The Real Estate Record,
May 6, 1882
8 Madiaon av, s e cor 131st st, 100x85. John L.
Calaer agt Ellison & Todd and GrifQn &
Young..................................... 500 00
29 Ninetieth st, s s, 82 e Park av, 76 ft front.
Chur- h & Miller agt Mary E. and Sylves¬
ter Murphy.........: ..................... 391 00
4 Ninety-thira st, n s, 100 w 3d av, 2 0 ft. front.
James J. and Jacob F. Healey agt Frank
E. Smith and Henry R. Ellis.............1,500 CO
4 Ninety-second st, s s, abt 75 e Lexington
av, 50 ft front. Pait«rson Bros, agt
Joseph Schwartzler....................... 64 10
29 One Hundred aud Fourteenth st. s s, 100 vr
2d av, 100 ft front. John Mooney agt
Robert J. and Peter Algie................. 59 50
29 On© Hundred and Sixteenth st. s s. 144 w Av
A, 100 ft front. W. Scott West agt Jas. R.
Carmichael...............................1,750 00
4 One Hundred and Sixteenth st, s s, 100 w 2d
av, 100 ft front. John Zimmerman agt
George Bidgood, Williani Man, R. Parson
and James Carmichael.................... 430 00
5 One Hundred and Nineteenth st. n s, 75 e
2d av, 150 ft front. Green Vv'^right agt
Henry Hawkes and George B. Dunn...... 497 11
3 Pleasant av, s w cor llSth st, 74x2.34,
14 buildings. John Smith agt James
Gault...................................... 13 03
3 Same propert.v. John Haughney agtsame. 25 00
3 Same property. Charles Stuart agt same.. 49 50
3 Same property. Kenneth Mackay agt
same...................................... 71 00
3 Same proportj'. George Mackay agt same.. 49 50
3 Same property. Thomas O'Brien agt sam". 09 25
3 Pleasant av, n vr cor 122d st, 125x100. John
Smith agt James Gault ................. 25 00
29 Seventy-third st, s s, 20Gw9th av, 50 ft.
front. Jas. H. Parker agt C. J. G. Hall,
Marv L. Smith. George Nichols and Rich¬
mond F. Taggart.......................1,046 55
29 Same property. Willson & Adams agt
same....................................... 542 69
29 Same property. Edward W. McClave & Co.
agt same ................................. 77 24
1 Same property. William Ci-awford agt
same....................................... 625 00
1 Same property. George Bickelhoupt agt
same...................................... 164 00
4 Same property. J. L. Mott Iron Works agt
same............................... ..... 180 00
4 Same property. Bowe & Denman agt
same .................................... 255 75
2 Second av, s w cor 96th st, 100x80. Wm. J.
Walsh & Bro. agt Babette Peter......... 500 00
28 Thirty-fourth st, No. 646 W., s s, 200 e 12th
av. James Philp agt E. D. Maher....... 103 70
2 Bay 17th st, e s, 150 n Franklin av, 100x96.8,
New Utrecht John Ke.ves agt Catharine
A. Chesebrough and O D. Way.......... $140 00
2 Franklin st, w s, 25 n Java st, 25x100. Ack¬
erly & Gerard agt John K. Fairbanks___ 74 00
3 Eighteenth st, w s, 150 n Franklin av, lOOx
96.8, New Uirecbt. J. Keyes agt Michael
J. McGrath and O. D. Way................ 80 00
3 Eckford st, No. 316, e s. abt 140 from Green¬
point av. William Klein agt John Mun-
chow...................................... 239 .50
2 Clinton av, No 503, e s, 46 s Fulton st, 25x
100. Fernando Miranda agt Mary A. Wel¬
wood, owner, and T. A. Welwood and
Emeline F. Tooker........................ 117 00
i Union av, w s, 25 s North l'2th st, 25xli 0.
Jacob Moessner agt Jacoli Doyle, owner,
and George Grunf elder and Jaines Parkin¬
son........................................ 27 77
4 Atlantic av, No 1295, n s, 1.50 w New York
av, 30x1110. Henry B. Kloeckner agt
James Dunne, o%\nier, aud Wm. Fruin..... —
4 St. Marks av, s s, 140 w Carlton av, 9.5x1-31.
Alexander Dugan agt John Donovan..... 504 90
5 Gates av, s s, 100 w Lewis av, 175x100.
Robert Ferguson aet George Nichols,
owner, and George Nichols and Joseph
E. Vandewater............................ 570 00
5 Macon st, s s, 350 w Reid av, 125x100. Robert
Ferguson agt George Nichols, owner, and
George Nichols and Joseph E. Vande¬
water.................................... 485 00
4 Bridge st, Nos. 36 and 38, s w cor Plymouth
st, 50x83. John Guilfoyle agt Edward J.
and Patrick Cassidy.................... l,061 00
April and May. new yoek citt.
29 One Hundred and Thirty-third st, n s, 100 vr
7th av."" Willson & Adams agt Sarali J.
Fox and W. A. Cross. (Len filed April 10,
1882)...............â– .......................$jM7 73
5 One Hundred and Twenty-fifth st, n s, 275
w7thav. 50it front. James Carlew agt
George Riker and Jobn Cromwell. (April
29,1882)............ ...................... 370 72
5 Same property. Robert Dey agt Dixon &
Riker and John Cromwell (May 1, 1882). 178 00
5 Same property. Abram Steers agt same.
(Mayl. 18S2)............................... 798 49.
29 Ridge st, No. 92, e s. 125 s Stanton st. John
Kehoe agt Mother Superior Seraphina
Staina of the Dominican Sisters and B.
Rauth & Bro. (Jan. 30, 1382).............. 357 50
29 Same property. Adam Beckert agt same.
f Jan. 30, 1882).............................. 350 00
1 First av, s w cor 70th st, abt 100.4x105. Wm.
H. Jenkins & Son agt Andrew Kelly.
(Nov.7,1881)............................. 19110
2 Fifty-sixth st, Nos. 77, 79 and 81E., n s.
John Geagan agt Elizabeth A. and Henry
Greer. (Peb. 5, 1881.) (?)................ 2,400 00
*3 One Hundred and Thirtieth st, s s, 350 e 8lh
av, 75 ft front. John F. McLoughlin agt
George H. Harloe. (April 26,18!;2)........ 204 18
One Hundred and Thirtieth st, s s, 425 e
3 8th av, 50 ft front ..................
One Hundred and Twenty-ninth st,
425 e 8th av, 5(1 ft front...................)
John L. Calder agt Samuel H. Griffin.
Harry S. Young and Ellison & Todd.
(April 28, 1883)............................ 500 00
4 One Hundred and Thirty-third st, n s, 100 w
Othav, 100 ft front. Daniel Carroll, Jr.,
agt W. O. Barton. (July 9,1881).......... 325 00
♦Discharged by depositing amount of lien with
April 29 to May 5— inclusive.
Monroe st, n s. 241.8 e Nostrand av. Louis
Bossert agt Albert A. Reeves, owner, <S:c.
(March 18,1882)........................... $88 48
Monroe st,-w s, 356 w Ralph av. 19x100. John
Rieley agt P. Butler and wife, owner, and â–
J. Phelan. (April 10. 1882)................ 60 10
Commercial st, No. 84, mar Manhattan av, ex¬
tending to Box st. John C. Provost agt
John Bogenschutz, owner, aud Gustav
Schmidt. (Feb. 10, 1883)................. 300 00
The Real Estate Record offices are now
at 191 Broadway, corner of Dey street.
,425 6"]'
t, n B, I
Plan 459—75th st, s s, SO w Lexington av, one
two-story brick stable, 80 9x92, tin roof; cost,
$20,000: o-svner, Wilhelm Pickhardt, 735 Madison
av; architect. Henry G. Harrison.
460—Sth av, s w cor l-i4th st, one foui--stor.y
brick flat, 26.11x65, tin or gravel roof; cost,
.$20,000; owner, John McGarry, .583 Monroe st,
Brooklyn; architect, R. Rosenstock.
461—Sth av, -w s, 25 s 124th st, three four-story
brick flats, 25x60, tin or gravel roofs; cost, each.
§15,000; o-wner and architect, same as last.
462—145th st, s s, 100 w 3d av, one two-story
frame carriage house, 25x50, tin roof; cost,
$1,200; o-wner, Mary L. Erdenbrecher: architect,
Henry Piering; builders, Chas. Haffen and Geo.
463—Av B, n w cor S6th st, twelve three-story
brick dweirgs, 16x40, slate and tin roofs; cost,
eacli, from $7,000.to $9,000; owner, John C. Hen¬
derson, 109 and 111 Spriug st; architects, Lamb &
Rich; builders, Robinson & Wallace and John J. I
464—61st st, s w cor 9th av, one five-story brick
flat and stores, .30x90, tin roof; cost, $40,000;
owner, John Maloy, 213 East 49th st; architect
A. B. Ogden.
465—6ist st, s s, 30w 9th av, three five-storv
brown stone front flats, 40x88, tin roofs; cost,
each, $40,000; owner and architect, same as last.
Plan 466—69th st. No. 161 E., one three-story
stable and dwell'g, 25x100; tin roof; cost, $16,000;
owner, Harvey S. Ladew, 28 Spruce st; architect,
Chas. W. Romeyn; buUders, J. & G. Rudell and
Guy Culgin.
467—Washington st, Nos. 245 and 247, two five-
story brick stores, 21.6 and 21.2x73, tin roofs;
cost, $15,000 each; owners, Mary R.. Swan and
Serena Rhinelander; architects, Havilah M.
Smith & Son.
468—32d st, n s, 2'35 e llth av, one two-story
brick foundry building, 75x100, gravel roof; cost,
$5,000; owners, Robert Deely & Co.; architects,
Berger & Baylies.
469—35th st, No. 544 W., rear, one two¬
story brick workshop, 25x30, tin roof; cost,
$2,0u0; owner, Conrad Diehl, .504 West 36th st;
architect, C. F. Ridder, Jr.; builder, J. Ruppert.
470—Wooster st. No. 130)4, one one-story brick
store, 25x25, tin roof; cost, $1,000; owner, H.
Hecht, 460 Broomo st; builder, Richard Delap.
471—South st, No. 387, one one-story brick
oSice, 15x17, gravel roof; cost, $500; lessee, Tomp¬
kins Cove Lime Co.; builder, C. H. Williams.
472—118th st, No. 171 E., ten two-story and
basement brick dwell'gs, 15x35, tin roofs; cost,
$9,000 each; owner and builder, Joseph E. Mc¬
Cormack, Sea Cliff; architects. Carter & Ferdon.
473—11 Sth st, No. 171 E , four two-story and
basement brick dwell'gs, 15x30, tin i-oofs; cost,
$7,000 each; owner and builder and architects,
same as last. tThese two plans cover a plot of
ground I07xl.')0.)
474—Courtland av, No. 7S8, one two-story
frame dwell'g, 25x36, tin roof; cost, $2,500;
o-wner, Charles Baenisch; builder, S. Kramer.
47.5—Maiden lane. No. 40, one five-story brick
store, 23.6x65.6 and 61, tin roof; cost, $ 8,000;
owuer, S. P. Shortland, 108 Wall st; architect,
John Mumford; buUders, B. Gallagher and W.
and T. Lamb, Jr.
476—187th &t, n s, 325 w 7th av, three three-story
brick (brown stone front) dwell'gs, 16, 16.8 and
18x50, tin roof; cost, total, $45,00J; owner, Samuel
O. Wright, 155;East 113thst;architects, Cleverdon
& Putzel.
477—133d st. No. 217 W., one three-story brick
dweU'g, 20x50, tin roof; cost, $15,000; owner.
Prank W. Blauvelt, 213 AVest 133d st; architects,
Cleverdon & Putzel.
478—118th st, No, 508 E., one two-story brick
stable, 25x40, gravel roof; cost, $4,000; owner,
Henry Ki-oose, 244 East Slst st; architect, John
Brandt; buUder, not selected.
479—28th st, No. 407 E., one one-story brick
workshop, 18x70, ironroof; cost, $2,000; o-wners,
Henry Van Beurden and John Donahue; mason,
Christopher Mooney.
480—IJnion st, s s, 25 w Bremer av, one one¬
story frame dwell'g, 20x23, tin ronf; cost, $400;
owner, Robert Wood, 5123^ West 26th st.
481—llthav, s wcor.29th st, one-story brick
ofiice, 14x20, tin roof; cost, $650; lessee, Dillon
Beebe; architect, M. N. Salmon;builders, Patrick
Childs and A. C. McKenzie.
482—Broome st. No. 191, one five-story brick
tenem't, 2.5x.57, tin roof; cost, $12,000; owner,
Bernhard Kling, 137 Clinton st; architect, F. W.
483—43d st, s s, 65 e 2d av, one two-story brick '
dwell'g and store, 16x20, tin roof; cost, $ J, 000;
owner, Samuel Wartheim, 300 East 43d st; archi¬
tect, F. T. Camp; builders. Smith Bros, and
Henry Ellis.
484—-6th st, No. 811, rear, one two-story brick
stable, 25x40, tin roof; cost, $i,000; owner, Thos.
A. Anderson, 742 6th st; builders,' John Fish and
Henry D. Powers.
485—Madison av, n e cor SOth st, one four-story
brick and stone frontdwell'g, 60x100, tile roof;
cost, $200,000; owner, Henry 'Villard, 100 East
•17th st; architects, McKim, Mead & White;
builder, John J. Tucker.
486—82d st, n s, 5 w Lexington av, two four-
story brick and brown stone front flats, 28x86 and
30x89. tin roofs; cost, $14,000 and $20,000; owner,
Patrick McQuade, 117 East 83d st; architect, A.
B. Ogden.
487—138th st, n e cor College av, one one-story
biick store, 25x40, gravel roof; cost, $1,300;
owner, Ellen Scofield, 141st st near 3d av; archi¬
tect, H. B. Baker.
4S8—Perry st, No. 171, one five-story brick
tenement, 3'3.8x66, tinroof; cost, $14,000; owner,
Josephine L. Sherman, 7 East 12th st; architect,
Charles Reekie.
489—57th st, n s, 246 e 2d av, two five-story
brick flats, one 40 and one 20x89, tin roof; cost,
$40,000 and $20,000; owner, Prancis A. Croft,
1221 Park av; architect. John G. Prague.
490—140th st, ns, 450 w5th av, one-story frame
dwell'g. 25x80, tin roof; cost, $400; owner, Ter¬
rence Kane, 127th st, near 6thav; builder, Samuel
491—77th st, s s, 60 6 1st av, one four-story
brown stone front tenem't, 25x43, tin roof; cost,
$9,600; owner, John D. Tienken, 1478 1st av;
architect, Jno. C. Burne.
492—44th st, Nos. 220 to 226 W., four four-story
brick dwell'gs, 20x46, slate and tin roofs; cost,
each, $18,000, owner, William Astor, 350 5th av;
architect, Thomas Stent; builders, Jas. Webb &
Son and John Downey.
493—45th st, Nos. 331 to 347 W., nine three¬
story bricK dweU'gs, 24.4^x53.3, tin roofs; cost,
each, $13,000; owner, architect and buUders, same
as last.
494—Greenwich av, junction of West ISth st,
three five-story brick flats, triangular shaped lots,
tin roof; total cost, $70,000; owner, John Glass,
209 West 21st st; architect, Geo. B. Pelham.
49.5—Greenwich av, n s, 111.11 e of junction of
West 13th st, one five-story brick flat, 20x40, tin
roof; cost. $14,000; owner, Mrs. J. L. Sherman,
7 East 12ch st; architect, Geo. B. Pelham.
496—128th St. s s, 125 w 7th av, six three-story
and basement brown stone front dwell'gs, 16.8x
50, tin roofs; cost, each, $12,000; owner, Wm. F.
McEntee, 218 East 105th st; architect, Andrew
497—West st. No. 54, one six-story brick ware-
hou-e, 24.11x90, tin roof; cost, $20,000; owner,
Elizabeth P. Floyd, 58 West 34th st; architects,
Berger & Baylies; builder, John Downey.
498—13()th st, n s, 451 w Oth av, three three¬
story and basement brown stone front dweU'gs,
19x50, tin roofs; cost, $12,000 each; owner, Em¬
ma F. Baxter, 324 East 125th st; architect, Chas.
499—3d av, n w cor 107th st, one one-story brick
office, 10x15, gravel roof; cost, $500; lessee. Con¬
sumer's Coal Co.; aichitect, Chas. Baxter
Plan 374—Montrose av, s s, 100 e Ewen st, one
one-story and basement and foundation Ne^^'
Jersey free stone church, 88x172, slate roof;
cost, $120,000; owner. Church of Most Holy
Trinity; architect, 'Wm. Schickel; builders,
Power Bros, and------Berlenbach.
375—Floyd st, n s, 100 e Yates av, one three¬
story frame tenem't, 25x52, and one-stor.y exten¬
sion. 16x36; cost, $4,700; owner, Nicholaus
Weisensee. Hopkins st and Throop av; builders,
J. Fuchs and John Rueger.
376—Stuyvesant av, w s, 40 s Vernon av, ono
two-story frame dwell'g, 20x40, tin roof; cost,
$3,000; owner, Richard Straubel, 500 Broadway;
builders, John Fuchs and John Rueger.
377—Nostrand av, e s, 87.9 from CarroU st, ono
one-story frame storage of cars, 80x100, gravel
and tin roof; cost, abt $2,000; o-wner, New Wil¬
liamsburg & Flatbush R. R. Co.
378—President st, n s, 115 w Clinton st, three
three-stoi-y brown stone dwell'gs, 16.8x51, tin
roof, wooden cornice; cost, abt $6,500 each;
owner, Julius Wadsworth; architect, &c., George
Lowden; mason, J. J. Reynolds.
379—Fayette st. Nos. 16 and 18, s s, 150 e Broad¬
way, two two-story frame dwellgs, 18.9x50, tin
roof; cost, $5,200; o-wner, architect and carpen-