Real Lstate Record
Vol. XXXI.
NEW YORK, MARCH 24, 1883.
No. 784
Published Weekly by The
Real Estate Record Association
OiVE TEAR, ia advance.....$U.OO
t:ommunications should be addressed to
C. W. SWEET. BI Broadway
J, T. rjNDSEY. Business Manager.
The following are the sales at tbe Exchange Sales
raoni for the week ending March 23 :
• Indicates that the property described haa been bid
in for plaintiff's account;
Cherry st. No. 127. g s, I6.8xG3 G, threestory
brick building with store. Dominick
Healey...................................... $3,800
Cherry st. No. 145, s 8,25.1x00.6, ihree-siory
brick dweirg, with store. D. Heaiey — 6,000
Cherry st, Nns. 47 and H7i^. a s,-^7x60 6. two
threestory brick dwell'gH. D. Healey___ 6,005
James St, No. T6, e h, 10.1x60.1, tbrrestory
brick house with siore and twO'Slory
briclc extension. Marlin Touliey....... 5,950
Market st. No. 67. w s, 25.4x50 6. ihree-story
brick house with store and one-story brick
extension. Henry Wallprs.......... ... 6,300
Water St. Nos. 4iU'42l!, a s, Ill.lOxGH, vacant.
Calh. Qarrick........................ 10,250
SOth st, No. 541 E., n s, 25xM0 1, tbree-story
frame and brick bouse. Hermau t-ulzer.. 0,20J
bSth st, s a, aOi.8 e &ih av, 3B.4xlOU.8, vacant.
Jacob and Naihaii Fleiscb .............. I7,0C0
ISTlhst, ss. 105 e 3d a V. 75s99.1l, frame church.
Ueorge W. McAdam. (Amountdue. about
$8,10U)................................. 16,100
10th av, s w cor Laurence st, lUxSl llxlilO.Sx
11.10 on Liwreccest, two three siory frame
houses with store on corner. Thomas
Woods_______.......................... 11.700
♦Murray at. No. 61 u e cor College pl, 2.^x1-1>,
fourj-torv brick store and iiolel. William
Clark. (Ami. due, about giti.SOu)........ 40,000
mh St. Nos. 345Haijd 317 W., n s. 3','.4x02, two
four-story ni'ick apartment houses. Jas.
Kierely.................................. 25,100
44Ill St. No. 550 W., n s, 25x1'0.5, two-stOry
framodweirg. Patrick OWeill........... 3,150
laitbst, ss, 100 e Av A, 75x100.11, two Ihree-
story frame buildingn and Iwo-story frame
siable on rear. Tiniotliy Donovan, (Auit,
due, about $4,700) ......................... 8,500
laaj it, Ko. 417 K., n s, 19iIO0.ll, three-story
frame and brick dweirg, Andrew Leary.. S,900
llBth st. No. 33« E.. s 3, 15xr0.lO, threestory
brick (stone front) dweil'g. P. Kaufman.
(Amount due about 87,W5l)) ............... 8.200
110th st.No. 330 E., s s. 15x100.10, (hree-story
brick (stone front) dweirg. John Living-
Bton. (Amount due, about 67,0)0).......... 8,200
2d av. No. 108. e s. 26xU'5, four-atory brick
d« ell'g and Ihree-sLory exieusion, Samuel
Walsh .................................. 23,900
4th av, No. 2, w s, 24.5x130.9x23x122.(3, four-
slory brick ftore and two-story exiension.
Theo. Qunsel.............................. 43,750
eth av, s e cor 63d st, 27.11x100, vacant, M. P.
Palmer................................... 81,300
Cannon at, Nos. 9^-100. e a, 102.6x100, four
three-story brick tenem'ts and si:; story
brick factory. William B. Sheppard...... 57,3; 0
p. F. MEYER,
Frankfort st, Nos. 3'> and 37, s s, 59sl07xl6.Bx
111.4, slx-siory brick store and tenem'tand
flvestory brick tenem't in rear. Benjamin
Qates. (First mort., amount due about
831,350) ........................
Slst St. n s. 180 e 7th av. 30x98 9, four-story
brown stone dweil'g. Mary St. Jobn.....
48th st. No. 43i W.,sa, 18 9tl0i.5, four-slory
brick flat and two-story brick building on
rear. S. Valentine. (Kent. $l,50u) .......
ad av. No. 183. w a. 20x^0, ihree-slory stone
front dweli'g. (Leasehold, leased May 30.
1872; terms 2 years; ground reiit, 84T3 pei
annum.) Joseph Hart.....................
128thEt,n s,S00e7th av, 150x09.11, No^. 153-
ir,U, four fonr-stor,v stone fronl flats; No.
151, four-slory brick liverv stahle. Jas. G.
Byrne. (Amount due, about 82,000; prior
morts. $45,893)............................
D, 11. SEkilAS.
.4ath st. No, 143 E., n s, 25x'00.5, two-story
frame buildinE- Max Fran kenheim....... 10,150
Bleecker st, ^ w cor Downing st. 70x75x87x75.0.
bi-jclf church and paint shop. Jero Pang¬
burn................................... 38,000
I16th st.ns, P5e3d av, g.i.-ciOO.ll. three five-
story brick flals. uiidnisbed. Cbas.
Loughran. (Amount due, about $1S,250;
prior morts. $;i7.OU0)....................... 45,250
"37th St. No. 3.18 W., s s, 25x98.9, flve-B"ory
brick teuem't Kdivard .A. Bowers. (Am't
due, atiout $i.rm: prior mor;. $6 iiOO) .. 23,417
123cl St. No. 209 W.. n s, 15 HxlOP, threestory
brick (stone fronl) dweil'g. John Cullen.
(Amount due. about gl.OjO; prior morts.
$8,230)............................ 16.625
IBIatst, u s, 435 e 8lhav, 75x99,11, vacant... (
I32d St. s 8,4^5 e 8ib av,73x99.II, vacant____f
Julian Ande sou. (.\rot. due. about 8I'),000)
Total.................... ......
lCK4IOtLLT.\, Ji. i.
In the City of iirooklyn, T. A. Kerrigan, Jas. C.
Eadie, J. Cole and Cole & Murphy have made the
following sales for the week ending March 23:
Columbia St, No. 211, e s. 21x9"^. Ihree-slory
bi'ick dweil'g witii ston-. J. M. Keenan... $8,500
Commercial wharf, No. 30, se s, 50x1-0 ti Im¬
lay st. fourstory brick and granite front
slorehnuse. E. B. Badger .......... 16,000
Dean st, n s, 104. lO w Ciasou av, 40x110, E. B.
Uadger................. ...... 720
Dean si, n a, 141,:0 w Clason av, 6CsliO. E. B.
Badger........................... 1,171)
Henrv st, w s, 105 n Woodhull st, 81x100. E. T,
Wood............................ .. . 9,780
Margari-.llasr, e s. 321.8 n Broadivay, 18x100.
William H. Camnianii................... 2,500
Pacific st, s s, 70.10 w Clason av, 25x1 lO. Thos.
Burke..................................... 300
PacificKt, ss, adj , 20x110. E B. Badger ..... aiu
PafiHc st, 8 s, auj., SOx. 10. E. U. Badger.... 1,000
'Riuhorda st, n w a, 80 n e Wolcott st, 25xl00x
37.7x70. G. Edward Carll .. ............ 1,300
Stale El. No. 3i!, s n, 21x70, Ihree-story brick
dwoil'g. E. Mooney................ 8,500
Tillary s'. No. lOJ, sr,SfelOO, twostory frame
dweil'g. Thos. McCafC ey................ 3,050
Worrsn st, n s, 20J w 3d av, 40x100. vacant.
Jas. Kain................................ 760
Wolcott st. No. 43, n e s. (8.9x100, two-story
frame housi in rear. Eli/.abetb D inovan, 8B0
Wolcott st, No. 44. n es, 18.9x100, frame house,
Audrew Diileon ......................... 600
Wolcott st, B w B, 125 3 e Conover st, 60x100. M.
Rosenstock........................... 3,700
Wolcoit si, s w s, 105 8 e Conover st, 40x10',
two Ptory building. M. Oiten ........... S,975
*Wvckoff st n s, 175 w Bond st, 20x100. Eenj.
'T. Underhill............................... 5,050
Wyckoff st, s s, 280 w 3d av, COxlOO. vacant,
Jamesldilon......................... 610
7th St. No. 129, w s, 71 s Soutli 26 st, 39x55, two-
slory brick dwcH'g with extention. Daniel
Badger................................ 3,200
19tli st, nes, 168 n w Olh av, 94.UxlOO. W.
J.Sajre................................ 1,6:5
-20ihst, n es, 60s e Gth av, 41x100. M. Nason.. 570
Ailantic av, s s. li'8.0 \v Sachman st, 19.4x100,
East New York. Dwigbt E. Baker ....... 1,275
6th av. 689 n e cor aoih st, 20x60, Ihree-story
frame store. P. Mcfiuira............. 2.875
6th av. No. 087, e s. adj. 20x60, ihree-story
frame dvrell'g. E. B. i adger.............. 1,360
Gth av, No. 68'.!.S. e s. adj, ^ 0x60, threes toiy
frame dweirg. E. B. iindger.......... 1,290
6th av. No. 685, e s, adj, 20x60, Himllar dwpH'g.
E. B. Badger...................... l.'iSO
Oth av. No. 6!-3. e b, adj, 20x60, similar dweli'g.
E B. Badger.............................. I,a75
*7th av, s e cor Braiton si, 83x97.10-----
Tth av, ses, GJ.IO n e Prospect av, 30.2xl01i
Ja=. P. O'Neill, receiver.................. I,5tiO
North 7ih st. No. 201, two-story brick house. C.
L. Palmer ................................. 1,300
North 7ihsf. No. 303, two- tory bricK house.
L. W. Haviland........................ 1,500
North Till si. No. 305, two-storv brick house.
Mr-. P. Reilly.................... 1.350
North 7tli si, No. 207, iwo-siory brick house,
C. L. Palmer......................â– 1,100
Norih 71 ll 8t, No. •2-iO. ^5x100, three-story frame
dweU'g. Rose McGalvin................. 2,700
North 7lh st, No 21«. SJxlOO. three story brick
store and dweil'g and threestory brick
building in rear. Rose McCJaivin —...... 4,6[0
21015 onSlbst, bet. North 5th and North 6th
sl3,inder. WilliamDuly ................ 1.425
3 lols on 5tbet. adj Wm. O'KeifC............. 1,450
2lot3oa5tbst, adj. T. Wisephal ............ 3,050
St Marks av, s s. 250 e Carlton av, 3 lols, each
t;0xl-JI. O. E. T. Bolen................... 35,150
St Marki av, s s, 31^1 e Carlton av, 2 lols, each
20x100,- a.E.TexIey..................... 15.600
â– Total........................................8138,155
MABca 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23.
Allen st. No. 51, ws, 150 n Hester st, 25x87.6,
Hvs story hricli: ^toreand tenem't. Andro
Karst to Charles Boswald. Moris. $6,<lu0.
March 32. 23,000
Bowi:'ry, No. 89, e s, 50.2 s Hester'it, 35.1x126.10
x'JS.Bxiae.lo, five-story brick store and four¬
story brick building in rear. William, Jr.,
aud John B ,Jr., Simpson to Pinkus Nathan,
Simou Sklarek and Maria Morris. Mnrt.
$2i,m0. March 15. 46,000
Bowery, No. S'J, and Hester st, Nos. IHO and
13*3. ' Siiuena Simpson, widow, to Pinkus
Nathan, Simon Sklarek nnd Maria Morris,
widow. Release dower. March 15. nom
Bowery, No. 93, s e cor Hester st, 25x69.6x2.5.3
x6T.S. four-story brick store, Williani iSiuip-
son, Jr., aud ano., exrs. and trustees William
Simpson, to Edward D. FarreU. Mort.
£i2,5 0. March 15. 41,250
Same property. Release of dower. Ximena
yiinpsou, widow, to same. March 15. nom
Bowery, No. 93. Joseph and Kobert W. Sou-
art, exrs. J. Stuart, with William and John
B. Simps n, Jrs , exrs. W. Simpson. Agree¬
ment settling area of boundary coyeied by
certain mortgage. Maich 19,
Bond st auii Great Jones st. Agreement as to
rear wall, &c. Edward F, Dickie with Jas.
M. Shanahan. March 17. nom
Bond st. No. 8, n s, 8i6 e Hroadway, 2Gxl( 0,
three-story briclt store aod dweli'g. Fore¬
close. Sidney DeKity to Chailes E. Butler,
exr. and trusiee H. H. Ward, March 22. 29,600
Blei^cker st, No. ISl, n s, 25x75, tliree-story
frame (brick front) store and dweil'g. Gecrge
W. Campbell and ano., exrs. and trustees G.
C Hall, to Jean Baron and Zelie his wife.
C. a. G. March 19. 11,000
Broadway, No. 6^6, e s, 175 s Bleecker st, 25x
103, half of a six-story brick (iron front)
store. Samuel Moysa to Jacob Rothschild.
Q.*C. March 19. 1S33, nom
Broadway, No. 298, e s, 21.10xS7.0x23.5x87.lj,
also }£ partcf gore extending from this pro¬
perty to Republican alley, being 14.2 on al¬
ley X 16.3 ou rear, portion of four-story brick
store. Helen W. wife Ralph W. Newton
Flushing, to Phila A., Miram and Clara
Williams. X pait. C.a. G. Marchl. 11,000
Same propert.y. Wilhehuus Mynderse and
ano., exrs. Mary T. W. Newton, dec'd, to
Fhila A. and Miriam Williams. }£ part. Mar.
1. 11,000
City Hall pl. No. 9, s w cor Reade st, le.Sx'JSx
38,U to Reade st, x 53 2, one-story frame
store and dweil'g, and four-story brick ex¬
tension. Partition. George G. Barnard to
David W. Bruce. March 19. 17,900
Clarlton st, n s, 75,4 w Varick st, 24,]lx99.IUx
25.3x99 10, twostory hrick buiiding and
three-story brick buiHing in rear. Henry
H, Man, referee, to Richard T. Auchmuty
itort. $5,000. March 1.5. 7,750
Cherry st. No. 59, s s, 25x65x33x62, five-story
h' ick store and teuem't. Release mort. The
East River Savings Inst, to Hermanu Siefke,
March 16. nom
Same property. Hermann Siefke to Nicholas
Schroeder. March 17. 14 ygo
Dela !cey st, No. 129, s s, 40 w Norfolk st, runs
south .^fi X west 7 x south 12 x west 13 x north
68 to Delancey st, x east 20, four-story frame
(brick front) tenem't and store. George,
Christian and George B. Hillabrand, Catna¬
rine Home, widow. Mary wife of aud Guitav
Brown, heirs A. Hillabrand. to Jacob Bern¬
stein andWollE R- s.'uberg. March 15. lo,2C0
Elizabeth st, No. 248, e s. 258.8 s Houston st,
2-1.3 xSl.tix2i.3xS1.9. five-story brick .tore
and tenem't. Catharine E. wife of and Wm.
Rsiijold to Rehecca M. Armstrong Moits
$11,000. March 17. i,i5,O0O
East Broadway, No. 221, se cor Clinton st, l4.1
x90, four-3b)ry brick store and tenem't, and
two-story brick stable. Jacob and Louis L.
D:ivid'on to Adolph aud Heury Jentes.
Mort. $10,000. Mrtrch 13. 18,750
Fult >u st, nes, aht 53,7 n w Gold st, 25.-^x62
Ann sf, CJO. 68, s s, aht 25x59.
Houston St. No. 2\)7, s s, bet Greenwich and
Hudson stj.
Augusta S. wife Caleb L. Crockett, legatee
B, S, Taylnr, New York, to Augusta B,
Shepherd, Orange, N, J. Undivided iuter¬
est. March 15. 4,400