The Real Estate Record.
Plan 3(30—Fifty-seventh st, ii s, 190 e Park av,
two four-.storj- brovvn stone dwellings, '20x(55, tin
roof and iron cornice: cost, >;l-5,(!l)0; owner, AA'.
F. Croft, I02();^d av: architect, James K. Ware:
builder, AA'. F. Croft.
Plan 3j'51—Greene st. No. 77, one live-.story iron
store, 2.5x8-5, tin roof and iron cornice: cost, -^17,000;
owners, H. & J. jroiuhard, :3'.IS Broadway; archi¬
tect. Henry Foruback; Iniildcus, A. Woodnilf's
Sons and McGuire & Sloane.
Plan :^fi2—riiompson st, Nos. 34, .'3(5 aud 33, one
Iive-story brick factor}-, 57x80, tin roof and brick
cornice; cost, §:5-5,0()O: owuere, M. i'v: -S. Stern¬
berger: .50 Exchange pl: arcbitect, H. Firrnbnch:
builders, A'a'i Dolsen & Arno t and J. Jemiiug,«.
Plan :!():5—Twentj--lifth st, Nos. .507 and bO'J
AA'est, rear, one two-story lirick stable, .50.\oO.
!,'ravel roof and brick cornice: owner and archi
te; t, Heury Ferris, 240 loth av; builder, not se¬
Plan :5(5t—Sxty-thirdst, ns, 00 c IOlh, six three¬
story brick .stoiie dwellings, l(5.Sx.50, tin roof
and iron cornice: cost, .^«,(l()0: owner. Heurj- P.
Niebuhr, 3'3l l'25th st: architect, J. Brandt;
builder, A\'. F. Niebuhr.
Plan :i0-5—Second av, ii e cor 78tli st, one five-
story browii stoue store and tenement, 25 and ~->x
72, till roof and iron cornice: cost, >;0,000; owner,
Henry Berfthoru, 2dav and 5(5tli st; architect, A.
B. Ogden; builder, not selected.
Plan ;!(j(j—Greenwich st. No. 100, oue five-storj-
brown stone store and tenement. 2(5 and 25x70,
till roof and iron cornice; cost. ?;0,0-50; owner?,
E. &: C. Sobel; architect, Henr\-Dudlej-; builders.
J. Scliaelller & Son aud Mullhollaiul & Connollj'.
Plan 807—(Jno Hundred and Seventeenth .st,
Nos. 21-5, 215.1;; and 217 East, three two-story
brovvn stone dCvellings, 10.8x45, tin roof and iron
cornice; cost, S;i,400; owner, George .Strecker,
Lexuigtou av, n w cor llStli st; arcbitect. B.
Walther: builders, J. C. Heuej* and Thoo. Diet-
Plan S(5'>—First av, n e cor I•24th st, one oue-
storj- brick factorj-, 87x27, gravel roof and coping;, §1,200; owner.s, AA'illiam â– Maas & Co,, 04 antl
('i(i Lispenard .st; aYchitecfc. M. Steriiheimer: build¬
er. M. Rider.
Plan :!U0—Eightj-~fourtli st, s w cor Madi.son
av, four four-.storj- brovvn stoue dwellings, 17.7x
-52, tin roof and iron cornice; cost, .^-50,0(1(1; owner,
Richard Arnold, 5tli av and IOth st; architect, (4.
Tliomas; builders, Moran Sc Armstrong.
Plau -'wO—Jladisou av, w s, (57.2 s .S4tli st, ono
two-storj- brovvn stoue dwelling, o5x7(). tin roof
and iron cornice; cost, ?! 15,000; owner, Richard
Arnold, 5th av and IOth st; architect, G.Thomas;
builders. James AA''ebb & Son.
Plan :S7l—Unioii Square, No. :10, s w cor IGth
st. one iive-story iron store, :J2.(5xl4l.lO, metal
roof aud iron cornice: cost, S7o,00(): owner, Es-
t.ite Margt. Smith; architect, J. B. Snook; build¬
ers, R. Deeves tind J. Downej-.
Plan 37'2—Twentj--sixth st, No. 324 AA'est, ore
live-storv bri^k tenement, "25x55, tiu roof ami
iron cornice; cost, $8,000: owner. E. Crawford,
2-2(1 AVest 2Sth .vt: architect, J. M. Dunn; builders,
N. and H. Andruss and AA^m. Mitchell.
Plan :373—Third av, n w cor lOSih st, oue four¬
storj- briek store aud tenement, 2-">.5x50, tin roof
and iron cornice: cost, -^8,(100: owner, I). AA'ehreii-
berg, 421 2d av.
Plan 374—Tweutj'-third st, Nos. 23s and 240
AA'est, one one-story brown stiiie church. 50x-S.5,
tiu roof and stone cornice; cost, $12,000; o\vners.
Third Reformed Presbj-teriau Church; architect,
J. Correja: buildei-s, M. M. Henrj^ aud Jno. Jen¬
Plan iilb—Fortieth st, n s, 125 vr 7tli av. three
live-storj' brick tenements, lO.Sx()2 and 50, tin roof
and iron cornice: cost, .$5,200, each; owner, Hen¬
rj-C. Niedensteiu, 221 Greenwich st: architect,
AV. R. Smith; builders, Lyons & Biinu.
Bereen st, bet Franklj'ii and Classou avs, one
one-story frame shed, 14x30; owner, Mr. Seiter.
Broadway, No. 14.57, one two slorj- frame
dwelling, 20x30, shingle roof; owner, Charles A.
Briggs; builders, C. Baur and Jno. Dankert.
Columbia st, No. 190, one three-storj' brick
store and dwelling, 2l.Gx.55, tin roof and wood
antl iron cornices; owner, Henrj- Immerchitt;
architect, Chas. AA'erner; builders, Thos. B. Rutan
and John Lee.
Degraw st, s e cor Hoyt sfc, one oue-storj'
frame church, 35x93, gravel roof; owners. Father
Dully and Jno. King.
Downing st, e s, abt 300 n Putnam av, two
three-storj' brown stone dwellings, 10x42, tin roof
and -wooden cornices; owner, &c., Lambert &
Flood's alley, e s, 70 from Johnson st, one four¬
story brick stable and cai^riage house, 30x44, tin
roof and wooden cornices; owner, AA'illiam Gor¬
den; architect, F. B. Strvker, Jr.; builder, George
Lorimer st, 242 s Norman av, one two-storj* |
frame storage, 10.1x38, gravel roof: owuer. Ceo. j
H. Gerard, .50(5 Lorimer st; architect, F. AA'eber.
Pacitic st, 11 s, east of A''anderbilt av, one two-
storv browii stone dwelling., tin roof and
wooden cornice: owner, John J. Ladlej': archi¬
tect, AV. A. Mundell.
Poiiu st, n .s, 150 w- Marcj- av, one three-.storj-
browii stone dwelliug, 20x42, tin roof and wooden
cornice: owner, John Denithorne; architect, Robt.
Pre ideiit st, ii s, 171 w Sth av, one two-storj-
brick dwelling, 23 and 30x43, tin roof and wooileu
ooniiccs; owner, F. O. Apfeld: builder, Thos. B.
State st, cor Nevius st, one two-sto j- brick
stable. -57x25, gravel roof and brick cornice:
owner. A- F. AA'ood, 140 Ijiviiigstoust; buihler, M.
Witherspoon st, s s, 150 u Marcj- av, six two¬
storj- frame dwelliugs, 1(5.8x40, "gravel roof;
owner, J. AA'alter Phelps; architect, AA'. II. Col-
son; builders, E. G. Sturges and AA'. H. Colson.
Nortii First st, No. 03. one three-storj- lirick
tenement, '20x40, tui roof and wooden cornice:
owner, A. Graham: builder, Joseph Mead.
Second st, cor Hoyt st, live two-storv brown
stoue dwellings, 10x45, felt and gravel roof and
wooden cornice: owner and builder, Chester Be¬
Second pl, s w cor Clintoii st, six three-storj-
brown stoue dwelliugs, Il5.x47, tin roof and wooden
cornice: owner, J. Av. Peckett: builder, Moore S.
.Second pl. s s, bet Court and Clinton .sLs; four
three-storj- brown stoue dwellings, I5x.50,tin roof
and wooden cornice; ovvner, James H. Magill;
architect, AA'". A. Mundell; builders, John Guil¬
foyle Sc Sou and AA'right & Brook.
Soutii Niutli Pt, s e cor 7th st, one tbree-storj-
brown stone dwelling,'23x.50; owner, C. G. Moller,
202 South Oth st: architect, AA'. H. Gaylor; builder,
J. Rodwell.
Sixteenth st. No. 32, s s, 100 from 3d av, one
three-storj' frame dwelling, ^20x33; owner, Patrick
Fortieth st, u s, 200 w 4th av, one two-storj-
frame store aiid dwelling, 20x3(5, tin roof; .-iwner,
Mrs. J. Barrett: builder. J. Bartlej".
Clinton av, e s, 471 s Greene av, one three-storj-
brick dwelling. -25x44, tin roof and wooden cor¬
nice; owner, Mrs. Barrj-, 431 Clinton av; archi¬
tect and builder, T. B. Jackson.
De Kalb av, n s, 50 w Yates av, one four-storj-
brick store and tenement, 25x50, soapstone roof
and iron cornice: owner, Robert Yates, Fulton
market: architect, AA'. H. Gaylor: builders. AA'. H.
Terrj- and S. AA'. Weeks.
Johnson ax, n s, 130 e Ewen sfc. one four-story
brick school. '50x28, tiu roof and iron cornice;
owner, Trinitj- Church: architect, AA'^. Schiekle;
mason, U. Maurer.
Marcj- av, cor Pulaski st, twelve two storj'
franie dwellings, l8.0x-'>8, tin or gravel roof;
owner aud buikler, Thos. E. Greenland, '2515 Kos-
cuisko st; architect, L D. Rej-iiolds.
Mj-rtle av, s s, near Harmaii st, one one-storj-
franie car house. 50x100, gravel roof; builder, P.
Mj-rtle av, s s, 30 e Broadway, one one-storj-
franie stable, 25x18, gravel roof; owner, &c., E.
Putnam av, n s, ^20 e Patchen av, one one-storj-
franie dwelling, 13.x20, tin roof; owner, Thos. G.
Troj- av, e s, (50 s Bergen st. one two-story fi-aine
dwelling, 10x3(5, tin roof; owner, Mary J. Buck¬
lej', Tnij- av, eor Pacitic: architect, G. H. Prj-or.
Avenue A. s w cor ll7th st, extensions, 34x17,
Sec; cost, $t),000; owner, Jno. Fox; architect, S.
B. Isaacs: builders, T. Kiernan and Doyle &
Avenue B, "No. 12, front alteration; cost, §'290:
owner, F. Baldauf; builder, A. Kiesel.
Broadway (Nos. 021 end 923), n w cor 21st st,
extensions, raised to three stories; cost. $8,000;
owner, B. Johnson: architects, D. & J. Jardine;
biulders, D. E. Herbert and P. Herrmau.
Broadwaj- (Nos. 1520 and 15^2^2), e s, 40 n 40tli
st, raised one story, extensions, 1.5x30;,
$1.5,000; owner, E. AV. Cole; architects. D. & J.
jardine; builders, A. Brown, Jr., and VV. Bedell.
Carmine st, No. 74, raise extension: cost, $200;
owner, B. Revis.
Chathani st. No. 1,35, and No. 1 Roosevelt st,
interior and front alterations; cost, $000: owner,
A. Rich; builder, J. Walsh.
Eleventh st, s s, 115 w Av D, raised three feet:, $',*5(i: ownei-s, N. F. Palmer, Jr., Sc Co.:
liuilder, R. Shapter.
Forsyth st. No. 34, front alteration; cost, S150:
owner, C. AA'eber; architect, W. Graui.
Goerck st, No.s. 1.57, 1-50 and ICl, raided one
storj-; $2,000: owner. Estate Julius Ragner;
architect, W. E. AVaring.
Greenwich av, s w cor Horatio st, front altera¬
tion; cost,-$-5-50; ow-ner, Mrs. Taylor; architect,
E. Schultz: builders. Stone Sc Healing.
John st, No. 11, repair damage by fire; cost,
.$410: owner, S. Crowell; architect imd builder,
Heurj- AVallace.
King st, Nos. 8(5 and -SS, rear; studding po.sts
aud w-eather boarding; cost, $100: ow-ner, Edwin
Perry st, No. 122, new windows, &c.; cost, -500;
owner. Perrj-street M. E. Church; builders, A.
G. Bogert &; Bro.
PierO. N. R., extensions, .â– 58x4'20, gravel roof:
cost, $2,(;00; owners, Mangam & Bonell; archi¬
tect and builder, P. H. Cxill.
Spring st. No. 341, front alterations; cost,
$2,5(>(); owner. Mr^. A. L. Brown: architect, &c.,
AA'. AA''. Jacobus; mason, A. D. Cailock.
Sulfolk st, No. 135, interior alterations: cost,
-$'25(1; owner, P. T. Uihleim; architect, A. H.
Second .st, No. 2S(», raised one-half storj-; cost,
800: ownei-s, Trustees .Seconil M. E. Church:
architect, A. Graham.
Sixth st, No. 321 East, raised extensions; cost,
$50(;; owner, Mr. Sturtzeueeker; architect, Chas.
Sturtzkober; builder, J. Ki.ssel. .
Second av, w s, 75 s OOth st, rai.sed one storv:
cost, $-200; owner and builder, Robert Collins. '
Twenty-eighth st, No. 408 AA'est, interior altera¬
tions: cost, $1,500; owner, Thos. J. Smith: archi¬
tect and builder, Robert McAvenej-.
Thir:j--eighth st. No. '37,3 AA'est, raised five feet:
cost, $200; lessee, Pat Crowe: builder, A.
Third a^, n e cor 100th st, csxtensions, "25x8,
front alterations: cost, about $1.50; owner, E. C.
Marshall; architect. J. Cairns; builders, J. & AA"".
Third av, n e cor 122d st, rebuild part founda¬
tion:, $100; owner, George Jaus; architect,
Bart AValther; builder, not selected.
The Conmiissioners of Estimate and Asse.ssnient in
the matter of the aiiplication of the Department of
Public Works, relative to the opening of One Hundred
and Twenty-seventh street, from I>avvrence street to
the westerlj- side of a certain avenue, closed hy act
of the l^egislature, chapter 290, section 10, passed
April 5ih. 1871, give notice lo all parties who are in¬
terested iu the awards heretofore made by them for
land to be taken in the jiroceeding, lo appear before
them at 151 Nassau street, on the -'Id day of June, at
3 o'clock, and show cau-se why said awards should not
be reduced, the lands for which same were made,
having been dedicated lo public use.
* Under the different headings indicates that a res¬
olution has been introduced, and referred to the ap¬
propriate committee, t Indicates that the resolution
has passed, and been sent to the Mayor for approval.
New York. Jlay 28, 1878.
43d St, bet -2d and 3d avs.*
Southern Boulevard, bet Berrian av and Tomkins st.t
108th St. het 4th and JIadison avs.t
Schedule of Assets and Liabilities llled by Assignees
for the week ending Jlay W :
Nominal Real
Liabilties. Assets. Assets.
Colt, Jaines P., 44th street
and Sth avenue......... -.25,919
28,557 17,074