RE.A.L Estate Record
Vol. 5X51,
No. 773.
PuWisAed Weekly by The
Real Estate Record Association
UNE TEiR, In advance.....$6.00
OomcQunlcatloiis should be addressed to
C. W. SWEET. 191 Broadway
J. T. LINDSET, Buaineas Manager.
The following are the sales at the Bxchaage Sales¬
room for the week ending January 5;
• Indicates that the property deacribed han hi^r.n ixd
in for plaintiff's account:
Bleecker at. No. 114, a a. 95x135, three-story
brick store and dweli'g. Coudert Bros.
(Amount due, abt 1S32.350)................. $19,528
llSth st, No. 324 E., as, 18.9x100.10, two-atory
brick dweli'g. John Kerns. (Amoimtd,ie,
abt$5,ll)0j............................... 5,650
31th st. No. 212 W., s s, lG.5i98.9, four-story
atone front dweU'E. Ida Newcombe.
(Amount due, abt $3,300)................... 15,350
Total........................................ $10,428
In the City of Brooklyn, Messrs. T. A. Kerrigan and
Cole & Murphy have made the following aales for the
weekending January B;
Spencer at, e a, 285 s Willoughbv av, 253:1011.
E.J.Lowes ........................... 81,120
Atlantic av, s s. 53.3 e Claaon av, 33.6sT0. S.
Sydney Smith............................ 3.660
Marcy av, w 8, SO n Monroe st, S0s85. B. S.
Clark ..................................... 4.800
*Lot No. 39 on Comruissioners' map of Coney
Island, bounded on the north by Graves¬
end Bay and on south by Atlantic Ocean,
abt 3UOX300. _ Morris Heyman and ano..... 250
To'Jtl.................................. (19,830
Wherever the letters Q, C. and C. a. G. occur pre¬
ceded by the name of the grantee Ihey mean as folkiwa
ls(—6. 0. is an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed
i. e., a deed in which all the right, title and interest of
the grantor is conveyed, omitting alt covenants or war¬
id—C. a. G. means a deed containing Covenant
against Grantor only, in which he covenants that he
kathnot done any act whereby the estate conveyed iitai/
be inipeaclied, charged or incumbered. . .jBijims^
----------------------â– -----——---------'----------------i ,iiaufcnn
brick building.
Levi A. Lockwood and ano., exrs. and trus¬
tees John Simpson, to Henry Brash. Jan 3
Deckmekr. 29,30, January 1, 3, 4\°^di«-'
Bowery, Ho. 266, w a, 323.1 a Houston sttHBt^j'i
9S.9il6.6s98.2, four story brick stonjSSf-T
tenem't. Isaac Rosen fold to Henry â– V^ffffirtl)'''
Mort. $8,0i!0. Dec. 29. jS'iAaSU
Broome st, Nos. 77 and 7?J<, s s, 55 e Colwuiati 1 E'
Bt, 24.9x100, flve-story brick store and Ukiitt- J
ment. Amalie vi'ife of and Peter Schueairfia^
to Louis Schneider. Morts. $30,00O, tafcit i
&c. Dec. 30. â– WflieOt
Broome st, s s, 35 w Crosby st, 25x102x25x103
Louis Bresler to i barles E. Bresler, Detroit
Mich. Morts. S34,U00. X part. December
*''â– nom
Broome st, No. 153, s s, 0S.9 e Attorney st !s y
xl00sl8.9x99.7, three-story brick store and
tenem't. Charles W. and Frederick Lausser
to Abraham Stern. Mort. $3,000. Jan 2 8 000
Broome st. No. 1.53, s s, 68.9 e Attorney st 18 9x
100x18.9x99.7. Abraham Stern to Louis and
Hvman Schliviuski, M. gS.OitO. Jan 3 8 500
Broadway, No, 553, e s, 25x100, six-story mar-1
ble front building. '
Crosby st, No. 90, w s, 187.6 s Prince st, 26x
100, seven-story brick building and four-
story brick buildiog in rear. J
Levi A. Lockwood and ano., exrs. aud trus¬
tees John Simpson, to Henry Brash aud Na¬
than Silverstme, Jan. 3. 114 UOO
Broadway, No. 554, es,2,5x100,six-story mar-l
ble front building.
Crosby st, No. 92, w s, 35x100, four-story f
Columbia st. No. 28, e a, 100 n Broome st, 25x
100, two-story frame rtore and dweli'g, two
two-story frame dwoll'gs and two-story bi ick
dweli'g on rear. Philip and Ann Farmer,
Catharine wife of Fairick Carroll heirs F.
Farmer, to Bernhard Rosenstock. Aug. 22.
Same property. John Farmer and Mary
Clerkin, widow, Ireland, heirs F. Farmer,
New York, to same. Dec. 23. 5,000
Chatham st, Nos. 47 and 49. runs through to
North William st, 30.4x7 on east side, at
junction of North William st, x 24.9 ou North
William st, x 24.2, four-story brick office
biiilding. Samuel Glover to Daniel P.
Hayes, Nyack, N. T. Dec. 27. 32.500
Charles st or Van Nest pi, No. 6. n s, 100 w 4th
st, 20x94.8, three story brick d-well'g. Fannie
Crawford, extrx. J. Crawford, to Cyrus W.
Priuce. Dec. 30. 15,000
Same property. Release of dower. Fannie
Crawford, widow, to Cyrus W. Price. Dec.
30, nom
Christie st, Nos. 135 and 1-37, v^ s, abt 140 n
Broome st, 46.8x100, two four-story brick
factory buildiugs. William F. Dusenbury,
White Plains, to George Botbuer. Mort.
S;12,,500. Jan, 1. 30 000
Crosby st. No. 129, n e cor Jersey st, a0.6x
73.11x^1.3x74.8, four-storv brick factory. .
Jersey st. No. 1, n s, 74.8 e Crosby st, 20.3x
65.6x16.10x64.9, two-story brick factory,
and two-story brick stable in rear.
Joseph A. Dunn to Siegmund T. Meyer.
Morts. S;19,50U. Nov. 37. 37,-500
East Broadway, No. 335, s s, 47.7 e Clinton st,
23.6x90, four-story brick dweli'g. Rachel
wife of and Morris Jacoby to Samuel Woolf.
Mort. S8.000. Jan. 3. 14,175
East Broadway, No. 275, s s, 145.9 e Montgom¬
ery st, 23x78.5x23x77.11, two-story brick
dweli'g. Charles S. Brown to Susan S. wife
of Charles G-. Francklyn. Dec. 30. nom
East Broadway, No. 293j n s, 43.6 e Gouver¬
neur st, 31.9,t50, three-story brick dweli'g.
Daniel E. McSweeny to George S. Adrian.
Dec. 19. 9,000
East Broadway, No, 293, n s. 20.1x50. Caro-
ImeG., Eiina M., Maria Louisa, John E.,
Jr., and Edith M. Ewen to Daniel E. Mc-
Sweeney. Q. C. Dec. 15. nom
Elizabeth st. No. 199, w s, 33S n Spring st, 26x
89, five-story brick store and tenem't. Mar¬
garet, wife of and Richard Deaves, to Esther
McAllister. Mort. £10.000. Dec. 23. 16,000
Elizabeth st. e s, 164 n Broome st, 50x99.Ix50x
100; No. 153, three-story brick dweli'g; and
No. 151, three-story brick factory, andtbree-
story brick factory in rear. Jane Flandrau,
widow, to Otto Schmidt. Q. C. Jan, 3. nom
Same property. Jane and Wm. Flandrau,
""*â– rs. W. Flandrau, to same. Jan. 3. :d0,000
i^etb st, No. 6, s e s, 25x87, three-story
y-h dweli'g. Magdalena wife of and Geo.
'l^itrt to Mathdde wife of Johanes M.
Jan. 8. 13,000
;6 St, No. 16'i, 6 a, 60 s Rivington st, 20x
bree-st ry brick dweli'g. Fredericke
nan, widjw, to John LeiOoldt and Jo-
,a A, his wife. M. $4,000. Dec. 30. 8,500
St, No. 47, w s, 75.8 s Grand at, 35.3x87.8
â– 187.11, five-story brick store and tenem't.
tion. Alfred Mclntyre to Peter E.
atrick, Jan. 2. 20,050
Ti ufj^^t, Nos. 132 and 134, westerly cor Pine
'f^,"iui)S northwest 86.4 x southwest 43.6 x
southeast 41.6 x northeast 1.10 x southeast
3S.7 to Front st, x uoitheast 40.11, five-story
brick store. Jane C. wife of Epbraim B.
Place, Minneapolis, to Lawson Valentine.
Morts. $41,400. Jan. 1. 107.500
Forsyth st, No. 130, e s, 78 s Delancey st, 32xT5,
three-story brick store and dweli'g, >nd three-
story brick dweli'g in rear, with use of 8 foot
alley ou north. Paulina wife of Samuel
C.ihen to Garland Agnes Meincke. Mort.
$9,600. Jan. 3. I3.-Z50
Forsvth st. No. 146. e s, 150 n Delancey st, 35x
100, two-story brick store and dweli'g, and
three-story brick tenem't on rear. August
C. Hassey to Martin Hollerer. Mort. $7,000.
Dec. 39. 10,850
Frankfort st. No. 57, s w s, 70.7 n w Jacob st,
33.7x73,2x25.3x72,8, vacant.
Frankfort st. No. 55, s w a, 94.3 n w Jacob st,
19 9x71 9x31x72.;.', vacant.
Mary M. Sherwood, Brooklyn, Isaac Sher-
wo d, Hempstead, L. I., Henry Sherwood,
Tipton, Iowa, Peter Mc C. Sberwnod and
Elizabeth R. Coffin, Brooklyn, to Theodore
M. Barnes, New York, and Richard F, Mer-
ritt, Brooklyn. Correction deed. Q. C.
Nov. 27. nom
Greene st, No. 103, e s, 3'?5 n Spring st, 95x100,
flve-story iron front store. Nevin W. Butler,
Brooklyn, to Isaac Guggenheim. Q. C.
All title derived under SheriEE's deed. Dee.
23. 50
Same property. Jonas Sonnebom to same, Q.
C. May 20. nom
Gay st, No. 17, e s, 147.10 n Waverly pi, 19x65,
tbree-story brick dwell'e. James Eddy,
Providence, R. L, to Edward Mulvany.
Dec. 15. 5,500
Greenwich st, No. 514, s w cor Spring st, 18.4x
40, four-story brick store. Sarah Lynch,
widow, to William A. King, Detroit, Mich.
Mort, S8,O0O. Dec. 28. 25,000
Greenwich st. No. 714, w s, 40 s Charles st, 25x
58.4x24.5x60.9, two-story frame dweli'g and
one-story frame stable ou rear. George R.
Smith, exr. A. Compton. ond surviving trus¬
tee Maria Compton, dec'd, to Reuben A. and
Anthony Comutoa. C. a. G. Dec. 7. nom
Henry at, n s, 163.11 e Clinton st, 23.6x87.6,
three-story brick dweli'g. Michael D. Levy
to David Levy. Mort. $7,000. Dec. 38. 10,500
Henry st,n s, 163.11 e Clinton st, 23.6sS7.6.
Rachel wife of and David Levy to Michael
D. Levy. Mort. £T,000. Dec. 30. 10,000
Irving pi. No. 64, s e cor 18tb st, 37x107.3,
three-story brick dweli'g. Henrietta Ayres,
widow, to John S. Huyler. Jan. 3. 31,500
Leonard st, Nos. 113 and 114, s s, 367 e Broad¬
way, 4Sx79.6 to Catharine lane or alley, x
48.3x76.8, two three-story brick factoiy
buildings. Malvina Heath, widow, Emma
H. wife of William Barneit, Mary Heath,
Eliza wife of JuliusF. Simons, Roselle, N. J.,
Adeline H. Johnson, widow, and Frederick
Heath, Brooklyn, heirs A. B. Heatb, Frances
S, wife of Henry Heath, Brooklyn. &c., to
George P. and James F. Slade, joint tenants.
Morts. §130,000. Dee. 29. 40,000
Lewis st, Nos. 87 and S9 w s, 122.4 a Stanton st,
36.3x100, two tbree-story brick tenem'ts.
Rachel Behrens, formerly Nebenzahl, to The
New York Life Ins. Co. All title to two
mortgages on above premises and to prem¬
ises. Q. C. Nov. 3S. nom
Same property. The New York Life Ins. Co.
to Williim R. Loder. C. a. G. Nov. 89. 10,000
Lewis st. No. 89, w a, 132.4 s Stanto- st, IS Ix
100. William R. Loder to Alexander Milne,
Stanford, Conn. Mort. $4,000. Dec. 30. nom
Lewis st, w s, 140.5 s Stanton st, 18.1x100.
William R. Loder to Myer L. Sii'e. All liens,
Dec. 30. 6,000
Lewis st, No. 167, n w s, 22,6 s w 4th st, 20x75,
tbree-story brick store and tenem't. Fore-
clos. George H. Stokes to Benjamin Aufses.
Dec. 30. 4,500
Macdougalst. No. 101, w s, 146 n Bleecker st,
35xl35.1toMinettaBt,x29.10xl50.2, two-story
brick store and dweli'g and two-story frame
stables in rear on Macdougal stand two-story
frame dweli'g on Minetta st. Esther A.
Whea on to Lambert Suydiim. Mort. $7,600.
Nov. 33. 11,255
Market st, No. 46, e s, 50 s Madison st, 25x87.3,
three-story brick store and tenem't, Dioa
wife of and Herman C. Schwanecke to
Mathilda Smith. C. a. G. Nov. 37. nom
Mercer st. No. 79, w s, 200 n Broome st, 25x100,
five-story brick store. Jacob Campbell et
al., exrs. and trustees of S. Hawk, to Lewis
Friedman. Dec. 30. 29,200
Mangin st. No. 06, e s, 179.4 s Rivington st, 20.8
xLUO, three story brick store and tenem't.
Henry Wannemachei to Joseph Storp. Mort.
$3,00u. Jan. 3. 4,50
Mangin st, Nos. 35 and 37, w s, 175 s Delancey
st, 25x100, flve-story brick tenem't. Matilda
C. Bull, extrx. VV. G. Bull, to Lena wife of
Heyman Ri-naldo. Dec. 39. 9,5C0
Mcitt st, No. 2il, w s, 67.G n Spring st, ruus
north 30.1 X west 71.11 X south :i2.6to alley¬
way, X east 22 x southeast 12 x east 40, flve-
story stone front storeand tenem't. Johannes
Koop, trustee A. Jackson, dec'd, to Tobias
and Gerson Krakower. Dec. 30. 16,500
Mulberry st. No. 141, w s, 174.8 s Grand at,
3.5xlOU, three-story frame (brick front) store
and tenem't, and two-story frame dweli'g and
one-story frame stable on rear. John M.
Robinson, Baltimore, Md., to Charles R. Par-
fltt. Nov. 4. nom
Madison st. No. 355, n s, 316 e Scammel st,
23.10x96, flve-story brick store and tenem't.
Henrv L. Diamond to Samuel Longfelder.
Mort, $10,000. Dec. 23. 13,000
Orchard st, e s, near Hester st, 25x65. Rosalia