May 1,1886
The Record and''"Guide.
flat vrith stores, 38.5x60, rear 3S.2, tin roof; cost,
$20,000; EmU H. Kosmak, 13 Chatham st. and
George Wack, 234 East 49th st; ar't, WiUiam G.
Steinmetz; b'rs, not selected. Plan 733.
Division st, Nos. 166 and 1663^, five-story brick
tenem't with stores, 25x74.6 and 87.3, tin roof;
cost, $12,000 to $13,000; Howard ConkUng, 27
East 10th sfc; ar'fcs, Renwick, Aspinwall & Rus¬
sell. Plan 696.
Forsyth st, Nos. 47-51, three five-story and
basement brick tenem'ts with stores in basements,
tin roofs; cost, each, $20,000; Bertha Salomon, 2
Baxter st; ar'ts, A. H. Blankenstein and Henry
Herter. Plan 737.
FrankUn st. No. 164, six-story brick store-house,
18x43.9 on first story and 40 above, tin roof; cost,
$8,000; Augustus C. Bechstein, 350 West 57th st;
ar't, W. B. TuthUl. Plan 720.
Pearl st, Nos. 541-547, flve-story brick and iron
front stores and Ught manufacturing building,
100x93 on first story and 80 above, tin roof; cost,
$8,500; Eberhard Paber, Port Richmond, S. I.;
ar't, Richard Berger; b'rs, not selected. Plan 736.
Canal st. No. 34, five-storv brick tenem't with
store, (28.5x52.6x25x65, tin roof; cost, $15,000;
Henry Klingenstein, 248 East OOth st; ar'fc,
Ernest W. Greis. Plan 741.
Easfc St. No. 28, two-story brick boiler and
engine-house, 20x110, gravel roof; cost, $1,000;
George P. Ockershausen, 416 East 50th st; ar't,
M. Tynan; b'r, M. Reed. Plan 739.
Ridge st. No. 32, rear, four-story brick shop, 20x
30, tin roof; cost, abt $2,500; Esther Wolf, on
premises; ar't, Fred. Ebeling. Plan 751.
28th st. No. 227 E., five-story brick (stone front)
tenem't, 2.5x85, tin roof; cost, $20,00u; ow'r and
b'r, John Pish, 97^ 7th st; ar't, Richard Berger.
Plan 704.
45th st, No. 443 W., four-story brick tenem't
with store, 25x57, tin roof; cost, $12,000; John
HoUings, 608 West46fch st; ar'c, John MUler; b'rs,
nofc selected. Plan 697.
56th st, n s, 200 e 2d av, four flve-story brick
flats, 25x80, tin roofs; cost, each, $20,000; Thomas
Hagan, 337 East 123d st; art's. A, B. Ogden &
Son. Plan 711.
56th st, ns, 300 w 2dav, five-story brick building
on front for galvanized iron works, 50x75, and
two-story brick stable on rear, 29.0x16, tui roofs;
cost, $35,000 and $2,000; ow'r and ar'ts, same as
last. Plan 712.
54th st, Nos. 115 and 117 W., two three-story
brick private stables, 24.6 and 25x95, tin roofs;
cosfc, each, $10,000; WUliam B. Baldwin, 17 West
53d st; ar't, Geo. B. Pelham; b'r, David J. Ken¬
nedy. Plan 727,
Lexington av, w s, 53 s 36th st, four-story and
basement brick dwell'g, 21.1x33.8, flat roof tinned,
mansardof flre-proof materials: cost, abt $9,000;
Fanny B. Kellogg, 134 East 36th st; ar't, C. P. H.
Gilbert; b'r, C. W. H. Elting. Plan 728.
nth av, No. 864. four-story brick stable and
warehouse, 25x85.2, cement and gravel roof; cost,
$12,500; Clausen & Price Brewing Co., llthav,
n e cor 59th sfc, Chas. C. Clausen, president, 43
East 74th st; ar't, G. Knoche. Plan 722.
25th st. No. 264 W., one-story brick office and
dweUing, 12x14, tin roof; cost, -----; John W.
Hammersley, 255 ,5th av, Louis Hammersley and
G. G. WUUams, as admrs. L. Hammersley; ar'fc,
Geo. W. Prodgers. Plan 746.
26th st, Nos. 25 and 27 W., five-story brick, u-on
and terra cotta front apartment house with store
in part of basement and lower story, tUe or
cement roofing; cost, $85,000; John Patterson,
436 eth av; ar't, Charles G. Jones. Plan 761.
10th av, s w cor 41st st, flve-story brick tenem't
with store, 25.3x55, tin roof; cost, $18,000; estate
John Muller, Gesche MuUer, extrx., 246 West 49th
st; ar't, R. S. Townsend; b'rs, not selected. Plan
748. .
5th avenue.
89th st, s s, 81 e 1st av, five-story brick tenem't,
25x61, tmiroof; cost, $14,000; Thomas Patten, 113
East 57th st; ar't, WUUam Graul. Plan 701.
H2th st, s s, 100 w 3d av, five-story biick
tenem't wifch store, 20x65, tin roof; cost, $12,000;
Henry DiUraann, 174 East 112th st; ar't, Bart.
Walther; b'r, Joseph Handwerk. Plan 705.
119th st, s s, 90 w Lexington av, four-story brick
flat, 23.6x62, tin roof; cost, $16,000; Catherine M.
Boltz, 136 East 119th st; ar't, C. Baxter. Plan
3d av. No. 1220, five-story brick tenem'fc with
store,25x81.6, tin roof: cost, $20,000; Carston
Droge, on premises; ar't, Daniel Burgess. Plan
4th av, e s, 50 s 89fch st, two five-story brick
tenem'ts with stores, 25.2x72, tin roofs; cost, each,
$13,500; Theo. A. Cordler, 1st av, n e cor 87th st;
ar't, John Brandt. Plan 710.
Av A, s w cor 73d st, two five-story brick tene¬
ments, 25.2x82 and 26x96, tin roofS! •ost, each,
$18,000; Arthur J. McQuade, 313 East 13fch st;
ar't, James Barrett. Plan 726.
70th st, n s, 223 e Av A, five-story brick factory,
40x60, tin or felt and gravel roof; cost, $20,000;
Jennie S. Macdonald, 1532 Park av; ar't. John
Brandt. Plan 752.
73d st, n s, 125 e 5th av, four-stoiy and base¬
ment brick (stone front) dweU'g, 25x88, tinroof;
cost,;$30,000; John RuddleU, 244 East 62dst: ar't,
G. A. ScheUenger. Plan 754. '
75th st, Nos. 429 and 431 E., four-story brick
bakery and lofts, to be occupied as cigar factory,
50x55, tm roof; cost, $12,000- Percy RockweU,
201 Easfc 9th st; ar'ts, J. M. Farnsworth & Co.;
b'rs, not selected. Plan 744.
75fch st, Nos. 429 and 431 E,. rear, one-story
brick stable, 50x34, tin roof; cost, $2,500: ow'r
and ar'ts, same as last. FJ|au 745.
Madison av. e s, 83 n SOth st, two four-story
and basement brick dweU'gs, 22 and 22.8 x 60
and 90, with extension, flat roofs tinned, mansard
slated; cost, abt $40,000 each; ow'r and b'r, Ed¬
ward Ealpatrick, 80th st, n w cor Madison av;
ar't, W. E. Mowbray. Plan 742.
1st av, s ecor 89fch st, five-story brick tenm't
with store, 25.6x77, tin roof; cost, $18,000;
Thomas Patten, 113 East 57th st; ar't, Wm.
Graul. Plan 699.
1st av, e s, 25.6 3 89th st, two five-story brick
tenemt's with stores,25x65, tin roofs- cost, each,
$14,000: ow'r and ar't, same as lasfc. Plan 700.
2d av, n w cor .104th st, four five-story brick
tenemt's with stores, 25x84, corner 96, tin roofs;
cost, each, $19,000; David Stevenson, 224 West
46th st; ar'ts, Thom & Wilson b'rs; Dawson &
Archer and Alex. Moore. Plan 753.
5th av, necor lllth st, five-story brick flat,
25.2x96, tin roof; cost, $25,000; John H. Boschen,
101 Barclay st; ar't, N. Gillesheimer. Plan 747.
8th avenue.
9th av, w s, 25.2 s 96th st, five-story brick flat
wifch stores, 2.5.2x85.4, rear 16.6, tin roof; cost,
$15,000; Charles G. Habermann, 233 West 25th
st; ar't, W. B. TuthUl. Plan 714.
72d st, s s, 53.4 e 10th av, five-story brick (stone
front on first story) dwell'g, 23.4x65, and exten¬
sion, flat roof tinned, mansard slated; cost, $20,-
000; Jacob A. Chamberlain, 449 West 72d st; ar't,
A. B. Jennings. Plan 721.
74th st, n e cor 10th av, nine three-story and
four-story brick dwell'gs, 17 and 25.6x37 and 53,
slate and tin roofs; cosfc, each, abt $14,000; ow'rs
and ar'ts. Lamb & Rich, 265 Broadway. Plan 73'2.
83d st, n s, 225 e 10th av, flve-story brick (stone
front basement and first story) flat, 40x80, tin
roof; cost, $35,000; Annie E. Kelly, 434 East 75th
st; ar't, G.A. ScheUenger. Plan 734.
83d st, n s, 265 e 10th av, three five-story brick
(stone front basement and first story) flats, 20x
75, tin roofs; cost, each, $25,000; ow'r and ar't,
same as last. Plan 735.
64th st, s s, 2.50 w Oth av, four-story brick
(stone front) dwell'g, 20x55, and one-story exten¬
sion, 13 in depth, tin roof; cost, $15,000; Phillip
Daly, 809 Oth av; ar't, Jonn Sexton. Plan 749.
86th sfc, s w cor 9th av, five-story brick flat
with store, 25x102, tin roof; cost, $30,000; Wil¬
liam Noble, 171 Broadway; ar't, John G. Prague.
Plan 7.57.
86th st, s s, 25 w Oth av, four four-story brick
(stone front) dwell'gs, 20x56, tin roofs; cost,
each, $21,000; ow'r and ar't, same as last. Plan
88th st, s s, 100 w Oth av, eight four-story
brick dwell'gs, total 125x50, tin roofs; cost,
each, $9,000; WUliam Taylor, St. Denis Hotel;
ar't, Samuel B. Reed; b'rs, Fordyce & Himpler.
Plan 7,55.
9.5th st, s s, 245 e 9th av, four threestory brick
dwell'gs, 17 to 19x52, tin roofs; cost, each, $9,000;
James Taylor, 202 Greene st, and GUbert H. Post,
1507 Park av; ar't, James S. Post; b'r, GUbert H.
Post, Plan 759.
10th av, n e cor 101st st, four five-story brick
tenem'ts wifch stores, 25x68, tin roofs; cost, each,
$15,000; Pi-anklin A. Thurston, 62 East 133d st;
ar't, J. H. Valentine. Plan 750.
110th and 125th streets, between 5th and
8th avenues.
121st st, s s, 160 east 7th av, five four-story brick
(stone front) dwell'gs, 18x54, tin roofs; cose, each,
$10,000; Bartlett Smith, 136 West 122d st; ar'ts
and b'rs, Bartlett Smith & Sons. Plan 706.
north of 125th street.
Edgecombe road, e s, 417.7 n centre line 162d st,
two-story frame dweU'g, 22x30, tin roof; cost.
$2,250; ow'r and ar't, Thomas B. McKenna, 163d
st and 10th av; b'r, Edmund Conway. Plan 715.
Madison av, n w cor 133d st, two-story brick
stores and dweU'g, 10x99.11, tinroof; cost, $9,000;
George L. Loutrel, 30 East 50th st; ar't, J. B.
Franklin. Plan 708.
150th st, n s, 375 e 10th av, two-story frame
dweU'g and steble, 25x54, shingle roof, also one¬
story shed, 8x25; cost, $1,750; Charles Sooysmith,
St. Nicholas pl. West 150th st; b'r, J. P. Wood-
row. Plan 729.
St. Nicholas av, w s, abt 100 s 16lst st, one-story
frame workshop,23.6x24.9x22x20.4, tmroof; cost,
$400; Michael Howe, 10th av, bet 160th and 161st
sts; b'r, Ferdinand Wolffersdorff. Plan 730.
125th st, n s, 250 e 2d av, two five-story briek
(stone front) flats, 30x—, tin roofs; cost, each,
$2-3,000; Prank E. Dewitt, 13)4 Lawi-ence st; ar't.
John MUler. Plan 473.
141st st, n s, 130 e Sthav; one-story brick stable
and wagon-house, 18.8x4.5, tin roof; cost, $1,000;
Katharine BartheU, 141st st, n ecor 8th av; les¬
see, Prederick Wamken; ar't and b'r, Prederick
BrasseU. Plan 756.
23d and 24th wards.
Johnson av, w s, 41 n 180th st, two-story frame
dweU'g, 20x30, tinroof; cost, $1,200; JohnGlock-
ner, 330 East 63d st; ar't, Michael Kane; b'r,
Julius Heberlein. Plan 719.
North 3d av, e s, abt 150 s 153d st, four-storv
brick tenem't with stores, 25x64, tin roof; cost,
$13,000; John A. WUhelm, North 3d av, near
153d st; ar't, Adolph Pfeiffer; b'rs, not selected.
Plan 709.
Courtlandt av, w s, 100 n 162d st, one-story
frame dweU'g, 22x32, tin roof; cost, $800; Mary
Myrtle, 921 Courtlandt av; ar't and b'r, Edward
Stichler. Plan 731.
Tremont av, s s, 100 w Morris av, two-story
and attic frame dwell'g, 24x32, and extension, 14x
15, shingle roof; cost, $3,000; Salvador La Grassa,
Weeks st, Mt. Hope; ar't, J. E. Kerby. Plan 725.
Jackson av, w s, abt 1.50 s Clay st, one-and-a-
half-story frame dweU'g, 20 and 18x20, shingle
roof; cost, $1,000; Karterina Merz, Easfc Tremont;
ar't and b'r, John Kern; Plan 760.
3d av, w s, 50 n 135th st, one-story brick store
and dweU'g, 50x70. tin roof; cost, $3,.500; Prancis
J. Schnugg, 433 East 86th st; ar't, H. E. HiUen¬
brand. Plan 738.
North 3d av, w s, 100 n 156th st, three two¬
story frame dweU'gs and stores, 15.8x45, rear 16.2
tin roofs; cost, each, $2,300; Franklin A. Wilcox
333 Madison av; ar't, Adolph Pfeiffer; b'r. John
Knox. Plan 740.
Plan 621—Sixth av, n e cor Platbush av, thaee
four-story brick stores and dweU'gs, 21, 25 and 36
xirreg, tin roofs, galvanized iron cornices; totel
cost, $42,000; David H. Gould, Navarro Flats, New
York; ar't, Wm. A. Mundell; m'n, J. J, Carlin-
c'r, I. B. Jacobs.
62-<3—St. Marks pl, s s, 151 w 5th av, three
threestory briek dwell'gs, each 16.8x45, gravel
roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each, $5,500; Chas
H. Collins, 359 South Ofch av, ar'fc, J. G. Glover.
623—Furman st, n e cor State st, one three-story
brick store and dwell'g, 20.10x61, tinroof, woodeu
cornice; cost $7,200; Mrs. EUa Gilmartin, Furman
st, bet. Atlantic av and State st; ar't, Jno W
BaUey; m'n, P. McGuinn; c'r, D. Leonard.
624—Clason av, s w cor Dean st, one four-story
brick store and flat, 25x50, tin roof, wooden cor¬
nice; cost, $8,0(»: R. Donohue, 635 Clason av-
ar't, I. D. Reynolds; m'n, Jas Richards. '
625—Jewdl st, e s, 95 s Norman av, three three¬
story frame (brick filled) dweU'gs, each 16.8x46.
gravel roof; cost, each, $-i,200; ow>r,c'r and ar't,
Samuel Self, eor Bedford av and Guernsey st.
626—Evergreen av. No. 838, cor Greene av
one-story frame steble, 16x25, tin roof; cost, $200-
Jos. Cossnan, 141 Evergreen av; b'r, Thos. d'
627—53d st, s s, 160 e 3d av, one two-story and
basement frame dweU'g, 20x38, tin roof- cost
$2,400; W. Zerboni, 316 8d av; c'r, C. M. Detlef¬
628—Buffalo av, e s, 90 s Herkimer st, two two¬
story and basement frame (brick filled) dweU'gs
each 15x36, tin roofs; cost, $2,000 each; ow'r and
e'r, Alexander Hocking, 1917 Bergen st; ar't Amzi
629—Navy st, w s, 125 n Park av, one-story
frame shed, 24x12. felt roof; cost, $30; Michael
Mahon, 70 Navy st.
630—Frost st, s s, 100 w Humboldt st, one three¬
story frame (brick filled) tenem't, 25x.50, tin roof •
cost, $4,000; David McQuinly, 449 Humboldt st-
c'rs and ar'ts, Sammis & Bedford; m'ns. Doyle &
631—Maujer st, s s, 75 e Humboldt st, one
four-story frame (brick filled) tenem't, 25x58, tin
roof; cost, $7,000; Adolph Neef, 385 East Houston
street. New York; c'r, C. Wieber; m'n. Jacob
Rauth; ar't, Th. Engelhardt.
632—Bushwick av. No. 6S, w s, 25 n Powers st
one three-story frame (brick filled) tenem't, 25x
irreg., tm roof; cost, $5,400; Mrs. Franciska Cooke,
215 Powers st; c'rs, Sammis & Bedford- m'ns
Doyle & BraziU; ar't, Th Engelhardt. ' '
6:33-Humboldt st, s w cor Meserole st, one two¬
story frame steble, 20x25, tin roof; cost, $800; Dr
Carl P. E. Ritter, on premises; b'r, J. Metzgar-
ar't, Th. Engelhardt. ' ^ '
634—49fch sfc, n s, 200 e 3d av, one two-story and
basement frame (brick filled) dweU'g, 20x36, tin
roof; cost, $2,800; ow'r, Jno. J. Depp. 145 39th
st; c'r, F. Seifried; ar't, S. B. Bogerfc.
635—Myrtle av. No. 1252, near Wyekoff av, one¬
story frame store, 25x36, tin roof; cost, $600- Mi-s
Pinsken, 1560 Myrtle av; c'r, C. Steinfeld; m'n!
C. Harlow.
636—19fch st, s s, 150 e, 7th av, one two-story
frame steble, 54x95. gravel roof; cost, $5,800-
Atlantic A v. R. R. Co., cor 3d and Atlantic av-
b'r, J. N. Smith. '
637—Lee av, s e cor Lynch st, four four-story
brick stores and tenem'ts; one 25x60, three 25
x56; tin roofs, wooden and tin cornices; totel
cost, $31,500; Margaretha Mulvihill. 115 Lynch st -
ar'ts, Platte & Acker. 225 Lynch st; b'r, Nicholas'
638—Marion st, n s, 262.6 w Howard av, one
two-story and basemenfc frame (brick fiUed)
dweU'g, 20x21.-2, tin roof; Wm. C. BiUett, 90
Sumpter st; ar't, Amzi HiU.
639—24th st, n s, 200 w 4th av, one three-story
frame (brick filled) tenem't, 25x55, tin roof •
cost, $4,450; Jas. MeMonigle, 169 24th st; c'r'
Jno. Sorenson; m'n, Jn©. KoUe, '
640—Beaver st, No. 54, one two-story frame
(brick filled) shop, 20x25; tin roof; cost, $1,000-
Paul MUler, on premises; m'n, Jno. Dreher; ar't'
C. Bandtlow. '
641—Clinton av. No. 67, e s, 1.50 from Flushing
av, one-story I brick steble, 25x20, gravel roof
brick cornice;;; cost, $650; Henry Loeber, on
premises; m'n, H. Sehonfeld.
642—Lewis av, n e cor Kosciusko st, six three¬
story and basement brown stone dweU'gs, each
16.8x45, tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each
$7,000; ow'r and ar't, Jno. C. Bushfield, 893 Her¬
kimer St.
643—Harman st, s s, 80 w Evergreen av, five
two-story and basement frame (brick fiUed)
dweU'gs, 20x38, tin roofs; cost, $2,900; ow'r and
b'r, Jas. Cumisky, 15 Harman st; ar't, H. VoU¬
614—Prospect st, s s, 25 e Flushing av, three
three-story frame (brick fllled) tenem'te, 25x55
tin roofs; cost, each, $3,500; ow'r and b'r, Jno.
Hesse, 94 Boerum st; ar't, H. VoUweiler.
645-—Main st, n w cor York st, one four-story
brick store and tenem't, 34.6x39.9 and 64.11, tin