely Bcaroe, and the distribution is con¬
fined in tbe main to orders by mail. Supplies not very
liberal, biit enough for current wants, both in quantity
and assortment. We continue to quote at 60 aud 20 @
60 and 25 ii cent, discount. American is quiet, not
only here, but at the works, and the production is re¬
duced somewhat in consequence. About former rates
asked, but the position a little nominal. English is dull,
both tor sheet and plate, but firmly held and indif¬
ferently offered.
HARDWARE.—For all descriptions the present de¬
mand is very moderate, and the marjcet throughout dull
and stupid. Stocks are being sorted over and straight¬
ened out, and dealers are inclined to prepare for a fair
fall trade. The semi-yearly revision of price lists con¬
tinues, and among recent changes we note the follow
ing: The Yale Lock Company name discounts as follows:
Yale locks (except prihcin locks), 40 per cent.; prison
locks, 20; blank and duplicate keys, 40; ''standard" locks,
40; Leed's gate fixtures, 40; ornamental real bronze
goods, 20; postofljce equipments, 10; post olllce lock¬
boxes and drawers, 10; Weston's differential pulleys, 25;
extra parts for differential pulleys, 15; Dottoror's patent
car locks, 10; "Yale" anodes (lor plating), 10. The Cor¬
rugated Elbow Company have isstted a revised price list,
on which they quote Hat crimped elbows discount 15
per cent., and galvanized lender pipe discount 35 per
cent. The leading mauufactarers of looks, knobs, etc.,
have issued their new lists, showing a general roductton
in tho lower grades, while the higher grades are about
8 per cent, dearer. Tho discount is 35 per cent. Tho
discount on common stamped tinware is now 15 per
cent., formerly 10 per cent. Strap and T hinges are re¬
ported firm. About 55 and 5)per cent, ia tho discount.
The Douulass Manufacturing Company have issued a re¬
duced price list for Cook's cast steel augers and bits. At
a meeting of tho American Copper Rivet Association it
was decided that the prices ruling the six months end¬
ing July 1 should be maintained during tlio remainder
ot the year. The manufacturers of wood screws are still
a little at loggerheads as regards prices, and the general
tendency is rather upward.
LA.TH.—Up to the closing of our report we have been
unable to learn of any important movement this week,
and the market is a Homowhat nominal one, with quota¬
tions ranging at $l,4U@l,50, the latter said to be tho
asking rate of some receivers. Buyers, liowover, are by
no means anxious operators at any cowt, and, witli ru¬
mors that considerable qiiautltiesare en mule, incline to
hold bank for inoroaaeu otVorlugs. A oorinin local oom-
merolal (?j journal, in making its weekly reluish from the
Now York ourrespoudouoo of a Chicago paper, has given
currency to the report that a million and a half lath
were sold here tor the Liverpool market. We refrained
from noticing tbe matter at tho time it first appeared,
beoanso we could not verify it, and are still unable to do
so through any leading metaber of the tr,\flo who would
be most likely to know of it. Iu t'ftot, nfuudy all afl'eot to
gonstder such a sale aa absurdity ia viow of the much
greater margin, it any at »U esists, on dlreot Bhlnments
mm 8t. 7ehH, Tho sale may have been made, but the
report of it without partioulars simply indieates
aothlag of value to the trade.
LIMB,>=The position seems to ho getting Into some¬
what better shape oa Eastern stock, and a quotation is
at last aamod, The figure is aot quite so high as pi«
dieted, but Bhows aa advanee on late nomlaal quota
tloas, and the toae is about steady, Oommon, 85o.'
and finlBhingll.as pee bbl., with some lots offering to
arrive; hut net many to he iound on the spot. Be-
mand fair, and thought likely to prove sulhuieat to es-
haaat supplieB for some little time eemlog. 8tato lime
seems to bo seaiowhat nasettled still, aad, though tho
tendeney is to ereep up somewhat, sales have recently
been made at Irregular rales. Dealers are net ollerlag
Bteok freely, buteaa iaeroaae the amount wbea waated.
We quote aomlnally as follows! Itoeklaad. 860. ?i^ bbl,
for oeatmoB, aad $1.98 for llulahlag; North Klver, 06®
70e. 1 bbl. tor eommoa, and $l#l.95 for tlaUhiag.
LlJMBER.=Matters do aefc iiaprovo aa yet, aad we
ilDd meat dealers reporting a dull market ia a whalessle
way for tho week under review. Ispoelally la tho ship
piag demaad apokea of as light aad uaaatlafttotery, and
exportera aay that their Juaepurohaae about filled their
orders ia hand, alneo which they have reoolved no fur¬
ther iBatractlona, aud do aot propeae assamtng the re-
apoasibiilty of haadliag aupnltea natll a positive outlet
la secured. The teadeaoy of this la to weaken values
somewhat oa certain gradea, and, though no actual de-
dine can properly be recorded, it ia likely that aellers
would shade a trlflo iu order to secure a low mora cus¬
tomers. There is about the usual call on home account,
but this meana aimply the taking of odd parcels from
time to time, as necessity may arise, and att'ords little re¬
lief. Current arrivals of supplies within easy reach af¬
ford a Buflioiont offering for all wants, aud if required
considerable larger quantities would, In all probability,
be forthcoming without much of an addition to cost.
Eastern spruce seems to be under pretty good manage¬
ment still, so far as the volume of supplies is concerned,
and no great surplus of stock is allowed to press upon
the market. On the whole, however, there la <iulte as
much coming In as the necessities of the trade require;
and as quality does not always run fair, sales can only
be consummated by a.oarefuL watching of all outlets and
accepting easy terms. Bills showing an attractive aver¬
age of full lengths will now and then reach $13@14 ^
Ml but even ordered specitlcatione eeldom go up to $16,