RE.A.L Estate Record
No. 776
Published Weekly by The
Real Estate Record Association
ONE TEAR, in adrance.....$6.00
CommimlcatlonB should be addressed to
e. W. SWEET, 191 Broadway
J. T. IJNDSEY, Business Manager.
The following are the sates at the Exchange SoIbb-
room for the week ending January 28;
* Indicates that the property described has'been bid
In for plaintiff's account:
East Broadway, No. 139. s s, 25x75, three-story
brick and frame tenem't. F. Libman..... tl0,750
Water st, No. 6';2, n e cor Gouverneur at, 24.2x
100x21.5x100. three-story brick and frame r'
storeand dweil'g and two-story brick stable /^
in rear. Martha W. Jackson ............ M,<00
Water st. No. 6.'4, n s, »4.2ilO x24.5xl00, frame '
shed with stable on rear. Martha W. JacK-
SOQ........................................ 4,700
WQthai, ns, 80 w 4th av, 87.6x100.11, vacant.
John E. Kaughran. (Amount due, abt
$1,550; taxes. «c., $346).................... 13,000
ISlfltat, No. 28 E., s s, l7.6xB9.lI, three-story â– '-
stone front dweh'g. David A. Hedges..... 9,550
8th av, 3 e cor iiath st, 100.11x125. vacant.
Clara Davis................................. 13,600
10th av. No. 927, w s, 20x80, four-atory atone
front dweil'g. H. Schweckendick......... 11,750
10th av. No. 9JS, w i, 20s80, fourstory stone
front dweil'g. Erail C. G. Von Peln....... 11,600
10th av. No. 931, w s, 2.1x80. four-story stone
front dweil'g. H. Schweckendick......... 11,600
â– 10th av, n w cor lloih st. 6 lota, 4 on av and 1
OD st, vacant. Nicholas F. Palmer, exr.
(Two morts., 'amount due, abt $10,000:
taxe8,&c., $S,'164).......................... 15,600
Broad st. No. 61, n e cor South William st, 30.1
x74 SkII.OxBB.I, four-Btory brick store.
John F Meyers ........................... 49,100
Pearl st, No. 149, adj., swcor Wall at. 18 Ct. on
Pearl st, 0.7 on Beaver st, x 54.6x40.8, four-
story brick store. E. A. Cruikshank. (Rent
$2.40J).................................... 40,000
ithat, No. 37 E., n s, 26x122, four-story brick
dweU'g and three-aiory brick extension.
John J. White............................. 19,200
•CambreillDg av, a e cor Jacob at, 100x100.1
Arthur st, w a, iM4 n Kingsbridge and West V
Farms road, i:5sl25......................(
Isaac M. Dyekman. (Amount due, abt
$1.600)..................................... 1,200
59th at, No. 321 E, n s. !9sl00.5, four-atory brick
tenem'D. Geo. Mooney.................... 14,600
esd st. No. 310 E., s s, 25x100.5, five-story brick
lenem't. A. Benson....................... 12 400
83d at. No. 342 E., ss, 25x100.5, Qve-story brick
lenem't. J. W. Harbenson................ 13,550
2«h Bt, No. 314 W., 6 8, 25x98.9, two-alory brick
stable. B. C. Thoroell.................... 10,494
Inwood av. lots 311. 312 325 and 326 on map of
In wood, 50x225. Mr. Bruah.............. 3,200
Oreenwich et. No. 405, e a, 25x100, four-story
brick store and tenem't. Thomas Kennolly. 1!,100
•Tinton av, w b, 872.10 n Denman pi, 33x120.
John Blake. (Amount due, abt $i,SOO).... 2.7C0
68d Bt, No. 343 E., b b, 25x100.5, flve-story brick
tepem't. laaac J. Maccabe................ 11,350
63d at. No. 310 E., s a, 25siOo.5, flve-atory brick
teuem't. Isaac J. Maccabe................ 11,600
Total........................;.............. $311,744
- **> ----
In the City of Brooklyn, Messrs. T, A. Kerrigan
and Cole & Murphy have made the following sales
for the week ending January 26:
•Bushwick av, easterly cor Stewart et, runs
nonheast along Stewart st, 141.3 i to land
of the Evergreen Cemetery, x — x —,
Wm. iJ.Kingsley.......................... $1,550
•St. Marks av, SB, Il^i.S w Jrranklin av, 33.<x
100. John P. O. Angus..................... 3,600
Troy av, e s. liO a Berkimer at, 40x100. Ellen
Nichol..... ........................ 2 400
•3dav,w8 50s9lh at, 50x100, three-Btory and
two-story brick houses. Meiropolltftn Sav
Bank...................................... 6,400
To«*l., .................................... $18,860
Wherever the letters Q. C. and C. a. G. occur, pre¬
ceded by the name of the grantee ihey mean im follows
1st—Q. 0, is an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed
t. e.,a deed in which all ihe right, title and interest of
the grantor is conveyed, omitting all covenants or war¬
2d—C. a. G. means a deed containing Covenant
against Grantor only, in which he covenants that ht
hath not dona any act whereby ihe estate conveyed may
be impeached, charged or incumbered.
January 19, 20, 23, 23, S4, 25.
Alien at, No. 184, e s, 8-1.6 u Stanton st. 17.6i87.6,
two-story brick dweli'g. Josef Scheina to
Eva wife of Joseph Weber. Mort. $4,500.
Jan. 2. S7.500
Same property, Francis P. Gross, Brooklyn,
to Josef Soheiua. Release mort. Jan. 20.
Broadway, Mos. 38, 40 and 43, and Nos. 49, 61
and 53 New st, begins Broadway, e e, S06.ll
B Exchange pi, ruus east 175 to New st, x
south 81.4 X west 104.9 x north 8.4 x uorth
85.8 to Broadway, i north 73.4, Nos. 38 and
40, two four-story brick (stoue frout) office,
buildings, &c. ; No. 43 Broadway through to
aud No. 49 New st, four-story brick (stone
front) office building, &c.; Nos. 51 aud 53
New st, two four-story brick ofBce buildings,
&c. The Charter Oak Life Ins. Co., Hartford,
Conn, to Joseph A. Dunn. Mort. S20U,000.
Jau. 17, nom
Bowery, Nos. 291 and 293, e s. 135 n Houston
st, runs east 133.9 x south 35 x east 75 x north
50 X east 59.9 x north 15.7 x weat along rear
of alley 10 x north 18.7 along same alley,
X west 35.8 x south 21.5 x west 115.5 x
north 10 X west IIG.IO to Bowery, x south
48,4, two three and four-story brick build¬
ings (Germania Assembly Rooms). Fore¬
clos. Frank A. Ransom to Francis Bau¬
mann, Brooklyn. Jan. 25. 90,000
Columbia st, No. 75, w s, 40 n Rivington st, 20
x49.8, flve-story brick store and tenem't.
Joseph and Herroau Schneittacher to Elias
Neuman. Morts. S5.500. Jam 23. 9,-J50
Charles st, ses, 142 w Bleecker st, 73,4x14x72
xl5, three story frame dweil'g and portion
of one-story brick factory. Johu T. Lock-
man, exr. B. Hall, to Sarah E. wife of James
A. Somerviile, Newark.N. J., Mary L. wife ot
George W. Bradford, Rochester,Mich., Mar¬
tha W. wife of John J. Bronner, and Har¬
riet wife of John T. Lockman, deyiseea S,
Hall, dec'd. Oct. 31,188S. 4,000
Christopher st, Nos. 154, 15ii4 ^"d 156, s w cor
Washington at, (i0.6x7S.10s;i9.1s94.4;No. 152,
three-story brick store and dweU'g, and one-
story frame stable on.rear; No. 154, one-
story frame store anddwell'g; No. 156, three-
story brick dweli'g. Release mort. Henry
C. Overing to Mary Overirig. Jan, 13. nom
Same property. Mary Overing, widow, tn
Margaret O'NeiL M. 3114,000. Jan, 13. 18,100
Delancey st, s w cor Ridge st, 50x75, new tene¬
ments in course of erection. Edward Oppen¬
heimer and Isaac Metzger to Mary wifeof-'
Pj.trick H. McManus. Mort. §10,000, tai«s,
&c. Nov. 13, 1883. -' 17,500
Delancey st, No. 283, s s, one lot w of Cannon st,
st, 16.8x75, three-story frame (brick front)
dweli'g. James Myles, Mansfleld Centre,
Coun., to Daniel Diel and Anna his wife,
Mort. $3,000, Jan. 3. 5,000
Edgecombe road, n w cor 163d st, 25.4x64.7x
25x68 11. Partition. Philo T. Ruggles to
Patrick G. Duffy. Jan. 4. 730
James st. No. 3, e s, 48.a s Chatham st, ruus
south 17 X east 53.7 x north 14 x west 7.4 x
north 3 x west 45.9, four-story brick store
and tenem't. Henry R. Dunham to John C.
Felten. Jau. 31. 10,000
Jumel pi, w s, 366 4 n 167th st, 26x100. Parti¬
tion. Fhilo T. Ruggles, referee, to Michael
Powers. Jan. 4. 235
Lewis st. No. 53, w s, 150 n Delancey st, 25x100,
four-story brick store and tenem't, and tbree-
story brick tenem't in rear. Theresa wife of
and David M. Koehler to Adolph Pavrel.
Mort. $10,000. Jan. 23. 15,000
Monroe st, No. 330, s s, 176 e Corlears st, 22x70,
three-story brick store and tenem't. Isaac
Hartraan to John Westrich. Jan. 31. 6,.5O0
Mulberry st. No. 19.5, w s, 830 s Spring st, 25i
100, six-story brick store and tenem't and
five-s^ory brick teuem't in rear. Francis
HiEKins to Anne E. O'Brien. Mort. $12,000.
, Jan. 14. 7,S50
Pine st, u s, 195.5 e William st, nms north
71.11 X we^t 1.1 X north 63.6 to s s Cedar st,
at point 198.3 e William st, x east 21.T x
south 63.6 X east 2.4 x south 7;i.3 to Pino st,
s west 3i.7, being No. 62 Pine st and 22 Ce¬
dar st, two four-story briclc stores. Francis
Payson to John M. Hudson, Brooklyu.
Aug. 17. 18S3. 44,50C
St. Mark's pi. No. 118, s s, 228.10 w At A, 25.10
x97.6, flve-story brick store and tenem't,
four storv brick tenem't in rear, Philip L.
Seib to Valentine Seib. C. a. G. X P^rt.
Jan. 18. nom
Same property, Valentine Seib to Anna M.
Seib. Q. U. and C. a. G. Undivided share,
Jan. 18. nom
Thames st. No. 7, 34x53, four-story brick store
and tenem't. Contract. Estelle Herder,
Egremout, Mass., to James J. Hartigam
Jau. 19. 10^00
Varick st, No, 100. Release dower. Mary T.
Mallaby, widow, to Maurice Aheru, Nov.
20. nom
Water st. No. 660, a s, 300 w J.^ckson st, 25x>^
block, vacant. Charles Laight, exr. C. C,
Laight, to Aaron Hershfield. Jau. 14. 2,500
Water st. No. e60, n s, 300 w Jackson st, 36x
}4 block, vacant. Charles Laight and Mag¬
dalene L. or Lena L. Cary and Anne fi,
Laight, heirs Caroline C. Laight, to Aarou
Hershfield. All title. Dec. 14. 1883. nom
Wall st, Nos. 50 and 53. The United States
Mortgage Co. with The National C.ty Bank,
New York. Agreement as to window lights
aud openings, two documents.
West st, n e cor North Moore st, 50xSli, No. 226
West st, two-siory brick store and dweU'g;
Nos. 237 and 228, two-story frame store and
dweli'g; No. 105 North Moore st, two-story
brick store and dweU'g. EmstG. W, Woerz,
trustee for himself, Charles A. Schumacher,
Beekman T. Burnham, Herman G. Mohlman,
Claus Haaren, Leroy L. Goodrich and Con¬
rad Kieinschmidt to Elbert L, Burnham. ^
part. Jan. 23. 7,500
5th st, s s, 73.7 w Lewia st, 31x96. )
Sth st, s s, 73.7 w Lewis st, 71x66. !â–
5th st, s s, 150 e Av D, 45.3x96. )
James Young, Brooklyn, to Frank E.
YouuK. Jan. 22, nom
Sth st. No- 56, s e, 275 e 2d av. 25x97.6, four-
story stone front dweU'g. Anthony Dugro
to George and MathUda Schlereth. Jan. 25.
llth Et, late Hammond st, n w cor Greenwich
lane, 29x80x13x81. two four-story brick stores
and tenem'ts. Elizabeth wife of John Gar¬
vin, Meriden, Conn., and heir of Hugh Clark,
to Mary Clark. All title in aboveand assign,
of rents received. Jan. 30. 900
12th st. No, 156 W., s s, 235.11 e 7th av, 20.4x
103.3x33.3x103.4, three-story bri^jk dweU'g.
Mary N. Johnson, widow, Wappingers Palls,
to James Mackin, FishkiD, N. Y. Mort.
$6,000. C. a. G. Jan. IS. 12,000
13th st, n s, 360 w 5th av, 35x103.3. Lawson
Valentine to Marx and Moses Ottinger.
Morts. IIO.OOO. Dec. 30. 21.000
J8th st, No. 33, n s, 510 w Sth av, 25x93. four-
story stone front dweU'g. John E. Brooks,
exr. J. H. Sands, to Sarah A. Grudy. Jan.
38. 35,000
Same prosier ty. Release dower. EUa L.
Sands, widow, to same. Jan. 22. nom
18th at, No. 447, n s, 325 e 10th av, 16.8x93,
three-atory brick dweli'g. WUIiam W.
Pendleton to Howard E. Turner. Jan. 10.
Mort. ?4,500. 5,500
19th st. No. 130, s s, 423.4 w 6th av, runs south
43.1 X again south 33.6 x south 24.11 x west
18.9 X north 24.11 X north m.7 x north 43.1
to ISth st, X east 19.9, four-story brick store
and tenem't and four-story brick tenem't in
rear. James H. Fancher, Brooklyn, to Jos.
I. West. Dec. 12. 12 000
33d at, No. 118, s s, 150 w 6th av, 25x98.9, five
and six-story stone front flat. Harriett E.
wife of John B. Page. Rutland, Vt., to Jas.
D. Fish. Mort. $45,000. Jan. 19. 70,000
37th st. No, 153, n b, 430 w 10th av, 30x98.9, one
and two-story brick stable. Frank A. and
Charles O. Bailey to John Turl. Jan. 3. 7,600
28th st, No. 214, s s, 180.3 w Tth av, 16.8x98.9,
four-story brick dweU'g. WUIiam W. Pen¬
dleton to Howard E. Turner. Mort. $7,500.
Jan, 11. 8,000
SOth st, B B, 175 e 7th av, 15 x about 95. Sarah
wife of Edward D. James to The New York
Steam Co. Release mort. Jan. 4. nom
SOth st. No. 323, n s, 855.7 e 3d av, 19.5x98.9,
three-story stone front dweU'g. Celia wife