Real Estate Record
Vol. XXXI.
No. 774.
published Weekly by The
Real Estate Record Association
one: teak, la advance.....$6.00
Communications shoidd be addressed to
C. W. SWEET, 191 Broadway
J. T. I-INDSEY. Business Manaerer.
The following are the sales at Che Exchange Sales¬
room for the week ending January 13r
• Indicates that the property described has been 6t<i
in for plaintiff's account:
80th Bt. Nos 13t and 136 W.. s s, 81x98.9, three-
elory brick and two-stiry frame siores and
tenem'a and one-story frame and Iwos'ory
brick stables on rears. Jamil's Wylie. (lat
mori. S1C,OjO. ami due, abt fta.l.niOj........ 821,800
AvA.sw cor I2ist st..a0.l0x7G.O, three-S'ory
stone front nweU'g. Isijc Untermyer.
(Morts. 88 000).............................. 10,103
♦Jerome av, opp"sire Jerome park, overlook¬
ing the race course, and distant about 4
mle!> above Macomb's dam bridge. Park
View House. i\'ith 16 4ai0ii acres. Twenty-
fourth Ward Real Estate Aaaoc. (Amt.
due, abt $48,3 30).......................____ 25.000
SSth at. 8 S. 310.9 6 ad av. a0sSr.9x50.2i81.B, va¬
cant. Michael Tobln ............... 3,800
48th st, n s, irs e ad av, 35x100.5, vacant. Mlch-
aelO'Kcefe............................ 5,400
laOth St. No^. 3!1 and 3i3 K. n e, 50x100.11,
three-story brick house and brii k and
frame stable on rear. W. Reichert........ 14,600
2d av, ns.380 wSd st, WxinO, Kingsbridge... \
2dav. ns, 46'1 w 2d st. MOxlOO, King-bridge... )
E. K. Willard. [Ami due, abt $1,1 O*.')........
Broadway, No. 7P1. w s, 2.^x97, three-a'ory
brick hou=e. Peorge Wolf, (l.eashold;
ground rent and taxea. 81,375 per annum).. 8,100
5th av, e s. 9.53 s 117ih st, 15.9x110, vacant.
James Siobo............................ 20,000
J. F. B. ssrvTH.
Washington st. No. 661. e8.21s OiTraSsOe, four-
storv brick factory building and two-slory
brick stable on rear. James Rood......... 10,650
eSth at, n s, 20O w llthav. 7Sxl00.5. vacant.
Chas. E. Appleby. (Amt. due, abl JEu,700). 4,950
In the City of Brooklyn, Messrs. T, A. Kerrigan, J'
Cole and Cole & Murphy have made tbe following
sales for the week ending January 13:
"Henry st. e a, 78.5 s 4tli pi, 40x6.i. Catharine
C. Woolsey .............................. $1,200
Union St. s s. 350 e Hoyt st, 30x100. William
Maynor. (Morts. 83,500) ................. 4 550
•South 9th st, n a. 69 w 7ih st. 19x105,6s; irreg.
Robert Black, (liorts. $5.000)............
Lexingloc av, n s, 100 iv Palchen av. 40x100. I
Greene av. H a. 100 w Patchen av, 4JxU10____j
Richard Finkey ........................
Lexington av, n a. 140 w Patchen av, 60x100,
two-story stable......................
Greene av, a a, 140 v Palchen av, 00x100, two¬
story frame dweli'g...................
Ricliard Finkcy.........................'.. 7,950
Van Buren st, n a, 281 w Throop av, 30x100.
G. J. Volckeuing........................... 3 170
.' 827,070
Wherever the letters Q. C. and C. a. O. occur, pre¬
ceded by the name of the grantee 'liey mean as follows
1st—p. C. is an abbreviation for Quit Claim, deed
i. e., a deed in which all the right, title and interest of
the grantor is conveyed, omitting all covenants or war¬
Sd—C. a. Q. means a deed containing Covenant
against Grantor only, in which he covenants that he
halhnot don' any act whereby the estate conveyed may
be impeached, cnhri/ed or incumbered.
Jandahy 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11.
Bank st. No. l'?3, n s. 268.10 w Greenwich st,
runi north 9.j x east 8.10 x north 30.|(i xwest
50.« X south 40 X east 30.7 x south 85 to Bank st,
xeast 30.7, three-story brick dweli'g, and
two three-story brick dwell'gs on rear. John
Gelston, Brooklyn to Richard Davies, New
Tork. Dec. 30. * 13,000
Bond ft. No. 17, alley way on rear of premises.
Jacob D. Vermilye ana (Clementina Furniss-,
exr?. Sophia Fumiss, to Mo-s S. Phillips,
Brooklyn. Hee Bleecker st leases. Release
Tax lease Jen. 3. ncm
Broadway, or Kingsbridge road, s e s, 25 s w
Hawthorne st, 25x9fi.y. Darius G. Crosby to
Arnold Lustig. Sept. 1. 1,500
Crosby st, ISO. 49, e s, abt 185 n Broome st, 25x
inn. The Bank of tbe State of New York to
Henry R. Cudlipp. Jan. 10. 12,1100
Same property. Henry R. Cudlipp to Bertha
Volkeniiip. Mort. la.OOO. Jan. 10. I3,.^00
Cannon st. No. 129, w s, 120 s Houston st, 20x
100, three-story frame (brick front) sto-e and
dweli'g. Morris Spiegel to Jacob Wucher.
Dec. 19. 6,500
Same property. Jacob Wucher to Valentine
Hill. Mort. $1.5'io. -Dec. 37. 6,f00
Chatham st, No.-^9, a s. 21.1x41.3 to North
William st, x 16.10x52.7, two-and-one-half-
story frame building. Lorillard Spencer et
al, exrs Calh L. Spencer, to Henry Hart.
Nov. 9. 23.000
Chatham st. No. 185, ss, 72.S e James st, 38x
58 3 to n s Bowery extensi-rn, x 32.8 x 77.8,
three-storv marble front building. Levi A.
Lncliwood and ano., exrs. and trustees J.
Simpson, toJohn F. and Charles H. Simpson.
Jan. 3. 33 000
Cherry st. No. 397, s a, abt 140 e Scammel st, 23
x80, vacant. Henry McCaddin, Jr., Brooklyn,
to Matthias M. Dodd, East Orange, N. J.
Jan. 3. S.OOO
Cherry st. No. 131, s s, J51 e Market slip, 25x
Water st, Nos. 446 and 448, n s, 49.8x60x49.10
Water ft. No. 450, n s, 34.8x60x35.10x6<>.
South st, n s, 80 e of lot on n e cor Market
st, yOxSO.
South st, n s, 60 e of lot on n e cor Market
st, 20.'cl60 to Water st. being Nos. y34>.J aud
2.'5 Sou h -st, and 441 and 413 Water st.
Subject to mort. $2n,000.
Av A, 8 w cor IKHh st, 50.11x75. Morts.
$17 0 0. Also property in Brooklyn.
Julia M. Poilloii, widow, WiHiim, Cornelius,
John E , Anna T. and Mary B. Poillon, heirs
C. Poillon. and W. Poillon etal., exrs. C. Poil¬
lon. to Richard Poillon. ^ part. Feb. 1,
1883. nom
Canal st, n e cor Elm st. 22x93x33.6x91.6. four-
story brick store and factory on Canal st
and five-story factory on Elm st. Partition.
Willinm A. Boyd to John H. Gerdes. Mort.
$13,000. Jan. 9. 43,500
Canal st. n e cor Elm st, 23x92x33.6x91.6, known
as No. 113 Elm st. John H. Gerdos to Nich¬
olas Gerdes. K part. J^ of morts. 133,000,
Jan. 9. 30,(j6J
Duane st. No. 166, sws, 23.6x12.5, four story
brick store and dweli'g and one-story brick
extension io rear. James C. Bell, Cono-
wingo, Md , to Edwin M. Harrijou, Mt.
Clare. N J. Jan. 9. 31,000
Eldridge st, No. 77, w s, JOO s Grand st, aSxlOn, ' .
flve-story brick store and tenem't. Asher
Simon to Bamuel Cohn. Mort. $10,000.
Jan. 11. 30,000
East Broadway, No. 85, s s, 136 e Market st,
25x7.T, three-story frame (brick froni) dweil'g.
Robert S. Anderson, as trustee C. V. Ander¬
son, dec'd, aud Cornelius E. Anderson, as
trustee of tbe trusts, &c., to Levy Blumen¬
tbal. Mort. S5,000. Jan. 1. 10,750
East Broadway, No. 85, s s, 25x7.5. Mary An¬
derson, widow, Brooklyn, William R. And-r-
son and Mary E. Montgomery, Brooklyn,
Robert S. Andersen, New York, and Corne¬
lius E. Anderson, Rye, N. Y., heirs C. V".
Andei-gon. to Levy Blumentbal. Jan. 1. nom
Eldridge st. No. I87, w s, 175 1 s Houston st,
34.7xlOllx'M.8xl00, flve-story brick store and
tenem't. David J. Stein to Hemy Frey.
Mort. $9,000. Jan. 5. 17,250
Edgecombe road, nw cor 162d st, runs n 228.4
to 163d st, X west 7.11 x south 235.1 to 162d
st, X east 46 10. Partition. P. T. Ruggles to
John S. tSuiphen, Jersey City. Jan. 4. 3,330
Edgecombe road, p e. 269 n centre line 162d st,
63,7xi'^4.llx84.7xiaG4. Partition. P. T.
Ruggles to H. Estella Partridge. Jan. 4. 700
Edgecombe K'ad, e a, 33:i.7n centre line 162dst,
extended, 10l>xl24.6. Partition. P..T. Rug¬
gles to Fausta Mora. Jan. 4, 1,060
Edgecombe road, es, 632.7 n centreline 162d st,
extended, 109.4x130.8x70.2x134.6. Partition.
P. T. Ruggles to George S. Lespinasse. Jan,
4. 960
Franklin st, Nos. 9 and 11, s w s, 75 s e Centre
et, 42.6x100. lx40.SxlU0.1, vacant. Calvin A.
Stevens to Jefferson M.Levy. Mort. $5,100.
Jan. li. 13,000
Same property. Jefferson M. Levy to Monis
5. Herrman. Mort. $.5,10n. Jan. 6. 17.000
Grand st, N". 55, s s, 30 e Laurens st, 22x67,
three-story biick store. Marks Levy to
CliarlesMojris. Mort. S 3 000. Jan. 2. 2;.00O
Greenest, No. 103, es, 225n Wpring st, 25x100,
flve-story iron front store. Uoinelius A. Ruc¬
kle, 'ssigneeof Jonas Bonneborn & Co., to
Isaac Guggenheim. Correction deed. Jan. 2.
Greenwich st, No. 783, e s, 1.50 s 12th st. runs
east 56.5 x south 21.a xwest 55.6toGreen-
wich st, X north 21.10, three-story brick
dweli'g. Sarah L. James, widow, to Mary
Sinnott. Mort. $5,000. Jan. 10. 7,'250
Houiton st, n s, -03.6 e 1st av, runs northeast
35.3 X noriheaii :^3x29.a to 1-t '•t, x west21.5
X southeast 51 x northwest? x southwest
43.10 to Houston st, x east 18.6, No. 193
Houston st, four-ftory brirk store and
dweli'g and No. 87 1st st, two-story brick
dweli'g. Christina Frank to John Geis. Jan.
2. nom
Same property. John Geis to Carl Frank.
Mort., &c. Jan. 2. nom
Jumel pi, e s, 188.7 s Edgecombe road, 50x90.
Partition. P. T. Ruggles to Charles Stocky.
Jan. 4. 4i30
Jumel pi, w s, 63.9 s Edgecombe road, 50x100.
Partition. P. T. Ruggles to William H.
Cochran. Jan. 4. 600
Jumel I'l, w s, 113.9 s Edgecombe road, lOOx "1
Audubon av, n w cor 173d st, irOxlOO.
Audubon av, e s, 25 n 173d st, 75x95. Parti¬
P. T. Ruggles to Peter W. Sheafer, Potta-
ville. Pa. Jan. 4. 3,530
Jumel pi, ws, 241.4 n lG7th st, 125x100. ' 1
174th st, s s, 100 w llth av, lOOxlOO. Parti- J-
tion. )
P. T. Ruggles to R. Clarence Dorsett, Hu¬
bert Van Wagenen and Hargaretta Cord.
Jan. 4. 2,315
Kingsbi idge road, e s, 77.8 s 171st st, 37.9x77. L1
x2r)xS9. li. Partition. P. T. Ruggles to Mar¬
garet M. McGarr. Jan. 4. 700
Kingsbridge road, s e cor 17.Sd st, 17.3x8.2x
123.4x^5 to 173d st, x 12.5. P. T. Ruggles to
Edward Crowley. Jan. 4. 830
Liberty St. No. lu8, s s, 59.10 w Trinity pi.,
23.8x53.1x24 6x-i3.10.
Cedar st. No. Ill, n s, bet Broadway and
Greenwich st, 18.7x60.7x17.10x60.7, flve-
story brick (-tone front) store, &c.
ThsEquiiable Life Assurance Boc. U. S. to
The Phceuix Packing and Kubber Co, Nov.
15. 65,000
Lewis st. No. 87, ws, 140.5 s Stanton st, 18.lx
100, three-story brick store and dweli'g.
Meyer L. Sire to Solomon Abrahams. Mort.
$4 (jOO. Jan. 6. 6,350
Maiden lane. No. 60 and No. 21 Liberty st, be¬
gins Maiden lane, sws, 32. Ix9;i.5 to Liber¬
ty st X 21.9x95.10, four-story brick storeJf
Cedar st. No. 57, n ^, at center line uf alley,
runs west23.2x83 Iiix25x8i.3.
James E Duff, Brooklyn, to Effingham'i.
Nichols, N. Y., Alexander R. T. and .Susan
W. Nichols, Faiifield, Conn. Mort. $1.'),000.
May 10. nom
Same property. George W. Nichnls, Norwalk,
Conn, Etfingham H. Nichols, N, Y., Su^un
W., Maria a. aud Alexander R. T. Nichols,
Fairfield, Conn., to J ames E. Duff, Brooklyn.
Mort-'. $15,000. Dec. 7, 1881. nom
Morton st. No. 7, n s, 75 w Bleecker st, 25x86.11,
five-story brick (stone front) tenem't. John
H. Muegge to Julius Boekell. )4 part. Mort.
i4 of $10,000. Jan. 6. lo,500
Macdougal st. No. 113, s w cor Minetta" lane,
21.6x77. w-illiam H. Louderbach etal. I exrs.
EHk. a. Louderbach, to Elizabeth A. wife of
Abraham Quackenbush. Jan. S. 10,£00
Minnetta st, No. 17, e s, 47.5 s Minolta laue,
17.1x.58.10xl7x58.R, three-story brick dweU'g.
William 8. L< uderback et al., exr. Eliz.'A.
Louderback to George M. Ducker. Jan. 8.
Minetta lane, No. 3, s s, 19.3 e Mmetta st, 19.3x
47.6, three-story brick dweli'g. William S. ,
Louderback et al., eii-s. Eliz. A. Louder-.'
back, to Kate F. wife of Edward St. John
Hays. Jan. H. 5,-.iOO
Minetta lane, No. 1, s s, 3S.6 e Minetta st, 19.3x