Real Estate Regori
Vol. SXXI.
No. 775
Published WeeMy by The
Real Estate Record Association
OiVE TEAB, in advaoce.....$6,00
Communications should be addressed to
e. W. SWEET, 191 Broadway
J. T. LINDSEY. Business Blanager.
The following are the sales at the Exchange Sales¬
room for the week ending January 10:
• Indicates thai the property described han been bid
in for plaintiff's accou-rt:
Chatham sq, No. S, n e s, 35.isG0.S to Catharine
st, xi5.1s61.0; Nos. 5 Chatham sq and 8
Catharine st. fii-eslory brick Btore and
dweli'g. H. Irvine. (Leaseiiold lease ex¬
pires May 1, 1883; ground rent, S-3,400 per
annum; morts. $15.0(10}...
ISlhst, Kos. aaand 37 W., n s, S0sl03.3, two
three and four-story brick stores and
dwell'gs aud four-story brick factory in
rear. E. F. Woodi lUT..........
3Jd s^ No. Slti W.. s s, ai.0.iOS.9, four-story
brick dweli'g. John Eiehii................
40lh st. No. yn E., s s, 17.3x93.9. four-story
stone front dweli'g, Patrick Kenney.
(Morts. gj.riOO)...............
76th st, n e cor 9th av. 1 OUxl02.s! "Sincjail-
76th st, n s. 100 e 3th av, IOOslOe.2. William
TTlh st, s e cor Sth av. SOslOa.a. wi'liaiuLaior'
77th st, s s, iOe 9ih av, 50x103 2. William
Lalor.......... ___.^,.,
77th sC, ss, 100 e 9th av, SBsim.n'.' 'Wm! Lalor
77th St. s s, lis e 0th av. 25x103.3. M.A.J.
77th at. s s, 150 e nth av. 251102,2. Wm. Loio'r'
77th st, s s, 175 e Uth av, 25xloa.S E. P. Fair-
Naegle av, centre line n Ellwood st,' ioOx3Vl'4
to centre line Hillside st, xl01xi50.4. A.
M. Capeu.................................
Division St, No. 169, s s, B6s abt 49, two and
one-half-story brick storeand dweli'g. Ot¬
tinger Bros....................
Sherman av, e s, 75 u Ishsm st, 50'xT5!4 'to'jOlh
av. x31.Isllu.5. A.M.Capen ............
Sherman av, centreline n Ellwood st, 100x300
A. SI. Capen...............................
Bowery, Nos. 391 and 293, e g. ^3.4 x irreg
two, three and four-story brick Germania
Assembly Rooms. A. Vanderbeek.
(AmounD due, abt SB5,7iO)..................
J. T. noYD.
31at st. No. 310 E.. s s, 35x93.9, four stoiv
brick store and tenem't. E. A. Pancoaat
(Amount due, abt Si5.(iOa) ...
ath av, e s, 101 a 123d st, lOsl 16^70x100, vacant'
W. C. Lestfir.......
Mu!ber.-y st, No. 46. e s, 35.7jcSd.'Bx25,'l's80.'6'.'
three-story frame dweil'g and thive storv
bnck dweirg in rear. Edward Maher, 155 with av, 75.\i00.11, vacant P
F.Eobins............................... '
lOIst st, s E. 193 e Madison av, 75xio6.ll, va¬
cant. Sarah A. Robins___
107th st, s a, 125 e lOih av. 35.vI28.1li32.'8'x
,„. IOO.n, vacant. F, F. Robin-.......
107th St. s s, 1.50 e 10th av,25xl57.aK33xl2B.ll.
vacant. Sarah A. Robins
lOthav. 6 3,75.11 n lOUili at, 25x58,11'to'Crotoa
,n.> -A'jueduct, k:i13k81.2, vacant. I Meye
10th av, e 8, adj, 35x39 .o Croton Aqued
alx.iH.l], vaca;jt. I Meyur
Aqueduct, x
In the City of Brooklyn, Messrs. T. A. Kerrigon, J.
Cole and Cole & Murphy have made the following
sales for the "-eek ending January 19;
Cooper st, ses, 175 sw Evergreen av, 25sl00.
Henry Coras ........... ^mn
Cooperst. s e s, 125 s w Evergreen av^'sOi: 15312
xlOU.ix irreg. Henr/ Cortis............ G.W
'Herkimer st. s s, 335 w Albany av, 52,8x185 e
Jane\au fl'vck ... a ./.n
*Oak St. ns, 245 e Franklin st," 's'r.'xioo."'wil-
liara Fletcher......... « j^n
State St. s s, 135.4 w 3d .av, late Po'wers' 'sV, 15'x
100. AnnE.Nolan................. ' 4 qpo
'South 1st st, s w B, 75 s e nth s^ 25x95
Sarah E. Is. Waite............ ' onoo
fclushing av, D s, 410 w Nostrand av, 35xl50' ~'
(Jeorge Bums....... 1 rm
-Franklin av, n w cor Jefferaoa st,' 30x8'ti,'h'& l'
Jonnii,eyserand ano., exrs................ 5 000
'^""^.......................-...J............ 820^
Wherever the letters Q. C. and O. a. G. occur pre¬
ceded by the name of the grantee ihey mean as follows
Ist— an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed
i. e., a deed in which all the rioht. title and interest of
the grantor is conveyed, omitting all covenants or war¬
•id^C. a. &. means a deed containing Covenant
against Grantor only, in which he covenants that he
hath not done any act whereby the estate conveyed may
be impeaclied, charged or incumbered.
Jantjart 13, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18.
Broadway, No. 57, n w cor Exchange Itrne,
28.6x203.7 to New Church st x 28.5x203.4,
five-story stonefront officebuild'g. TheChar-
ter Oak Life Ins. Co., Hartford, to Moss S.
PhQlips, Brooklyn. Mort. $50,000. Janu¬
ary 11. nocj
Broadway, Kos. 345 and 347, and Nos. 93, 9-i ]
and 96 Leonard st, begins Broadway s w cor
Leonard st, 66x149.3x49.7 to Leonard st, x
156, six-story brick (iron front) store.
Broadway, Nos. 305, 307 and 309, n w cor
Duane st, 7.5x10.5x7;;.4 to Duane st, xl05,
three story brick buildings, j
Samuel C. Hale. Boston, Mass., to James E.
Collins, Boston, Mass. 1-18 part. Conhrma-
tioii deed. Jan. 9. noai
Same property. James E. Colling, Boston.
Mass., to Susan A. wife of Bamuel C. Hale^
Haverhill, Mass. 1-18 part. Jan. 9. nom
Broadway, No. 454, e s. Eobert and Ogden
Goelet to Hannah G. Gerry. Jan. 15. 37,500
Broadway, s e cor 5Ist st, 41,7x157.10 to 7th av,
x56.2xl58.11, one and two-story frame stove
and dweil'g, Benjamin C. Wetmoroto Cath¬
arine A. Lyou. Wee Leasehold Convevances
and Projected Buildings. Taxes. Jan. 16. 70,000
Broadway, No. 1,768, s e cor 57th st, 19.6x60.6x
64.11, three-story brick store and dweil'g.
Albert Bodiue, adm'r. Mary A. Bodine, de¬
ceased, to Amos R. Eno, Jan. 3. 17,5i>0
Same property. Release judgment. Alfre.l
R. Whitney, exr, G. F. Nesbitt, to Albert
Bodine, admr. Sept. 27. nom
Bowery, No. 163, w s, 135 n Broome st, 25.6x
100, three-story brick store aud dweli'g.
George E. Perrin to Peter Steuart. Q. i;.
Jau. 12. 100
Bleecker s-t, No. 144, s s 50 w South Sth av, 25x
125, tbree-story brick store aud dweil'g.
Foreclosure. Henry E. Davies to Frederick
R. and Charles Coudert, joint tenants. Jan.
6- 19,538
Chrystie st, No. 110, e s, 100 n Grand st, 25x100,
three-story frame (brick front) store and
dweU'g and four-story brick tenem't in rear.
Edward O. Burling, Newark, N. J., to
Eleanor Burling. C. a. G, Undivided
title. Mort. §900. Jan. 13. 1,000
Christopher st, 3 s, 177.9 e Waverley pi, runs
south 48.9 X southeast 11.6 x northeast 18.4 x
north 41,11 to Christopher st x west 31, No.
14, three-story frame store and dweU'g. Gil¬
bert C. Burns to Mary wife of Henry S.
Day. Jan. 11. 7 oOO
Division st. No. 115, s s, 85 e Pike st, 25x61,
flve-story brick store and tenem't. Parti¬
tion, Wilbur Larremore to Lihan, Florence
and Lawience Abraham, as tenants in
common. Mort. §9,000. Jan. 2. 17,000
East Broadway, No. 146, n s, 200.S w Rutgers
st, 25x61.11, five-story brick store and tenem't.
Siebrand Niewenhous to Auke Dooper Morfc
£9,000. Sept. 8. iioi-,i
Eldridge st, No. 132, e s, 125 s Delancey st, 25x
87.6, five-story brick store and tenem't.
Frank Greenvrood to Christian Grotian.
Mort. $10,000. Jan. 15. 22,500
Edgecombe road, o s, 1,226.10 s of south boun¬
dary High Bridge Park, 49x130.8 to aqueduct
x88,4xl34.6. Partition. Philo T. Buggies to
Joseph H. Cain. Jan. 4. 990
Forsyth st. No. 56, e s 51.3 s Hester st, 24.9x
75; also all title to strip adj on north 0.2x75,
five-story brick store and tenem't. Catha¬
rine wife of Jacob Marzolf, Heni-y W. Neu-
beck, Lisette wife of Edward A. Latermann,
Jersey City, and WiUiam Nouheck to Horris
and Abraham Cohen. Mort. S8,000. Jan
13. 21,300
Forsyth st. No. 56, e s, 51.3 s Hester st, 34.9x75;
also strip adj on n s, 0.3x75. William Neubeck
to Harris aud Abraham Cohen. Q. C. Jan¬
uary 15. nom
Hemy et, Ho. 87, n e, 85.9 w Pike st, 24.9x100,
three-story brick dweil'g. John Hofmann
to PhUiip Samuels. Jan. 11. 12,800
Hudson st. No. 175, ws, 33.1 s Vestry st, 23x
100, three-story brick dweil'g and one-story
brick milk depjt. George W. AUisou to
Amanda C. Moore. Mort. S8,O0O. Janu-
aiT 1'- 3,800
Howard st. No. S5, ss, 24S.SeBroadway, 25.10x
H'O X 2.5.10 X 100.7, five-story brick store.
Charles B. and Henry Delapierre, Broofe;lyu,
Aogeliea wife of and James B. Shaw, New
Tork, Caroline E. wifeof aud Stephen White,
Brooklyn, heirs B. Delapierre, dec'd, Emily
Delapierre, Bi'ooklyn, widow and devisee A.
Delapierre, dec'd, Angelica wile of and
Charies Delnpierre, Brooklyn, Emily Dela^
pierre and ano., exrs. A. Delapien-e, to Ed¬
win M, Taylor. Jan. 1.5,
other consid. and 32,500
Horatio st, s s, 90.4 e Hudson st, 20x60.3x20.1
X63.6. Release dower. Mary T. MuUaby,
â– widow, to Henrv Tonjes. Jan. 13. .574
Jumel pi, s e cor Sidgecomba road, 113.Txl40.2x
167.1. Partitioo. Philo T. Ruggles to Leon¬
ard Brown. Jan. 4. 1,110
Jumd pi, n w cor 167th st, 166.4x100x101.Sx
119.4. PhUo T. Ruggles to James J. Neaiis.
P.irtition. Jan. 4. 1,840
Johust, No. 58, s B, 113 w "WiUiam st, 24.3x91.8
x2'1.4xill.7. five-story atone Iront store. Jo¬
seph Anuin, Brooklyn, to Charles B. T.
Bonton, East Orange, N. J. U part. Mort.
Kof S35,0U0. Jan. i. . 9,375
Same property. Same to Allena B. PearsaU,
Titusville, Pa. }i part. Mort. }4 of $25,000.
Jan. 1. 3,125
Mug.-bridge road, e s, 7S n 174 st, ,5S.3xS3.8x
51.8x69. Partition. PhiloT. Ruggles to Ed¬
mund J. Conway. Jan. 4. 1,240
Madison st, No. iJI7, ns, 104.4 w Jefferson st,
26,1x100, three-story brick dwelling.
Auna C ti. Mackenzie, exr. aud trustee Cath.
C. Stevens, dec'd, to Henrietta wife of Wolf
Boroschek. Jan. 11. 6,000
Monroe st, n s, abt 163,8 e Pike st, 25x100.
Catharine M., Adolphus D., Frances M. and
John H. Pape to Anna H. Pape. Jan. 3. nom
Norfolk st, e s, iudeft, ^2x55. Elizabeth Bern-
hard, -widow, to Maurice i.evy. Mort,
S4,900. Jan. 3. 8,900
Orchard st. No. 143, w s, 50 s Riviugton st, 37x
-50.3, five-f-tory brick store aud tenem't.
Simon Hay to Fredericka Naumann.
Moi-t. §5 000. Jan. 15. 14,000
Prince st, Nos. 103, 105 and 107; n ecor Greene
P. Townsend and Edward Tuck. Janu-
aiT 15. 127.500
Roosevelt st, Nos, 2.3 and 25, w a, 50x100; No.
23, four-story brick store and tenem't, and
two-story brick teuem't ou rear; No. 25, two¬
story brick store and tenem't. Rose H. Brown
aud Nellie H. Corey, heu-s W. Heywood,
Lydia R. Hevwood, widow, and William 0,
Brown, as trustee and exr. "W. Heywood,of
Fitchburg, Mass., to The Walter Hevwood
Chair Co. G. a. G. impart Morts. §7,500.
Jau. 4. noai
Washington st, e s, 20 s West 12th st, 4nx7Sx40x
76.3, also property in Albany, Syracuse, &c.,
two-story brick stable and two two-story
frame stables. Charles A. Grymes to Kath¬
arine Emmet, New Rochelle, Ellen J. Em¬
met, Sau Rafael, Col., and Henrietta P.
Clarke. Springfield Centre, N. Y. October
lO. nom
West 3d late Amity st, No, 73, n s, 50 e Thomp¬
son st, 35x90, three-story brick dwelliog.
GeoigeLahrto Albert J. Wirth. January
1''- nom
baiiie property. Albert J. Wirth to GerU-udo
wife of George Lahr. C. a. G. Jan. 17. nom
4th st, Nos. 339-343, n s, 192 w Av D, 64x06,
three-story brick building. Edwiu Einstein
to John F. Rodman. Jau. 11. 24,000
Same property, John F. Rodman to The
Fourth Areuue Presbyterian Church, New
Tork. C. a. G. Mort. 5(5,000. Jau. 16. 24,0)0
10th st. No. 387, n s, -37.0 w Av A, 18.9x71.
John J. SSchacht to Heni-ietta wife of Chas.
A. Schneider. C. a. G, AU liens. Jan. 17 nom
Same pi-operty. Chas. A. Schneider to John
J rtchaeht. Jan. 16, nom
i.lth st. No. 154, s s, 140.6 e Tth av, 20x103.3,
three-KLory brick dweU'g, Diederich Pink to
Henry J. Fink. Mort. $7,000. Jau. 16. 15,668
14tli st, s s, 13(> e 8th av, 34x103.3. Mary A.
wifaof C. VohiuyKiug to Herbert H. Tay¬
lor, Brooklyn, Q. C, ^ part. Oct. 26. nom