The Record and Guide.
April 24, 1886
23.8x35, tin roof; cost. $1,300; Flegenheimer
Bros., 309 West 29thst; b'r, WUliam Sehaedler,
m'n, not selected. Plan 669.
Av B, No. 173, s e cor Ilth st, five-story brick
tenem't with store, 25x89, tin roof; cost, $35,000;
Maurice Levy, 804 Chatham st; ar't, Ernest W.
Greis. Plan 680.
Wooster st, No. 158, u-on shed, 65x5, tin roof;
cost, $100; ow'r and ar't, WUliam W. Horton, 59
Carmme st; b'r, D. C. McCarthy. Plan 693.
33d st, Nos. 225 and 337 W., five-story briek
flat with stores, 50x88, tin roof; cost, $37,500;
Thomas Morgan, 11.55 Broadway; ar't, E. L.
Angell; m'n, S. J. Acken; b'rs, G. A. Post and
F. Haas. Plan 655.
43d st, n s, at East River, one-story frame eoal-
shed, &e., abt 60x100; cost abt $25,000; lessees.
Consumers Coal Co., C. S. Schenck, president,
145 East 46th st; ar't and b'r, B, D, Brown.
Plan 653.
50th st, s s, 400 w 9th av, four-story brick Gram¬
mar school, 128x91, tin roof; cost, $110,000; The
Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty, J. E. Sim¬
mons, president. Board of Education, 146 Grand
st; ar't, D. J. Stagg. Plan 663.
59th st, s s, 325 e 9th av, two five-story brick
flats, 25x89, tin roofs; cost, each, $33,000; James
Wetter. 116 West 67th st; ar'ts, A. B. Ogden &
Son. Plan 657.
1st av, n e cor 45th st, one and two-story brick
abattoir, 100x340, rear 300, with frontage of 80 on
46th st, tin and felt, gravel and cement roof; cost.
S100,(K)0; Sehwarszchild & Sulzberger, 1st av and
45th st; ar'ts, A. B. Ogden & Son. Plan 645.
28th st, s s, abt 100 e 1st av, two and three-story
brick drug house, 94x36, tin roof; cost. $10,000;
New York City Dept. of Charities and Correc¬
tion, 663d av; ar'ts, N. Le Brun & Son. Plan 670.
56th st. No. 510 W., one-story brick stable, 3.5x
95, tin roof, iron and glass skylight; cost, $3,000;
lessee, Valentine MuUer, 512 West 56th st; ar't,
James W. Cole, Plan 686,
9th av, n e cor 37th st, five-story briek tenem't,
with stores, 24.9x96, plastic slate roofing; cost,
$30,000; Joseph Stern, 5.3 West 50th st; ar'ts,
Thom & WUson; m'n, James Cox; b'r, John P.
Moore. Plan 687.
9th av, e s, 24.9 n 37th st, five-story briek
tenem't with stores, 24.8x84, plastic slate roofing;
cost, $20,000; ow'r, ar'ts and b'rs, same as last.
Plan 688.
9th av, e s, 35.5 s 51st st, four-story brick
tenem't with store, 3.5x85, rear 30.6, tin roof;
cost, $16,000; Charles Lehmann, 754>^ 9th av;
ar'ts, Thom & WUson, Plan 689.
5th avenue.
61st st, n s, 75 e 1st av, five-story brick tenem't
30x65, on front, and two-story brick stable, 30x33,
on rear, tin roofs; cost, $12,000 and $3,000; Daw¬
son & Archer, 4 Prospect pi; ar'ts. A, B, Ogden
& Son. Plan 6.56.
70th st, n s, 150 e 2d av, four five-story briek
tenem'ts, 31x85, tin roofs; cost, each, $25,650; ow'r
and ar't, John C. Burne, 1531 3dav; b'rs, not se¬
lected. Plan 650.
113th st, ns, 143 w Av A. five-story brick tenem't
with stores, 25x71, tin roof; cost, $12,000; Michael
ReUly,' 1976 4th av; ar'ts, N. Le Brun & Son.
Plan 646.
117th st, No. 344 E., open shed. 13x34, gravel
roof; cost, $50; WUliam Bernhardt, 349 East 117th
St. Plan 647.
2d av, w s, 35.6 n 96th st, three five-story briek
tenem'ts with stores, 8.5x76, tin roofs; cost, each,
$15,000; Thomas Smith, 1704 Istav; ar'ts, A. B.
Ogden & Son. Plan 644.
3d av, s w eor 119th st, six five-story briek
tenem'ts vnth stores on av, 33.4 to 36x65 to 80, tin
roofs; cost, total, $100,000; Mary C. Hoffman, 333
East 124th st, and Francis W. Ford, Demarest, N,
J,; ar'ts, Cleverdon & Putzel, Plan 648.
6-2d st, No. 433 E., two-story brick cooper shop,
35x45, gravel roof; cost, $3,500; A. Kjarl Hof¬
mann, 173 East 90th st; ar't, Charles Kinkel.
Plan 681.
108th st, s s, 100 e 2d av, open shed for stone
cutting, 3'35x80 and 18, gravel roof; cost, $1,000;
Francis P, Gray, 546 9th av; ar't, James D, Dar¬
Ung. Plan 664.
108th st, s s, 300 e 3d av, one-story blacksmith's
shop, 2.5x24, gravel roof; cost, $400; ow'r and ar't,
same as last. Plan 665.
108th st, s s, 325 e 3d av, two-story briek stable,
35x60, gravel roof; cost, $3,000; ow'r and ar't,
same as last. Plan 666.
lOlst st, n s, 100 w 2d av, four four-story brick
tenem'ts. 3.5x65, tin roofs; cost, each, $15,000:
Martin Kenney, 1804 3d av; ar't, John C. Burne;
b'rs, not selected. Plan 695.
ll.5th st, n e cor Lexington av, five-story briek
flat with store, 35x96, tin roof; cost, $30,000; John
W. Haaren, 338 Greenwich st; ar't, John C.
Burne; b'rs, not selected. Plan 694.
between 59TH AND 135tH STREETS, WEST OF
8th avenue.
10th av, n e cor 76th st, five-story briek flat, 87
x90, tin roof; cost, $35,000; Robert Morrison, 153
West 53d st; ar't, M. V. B. Ferdon; b'r. W. G.
McCormack. Plan 663.
61stst, Nos. 431 and 433 W., fivestory brick
(granite and brown stone front) flat, 40x85.9, rear
33, tin roof; cost, $40,000; Michael McDermott,
441 West 6ist st; ar'ts, Thom & Wilson. Plan
72d st, s e cor 10th av, five-story brick (stone
front in first story) dweU'g, 30x78, deck roof
tinned, mansard slated; cost, $30,00i0; David S.
Brovra, 209 East 15th st; ar't, A. B. Jennings.
Plan 676.
78d st, s s, 30 e 10th av, five-story brick (stone
front on first story) dwell'g, 33.4x65, and exten¬
sion, deck roof tinned, mansard slated; cost,
$30,000; Albert S. Roe, 337 West 58th st; ar't, A.
B. Jennings. Plan 677.
73d st, s s, 76.8 e 10th av, flve-story brick (stone
front on first story) dwell'g, 33.4x65, and exten¬
sion, deck roof tinned, mansard slated; cost,
$20,000; Delaplame Brown, 205 East 19th st; ar't,
A. B. Jennings. Plan 678.
94th st, s s, 150 w Oth av, three three-story and
basement briek (stone front) dwell'gs, 16.8x50, tin
roofs; cost, each, $10,000; Abraham Quacken¬
bush, 234 West 38th st; ar't. G. W. Da Cunha,
Jr. Plan 684.
83d st, n s, 100 w West End av, four three¬
story brick (stone front) dweU'gs, 16.8x55, tin
roofs; cost, each. $8,500; James Slattery, 630 West
84th st; ar't, J. E. Terhune. Plan 693.
IIOth and 125th streets, between 5th and
8th avenues.
115th st, n s, 235 w 5th av, shed, 15x12, slate
roof; cost, $150; Morris S. Herrman, 9 FrankUn
st; ar't. G. W. Da Cunha, Jr. Plan 683.
123d st, Nos. 130 and 133 W., three tbree-story
brick (stone front) dweU'gs, 16 and 17x53, tin
roofs; cost, each, $15,000; WiUiam A. Martin, 128
West 1^3d st; aa-'t, J. M. Dunn. Plan 673.
north of 125th street.
129th st, s s, 125 w Sth av, three five-story brick
flats, 3.5x68, and extension 31x31, tin roofs; cost,
each, $33,000; Christianna R. Kehoe, 57East 13ist
st; ar't, Alfred Kehoe. Plan 6S.5.
134th st, n s, 145 w Brovra pl, three three-story
and basement brick dweU'gs, 16.4 and 16.10x45,
tin roofs; cost, each, $6,500; Benjamin Weed, 26
Pine st; ar't, J. A. Webster; b'r, James O'Kane.
Plan 674.
23d and 34th wards.
CoUege av, n e cor Kingsbridge road, two-story
frame stable, 36.6x25.6, tin roof; cost, $1,000; John
B. Haskin, Fordham. Plan 651.
Decatur av, e s, 300 n Cole st, two-story and
attic frame dweU'g, 19.3x33, rear 32, shingle roof;
cost, $3,000; CorneUa L. Sayre, 350 East 84th st;
ar't, T. W. Ringrose; b'rs. Chamberlain & Rich¬
ardson. Plan 6.58.
Bainbridge st, n w cor Kingsbridge road, two¬
story frame dweU'g, 30x36, tinroof; cost, $3,000;
George W. Howie, Boston road. West Farms;
ar't, James Sti-oud, Plan 667.
Bainbridge st, w s, 70 n Kingsbridgeroad, rear,
one-and-one-half-story frame stable, 3.5x30, shin-
fleroof; cost, $500; ow'r and ar't, same as last,
lan 668.
134th st, n s, 200 w 7th av, six three-story brick
(stone front) dweU'gs, 16.8x50, tin roofs; cost,
each, $11,000; ow'r, ar't and b'r, Anthony Mc¬
Reynolds, 125 West 132d st. Plan 675.
PrankUn av, No. 1176, frame wagon shed, 28x
16, shingle roof; cost, $100; Thomas S. Morris,
1106 PrankUn av; b'r, Louis Palk. Plan 673.
Westchester av, No. 723, s s, abt 100 w Brook
av, one-story frame stable, 12x18, gravel and felt
roof; cost, $100; Agnes Dertinger, .593 Bergen av;
ar't and b'r, G. Dertinger. Plan 683.
169th st, n s, 200 e Pulton av, one-story frame
carriage house, 13x30; cost, $300; Frederika
Schuh, 837 East 169th st; ar't and b'r, Henry A.
Sherwood. Plan 690.
Yonkers av, s w cor Van Courtlandt av, two¬
story frame dweU'g, 30x26, tin roof; cost, $1,450;
Thomas Totten, Riverdale; ar't and b'r, W. H.
Haley; m'n, Joseph Berrie. Plan 691.
Plan 575—33d st, s s, 200 e 4th av, one-story
frame dweU'g, 24x30, tin roof; cost, $600; M.
Mear, 33d st, bet 4th and 5th avs; c'r, W. J.
576—Louis pl, w s, 98 s Herkimer st, three two¬
story and basement brick dweU'gs, 15.4x40, each,
tin roofs, iron cornices; cost, each, $3,600; Pranz
Schmidt, East New York; ar't, K. I. Peters; mn,
M. J. Reynolds.
577—Fulton st, n s, entire block bet Saratoga
and Hopkinson avs, twenty-five three-story brick
stores and dweU'gs, one 23.6x103x38 rear, fifteen,
30x53, eight, 19.5x53, one, 19.8x.53, tin roofs, gal¬
vanized iron cornices; total cost, $169,000; B. R.
Herbert, 2050 Fulton st; ar't, F. L. Hein; b'r, I.
578—Sth av, e s, 87.6 s Lincoln pl, three four-
story brown stone double stores and flats, each
88.6x63, tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each,
$11,000; ow'rs, ar'ts and b'rs, Assip & Buckley, 77
Waverly av.
.579—Sth av, e s, 86 s Lincoln pl, three four-
story brown stone stores and flats, each 20.6x63,
tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each $9,000;
ow'rs, ar'ts and b'rs, same as above.
580—Putnam av, s s, 76 w Throop av, five two¬
story basement and attic brown stone dweU'gs,
each, 19x45, with two-story extensions, tin roofs,
wooden cornices; cost, each, $7,000; Jno. Sadding¬
ton, 463 Willoughby av; ar't, P. D. Vrooman.
581—Bushwick av, e s, 30 s Vanderveer st, three
two-story frame buildings, each, 20x40, gravel
roofs; cost, each, $2,500; G. S. Shelton, 193 Quin¬
cy st; ar't and b'r, A. Wilkinson.
583—Pro.=pect av, n s, 100 e 3d av, one-story
frame shop, 10x13, tinroof; cost, $70; Geo. Rem¬
ington, cor Prospect and 3d avs; c'r, Geo. W. Sling¬
583—McDougal st, e s, 100 e Howard av, three
three-story frame (brick fiUed) tenem'ts, each, 35
x55, tin roofs; cost, each $4,500; ow'r and c'r, J.
W. Stewai-t, Quincy st near Tompkins av; ar'ts,
Platte & Acker.
584—Central av, n w eor Harman st, one-story
frame stable and carriage house, 28x20, tin roof;
cost, $300; Jno. Bohlen, 614 Humboldt st; c'r, H.
Tietjen; ar'ts, Platte & Acker.
585—Amity st. No. 95, n s, 319 w Henry st, one¬
story brick stable, 35x18, tin roof; cost, $50;
ow'rs, ar'ts and b'rs, Burns & McCann, 825
Pacific St.
586—St. Mark's pi, three on the s s, and three
on n s Warren st, 451 w 5th av, three-sfcory brick
dweU'gs, 16.8x45 each, gravel roof, wooden
cornices; cost each, $5,500; ow'r and m'n, Chas.
H. ColUns, 359 6th av; ar't, J. G. Glover.
587—Lincoln pl, s s, 190 w 8th av, three three¬
story and basement brown stone dweU'gs, each
20x48.6, metal roof, wooden cornices; cost each,
$11,000; ow'r ar't and c'r, William Flanigan, 46
Berkeley pl; m'n, Jno. Sharack.
588-40th st, n s, 100 w 3d av, one-story frame
stable, 10x14, felt roof; cost, $30; M. Hanrahan,
10153d av.
589—7th av, s e cor Garfield pl. three three¬
story and : basement brown stone dwell'gs, one
19.6x48, two, 18x48, tin roofs, wooden cornices;
total cost, $30,000: ow'rs, ar'ts and b'rs, Martin
& Lee, 440 Clermont av,
590—Waieott st, n s, 25 e Richard st, one two¬
story frame dwell'g, 20x40, tin roof; cost, $3,450;
M. Warty, on premises; m'ns, M. Gibbons & Son.
591—31st, No. 363, one two-stdry frame dwell'g,
35x43, gravel roof; cost, $1,800; Bridget Rasley,
18 Luquer st; c'r, P. Gihrson.
593—Dupont st, n e cor Franklin st, one three¬
story frame paper factory, 25x75, gravel roof; cost,
$4,000; H. C. Harney & Co., 117 East 120th st,
New York; c'r, R. Gasser; m'ns, Carpenter &
Woodruff; ar't, A. Pfeiffer.
593—Utica av, e s, 50 s Bergen st, one two-story
frame (brick ffiled) dweU'g, 33xH2, tin roof; coat,
$1,.500; Jno. McCormick, 635 Bergen st; c'r, W.
H. Barton; ar't, P. W. Ames.
594—Rutledge st, s s; 3'^6 w Harrison av, three
three-story brick tenem'ts, 38x60 each, tin roof,
wooden and tin cornices; cost, each, $7,000; John
Auer, Rutledge st near Harrison av; ar'ts, Platte
& Acker.
595—Warren st, No. 499, one four-story brick
tenem't, 35x44, tin roof, wooden cornice; cost,
$4,.5O0; Jas. McGarry, 491 Warren st; ar't, Robert
Dixon; b'r, John Gallagher.
596—Henry st, e s,44n Luquer st, two three-story
brick tenem'ts, 87x45, tin roof, wooden cornices;
cost, each, $4,000; R. E. Topping, 369 Franklin
av; ar't and c'r, M. H. Hawkins.
597—38th st, Nos. 137 and 1373^, 140 e 3d av,
two two-story and basement frame dwelUngs, 2(i
x36 each, tin roof; cost, $1,800 each; MatUda
Goodwm, 133 28th st; ar't and b'r, J. P. M. Good-
598—Myrtle av, n s. No. 1231, one-story frame
store, 20x18 and 24, tin roof; cost, $300; A. Town-
send, 21 East 14th st. New York; cp'r, A. Nelson;
ar't, J. E. Dwyer.
599—Ten Ej ck st, n s, 84 e Graham av, one two¬
story frame stable, 16x40, tin roof; cost, $300;
Chas. Bieber, eor Graham av and Ten Eyckst;
ar't, F. J. Berlenbach, Jr.
600—Graham av, n e cor Ten Eyek st, two three¬
story frame (briek ffiled) tenements (store in cor¬
ner) one, 24x60; one, 16x60; tin roofs; total cost,
about $7,000; ow'r and ar't, same as above.
601—Garfield pl, No. 40, s s, 283 w 5th av, one
two-story and basement Ijrick dweUing, 16.8x42.
tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, $3,800; ow'r, ar't
and b'r, T. J. Nash, 43 Garfield pl.
603—Halsey st, eight on s s, and three on n s
350 e Stuyvesant av, two-story and basement
brown stone dwelUngs, 18.9x43 each, tin roc fs,
wooden cornices; cost each, $4,800; ow'rs aud b'rs,
Lambert & Mason, 148 Putnam av; ar't, 1. D.
603—St. Marks av, No. 1038, s s 100 w Scheuec¬
tady av, one-story frame stable, 13x13, board roof;
cost, $20; Mrs. D. Peterson, 143 Schenectady av;
cp'r, W. MiteheU.
604—3d av, e s, 20 s 28th st, one-story office. 12x
36, tin roof; cost, $250; MatUda Goodwin, 133 38th
st; b'r, J. P. M, Goodwin.
605—Hicks st, e s, 2.50 s Joralemon st, one
four-story brown stone flat, 50x65x47, rear, gravel
roof, wooden cornice; cost. $35,000; G. Reusens,
WeUs BuUding, NewYork; ar't, W. M. Coots;
b'r, H, D, Southard.
606—5th av, w s, 45 s Butler st, two four-story
brick apartment houses, each 20x60. tin roofs,
wooden cornice; total cost, $16,00f>; McLaughlin
& McConneU, cor Columbia and v'^Tarren sts; ar't.
W. M. Coots; m'n, Jno. Donahue.
607—Vanderveer st, n s, 120 e Bushwick av, one
two-story frame (brick fllled) dwell'g, 20x33,
with extension, 12.6x18, tinroof; cost, $2,500; ow'r
and b'r, P. Steinbacker, on premises; ar't, H.
608—Union st, n s, 80 e 5th av, three four-stoi-}'-
brown stone flats, each 20x60; tin roofs, wooden
cornices; cost, each, $9,750; William Irvine, 395 9th
st; ai-'c, Jno. C. Burne, New York; m'ns, Buchan¬
an & ReUly; c'r, W. J. Conway.
609—Clermont av. No. 141, w s, one three-story
brick tenem't, 25x55, tin roof, wooden cornice;
cost, $6,300; Martin Brennan, on premises; ar'ts,
and b'rs, Assip & Buckley.
610—Varet st. No. 99, one-story frame stable,
13x13, tin roof; cost, $200; B. Gerhard, 99 Varet
st; c'r, Jno. Rueger.
611—3d av, e s, 50 n 43d st, one-story frame
shop, 18x34, gravel roof; cost, $150; ow'r and c'r,
S. B. Bogert, 1045 3d av.
613—6th av, No. 60, 80 feet from Bergen st, one
four-story briek tenem't, 20x63, tin roof, wooden
cornice; cost, $9,000; Jacob Steiner, 475 Bergen
st; ar't. Win. P. Bannester, New York; m'n,
Thos. B, Rutan; c'r, Wm. G. Lee.
613—Central pl, w s, 100 s Greene av, four
three-story frame (briokfiUed) dweU'gs, each 17x