EAL Estate Record
Vol. XXX.
!No. 763.
Published Weekly by The
Real Estate Record Association
Oi\E ¥E1R, in advance - - -
Communications should be addressed to
C. W. SWEET, 191 Broadway.
J. T. LINDSEY. Business Manager.
Gowanus Canal, e s. 271.8 s Hamilton av, 33s
lOOx-'0x96. Benj. Richardson............. 2,250
»Macon St. n s, 70.8 w Sumner av, 17.8x100.
Elias G. Brown............................. 4,078
North Sth st, n s, li 0 e 5th st, 25x1(0. Henry
Ritchard................................... 2,309
Tola! .. ................................. t4rj,-p-i
The following are the sales at the Exchange Sales¬
room forthe week ending December 1:
* Indicates that theproperty described has beenbid
in for plaintiff's account :
Bank st. No. 82, s e cor Bleecker st, 50x45.3,
tliretf-stor.v frame store and dwell'g and
two-story brick dwell'g. Charles H. Hall.
(Rent, *2.000 per annum) .............. $18,500
Cbarlioii st, Nos. 11 and 13, n s, 49.ifl00, two
tnree-story brick dwell'gs. Charles Mc¬
Manus. (Amount due, abt S8,600)......... 16,866
21th at. No. 51 W., n s, 19.6x&8.'.», three-story
stone front dweU'e and one-story brick
extension. AV, S. Hobert.............. 17,000
57th st. No. 440 E., s s, 2.5x123.2x28x121, four-
story sto-e front dwell'g. E. F. Crowell.. 19,100
86th st, n s, T9.6 from East River, nms, north
ii'0.8 X east 82.0 to East River,, x along
river — to SOth st, x west 79.0, two story
brick house and two-storv brick extension.
Thomas .VIcGinley..................... 20,250
Oth av, sw cr 47tli st. lv'5.3x',00x131.9x100.2.
Nos. 821. thrt-e-siory brick store and dwell¬
ing, with extension: Nos. 82H to 829, five
three-story hrick stores and dwell'gs;
Nos, lOJand 104 West 47th st, Ihree-story
brick store and dwell'gs, with extension.
AVilliam Arras............................. 148,000
Cth av. No. 803. w s, 2.5x100, tbree-story brick
store and 'Iwell'g. Philip Brady........... 24.600
iitb av. No 914, e s, 22x7ii.0x82.'c78, four-story
stone front flat. E. F. Crowell. (Rent,
$3,';31)..................................... 33.800
Oth av. No. 920, n e cor 52d «;t. 25,5x75, four-
story stone front flat, with two stores. E.
F. Crowell. (Rent. $4,740).............. 54,(iOO
8Jtb St, n s, 2.^7 w Av .\, 100x100.8, vacant. Wm.
H.Harris............................... 18,000
llOih st, s s. 3 0 e Sth av, lOOxlOO.ll, vacant.
Wm. H. Harris........................| 20,000
1st av, n e cor 87ib st, 100.8x11 0, vacant. AVm.
H.Harris................................. 22,000
Greenn-ich st. No. 7f3, e s, 21.10x.56.0, three-
story brick dwell'g. Mary Sinnott........ 7.250
50th st, No, 307 AV., n s, 19.2xl00,.5, tliree-story
stoue front dwell'g. AVi liam Mulry....... 10,200
Mercer st. No 79, w s, 25x100, flve-story brick
building. L. Friedman.................... 29,200
nth St. n s, 93 e Av B, 25x103.3, three-story
brick dweU'g. D. 1). Toul. (Amount due,
abt$l,5'ii)................................ 8,075
*ll8ili st, Nos. 1.>1 and 15'> E.. s s, 9JxlOO,]i,
two and-one story f>'ame stables, .Icseph
J. Carberry. (Amouut due, ?-bt $16,000)... lo.OOO
Broadway, or Washington av, n «• cor Colum¬
bia av, 100x100. AVilliam Nelson, Jr ..... 300
37th st, Nos 209 and 811, n s, ,=.iixi03.'C-x96, six-
story brick factory. H< ffniau X Schivuri'z. 47,C00
*Eing.sbridge road, n s, 50 n e of land of Phi'lp
Duffv, 128x128.8x118 5x127.7. Mutual Lite
Ins. Co.................................... 4,r00
Total................................... 1531,121
Wherever the letters Q. C. and C. a. G. occur, 'i-re¬
ceded by the name of the grantee Ihey mean as follow.?
1st—O. 0. is an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed
i. e., a deed in which all the right, title and interest of
the grantor is conveyed, omitting all covenants or war¬
-2dr—C. a. G. means a deed containing Covenant
against Grantor only, in wluch he covenants that he
hath not dow-. any act whereby the estate conveyed may
be impeached, cliarged or incumbered.
BKUOliLlA, A. \.
In the City of Brooklyn, Messrs. J. Cole and T.
A. Kerrigan have made the following sales for the
week ending December 1:
♦Canton st, e s. ?50. s Flushing av, 38xS', two
tliree-story bnck dwell'gs................ $6,600
Atlantic av, No. 915. n s, abtl72 e St. James pl,
25xi00, four-;tory brick store. Charles
AV. Purdy............................ 3.300
*Herkinierst, n s, 75 e Rocliester av. 2.=ixl00.,, l,50u
*Paeiflc st, n s, 93 e Clason av, 34x100, .lohu
G. Smith and ano., exrs................ 3,- 0D
*Park aVj s w cor Grand av, 27x92.2x24.0x97.6.
John Bahrenburg........................ 1,5 fl
Park av, sws. 29 2 s e Cumberland st, 5x98 G
A. Lezansky...........................___ 5,7.i0
Clason av; e s, 70 s Atlantic av, 24.11x70. S.
Sidney Smith___........................... 5,401
Gowanus Canal, e s, 305 s Ramiltoa av, 125x
I92x—XlOO. Benj. Bichardaoa............. 16,000
November 24, 25, 27, 28, 39, '30.
Broadway, Nos. 17-19, runs south along Broad¬
way 44.9 X west 117.S x north 48,6 x east 9 x
north 4..'5 x east 119,7, six-story stone front
stores and part of Stevens House Hotel. VVil-
liom H. Guion to Ueorge F. Johnson. Morts.
$109,000. Nov. 22. $170,000
Broadway, Nos 17 and 19. Release dower.
Elizabeth C. Hoadley, widow, to William H.
Guion. April 1. nom
Broadway, No. 213, n e cor Fulton st, tne
Knox Building—29.(ix70.6, six-story brick
store and office building. Lorillard Speucer
et al., exrs. Catb. L. Spencer, to Edward
M. Knox. 1-2.5 part. Nov. 9. ' 12,000
Broadvpay, s vV eor .57th st, runs south ,54.3 x
west 71 X south 50 x west 100 x north 100.5 to
.57th st, X east loO.ll, eight-story stone and
brick apartment house projected. John
Taylor, Bayside. L. I., to Charles H, Bliss.
Contract. (Building loan $150 000.) 181,000
Broadwaj'', s vr cor 57th st, runs south 54.3 x
west 81.1 X south .50 x west 100 x north 100.5
to 57th St. X east 150.11. Same to same. Oct.
23. 181,000
Broadway. No. 1768, s e eor 57th st. 19.6x
00.6x64.11, gore, three-story brick store and
dweU'g. Contract. Albert Bodine, admr.,
&c , to Amos R. Lno. Aug. 16. 17,.500
Bowery, Nos. 9 and 11, and No. 103 Bowery.
Samuel and Louis Oestereicher enter into
a co-partin rship as lodging house keepers
at above places.
Bowery, No. 65, e s, 8.7 n Canal st, 16.4x79.10x
16.9x80.1, four-story briek building. Loril¬
lard Speucer et al., exrs. Catbarine L.
Spencer, to George Ruckert. Nov. 9. 36,100
Bank st. No. 4(i, s s, 85 e 4tb st, 20x91.3, two-
and-one-balf stoiy frame (brick front)
dwell'g and one-story brick shop in rear.
LorilLird Spencer et al.. exrs. Catharine L.
Spencer, to Aaron Altmayer. Stbject to
life tenancy of tenant73 years old. Nov. 9. 5,500
Broad st. No. 41. \_
Greenwich st. No. 473. \
<\mtract. Ch irles H. Ebbets to William H.
Brooks. Subject to mort.--. $14,000. 1-72
parfc. Oc'. 21. 8.50
Broome st, s w cor Forsyth st, 33x.50, three-
storv frame store and dwell'g on Broome
st aiid tw<>stor.v frame ;• tore and dweU'g oa
Forsyth st. Sophia L. -wife of and John
H. Gerken to David Moss and Morris G-bl-
siein. JVlor', |,3,n0a Nov. :J8. 10,200
Chatham st, Nos. 47 and 49, beina: •^3-4 on
Chatham st. 7 o i easterly «ide at junction of
Chatham and North William sis, 24.9 on North
William st aud 24.2 on westerly nde, four-
ftory brick officH building. Contract.
Saniuel Glover, Fairfi-^ld, Conn., to Daniel
P. Hays, Nyack, N. Y. Nov 29. 32,.500
Co! tlandt st. No. 8. fiv»-5-t ry stone front
store. Alexaiiiier R Walsh, Jr., a child t.r"
Emilv M. Walsh, decM, to Loui-^a C. Walsi,
Stamford. Conn., cbiul of Emily \i\. Walsii.
A 1 title in above and iu certain trust fund
with ivlease. Nov. 20. 800
ChHtuberâ– i^t. No. 49, and No. 27 Reade st, be-
giis Cbiimb rs st, n s, 251.3 e Broadway,
runs north 151.6 to Reade st, at point 2.50 e
Broadway, x east 25 6 x south 151.7 to Cham¬
bers st, X we-it 25.1, five-s'or.y brick store¬
house. Lorillard Spencer et al., exrs. Cath.
L. Sper'cer, dec'd, to The Emigrant Indus¬
trial Savings Bank. Nov.9. 132.500
. Church bt, e s, 75.5 n Murray st, 50x35, portioh
^ five-story brick â– warehouse, Elizabeth Wi
Aldrich, -widow, to Joseph Slevin, Brooklyn.
C. a. G. Nov. 25. 18,000
Crosby st. Nos. 13, 15 and 17. e s, 79.11 s Grand
st, 7.5x100x75 1x100, three three-aud-one-hBlf-
story brick, and one four-story brick build¬
ings. Lorillard Spencer et al., exrs. Catba¬
rine L. Spencer, to John Burkf. Nov. 9. 10,000
Delancey st, No. 299, s s, 25 w Lewis st, 25x7-5,
five-story brick store and teuem't. Hervy
Michel to David N. Hanson, Brooklvn.
Mort. $9,.50O. Nov. 24. 14,121
East Broiidvvay, No. lOl, s s. 186.1 w Market st,
25x100, three-and-one-half-story brick build¬
ing. Lorillard Spencer et al., exrs. Catba¬
rine L. Spencer, to Solomon Jacobs. Nov. 9.
East Broadway, No. 46, n s,'379.6 e Cathaiine
st, 24.11x69.4x24.11x69.2, four-story briek
store and dwell'g. Samuel Longfelder and
Siegnmnd Unger to Rosa wife of Lucy
Rothstein. Moit. §11,000. Nov. 28. 1.5,825
Ea-t Broadway or Chatham st, s w cor New
Bowery. 50x43x58.7, p^ore, five-story brick
store. The Grett Wet tern Ins. Co. tj J )bn
Stemme. Nov. 28. 3.',500
Elizabeth st. No. 40, e s, 225.3 s Hester st, 25x
55, new building projected. Lorillard Spen¬
cer er. al., exrs. Catharine L. Spencer, dec'd.
to Charles Gulden, Nov. 9. 7,530
Ferry st. No. 14, s s, runs southwest 130.10 x
northwest 61.7 X northeast 36,6 x southeast
12.2 X 43.8 X 15.6 X northeast 4-3.4 to Ferry
st, X southeast 30.2, five-story brick store
and five story brick extension. Jane E.
Bullard, Brooklyn, to Lewis H. Bullard.
All title. Oct. 21. nom
Same property. John R. Bullard, Dedham,
Mass., Mary Bullard. Dedham, Mass . and
William M. Bullard to Lewis H. Bullard.
Aug. 1. nom
Same property. Arthur W. Benson et al.,
Brooklyn, exrs. J. Bullard, to same. Au¬
gust 1. 143,0uO
Gold st. No. 34, e s, 33.7 s Ryder's alley, 23.11
x98.10.% 23x93.11, tvvo-story brick shop, coal
shed, &c. Lorillard Spencer et al., exrs.
Cath. Tj. Spencer, to John W. Mason, Brook¬
lyn. Nov. 9. 10,600
Goerck st, No. 41, w s, 75 s Delincoy st. 25x100,
three-story frame store and dweU'e, two¬
story frame dwell'g, and four-siory brick
tenem't in rear. George O'Connor, exr. M.
H. O'Connor, to Isaac J. Maccabe. Nov.
37. 0,000
Hester st. No. 103, s s, 75.5 w Eldridge st, 25.7x
100.9x25.9x100.9, three-story fratne dweU'g.
lioriliard Spencer et al., exrs. Catharine L.
Spencer, to August Berbert. Nov. 9. 11,550
Horatio st. No. 21, n s, 133.4 w 4th st, 16.Sx
87.6, two story brick dwell'g. Foreclos.
George V. N Baldwin to Prederick W.
Meyer. Nov. 10. 5,450
Horatio st, No. 27, n s, 182.4 w 4th st, 16.8x87.6,
two-story brick d'^ell'g. Foreclos. George
V. N. Baldwin to Frederick W. Meyer. Nov.
10. 5.600
Lispenard st, No. 10, s s, 80.5 e West Broad¬
way, 20x69, two-story frama store and
dwell'g. Nathaniel P. Bail^-v et al., exrs.
Cathaiine L. Spencer, lo William C. Lesster.
Nov. 9. lO.tOO
Lewis st, No. 158, e s, 60.8 n 3d st, 19.8x100.-5,
two-story frHme (brick front) store and
dwell'g. Francis V. MorreU. Sr., Brooklyn,
to W.lliam H. Macclinchy, Brooklyn. Q. C.
Nov. 28. nom
Same property. Henry S. and Francis V.,
Jr., Morrell, Brooklyn, to same. Nov. 38.
Ludlow st. No. 8S, e s, 125 n Broome s^, 36 6x
87.6, live-story brick store and tenem't.
Agnes Boswald. individ., and as devisee and
extrx. H. P. Dreyer. Jr., to Jacob Raich le.
Mort. $13,000. Nov. 29. 24.400
Mott st. No. 46, e s, abt 74 s Bayard st, nms
east 48.3 x south 25.6 x west 23.9 x north 6
X west 25 to Mott st, x north 20. G, ihree-
story brick store and tenem't. '"
Mott sr, No. 48, e s, abt 5i) s Bayard st, 23.6x
48.3, tbree-s'ory brif.k store and leupm't.
Jobn Dennett to Samuel Weeks, Jr. Nov.
28. 14,'i50
Maiden lane. No. 86. and No. 15 Cedar st, be¬
gins Maiden lane, sws, 3;J4.1 n w Pearl st.
37x131.7 to Cedar st, at point; 2.30.3 n Pearl
st, x27.3xl3l.7; Interior plot, adj above,
and being 60.3 s w Maiden lane and (it). I n o
Cedar st. being 13.4 oh s e s and 13.8 to n w
s, thi-ee-and-ona half-story brick buUding aud
one-story in rear; No. 15 Cedar st, four-story
brick bmldiiug and oao-Btoryiu rear. Lor-