RE.A.L Estate Record
Vol. XSXI.
Ko, 778
Published Weekly by The
Real Estate Record Association
ONE TEAR, la adraDce.....$6.00
Commtmications should be addressed to
C. W. SWEET, 191 Broadway
J. T. rjNDSET. Business Manager.
The following are the salps at the Exchange SaleB-
room for the week ending February 0:
• Indicates that the property described has been bid
in for plaintiff's account:
R. V. n.inyETT a co.
31th st. No 3-il W,. n 3. larxO^^n, four-jtory
stone f out itwelrg. Jus D Fi^h ....... $13,;00
•JOth f<r. No. a-j; \\'., K n, .i3.-)£i(iO..'5. ilirec-stnry
stone fioiil dweU'g. Cyiilliia J. iiniyh.
(Leasehoiii.) ll.ense has 10 year.-; to run;
groiiuil I enl. S21 ' |i--i- iKinuinl.......... 0,0.0
•5?dst. No. 3U0 W .as, l7.TsiiiU.,''iK-.'r;x 11)0.5. tuo-
aiory frame ilweli'i; iiii'l ti ire--story briclc
dwi'U'g ill reaT-. Mary E. Jliller. {.vmouut
due. ubt Jfl.aKi).................... 6,8C0
•lC5ili tt. No.-i. 101 to lll.n e cor ^Itli .iv, ICO.^ six tliree-Htory ston" fronl; dweil'g--,
unflnislitd. Satflli 11. Weiitiiorh. (3d
mort., niiiountdue, abtgir.^TiO: prior morts.
al>t f ;50J0)................... 44.050
Lesi'igion av, Ko 187.', e s. 31x31.0, Ihr^^e-story
brjck dweil'g. John Kearns. (.Ymount
due. abt SlJ. 100)............................ 0,0D J
Qonvprnenrslip. No 1?. s w coi'Wnifr st, COs
Clio, fuur-stiiiy bruk fronl and two itory
fraiUB bill Id in;.'. Gnintiut Bri>s ... ... . 4,aj0
114tli si. M s. .1 w Boulevard, SOx.Oj 11, vacant.
H. It. Hall ............................. 8,1CC
Boul>-vni'd, w s. S0..1 n I'llli st. Sl.ilxirrpg.
FiMTik l.iaie-iki. (Siibectto laxe.i icy ___ 310
•Bond WI, Ko. H, II o. â– -'G.vliJii ti'ivo .story i>rick
Sture and (IWHll'g Cliarles H. IJutlt-r.
(Amount due, abt S^D.-WJ)................. 30,COO
Park st. No. ni, s s. 2.".3 front, two-storj build¬
ing. J. A. K. Stee e................... 4,450
Park St. No. 5J, s s, :0.10\GTlPi irreg, similar
biiJlLling. Mike Kofram .............. 4,510
Roosevflt ft, No. 50. junuiion No 65 New
Chaniliers st, SO.ixlM 4Kir 2, three-story
brick hiiildliig. J A.K.Steele....... B.OCO
lUth st, s s. ao e 3d nv. a;i,0.t 0 Ml. Ihirleeu
Ilire"-';|ory stun« fiont divelTg'?. J. B.
]<adcll(re (I'll mort.. amount clue, about
$6j,0jU; prior morls. S0r,.'ji)U)............ 73,500
J. T. novo.
lat av, n w cor T.Mh at. TSslOJ, Lliree fmir-story
Hione front tenem'ts on av and one on st:.
Max Danziger. (.imount dLie.abt S.M,400). 23,500
A, J DLGSCKlta £ SON. cor â– llj at. Tj.3.«IOi. Nos. GSOGSI,
three llvs'-story brick st'ires ond tenein'is;
No. i;8ti, live story frame store and tenem't
an'i flie-sioiy ijrick (enem'ton rear: Nos.
au.i-aGO â– l^d >t, I Uree foiir-story frame
tenem'ts. Jolm DaviJsoii................ 70,000
•61th St, na. 2jOe lllh av, 50.\1015, three-story
frame dHell'g and tivo.slory frame stable
in rear. Henry Geler...................... G,G0O
•33d St. No. 33 W , B s, 2I.Px03.0, four-slory
Btone front dweli'g. (^Vimjunt due, abt
56,150)------................................ as. 135
67th Bt, No. SOS W.. 3 s, aoxT.^.r>, three-story
brick dwfll'g. Thonius Sullnjan. (.imouul
due, abt $1,300)............................ 7,103
A. n, Uri.LER 4 E0».
Broadway, Ko. 014, s w cor B'eeck-cr Ft, 25x
100, thri-e-siory biioK an.lf-ame build'gs.
Mercer st No Jli), a o cor nl^eeker st, ^as
ICO. similar dnell'gs......................)
E A. Bogert ........................... 180,030
Broadway, Nos 33rt. 323 anil 330. e s. T5.YI00.1
Worih »t, Nob Ol, UG and tS. s s. T5s nbt 00.3. I
Pearl st. No. .'tsa, ti s. a.isOJ.a..............|
five-stoiy marble front and brick stores, j
h. F. Ban lei t............................. G!8,000
Broaaw:iy, No. 311. SHCor Worth st, 5.3ilU0.
oae-stijry iron building. J. A. Hayden___ 30,COO
Total...................................... $l,Oro,8D5
In the City oC Brooklyn, Messrs. T. A. Kerrigan
J. Cole and Cola & Murphy have made the fol¬
lowing sales tor Ihe week ending February 0;
Adims st, K B, •l-.G.l w Coney Island I'iaiik
Road, 60si01.ll, Flalbusb. U. ti:. Finue-
gaa........................................ $10J
Bergen st. s w cor East Kew York av, 73.4i—
X—.tT4.|i . gore. J. W. Erregnr—.......
Bergen st. n s. 1J5 e Stone av, :;5.'(I07.'Jsiyi.5,
tore. C«lliarine M.lli>y............
Bergen st. n s, H 0 w Stone av, 100x117.a. Cath-
ai ine Mol oy ... ........—
Bergen St. n s. 100 e Slone av, a.'ixlHT.?. F.
Canton si, e s. 318 0 e ? Flushing av, IfsS '.
Krr r. I'litrick MoDonoiigli .. .......
Dean St. ss. lOi w Sloni- nv, iTj.tlOT.S. Cath¬
arine llolkiy.........................
Dean si. n s, 100 w Ston j av, iVoxlOr.'i. J. W.
Ki'iegar ..................... .......
Hall St. «- s, 827 s Park av, 25x100. L. Mc-
PacitlL' st, s s, Bbt no.'J 1.- Sione av, 30.10x82.2^
t>5 5kOJ.C. Catharine aiollov.............
racUlc sT, s b, I 0 w Sione .i-v, 7. xior 3. Catii-
aiitio Molloy......................
•ICtli St. n s i3> e ?d av. 53 !sl0Cx34.4x—
Miiry .\. Lakf -and ano. ...........
•Curhoii .IV. t-s, 5K'.l n MvrtlH av. SiiSJ. Jas.
K Boyd anil Elizabeth Oiilet, as aUnir.
and ndiiirx ... ............... .....
''GJ.'es ftv. u 8, IM w Nostianr! av. 30x1 0.
ISeiijanin I'Hrker. (.lions. &l-.. $4.''8.'>) ...
Stone nv, s e ci>r Ueaii si, 33 ix77.:;\33.8x40.O.
Cailijrine Molloy.....................
StunKtti', s w cor Dean st, 33.2x100. H. Sul-
.ivaii ................ ............
Sloneav, ws. ad], "â– Oxiro. JamesAdsin^ ....
Stone av. II w cor Berjien st, 3.'.2xlCu. Catlia-
r ne Molloy.....................-.........
Stone ftv. w », ailj. 7'>x 0,i. Citliaiine Moll'>y.
Stone av.n s, a.'. J s Dain si, SOxlwix—.\TT.-.'.
Fred E Ifi'saiir.......... .............
Sione nv. ^ s. -'2.2 n Uergpn st, lOJxIOO. Cath-
niiiie Mollov .....................
Sione uv. n e cor Bergen st. 3.'. sICO. Cath¬
arine .Moll' y - ...........â–
Stoiiftftv, "â– s, 8J.3n Dean st, 3SxU0x.''0s8.j.5l
20.1. J. W Ei-regar...
Stone av, ws, 3i.'i n Dean st, f.OslOO. J. W.
Stone av. n iv cor Ueun al, 3J.;.'xlOO. J. W. Er-
leg.u- .............-------- ----- .....
St I e av. s e cor Bergen st. 25x01. J. W. Er-
re^ar ............................
Ston-av. es, adj, 2jx~, to East Neiv Yorkav.
.1. W. En eg I r .................. ...
Stone av, n ecor F,-st New Yorkav, 33x50.lOx
—, gore. J. W ETr-gar .................
Stone a V, s w CJr Bergeu ar, 25x1(10. J. W. Er-
ri'gar............... . ............
Stone av. w s. ad j. 7.5xI0\ J. W. Erreear.....
Stone av, n w cur Ea'^t New York av, 3ii.7x:!l.5
xjSx15.7. j. \V. Erregar..............
510 '
Total......................................... 20,1S3
0:ik St. n s, 100 e Bergen av, 67x100. J. P. Dan-
nefelser ............................. $1,000
Eergen av. n e cor Oak st, 25.5x103. William
BlcMaughton. Jr................... 735
Bergen av. e s, ad^. SixlOO. IVilliam McNaugh¬
ton. Jr................................ S25
Bergen av. e s, adj, 50x100. J. Hamilton, Jr . 1,100
Commmdiiaiv av, s e cor Jackson av, 35x100.
J P. Uannefels-r..................... 700
Ege a.v n s, 3G7 w Jackson av, 5x100. William
ail'son............................... COC
Jaekso'i HV, lOO from CommunJpaw av, 26x125.
S. T. Hunt........................... 5.50
Jacksoii av, adj, 75x125. J. P. Dannefelser.... l.J'SO
Total......................................... $C/5>
Wherever the letters Q. C. and C. a. O. ocoir pre¬
ceded bii the name of ihe grantee Ihey mean as follows
let—6. C. is u'l oWireuiod'oii/or Q\ Claim deed
i. e., a deed in which all Ihe right, title and interest of
the grantor is conveyed, omitting all covenants or war¬
ranty. „
2d—C. a. G. means a deed containing Covenaiit
against Grantor only, in which he covetiants that he
halhnot doni- any act whereby Iheestaieconveyedmjiy
be impeached, charued or incumbered.
February 3, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9.
Bridge st. No. 8, s s ise.3 e State st. runs']
souih IM3 to Pearl st, at point 156.1! e^
State st, X east SO.U x north laU.S to
bridge st, x west 33.1, five-story brick
Briilgest, No. 10. ss. 189..'> 6 State ft, runs
south I'A'.IS to Pearl st, x east 3:t.3 11 point
'jr>.2 w of VVhitehall si, x north 40.W x north
lOJ .^ to Bridge st, x west ^8 3, flve story
brick siore. J
.Idudh D. P. and Adon, Jr., Smith, exr.^. A.
Smith, to Charlei H. Kimberly, Brooklyn.
. Jan. ;;ii, SUO.OOO
Broad ^t. No. 38, w s, 83.1 s Exchange pi,'
:>(l aKy7.7xJ4.'Jx91.10, four-story stone front
oiBce building.
Now st, No. 31J, e s, 1.50.8 s Exchange pi, runi
iiorth31.'2 X east 47.3 X south 17.^ x ea!<t
15.3 X >outb 3.7 X west 60.1 to beginning,
â– with all title to land in rear,adj. to use for
light aud air, &c, five-story brick oflice
New st, No. 34, o s, 87.10 s Exchange pi, 31.2
xl7.:i.Yi;.i.x51.1, with all title to land in rear,
adj, to use lor light, air, &c., flve-story
bi'mk oRic-- building.
Tbe Charter Oak Life Ins. Co.. Hartford,
Coun., to MossP. PbilUpB, Brooklyn. Moits.
«7i>,0U J. Feb. 1. Tfll. comld.
Broadway, Nos. 1)9, 71 and 73, sw cor Rector
sr, 77.6i'il4 to Church st. x.'J0.5i33.3.11, three
five story stone front office buildings. The
Charter Oak Life Ins. Co., Hartford. Conn.,
to Joseph A. Dunn. Morts. $300,000. Feb.
1- val. consid.
Broadway, es, 201.2 s Springst, runs east 100
X south I11.4 X east lim to Crosby st, at point
221.\ s Spring st, x north 47 10 x wert 89 x
figiiin west 1.1 to Broadway, x south 37.0;
hos. fil3and,'>14 Bn'Hdwaj, and .W and fiS
Cros-bv st, six-slory bi ick store. William H.
1)b Forest to Elizabeth W. wifeof Chades L.
Perkins- 3^iiart. Ms. fl.V,'O0. Jan.'^7. nom
Broome st. >io. JSO. ns, j8sU.i.9xl 1.5x100, two¬
story brick and frame factory building.
Moses B. Maclay. tr.isfee W. B. Maclay, to
George Kosenleld. Jan. 31. 5,500
Same propeity. Mark W. Maclay to eanie.
All title. Jan. 3l. nom
Bioouie st. N^i. 402, agreement to insert beams
iu wall of No. 4114. Regina Toick et al.. exrs.
C. H'icken and Metha, wife of Claus Steliing,
wiib Lewis J. White, Af-toria, L. I.
At ye irly rent of 30
Canal st, Nos. 3;4 and 220, and Nos. 124 and
VM Walker st, heginning Canal st, s w oor
Baxter si, .53 0x39.9 t') Wttlker st, x5U.3x2S ."j,
brick factory in course of erecti'u. Euphe¬
mia W. Cruger, Anuaudale, N. Y., to Chaa.
F. Oxley and SUas M. Giddings, Brooklyn
Jan. i7. a5,000
Canal st, Nos, 2^ and 230. and Noa. 120 and
liH Walker St. beginning Canal ^t, s b, lO+.U
w Baxter st, runs south .5l(.4 to Walker at, i
east .W.3 X north :^'J.i) to Canal st, x west .W.S,
brick faciory in course of erection. Stephen
Vau R. Cruger et al., exrs. Cath. L. Van
Kensselaer, to Charles F. 0.\ley and Silas M.
Giddings Brooklyn. Jan. 31. 25,000
Clinton st, ^o. 173, ws, 12.5 3 Grand st, 25x100,
five-story brick store and teuem't. Partition.
Charles P. McLean to Solomou Jacobs. Jan
'â– ^fi. 21,250
Clinton st. No. 179, w s, 174.6 n Hester st, 2.5i
100, five story brick storo and tenem't.
Elizabeth wife of and Eugene Jehl to Isaac
Smith nnd Meua wife of Abraham Jacobs.
Mort. §10,000. Jan. 31. 17,.5O0
Cannon st, No*. 31 aud 33, w s, abt 135 n
Broome st, 50x100, two two-story frame
(brick fronl) dwell's and two-story frame
stable in rear. Prniik W, Strang, Torktown,
to Abraham R. Strang. All title. 6 C
Nov. II. tSSI. iIqq
Same p:operiy. Margaret M. Rudnitski,
Hannah J. Winchell and Robert H. Weeks
tosame. All title. (J. a. G. Jan. 26. 4,500
Siiue property. John Keily, sheriff, to same.
Dead ou executiuu. June 31, 186J. 70O
Same property. Mary A. and Thomaa
W. Weeks to Abraham R. Strang. Deed
and release. All title. Jan. 37. 100
Delancey st, No. 137, s a, .50 e Norfolk st, 2.5x75,
five-story brick store and tenem't. Adolph
Pawel to Johaunette wife oir Solomon Ger¬
ber. Morts. ? 11,000. Feb. 6. 23 500
Delancey st, Nos, 341 and 243, s s, 25 w Sheriff
Bt, 50x87.0, two aud tbree-story frame and
brick frout dwell'gs, and three-story brick
shop, and three story brick dweil'g in rear
Catnarine Sullivan to Moses N. Tobish'
Mort. $4,000. Feb. 1. 14^750
Edgecombe road, es, 142.1 n of centre linel
]i3.'d st, extended, runs east 116.4 to acque¬
duct. x north 2jx west 120.5 to road, x
souih 25.4.
Edgecoralie road, b s, 218.3 n of centre lino 163d
St. exteuded, 25.4x136.4 to acqueduct, x3.i 2
xl24 9
Philo T. Ruggles to Charlea G. Hubert.
Jan 4, 440
Edgecombe road, e s, 167.6 n 16'?d st, 50.9x124.9
to Croton Acqueduct, x50.3xl20.5, Philo T.