e Record and Guide.
May 8, 1886
88th st, s s, 147 e 3d av, two five-story and base¬
ment brick tenements with store in one, 28.9x85,
tin roofs; cost, each, $16,000; John D. Karst, Jr.,
1874 3d av; ar't, Alex. I. Pinkie. Plan 782.
15th st, No, 254 and 256 W,, two five-story brick
tenem'ts, 25x90,6, tin roofs; cost, each, $22,000;
ow'r, ar't and b'r, Jobsfc Hoffmann, 101 7th st.
Plan 816,
^d st, Nos, 61-65 W,, two five-story and base¬
ment iron front stores and lofts, constructed to be
available for use as one bmlding if required,
total, 75x86 above first story, metal roof; eost,
$75,000; Martha W, Wysong, 137 Madison av,
and Louise M, Kemochan, 182 Madison av; ar't,
John B, Snook, Plan 802,
•26th st, Nos. 151 and 151 J^E., brick tenemenfc, 25
x89.4, tin rooft cost, $20,000, Solomon Jacobs, 195
East Broadway; ar'ts, A. H. Blankenstein and
Henry Herter. Plan 817.
39th st, Nos. 302 and 304 E., two five-story
brick tenem'ts with stores, 20x53x50, tin roofs;
cost, $9,500 and $9,000; Sarah J. Hassett, 161
West 46th st; ar't, M. Louis Ungrich; built by
day's work. Plan 815.
5th avenue.
89th st, 8 e cor Lexington av, ten four-story
brick dweU'gs, 12.6x62 and (55, with extensions, 7
xl5, slate and tin roofs; cost, eacb, $10,000; Wil¬
liam Rhinelander, 19 East 28th st; att'y, G. W.
Bashford, 3 East 47th st; ar'ts, Hubert, Pirsson«fc
Co. Plan 767.
SOth st, s s, 75 w Av A, five-story brick tenem't
25x67, and extension 14, tin roof; cost, $13,000;
Louis Wirth, 86th st, s w cor Isfc av; ar't, John
Brandt. Plan 790.
80th st, n s, 106.6 w Av A, two five-story brick
tenem'ts, 24.9 and 24.10x66, tin roofs; cost, each,
$13,000; ow'r and ar't same as last. Plan 791.
86th st, n e cor Av B, one-story brick dwell'g,
20x44, tin roof; cost, $1,500; ow'r and ar't, Pat¬
rick Sheehey. Plan 774.
122d st, n s, 120 e Madison av, four five-story
brick (stone front) flats, three 27x84 and one 19x
68, tin roofs; cost, three $20,000 each, and one
$12,000; Lottie B. Dean, 343 East 118'h st; ar'ts,
A. B. Ogden & Son. Plan 781.
4tfa av, s e cor OOth st, four fivestory hrick ten¬
ements with stores, three 27x67 and 78 and one
16x67, tin roofs; cost, corner building, $16,000,
two others $12,<i00 each and one $9,000; Augus¬
tus B. Gray, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; ar'ts, A. B.
Ogden & Son. Plan 780.
77th st, s s, 60 e 3d av, one-story brick shed, 25
x25, iron roof; cost, $1,000; James Fitzpatrick,
1349 3d av; ar't and b'r, Peter Somers. Plan 801.
79th st, No. 101 E., five-story brick flat, 25x64.6,
tinroof; cost, $82,000; Ernest C. Koerrigr, 1407
4th av; ar't, William Kuhles: b'rs, not- selected.
Plan 798.
114th st, 8 s, 304 e 3d av, five-story brick tene¬
ment, 25x75, tin roof; cost, $13,000; Frank G.
Swartwout, 68 East 121st sts; ar'ts, Cleverdon &
Putzel; b'rs, not selected. Plan 812.
114th st, s s, 329 e 3d av, five story brick tene¬
ment, 25x75, tin roof; cost, $13,000; Anson G.
Shipman, 221 East 123d sc; ar'ts, same as last.
Pian 813.
2d av, e s, 50.10 s 106th st, two four-story brick
tenem'ts, 25x54, tin roofs; cost, each, $15,000;
Charles P. Helms; ar't, Charles Von Brica. Plan
9th av, 8 w cor 107th st, two five-story brick
flats with stores, 25x85 and 25.6x96, tin roofs; cost,
$16,000 and $26,000; ow'r and b'r, James E. Van¬
derbilt, 344 Wesfc 47th st; ar't, M. L. Ungrich.
Plan 764.
86th st, n s, and 87th st, s s, 25 w 9th av, eight
(four on each st) four-story and basement brick
dweU'gs, 20x56, flat roofs tinned, mansards
slated; cost, each, $21,000; ow'r and ar't, John G.
Prague, 47 Bible House. Plan 794.
l(^th st, s s, 350 w Sth av, nine four-story brick
flats, 19.10 and 19.4x66, tin roofs; cost, each, $14,-
000; Patrick H. McManus, 110 Fast 91sfc sfc; ar'ts.
D. & J. Jardine. Plan 795.
85th st, s 8, 275 w 9th av, four four-story and
basement brick and stone front dwell'gs, 18 to 20
x58, and extensions 14, metal roofs; cosfc, each,
$14,C00; George F. Vogel, 110 7th av; ar'ts, Jor¬
don & Gilles; b'rs, not selected. Plan 819.
9th av, e 8, 25 8 97th st, two fivestory brick ten¬
ements, 25x65, tin roofs; cost, each, $10,000; ow'r
and b'r. John G. Heintze. 290 Broadway; ar't,
Wm. P. Niebuhr. "Plan 808.
10th av,n e cor 98th st, three five-story brick
fcenem'ts with stores, 25 and 25.2x62, tin roofs:
cost, each, $15,000; Sarah E. Hinman, 243 West
131st st; ar'fc, Emile Gruwe. Plan 809.
10th av, s e cor 61st st, and 10th av, n e cor 60th
st, two five-story brick flats with stores, 25.5x71,
tin roofs; cost, each, $24,000; James H. Havens,
534 West 51st st; ar't, R. S. Townsend. Pian 805.
10th av, e s, 25.5 n OOth st, thence to 25.5 s 61st
st, six five-story brick flats with stores, 25x61, tin
roofs; cost, eacb $15,000; ow'r and ar't, same as
last; built by day's work. Plan 806.
60th sc, n s, and 61sfc sfc, s s, 100 e 10th av, two
(one on eacb st) five-story brick tenem'ts, 25x84.6,
tin roofs; cost, each, $22,000; ow'r and ar't, same
as last. Plan 807.
10th av, ei s, 50.10 s 102d st, two-story brick
stable and dweU'g, 25x95, tar and gravel roof;
cost, $8,000; Samuel J. Luckines, 99th st,befc lOfch
av and Boulevard; ar'fc, R. S. Townsend; b'r, nofc
selecfced. Plan 803. -
10th av, e B, 75.10 s 102d st, five-story brick fcen¬
emenfc with store, 25x65, tin roof; cost, $13,000;
ow'r and b'r, Ralph Townsend l()8fch sfc, n e cor
Riverside av; ar'fc, B. S. Townsen4. Flan 804.
110th and 126th streets, between 5th and
8th avenues.
121st st, 8 8, abt 54 e St. Nicholas av, nine three¬
story and basemenfc brick dweU'gs, 18x52. with
stone fronts in basements and firsfc stories, tin
roofs; cost, each, $10,000; Simon Haberman,
BeUeviUe, N. J.; ar't, G. A. ScheUenger. Pl&n
120tb st, 8 s, 123 w 5th av, eighfc three-story and
basement brick dweU'gs, 18 to 23x55, tin roofs;
cost, total, $160,000; Isidor Cohnfeld, 104 Bieecker
st; ar'ts, A. Zucker & Co.; b'rs, J. & L. Weber
and James Elgar. Plan 800.
134th sfc, s s, 20 w Madison av, four four-story
brick flats, 24.6 to 25.6x65, tin roofs; cost, each,
$14j500; Anna M. Keys, 208 Easfc 130th st; ar't, J.
A. Webster; b'r. Cowan Keys. Plan 765.
St. Nicholas av, w s, 51.1 s 150th st, two two¬
story attic and basement frame dwell'gs, 25x36.8
and 47.5, shingle roofs; cost, each, $6,0W); Amelia
Vix, 900 6th av; ar't, Wm. Kuhles; m'n,--------
Vix; t'r, not selected. Plan 762.
159th st, n e cor Audubon av, three-story frame
dweU'g, 25x40, tin and shingle roof; cost, $5,000;
MaryF. C. Smith, 1363 Park av; ar'fc, Noah L.
Cochen. Plan 779.
215th st, n 8, 75 w 9th av, two-story frame
dwell'g, 22x35; cost, $2,600; Edward Crowley;
ar't. E. J. Conway. Plan 773.
Manhattan st, n s, 361 w 9th av, five-story brick
tenem't, 25x70, tin roof; cost, $14,000; Wilhel¬
mine Juch; ar't, W. A. Juch. Plan 797.
28d and 24th wards.
Prospect av, w s, abt 500 s 165th st, two-story
frame dwoU'g. 23x38, rear, 29, tin roof; cost,
$3,000; Kaspar Wehner, 960 Union av; ar't, J.
N. GUlispie. Plan 770.
Pyne st, No. 135, oneand-one-half-story frame
cottage, 16x33, shingle roof; cost, $1,200; ow'r,
ar'fc and b'r. Francis Ludford, 319 Easfc 73d st.
Plan 768.
Arcularius pl n s, 174.6 e Girard av. fcwo-story
frame dwell'g, 20x25, tin roof; cost, $80U; ow'r
and b'r. Anton Sauer, 170th st, near Central av;
ar't, Richard Vom Lehn, Plan 783,
169th St. No, 105, n s. abt 174.6 e Girard av,
rear, one story frame stable, 25x14, tinroof; cost,
$1.50; ow'r and ar't, same as last. Plan 784,
Boston av, s e cor 168th st, two-story and base¬
ment frame dweU'g, 23x36, tin roof; cost, $4,000;
ow'r. ar't and b'r. Georgo S. Bell, 1196 Boston
av. Plan 786,
Westchester av. n s, 125,8 e Intervale av, and
Intervale av. e s, 125,8 n Westchester av, one-story
frame dweU'g. 25x45, and a frame barn, 12x32,
gravel ani felt roofing; cost, $200 and $75; Mary
J, McGrath, 402 East 78th sfc. Plan 787,
Intervale av, w s, abt*300 s Home st, two-sfcory
and basemenfc frame dwell'g, 20x35, tinroof; cost,
$1,800; John McSherry, 418 East SOth st; ar't,
Arthur Arctander, Plan 776,
Sedgwick av. w s. abt 2,000 n Morris Dock, one¬
story frame stable, 22x18, shingle roof; cost, $500;
John E, Eustis, 156 Broadway; ar'ts. Constable
Bros,; b'r, VV m. Quinlan. Plan 777.
Sedgwick av, s s, abt 2,000 n Morris Dock, two¬
story frame cottage, 40.6x55, shingle roof; cost,
$6,000; John E. Eustis, 156 Broadway; ar'ts.
Constable & Bros.; b'rs, not selected. Plan 799.
Washington av, w s, 200 n 175th st, two-story
frame dwell'g. 20x46, shingle roof; cost, $4,000;
Sarah F. MUler, 1267 Boston av; ar't. C. S.
Clark; b'rs, H. & C. Clark. Plan 818.
Plan 659—Arlington pl, e s, 80 s Halsey st,
five three-story and basement brown stone
dwell'gs, each 20x43, tin roofs, wooden cornices;
cosfc, each, $7,500; ow'r and b'r. 8 E. C. Rus¬
sell. 58 Hancock st; ar't, I. D. Reynolds.
660—SSth bfc, foofc of (on beach), one-sfcory fiame
boafc-house, 23x50, gravel roof; cost, $800; Ariel
Rowing Club; c'rs. H. J. & W. S. Skinner;
ar'fc, W. E. Macnftughton, 219 Cumberland sfc.
661—14th st, n s, 147.101^ w Uh av, three
threestory frame (brick filled) dwell'gs, eacb
16.8x50. tin roofs; cost, each, $4,000; A. P. Van
TuyL Jr., 385 Sth sfc.
662—Guernsey sfc, w s, 95 s Norman av, one
two-story frame stable, 25x14. tin roof; cost,
$40; Daniel PaUon, 199 Manhattan av; c'r.
John Dien; ar't, P. Weber.
663—Atlantic av. s s, 275 w Carlton av, one
four-story brick factory, 100x40, with extension
35x56, gravel roof, brick cornice; cost, $22,000;
The Brooklyn Gas Fixture Co; ar'fc, R. B. East¬
man. 26 Court sfc; m'n, Thos. Dobbin; c'rs, Mor¬
ris & Selover.
664—2d sfc, n s. 300 w 3d av, in rear, one-sfcory
frame office, 10x14, gravel roof; cost, $75: J. F.
Sehmedike, cor Union sfc and Gowanus Canal:
c'r, D. E. Harris.
665—Palmefcto sfc, a s. 2-25 e Bushwick av, one
two-story frame (brick filled) dwell'g. 22x40, tin
roof: cost, $'2,600; John McCuUen. 70 Palmetto
Bt; ar'c, Chas. Reitz; m'n, K. Wahler, c'rs, Reilz
& Paton.
666—Hancock st, n w cor Reid av, four four-
sfcory brick stores and dweU'gs, each 22x55, tin
roofs, galvanized iron cornices; fcofcal cosfc,
t36,000; ow'r and b'r, Henry Grasman, 445 Ver¬
non av; ar'fc, Frank Holmberg.
667—Broadway, e s, 80 n Duryea sfc, one fchree-
story brick sfcore and dweU'g, 20x60, tin roof,
wooden cornice; cosfc, $8,000; Mrs. S. C, Orms-
ley, 154 Taylor st; ar'fc, F. Holmberg; b'r, nofc
668—Varick av, e s, 75 n Newfcown Creek, one¬
story fr^uue {thed, 50x105, gravel roof; coat,
$700: Dannafc&PeU, 24 Tompkins st, NewYork.
669—Varick av, e s, 300 n Newtown Creek, one
two-sfcory frame stable, 25x56; gravel roof; cost,
$800; Dannat & Pell, 24 Tompkins st. New York;
ar't. F. C. Schulze.
670—Varick av, e s. 52 n Newtown Creek, one'
story frame office, 16x25; gravel roof; cost. |5(X);
ow'r and ar'fc, same as above.
671—Stuyvesant av, s e cor Greene av. one
three-story brown stone store and flat, 20x55, tin
roof, wooden cornice; cost, $7,000; ow'r and b'r,
Henry McQuilken, 968 Lafayette av; ar't, I. D.
672—Stuyvesant av, e s, 20 s Greene av, four
two-story and basement brown stone dwell'gs,
each. 20x42, tin rr^ofs, wooden cornices; cost, each,
$5,000; ow'r, ar't and b'r, same as last.
673—Herkin.er sfc, s's, 176 w Utica av, one tbree-
story brick livery stable, 25x150, gravel roof,
brick cornice; cosfc, $12,000; J. B. Brown, 1107
Herkimer sfc; ar't, Chas. E. Hebberd.
674—Keap st, w s, 63 n Hope st, one two story
brick wagon-house, 22.6x46. and one two-story
brick stable, 17.6x25, tin roofs, wooden cornices;
cost, $4,500; Mr. Scultz; ar'fcs, Plafcte & Acker,
225 Lynch sfc; m'n, John Auer.
675—34ch st, foot of. one-story frame candy
stand, 10x6; cost, $25; Alexander Seely, on prem¬
676—Freeman st. No. 249, one-story frame
stable. 12x12, gravel roof; cost, $40; Mary
McCarty, 246 Freeman st.
677—Bushwick av, e s, 20 n Stewart st, two
two-story frame dwell'gs, 20x40, gravel roof;
cost, $2,500 each; G. S. Sheton, 193 Quincy st;
ar't and b'r, Albert Wilkinson.
678—Bushwick av, n w cor Stewart st, one
three-story frame store and dwell'g, 20x45, gravel
roof; cost, $3,60J; ow'r, ar't and b'r, same as
679—Lincoln pl, s a, 150 w Sth av, two three¬
story basement and attic brick and stone dweU'gs,
each 20x44 with extension, tin roofs, wooden
cornices; cost, each, $12,500; ow'r, ar't and c'r,
E. B. Sturges, 135 De Kalb av.
680—7th av, e 8, 61 n Carroll st, two three-story
and basement brown stone dweU'gs, each 19.6x
50, tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, eacb, $5,000;
A. Wooley, 7th av, cor Carroll at; ar't, R. Dixon.
681—Broadway, nes, s of Ivjr st, Nos. 1229,
1229a .and 1231, three one-story frame (brick
fiUed) stores, each 15x50, tin roofs; total cost.
$2,000; A. M. Suydam, cor Evergreen av and
Woodbine st; ar't, E. Dennis; b'r, O. Dennis.
682—Decatur afc. No. 663, 80e Saratoga av, one
fcwo-story Irame (brick fiUed) dwell'g, 20x30, tin
roof; cosfc, $1,9C0; Mrs Jl^^t Perry, 667 Decafcur
sfc; ar't and c'r, A. Perry. '
Plan 1004—116th st, Nos. 176 and 178 E., three-
atory brick extension, 53x22, gravel roof; cost,
$4,000; Robert Huson, 218.East 15th st; ar'ts, Clev¬
erdon & Putzel; b'rs. not selected.
1005—Brook av, s w cor 165th st, building
moved to 161st st. s w cor Washington av; cost,
$450; Clara and Julius Keufcel, 725 Easfc 163dst;
b'r, E. W. Gilbert.
1006—Broadway, No. 948, new store front, &c.;
cost, $600; leasee, Luer Immen, 7 East 22d st;
ar'c, Arfchur Crooks.
1007—3d av. No. 1228. s w cor 71sfc sfc, infcernal
aud fronfc alterations, iron beams and columns
furnished; cosfc,S $5,5()0; estate of Jamea KeUy,
Franklin Kelly, exr., 21 Irving pi; ar't, E.
Simou; b'ra, W m. Potterton and Peter Robsrts.
1008—Hudson sfc. No. 161, new show window,
&c,; cost, $'350; lessee, Delia ConnoUy, 30 Beach
Bt; ar'fc, Wm. GrauL
1009—East Broadway, No. 175, internal and
front alterations; iron beams and columns fur¬
uished; cost.l $4,000; Rebecca Abrahams, on
premises; ar't, Wm. Graul; b'r, T. Feldmann.
1010—Cedar &t, a w cor Greenwich afc, internal
and fronfc alterafcions, iron girder and columns
furnished; cost, $3,000; Pafcrick Turley, 42
Greenwich st; ar'ts, Babcock & McAvoy.
loll—Christopher sfc. No. 83. three-story brick
extension on front, 25x56, parfc of waU rebuilfc
and internal alterations; cost, $8,000; Sfc. Johns
Lutheran Church, H. W. Hoopes, President
Board of Trustees, 370 Bowery; ar'ts, Berg &
1012—Rose bt, No. 44, internal alterations;
cosfc, $500; estate Robert Aikman, John Aikman,
trustee, 198 Carroll st, Brooklyn.
1013—37th at, No. 217 £., front alterations;
cost, $150; Agnes T. McGuire, on premises; b'r,
Jobn McGuire.
1014—24th st. No. 159 E., internal alteratioa;
cost, $500; Samuel Murray, 142 East 120th st;
b'rs, William Haw and John Scott.
1015—Ann st. No. 45, repair damage by fire;
cosfc, $950; Dobrenwend esfcate, Rosa Imhof,
extrx., 189 East Broadway; b'rs, Edward Soren-
Bon and C. F. Wilken.
1016—7th av. No. 297, internal and front altera¬
tions, iron beams and columns, new show win¬
dows, &c.; co?t, abt $3,500; Catherine Murray,
235 West 23d at; b'r. J. G. McMurray.
li»17—Canal st. No. 131, new store front, iron
beams and columns furnished; cost. $1,500;
Edward V. Foofca, Hoffman Houae; ar't, L. H.
Broome; b'rs, J. C. Lyons and R. Chidwick.
1018—82d st. No. 108 B., raised one story,
rearand internal alterations; cost, $2,500; Patrick
J. Keary, Fordham; ar'fc, J. B. Conlon; b'r, T.
E. Egan.
1019—43d st. No. 402 W., three-story and
basemenfc brick extension, 7 6x15x28, tin roof;
cost, $2,500; Patrick CarroU, on premises; ar't,
J. HE. Dunn.
1 1020—Spring Bt, No. 44, basement tier of b«amft