January 24, 1885
1 he Kecord and (juide.
♦Same------same. (1877).................... 4,854 43
♦Same------same. (18771................... 4,819 99
♦Same------Rhode Island Nat. Bank. (1877). 2,735 .51)
♦Same------Jackson Bank of Providence.
(18771..................................... 5,20162
Prince, L. Bradford—R. W. Leavitt. (18751.. 511 69
♦Rowan, Noble I).—Importers and Traders-
Nat Bank of N. Y. (1885)................ 1,083 04
Roche. Patrick H.—J. W. Phyfe. (lS«4i... . .57 !l7
Scliiefer. John—W. H. Appleton. (1SR41..... 1(18 87
Schwoerer, ,Iacol)—ii. .\. Bennett (E. T. Swe¬
zey, by n,ssigu.) (1S711................... 1K5 93
♦Shtlw.,lames M.—C. S. Frost. (1881)..... 185 12
Sterling, Edward C-H. B. Marchbank. ('78). :l:i3 iC,
Stearns. Benjamin—T. L. Barber. (1881)___ 702 23
St. Stanislaus ConKregation of City N. Y.—
Adam Waszkiewiez. (1884) ....'......... 1,313 18
Stevenson, A-ernon K., .Ir.—Anna. B. Sheldon.
(18-^1..................................... 1,003 m
Same------Irving Nat. Bauk of N. Y. (1883). 294 85
Same------H. S. W-elle.s. (18831.............. 2.59(18
Same------H. W. Beardsley. (188.3)......... 219 52
Same------Mose-s Mitchell. (1882)............ 472 34
Same------Madison Club. (1883)............ 108 65
Siime-----A. T. Brown, assignee. (1884).... *i5 6fi
Same------Theo. Timpson. (18R1)........... 170 03
Same------Hawk *: Wetliei-hee. (1882)...... 120 48
Same------Ryerson & Brown. (1884)........ '^t 41
Same-----Louise Evans. (18831............. I,:il4 09
JTiseh, -\rnold-J. F. Zebley. (1885)......... TOO 04
Victory Webb Printing: and'Folding: Machine
Mfg. Co.-H. W. Beccher. (I8R1)........ 1-.>9 .58
Same------.same. (l.'^82i..................... .'.19 49
Same------1. M. Avery. (18821............... 641 93
Same-----J.B.Ford. (1882)............... 438(18
Same------same. (1884)...................... 190 90
JWclte. P^mil and Emma—Ed. Jones(R. Heit-
mann. by assignl. (188.3)................ l,.-)-.^.i 01
Weber. Edward—L. E. Schoonmaker. (1882) 1.32 66
Wilkins. Wm. H.. siirvivinj: partner of Mar¬
shall i AVilkins—Mary 11. Quiiin. (1884). 1,371 44
♦ Vacated by order of Court, t Secured on Appeal.
t Relea.sed. § Reversed. II Satisfied by Execution.
♦♦ Discharged by going through bankruptcy.
January 17 to 23—inclusive.
Angell. A\-illiam H.—Fireman's Fund Ins. Co.
(1876)................................... $247.55
Angell, AViUiam—P. Dorsey. (1881).......... 143 47
Beach. Moses S.^I. S. Carman. (1876.)
(A'acated i................................. 2,066 ("S
Crooke, Charles—H. Paton. (1885)........... 27 94
Same------same. (18«4) ..................... 4195
Culver, .Andrew R.—J. H. Bennett. (1885)... 1,194 75
8oon%?iE, H. ; -^ H- â– ^"-^fleld. (18841... 249 82
Hagarty. Frank—T. R. McMahon. il8a5|.... .3.56 47
Howard, Elias. as guard, of Charles Still-
well—P. Stillwell. (188;l)............... 64 44
Jones. Robert—S. J. King. (ISW)............ 187 48
WeHSerkdward ; L. E. Schoonmaker. (1882) 132 66
Lott, .\lbert-H. Brinker. (1884)............. 236 00
Jlootry, Marv I R. N. Bell.
Rourke. Margaret anil Eliza ( (1884)........ 603 12
Traphagen. Henry M.—J. V. Meserole. ('82) .521 36
Lehman, Henry—I. Minor, Jr. (1881)........ 166 88
Same-----J. Meyn. (1881)................... 3131
Same------C.Brown. (1881)................ 97 92
Same------A. Brons. (IS82).................. 75*4
Same------A. Branschud, exr. (1880)....... 90 54
Same------H. Beran. (1884)................. 82 79
Same------E. On-en. (1882) ................. 15;l 86
AVaters, Horace, Jr.—E. S. Bunker. (1884).. 86 57
17 Eighty-third st. s s. 3.5(1 w Sth av, 7 houses.
Thos. McCarty agt Henry A'. Hamilton .§1,312 50
17 Same property. Miirdough & Duffel agt
same..................................... .1.182 38
17 Av A, n e cor &5th st. 100.5x80. John L.
Corr agt Randolph Guggenheimer. Henry
Clausen and George W. Tcjtten, owners;
Richarrl Totten. debtor.................... 871 00
IT Sixtieth St. ns. 1.50w-10th av. 2.5x100. George
Riisshon agt Charles Kopp, owner and
contractor................................ .366 80
19 One Himdred and Tw-enty-first st. No. 230,
s s. .300 e .3d av. 25 feet front. John L.
Colby agt William Taylor.................3,017 .33
19 Sedgwick av. w- s. 373 s Stone monument,
near Morris Dock Railway station, .50x100.
Frank Lockwood agt John M. Blood & Co.,
contractors; .\rchiba1d Buchanan, ow-ner. .525 00
19 Si.^ty-second st, s s. 175 e 10th av, 25x100.5.
Theodor Jacob) agt John Hourahan, con¬
tractor; Christian Blinn. Jr.. owner...... .54 00
19 Fifty-seventh st. No. .38 E., s s. abt 1.50 e
Aladison av, 25 feet front. Isabella War¬
ren agt John Riesinger and Morris B.
Cohen, contractors, aud Matthew Rock,
ow-ner.................................... 105 00
30 St. Nicholas av, w s, 25 n 1.56th st, 25x100.
Dennis Phalen agt Henry Moll, ow-ner;
Daniel Phalen, contractor................. 86 OO
20 Same propert3-. AVm. Short agt same...... 8 50
20 Same property, Nich. J. Phalen agt same.. 67 00
20 Same property. Wm. F. Phalen agt same.. 60 00
20 T«-enty-sixth st. No. 304 E.. s s. abt 100 e
2d av. Asa B. Kellogg, assignee ot John
f. Van Loon, agt Joseph Jonnston ....... ICtt 00
20 S ime property. John F. A^an Loon agt
same................................... 102 00
20 S xteenth st. Nos. 431 aad 433 W.. n s. 375 e
10th av, 50.5x92. Hall & Cogan agt Enoch
L. Richardson. Philomene and Henry G.
Monarqne................................ 77 50
• 80 Si -ne property. Wn). 4. Hall agt same ... 59 26
20 Fiftieth st, s 6, gSO -w lOth av, iOOxlOO.5.
Canda & Kane agt Theresa B. and Jere¬
miah J. Collins...........................3,080 69
20 Forty-eighth st. Nos. 317 to 323 E., n s. 225
e â– 2d av. 100x100,5. Patrick Ryan agt Fran¬
cis McQuade...............................1,000 00
22 First av. n w- cor 88th st, known as Nos. 1701
to 1709 1st av and 335 Kast 88tb st. CharteB
51. Dubois & Co. agt Louis H. Plstt, tor
account of Catharine Piatt............. 692 05
82 Fourth av. No. 408. w s. BO n 31st st, 18x70.
Tom Wallbridge agt Michael Murphy..... 75 87
22 St. Nicholas av. n e cor ia4th st, lll.'6xl00.
Robinson & Booth agt James Cas&idy,
reputed owner and contractor.......;___1,040 09
& Eighty.flinth st, ."^'gs, }0S aud UO E,, e e,
158.10 e 4th av. .51.1 ft. front. James J.
Jones agt Hugh McGillvaraj- and Peter (i.
Arnot. owners.......................... '.^.Ji^ (Kl
•23 Riverview Terrace, No. 7. w- s, bet 58th and
59th sts. -20 ft. front. J. S. Conover & Co.
agt Mrs. Johu W. Ball, reputed owner,
and John AV. Ball, contractor............. 142 81
23 Seventy-.seventh st, s s, 151 w .3d av. 75 tt.
front, Hebrew Orphan Asylum. L, Bncki
& Sou agt Louis F. Frome and Joseph
Hirsch, reputed owners, and .Alexancler
C. McKenzie, debtor....................... 41 40
16 Conover st, e cor Sullivan st, 100x.3a). Jos¬
eph Rvan agt AA'illiam H. -Algie. owner,
and Edw-ard Matthew...................J30) (X)
16 Eleventh .st. n s. 95.9 w .5th av. ;i;l3.9xUX).
Fox & McCarthy agt Heni->- R, Low-, Lewis
Rhodes and Wm. W. Reynolds, owner,
and L. Rhodes and AV. AV. Reynolds....... 290 00
16 Conover st. e cor Sullivan st, 100x300.
Joseph Ryan agt William J. Preston, ow-n¬
er, and Edward Matthew................ 300 00
10 AVithers st, n s. 150 e Lorimer st, 50x100.
Matthew Smith agt Mre. C. F. Gleisch,
owner, &c................................2,000 00
17 Same property. Samuel Self agt Frances
Gleisch. owner, and John Wilson........ 442 00
17 Withers st, Nos. 79 and 81. n s. bet Lorimer
and Leonard sts. .50x100. AVilliam Schin¬
dele agt Mrs. Gleisch, owner, and John
Wilson.................................... 155 00
17 Lt^onard st. No. 2.35, s w cor Pow-ers st, 25x
75. Semon Bache & Co. agt Mai-tin
Re.vnolds, owner, and James AVilson...... 215 00
17 Bergen st, s w cor Franklin av, 27.6x60.
Thos. R. Sheffield agt, Chrtstian Schmersal.
ow-ner, and -lacob Schoch................ 827 00
17 Fifty-second st, s s, 200 w- 4th av, 20x100.
John H. O'Rourke agt George Mackmin-
owner............."........' ........... 82 87
19 Clennont av. No. 438. iv s, UO n Fulton st,
17.6x100. AVm. F. Guinan agt George AV.
Addiiisell, owner, .Sc...................... 6 30
19 M.inroe st, Nos. 847 to 855. inclusive, n s. 3.50
e Ralph av. 100x100. Thomas H. Radecliff
agt Margaretta and .lohn Bauer, owners,,
&c....................................... 887 00
19 North Second st, s s, 75 w Graham av, 25x75.
Thomas R. Sheffield agt John Conselyea.
owner, and Jacob Schoch. Howard Boyce
and .lohn Conselyea....................... 225 00
19 Sixth av. No. 536. w s, 25 n 16th st, 25x100.
T. B. AVillis & Bro. agt Elizabeth Culleu,
owner, and Grogan & Balch............... 46 20
19 Howaril Av, s e cor Fulton st, 100x.50. Louis
Bcssert agt Benjamin T. Robbins. ow-ner,
&c ........................................ 541 67
19 Bleecker St. s w cor Evergreen av. 20x100.
Thos. R. Sheffield agt Edw-ard Monohan,
owner, and Jacob Schoch and Edward
Monohan............................... 35 00
19 Same property. Joseph Grunfelder agt
same.'.................................. 425 00
19 Same property. August C. Colberg agt
Edward Monahan, Sr,. owner, and Jacob
Schoch and Edwanl M..nohan............ 2.50 00
20 Monroe st, Nos, 847 to 8.'.5 inclusive, n s. ;i50
e Ralph av. lOOxUKI. Tliomas H. RadeclitT
agt Margaretta and John Bauer, owners,
&c....................................... 8,S7 00
21'Same property. T. B. AA'illis & Bro. agt
same..................................... -260 31
22 Sandford st. No. 102, w- s, ;300 n Myrtle av,
â– 25x100. Cross, Austin &. Co. agt Mary
* hinningham. owner, and John Wilson___ 359 23
20 Flushing av, n w cor Franklin av, runs west
120.9 X north 196.10 x northeast 24.2 to
Wallabout st, X east 106 to Franklin av,
X south 200.4. H. F. Biu-ronghs & Co. agt
Alexander Dugan........................1 ,.555 76
20 Same property. Patrick Sheridan agt same. 2,1.50 00
20 Same propert,v. AVm. E. Chapman agt
same.....................................1,413 83
21 Broadway, Nos. 641 to 647, cor Flushing av.
Wilson & Johnson agt The E.state of Jacob
Herle. owner, and Franz Herte............ 81 35
20 Sandford st. No. 78. w s, 106 s Park av, 26x
—, Louis Bossert agt Mrs. C. Lynch,
owner, and J. McCurdy................... 201 49
20 Eleventh st. n s. 95.9 w- Sth av, 3.33,9x100.
Hobby ,5 Doody agt Henry R. Low. owner,
and Lewis Rhodes and Wm. AA'. Reynolds. 1,000 00
21 Same property. Graft & Co. agt same..... 500 00
22 AVithers st. Nos. 70 and 81. n s. 150 e Leon¬
ard St. .50x100. Jacob FriUich agt Frances
Glesch, owner, and John AVilson, Mathew
Smith and Frances Gleich................ 45 00
2;1 Broadwav, Nos. 1436 and 1438, s ws. Henry
Volhveiler agt Dora Fagan, owner, &c..,. 75 00
00 Flushing av, n s, 100.9 w Franklin av......I
Franklin av, n w- cor Flushing av, .50x50,., )'
E. W. McClave & Co. agt -\lexander
Dngan, owner, &c..................... 455 55
23 Fifty-second st, n s, 320 e 3d av, 20x100.
Spence Bros, 'agt John B. Larkins and
Mary E. his wife, owner, &c..............1,650 00
NEW YO&K cn-y.
17 Seventeenth st. No. 245 E.. n s. Harris
-^.ronswi agt George H. Hardy and Sidney
AVebster. (Jan. 8, 1885)....................S198 57
17 Twenty-ninth st, Nos. 214 and 216 E.,s s. '225
e 3d av. Sayer ,& Co. agt Silas M. Styles.
(Jan. 13. 1885)............................ 256 00
19 First av, g e cor 72d st, 102x113. Charles
Leonard agt Tracy and Van Loon. (.Aug.
2.3,1884).................................. 677 50
19 Same property. Nolan & McGrath agt.
same and James L. Montgomery. (Aug.
•25, lj84).............................. 175 00
19 Same property. John E. Maher agt same.
(3ept. 24)................................. 208 77
19 Same property. Thos. Fitzgerald agt same.
(Aug. 2.).................................. 795 00
19 Same property. G. L. Sareadi agt same.
(.Aug. 22)................................... 575 00
19 Same property. Leander Stone agt same.
(Aiig.33l.................................. 982 11
19 One Hundred and Fifteenth st. Nos. 114 and
116 E., K s. abt 1*25 e 4th av. George M.
Fisher agt Clemens & Haenschen. (Dec.
18, 1881).................................. 75 00
19 Eastern Boulevard or Av A, No. 1063, w b.
Samuel Levy agt Bennett & PlpnVer*; nnd
Patrick and'F. MeManus. (Jan. 17,18S5).. 14 41
21 Twenty-eighth st, Nos. 123 and 125 AV., n s,
west of Uth av. AA'm. H. Hussey agt j.
Boycp Smith, exr ot T. H. Smith, and
John Nunnery. (Oct. 24, 18841............1,372 95
21 Seventy-sixth st. Nos. 254 to '261 E., s s, abt
â– £Xi e Av A, 125 tt front. Steers Bros, agt
Loins Spitzer and Herman Royeman. (Jan.
1.'!, 188.-,)...................................l,!)34 28
21 Na.ssau st, s e cor Frankfort st. formerly
known a.s "Tammany Hall." F. & S. E.
Goodwin agt Evening Telegraph Associa¬
tion. (Nov. 27. 18G7).....................3,200 00
23+First av, s e cor 72d St. AVm. F. Parks agt
-Anna M. Treacy. (Aug. 22. 1884).........4,000 W)
23 Fiftieth st. Nos. 512 and 514 W., s s, 1.50 w
10th av. 50x100. Terence McCourt agt Al¬
lan -\. Irvine. (Jan. 17, 1885)............. ;34 05
23 Same i>n^perty. John M. Bray agt same.
(Jan, 17. IWSi................'............. 40 00
7^EiKhteciith .St. No. 151 AV.. n s. abt 300 w- Oth
av. 25x100. Thomas Rooney agt T. J.
O'Callaghan and Mi-s Jerome. (Dec. 15,
1881)...................................... 45 00
t Canceled and discharged of record by order of Court.
♦ Discharged by depositing amount ot lien with
.lanuary 16 to 2*2—inclusive.
Broadway. Nos. 643. 646, 647 or C55, s e cor
Flushing av. Franz Herte agt the estate
of Jacob Herle. (Jan.7, 1886)...........$4.095 00
Same property. J. AVilliam agt same and
Franz Herte. (Jan, 13. 18S5).............. 421 80
Bi-oadw-ay, Nos. 641.643, 645 and 647 E.. cor
Flushing av. Jacob H. AVerberloskey a.gt
the estate of Jacob Herle, owner, and
Franz Herte. (Jan. 9) .................. 50 00
Same property. AVm. Schindele agt same.
(.Jan. 6)............................... 342 00
Broadway. Nos. (>43. 645 and 647. s e cor Flush¬
ing av. John Holz and M. Horn agt estate
of Jacob Herle. (Jan. 61................ 370 00
Same property. Theodore Martin agt same.
(Jan 6)............................. 210 00
Same property. Conrad Valentine agt same.
Jan. 6)............................... 580 00
Same property. Philip Bossert, Louise Herle,
owners, and Franz Herte. (Dec. -27. 1881), 1,308 84
4th St. s s. 185.10 e Sth av. Perth -\mboy Terra
Cotta Co. agt J. P. Kinney, on-iier, &c.
(Dec. 1, 1884)............................. 45353
Central av. No. 451, w s, 20 s Ivy st, 20x100.
Jacob Ketterle agt Philip Miller, agent for
unknown owner. (Jan. 6, 18851........... 11 00
SOUTH OF 14th street.
Division st, Nos. 184 and 18(i, one six-story brick
tenem't and stores, 44.10x(iS and 47, tin roof; cost,
$'25,500; owner, Lewis Krulewiteh, 103 Division
st'architect, Adam Munch. Plan .30.
He,ster st. No. 51, one five-story brick tenem't,
2-3.(ix::!8.B, tin roof; cost, $10 000; o-wner, Betisa
S>*cn^+oiii, .55 Hester st; architect, AVm. Graul.
Flan m.
Grand st. No. :J88, one flve-story brick tenem't,
25x71, tin roof; cost, ?2-2,0(K); owner, Solomon
Bachi-ach, 375 Grand st; architect, AV^m. Graul.
Flan 44.
Centi-e st, Nos. 1.38 and 140, one six-story brick
and iron front build'g, 4:1(5x111.7 and 10(i.3,
metal roof; cost, -*35,(HX); owner P. Lorillard, 3
Mercer st; architect, Jno. B. Snook; builder, not
contracted for. Plan 45.
between 14th and 59th sts.
31st st, Nos. Sis and 340 E., one five-story brick
factory, .50x50, tin roof; cost, .?14,0()0; own r,
Fred. Bauer, .5(14 Broadway; architect, F. Jacob-
son; builder, Geo. AV. Mulligan. Plan 32.
loth av, w s, 50 n 52d st, one one-story brick
workshop, 30X.50, gi-avel roof; cost, $.500; owners,
Devlin &, Graham, 551 AV. 51st; builder, P. Darcy.
Plan 35.
SOth st, Nos. 352 and 354 AA^., one four-story
brick school house, 42x63, tin roof; cost, $38,000;
owner. City of NewYork Board of Education;
architect, D. J. Stagg, 146 Grand st; builder,
AVm. B. Pettit. Plan 48.
54th st, foot of AVest, one-story frame stone
cutter's shed, 60x30, tin roof; cost, *-------; owners
AA'. and T. Morton, 361 AA'est 42d st. Plan 46.
between .59th and 13.5th streets, east of
5th avenue.
Madison av, s e cor 77th st, one si.x-story brick
and stone ajiartment house, 41x1(13, lirick arch
roof; cost, .¥140,000; owners, AVm. B. and Ed.
Franke, 1267 Broadway; architect, AVm. B.
Franke; builder, Ed. Fi-anke. Plan 39.
76th st, Nos. 185 and 187 E., two five-story brick
tenem'ts, 25x(t5, tin roofs; cost, each, $12,000;
owners, S. T. Meyer & Son, 71 Broadway; archi¬
tect, Arthm- L. Meyer; builder. AV. F. Lennoru
Plan 41.
10th av, e s, (V4th to 65th st, eight five-story
brick tenem'ts and stores, 25x84 antl 03, tin roofs;
cost, each, $14,.500; owner and builder, Henry J.
Bm-chell, 58 E. o3d st; ai-chitect, F. S. Baj-us,
Plan 36.
10th av, s w cor 6-2d st, four five-story brick
tenem'ts, 25x83, tin roofs; cost, each, $18,000;
owner, (jotthold Haug, 1766 Sdav; architect, G.
AV. Spitzer. Plan 43.
134th st. No. 653 AV., one one-story brick and
frame boiler room, 35fi30, ii-on roof; cost, $1,600;
owner, B. Benike. 47 East 78th st; architect. AV,
D. AVines; builders, Noj'es & AVi.ies. Plan 38.
134th st, n s, 100 e Sth av, fotu- foiu--story brick
dweU'gs, 1.5.6X.55, tin and slate roofs; cost, each,
$9,000; o«-ner, E. H. M. Just, a5 Great Jones st-
architect, M, C, Merritt. Flan 33.