Febrnary 23,1884
The Real Estate Record
IOth av, 60,6 feet front, a, L. Schuyler &
Co. agt Henry G. aud John W. Monarque.
(Feb. 8. 1884)...............................1,275 10
JJMadison av, secor 53d at. Firm of John
Matthewa agt John W. Ambrose. (Feb.
15,1884) ................................. 908 50
One Hundred and Sixteenth st. s s, abt 100
e Pleasant av, abt 45 feet front, John
O'Brien act Martha White. (March 7,
1881...................................... 76 53
19 Beekman st,No. 61, sw cor Gold st, 38 9x
86.4. John J, Devoe, Jr., agt William
Sharp. (July 14. 1883)................6.a83 73
19 Same property. Some agt aame. (Aug.
17.1883)..........................4,556 67
19 First av, s e eor 63d st. 105x63. H. O'Neill,
agent, ast James O'Hare. (May 31.1883) 100 00
IB Same property. H, O Neill&Co.agtsame,
(June 16. 1883) ......................... 86 BO
21 Eighty-secoud st. No. 4C6 E,. a a, bet 1st av
and Av A. Qporge M, Mittnacht apt
Annie E. Kelly and Frank Krenkel,
(Nov. 13. 1883) ........................... 386 00
21 One Hundred and Twenty-seventh st, a s,
abt .SI w 2d av, 50 ft, front. H. Gary &
Son agt Charles H. and W. O. Barton.
(Dec. 1, 1883)............................ 360 00
February 10 to 22—inclusive.
Halsey st, ss.SOOw Reidav, SOslOO. and Macon
st, a B. 350w Rett! av, 100x100, 9 houses al¬
together. Timothy O'Shea agt Henry
Foster and Peter and Mary A. Donlon.
(Lien flled Nov 16.18S3) .................
Commerce st. No 99, s s, 72,9 e Van Brunt et.
Michael Gibbons agt Ann Gilbride. (May
13. 1883)................................
$800 00
SOUTH OF 14th bt.
Macdougal st. No. 50, rear, one two-story brick
stable. 2.5x23, tiu roof; cost, $1,200; owner. Wil¬
liam Boeardus, 108 West 29th st; builders, F.
and E. W. Bloodgood and H. (Jarrabrant. Plan
Worth at, No. 118, one three-atory brick shop,
33.6x30.4. tin roof; coat, $3,-500; owner, Joshua
Dyson, 45 Elm st; arohitecta and carpentera,
Bardstey Bros.; mason, P, Doyle. Plan 143.
Broad at, Ko. 81, one five-story brick tenem't
and store, 30,3 front, 11,9 rear, and 74,3 and 63
deep, tin roof; cost, S14,600; owner, Henry L.
Meyer, n e cor Beekman and Pearl ata; architect,
C. F. Ridder, Jr.; builder, not selected. Plan
Caual st, No. 503, one four-story brick store,
le.fix.'W, irreg,, tin roof; coat, $6,000; owner.
Williams. Maddock, 120Broadway; architects,
Maclay & Davies: builders, Jenhin Jonea and
James H. Banta. Plan 120.
Broome st, cor Centre (Centre Market), a fruit
stand, 12x4; coat, $------; lessee, Leonard Massero.
Plan 131.
tjouth Sth av. No. 101, one five-story briclt
tenem't and atore, S.'ixSO, tin roof; cost, ?!5.0fl0;
owner. Charles H, Otto, 157 Prince st; architect,
Wm. Kuhlps; builders, H. Brockmeyer and H.
Tietjen. Plan 123.
Broadway, No, 641, and 310 Mercer at, two-
atory brick atore, 25x200, tin roof; cost, $13,000;
owners, R, and O. Goelet, 591 and 608 5th av;
architect and builder, M. Reid. Plan 135,
SIstst, No. 231 W,, one fii^e-story brown stone
flat, 25x84, tin roof: cost, $25,000; owner, Peter
Farley. 260 Weat 53d st; architects, Thom &
Wilson; done by day's work. Flan 127.
10th av, Nos. 203 and 205, two five-story brick
tenem'ts and stores, 23.7x70 and 27x60, tin roofs;
CG3t, $19,000 and $16,500; owner, Jacob Appell,
277 West 23d at: architect, Geo. B. Pelhara:
builders. Van Dolsen & Arnott. Plan 123,
Z2d st, n s, 74 w lOth av, one flve-story brictc
tenem't, 26x47,10, tiu roof; cost, $14,600; owner,
architect and builders, same as last. Plan 124,
40th st, s s, 141 e lat av, oue-story brick engine
and condenser house, 43x84,8, slate roof; cost,
$14,500; owner, Equitable Gas Light Co., Post
building, BxchauEe pl; architect, John F. Har¬
rison; builder, Richard Beeves. Plan 136.
58th SE, a 9, 200 w 6th av, three fonr-story
brown stone front dwell'gs, 16.8x55, tin roofs;
cost, each, $13,000; owner and architect, Fred.
Roaenbere, 419 Clermont av, Brooklyn; builders,
J. & L, Weher. Flan 128.
S3d at, No. 435 W., one four-story brown
stone tenem't, 35x53, tin roof; cost, $12,000; own¬
er and architect, Jobn Coyle, on premises;
builder, J. G, Lyona. Plan 143.
46tb st, n s. 285 w 8th av, nine three-atory and
basement brown stone dwell'gs, 16.8 and 19,6x
50, tin roofa; cost, each, $11,500; owner, John
Livingston. »81 Lexington av; architect, F, T.
Camp; builder, not selected. Plan 140.
«th av, Nos. 237 and ^39, w s, 50 a 35th st,
two flve-story brick stores and tenem'ts, 34.8x63,
tin roof; total cost. $35,000: owner, Marks Rinai¬
do, 3'30 East 33d st; architect, O. Ji. Ogden.
Plan 144.
sth av, © a, 59 n 86th st, four four-story brown
stone front dwell'gs, 19x58, tin roofs; coat, each,
$«,000; owner, Joseph Schwarzler, 173 East SCth
Bt; architects, Thom Sc Wilson; builder, by day's
work. Plan l'J.5.
4th av, s e cor 79th st, six four-atory brown
atone front dwell'gs, 20x55, with extenaiona 13
feet, tiu roofs; coat, each, $2.5,00n' owner, James
A. Frame, 105 East 70th at; builders, Thom &
Wilson, to be done by day's work. Plan 126.
77th St. n a, 74 e 3d av, one five-story brick
tenem't and store, 31x77, tin roof; cost, $17,000;
owner, H. Siefbe, 201 East 77th st; architect, H.
J. Dudley, Plan 129.
68th at. No. 608 E,, one two-story brick stable,
16x55, tin roof; cost, tS.OOU; owner, Chss. Clark,
612 Eaat 17th at; architect, James Barrett. Plan
78th st, D s, 100 e 2d av, one one-story shed, 18i
30, felt roof; cost, $-----; owners and buildprs,
Chesebro Sc Wbitman, 246 East 79th st. Plan
BffiTWBBN 59th and 125tH 8TRKBTH, WEST OF
8th atbnite
64th st, No. 505 W., one five-atory brick tenem't,
25x83, tin roof; cost, $14,000; owner, Michael
Egner, 503West 64th st; architect, C. F. Rid¬
der, Jr.; builder, not selected. Plan 118.
7l3t at, B B, 350 w yth av, five four sfcory brown
atone front dwell'gs, 30x55, with extension 9x13,
tin and slate roofs; cost, each, $17,000; owner,
Edward J. King, 426 Broome st; architects, D. &
J. Jardine; builder. I. A. Hopper. Plan 130.
Weat End av, w s, 25.11 s 102d st, one two-story
brick and Scotch sand stone dwell'g, 35x40, tin
roof; cost, days work; owner and architect,
Ralph S. Townsend, 337 West 55th st; mason, J.
A. Hopper; carpenter, not selected. Plan 145,
10th av, s e cor 105th st, oue four-story brick
(browD atone trimmings) apartment house, 40x94;
005t, $40,000; owner, David H. Knapp, 105tb st,
bet 9th and 10th ava; architect. R. S. Townsend;
builder, not selected. Plan 146,
S|105*jh at, s s, 40 e 10th av, one fonr-story brick
(brown stone trimmed) apartment houae, 49x72.
tinroof:cost, $35,0ii0; owner, &c,, same as last.
Plan 147,
145th st, n s, 175 e 10th av, three three-story
brick dwell'gs, 16,8x55, alate and tin roofs; cost,
built by day's work; owner and builder, John
Donnellon. foot of West 3tjth st; architects. Lamb
& Rich. Flan 148,
33d AND 24th WARDS.
Ackerman st, w s, 375 n New York, Central &
Hudaon R. R, R,, one two-atory frame dwell'g,
17x31, shingle roof; cost. $1,200; owner, Albert
E Putnam, Kingsbridge; architect and builder,
S. L. Berrian. Plan 141.
143d at, s s, 150 w Sd av, one one-story frame
stable. 13 and 30x35, tinroof; cost, $300; lessee. C.
C. V. Mat'hes, 3d av, 152d st; architect and build¬
er, J. C. Sticbler. Plan 139.
135th St. n s, 70 w Lincoln av, one-atory brick
store, 30x35, tiu roof; coat, $1,600; owner, Anton
Bchuppert, cor IS-5th st aud Lincoln av; archi¬
tect, Frank E. Verder. Plan 133.
160th st, n a, 100 w Elton av. one two-atory
frame dwell'g, 19x30, tin roof; cost, $1,500;
owner, Wm. H. Brown, 3089 2dav; architect,
D. L. Davies. Plan 133.
160th st, n 8, 175 w Elton aT, one two-story
frame dwell'g, 19x30, tia roof; cost, $1,400;
owner, Mrs. Sarah J. Murgatroyd, St. Anns av
and 146tb st; architect, D. L. Davies. Plan 134,
Sedgwick av, w a, 700 a Morris Dock Station.
one tbree-story frame dwell'g, 22x30, slate and
tin roof; cost. $3,500; owner, Thoa. R. Thom, 439
Eaat 88Eh st; architect, E. M. Fowler; builder,
John Knox. Plan 131.
Plan 133—Greene av, n s, 410 e Bedford av,
three three-story and baaement brown stone
dwell'ga. 20x45, tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost,
$8,000 each; owner. Andrew Miller, 1527 Paciflc
at; architect. Amzi Hill,
133—Hamilton av. No. 207, e s, 70 n Luquer
st, one two-story brick atore and dwell'g, 20x45,
gravel roof, wooden cornice; cost, $3,000; owner
and builder, J, F. Nelson, 26 Manhaaaet pl.
134~Dupont et. No. 136, a a. 175 e Manhattan
av, one three-atory frame tenem't. 25x48, tin
roof; cost, $3,300; owner, John Hofford, on
premises: architect. James Mulhall; buildera,
John Hofford and Port Sc Walker.
135—Humboldt st, e a, 75 s Seigel st, one two¬
story frame cooper shop. 20x30, gravel roof;
cost, $300; owner aud builder, A. Pott, Boerum
at; architect, Th. Engelbardt.
186—Park at, s a, 130 e Broadway, one three-
story frame tenem't. 20x-50, tiu roof; cost, $4,000;
owner, Cath, Straub, 11 Lewia av; architect, Th.
Engelbardt; builder, Geo. Btraub.
137—Bogart st, Ro, 25, w a, one three-story
frame tenem't. 35x50, tin roof; cost, $4,000;
owner, Jos. Weidner, 39 Forrest st; architecb,
Geo. Hillenbrand; builders, Helhnann & Wag¬
138—Bogart st. Nos. 27 and 39. w a, 50 n Varet
Bt, two three Story frame tenem'ts, 25x50. tin roof;
total cost, $8,OoO; owners and buildera, Heilmann
& Wagner, 33 Bogart at; architect, Geo. Hillen¬
139_Wither8 at, s a, 80 w Lorinaer at, two three-
story frame tenem'ts, 19x40, tiu roof; coat.
13,600; owner, Jobn N. Schuhmacher, cor
Withers and Lorimer sts; architect, A. Herbert;
builders, M. Smith and 0. Schneider.
140—Manhattan av. Ho. 607, one four-fitoiy
briok store and tenem't, 35x45, tin roof, wooden
cornice; cost, about $8,000; owner, Mrs. Mary
Morgan, on premises; architect, Jamea Mulhall;
builders, John Hofferd and Stephen Randall.
141—Park av, No. 7^9, n s. 1.5ii w Throop av,
one three-atory frame tenem't, 35x50; cost,
$4,200; owner, S. Schwarz, cor Throop av and
Park av; architect, Th. Engelhardt.
143—Stanhope at, No. 120, s a, 150 e Central av,
one two-«tory frame carpenter shop, 32x25, tin
roof; cost, $1,000; ovmer, '.B. W. Johnson. 117
Stanhope at; architect, E. F. Gaylor; buildera,
Jenkins & Gillies.
143_Van Buren at, n s. 153.3 e Reid av, one
two-story and basement brown atone dwell'g,
17,9x43, tin roof, wooden cornice; coat, abt
$4.OUO; owner, G. Marinor, Brooklyn; builder,
A, Miller.
144_Newtown Creek, n a, 150 w Varick st. one
one-Btory fiame kindling wood, 66x86,
gravel roof; coat, $2,000; owner, &c.,JohnO.
Keeneth, 152 Rutledge st.
145_Van Buren st, n a, 200 e Bushwick av,
one two-atory and basement frame dwell'g, 16.8x
40, tin roof; cost, $3,000; owner, S, H. Post, 116
Palmetto st; builders, A. A. Fardon and S. H.
146—Central elevator pier on Purman st,abt half
way bet Wall and Fulton Ferries, one one-sfciir
frame freight shed, 40x240, gravel and felt roof;
cost, $5,500: owner, E. B. EarUett & Co,, 19 Old
slip. New York; builders, W. H. Hazzard's Son
& Co.
147—3d av, es, 50 n 32d at. one two-atory frame
stable, 29x48. tin roof; cost, $500; owner, Johan¬
na HerbsE, 697 3d av; builder, John Sorenaon.
148~-45th at, s s, KKI w 6th av, one one-story
frame barn, 18xI3,;shingle roof; cost, $119; own¬
er, Samuel Morrison, 4b3 Smilh st;builder, H, J.
149—45th at, a a, 100 w 6th av, one two-story
frame dweU'g, 30x50, tin roof; cost, $3,600; own¬
er, Samuel Mon-ison, 483 Smith at; architect and
builder. H. J. Skinner.
150—Varet st, n s, 75 w Graham av, one one¬
story frame stable, 15x16, tin roof; cost, $120;
owner and architect, ------SuUmeyer, Graham
av, Varet st; builder, Chas. Boehm.
151—Marion st. n s, 35 e Rockaway av, one two-
atory and basement frame dweU'g. 13x36, tin
roof; cost, $2,000; owner. Mrs. Julia Hunt,
Kosciusko pl; architect, 8. H, Post; builder. A,
A. Fardon.
152—Sullivan st, n e eor Conover at, eight fonr-
story brick tenem'ts, 35i65, tin roofa, wooden
cornices; cost, each. SlO.tmO; owner, Wm. H.
Algie, 881 10th av, New York; architect. E. D.
Howes; builders, Algie & Son,
153—40th at, s s, 37 e bulkhead line, one two¬
story frame factory, 50x50, asbestos roof; cost.
$1,330; ownera, Gridley & Co., 87 Maiden lane,
New York; builder, J, H. O'Rourke.
154—Eilery st, s s, 100 e Throop av, one three-
story frame tenem't, 35x53, tin roof; cost. $4,300;
owner, Augustus Stolzer, De Kalb av, near
Throop av; architect, J, Platte; buUders, G. Leh¬
rian & Sons aud J. Rueger.
155_Withers st. No. 45, n s, 150 w Lorimer at,
one four-story frame tenem't, 25x53, tin roof;
cost, $5,500; owner, WiUium Rhein. 47 Withers
st; architect, H. VoUweUer & Co.; builder, J.
156—Montrofe av, n a, 50 e Leonard st, one
two-story frame dwell'g, 28x26. tin roof; coat,
$1,600; owner, John Neger, Montrose av near
Leonard st; architect, J. Platte; builder, J. Heil¬
157—Flushing av, n s, 300 e Lee av, one one-
atory frame ahop, 25x98, tin roof; coat. $1,800;
owner, Conrad Diel, Debevoiae st, cor Graham
av; architect, J. Platte; buUders, J. Fuchs and
F. Stoll.
158—Leonard at, e s, 73 s Meserole av, one
thiee-atory brick tenem't, 20x46, gravel roof,
wooden cornice; cost, $8,0CKi; owner, Jobn
Wierk, 158 Eagle st; architects, H. VoUweiler&
159—President st, n a, 300 w Bond st, one
two-atory brick stable, 20x30; coat, $700: owner,
A, Kyle, Court st, near Carroll st; builder, C.
M. White.
160—3d av, e a, 10 s 5th at, one one-story
frame dancing platform, 80x100, tin roof; cost,
$3,000; owner, Henry Schulte; builder, John
Plan 182—Lexington av. No, 770, raise one story;
cost, $5,000; owner, Martin B. Brown, on jirem-
ises; architects, Babcock & McAvoy; builder,
not selected.
183—Sth av. No. 488, raise walls three feet and
build a one snd part two-story brick extension,
23x8x30.6 and 29.6, new store front and interior
alterations in firat story: cost, $6,000; owner,
Auguat Schneider, 516 Sth av; architect, Job. M.
1S4—Wooster st, Noa. 108 to 114, remove four
wo.*den skylights and replace sarae by iron onee,
also cut a wiudow opening in north wall on top
fioor; cost, $500; owner, Peter Bruner, 71 Wert
14thst; builders. Geo. Fisher & Bro, and Thoa.
J. Hyland.
185—8th av, No. 283, akyligbt in roof for pho¬
tographer; cost, $100; leasee, Wm. B. French,
216 West 19thst; buildera, Rendle SkylightCo.
186—Washington Squere North, Mo. 3, four-
Btory and attic brick extension, 37,9x54, tin roof;
cost, $-^-----; owner, Johu H. Sherwood, llStb at,
cor 6th av; architect, J. E. Terhune.
187—Park av. No. 30, raise top story 4 feet,
and a three-atory brick extension, 3ix86, and
internal alterations; cost, $23,000; owner, Geo.
S. Bowdr'in, cor Wall and Broad sts; architect,
Geo. E. Harney; builders, [Jno. J. Tucker and
O. T. Mookey.
188—Av D, No. 15, one-story brick extension.
8x12; cost, $401!; owner, S. Blum, on premises;
builder, John Fitzpatrick.
189—Greenwich av. No. 27, four-story and
basement brick extension, 20x26,4, and internal
alterations; cost, $10,000; owner, Frederick Fink,
106 Washington pl; builder, John Jordan.