September 4, 1886
The Record and Guide,
The flrat name is that of the otme^r; arH atande
for architeei, ni'-n for mason and b'r for tmiklerr.
A handsome volume, just issued, contams in¬
formation of great value to all who are interested
in building. It contains a uew edition of the Law
Relating to BuUdings, with the Law Limitiugthe
Height of Dwelling Bouses, and the Mechanic's
Lien law, has valuable notes, a full index, and
colored engravings Illustrating the subject, and
is edited by W. J. Fryer, Jr. It also has a full
directory of the architects iu New York, Brook¬
lyn, Jersey City, Newark and Yonkers. It is for
sale at the office of The Record and Guide, at
the low price of seventy-five cents, by mail eighty-
five cents.
Crosby st, No, 183, one-story brick store, fJO.lOx
65, tm roof; cost. $4,000; L. F. Boyes; ar't. Max
Schroff. PlanlSOL
Ridge st, No. 89, rear, four-story brick tailor's
workshop, 25x23, tin roof; cost, .f6,000; Peyser
Beek, 89 Ridge st; ar't, Chas. Rentz. Plan 1524.
Cannon st, Nos. 126 and 128, two five-story and
basement brick (stone front in first story) tenem'ts
with stores, 25x8.3.4, metal roofs; cost, each
$15,000; Jacob Buess, 57 Clinton st, and Joseph
Hauser^25 6th st; ar'ts, Jordan & Giller • m^
Joseph Hauser. Plan 1537.
Clinton st, No. 176, five-story aud basement
brick tenem't with stores, 25x89; cost, §20 000-
Morris Rosendorf; ar'ts, Blankenstein & Herter'
Plan 1518.
Rutger pl. No. 5, five-story brick workshop,
26x45; cost, $8,000; Leopold May; ar't, Chas
Rentz. Plan 1510. '
10th st, No. 239 E., flve-story and basement
brick tenem't with stores, 25x89; cost, $20 000-
Morris Rosendorf; ar'ts, Blankenstein & Herter
Plan 1519.
Av C, s w cor 14th st, six-story brick fiat with
stores, 88x36; cost, $100,000; R. F. & W B Cut¬
ting; ar't, Chas. C. Haight. Plan 1515.
Piers 2 and 3, East River, two-story frame and
iron ferry house, 130x180; cost, 30,000; Goelet
estate; lessees, N. Y. and South Brooklyn Ferry
and Steam Transportation Co. Plan 1514.
BETWEEN 14th. AND 59TH 8T9.
38th st, Nos. .S03 and 304 E., two five-story brick
teuem'ts with stores in westerly building, ^5x59 6
tm roofs; cost, each. $12,000; Christian Stoehr
710 2d av; ar'ts, Berger & Baylies. Plan 1502.
38th st, 8 s, 130 o 2d av, five-story brick teuem't
20.7x57, rear 10.7, tin roof; cost, .$9,000; ow'r and
ar'ts, same as last. Plan 1503.
10th av. No. 765, flve-story brick tenem't with
store, 25x83, tin roof; cost, $15,500; Marks Silver¬
berg, 408 East 52d st; ar't, Emile Gruwe, Plan
18th st, s s, 345 e Av A, three-story brick
dwell'g, 25x48.1, fiat roof tinned, mansard of
iron, slated; cost, $10,000; Sisters of the Order of
St. Dominick, 137 2d st; art's, Wm. Schickel &
Co. Plan 1534.
56th st, No. 6 W., five-story brick dweU'g, 35x
68; cost, $30,000; Mary L. Schenk; ar'ts. Rotch
& Tilden; b'rs, J. B. Smith and Morton & Ches¬
ley. Plan 1516.
59th st, s s, 40 w 1st av, one-story brick store,
;jr)x25, rear 20, gi-avel roofing; cost, $600- ow'r,
ar't and b'r, Joseph P. O'Connell, 159 East 133d
St. Plan 1536.
70th st, n B, 275 e 2d av, two five-story brick
flats, 35x66, tin roofs; cost, each, $18,000- Wil¬
liam C. Burne, 131 East 114th st; ar't, 'j C
Burne: b'rs, not selected. Plan 1509,
AvB, n wcor 85th st, four-story brick (stone
trout) flat with store, 31.2x88, tin roof; cost, $19.-
000; John Graham, Bea Cliff, N. Y,; ar't. F T
Camp. Plan 1525. , « W -f. i.
Av B, w s, 31.2 n 85th st, thi'ee four-story brick
l'l*??^/^'°'^*) tenem'ts, 27x68, tin roofs: cost, each,
4.14,500; ow'r and ar't, same as last. Plan 1536
2d av, bet 86tb and 87th sts, in rear of Rhine¬
lander apartment house, one-story brick boiler-
bouse, 51x20, gravel and cement roofing- cost
*^,500; estate W. C. Rhinelander, 155 West 14th
Plan^l538^' ''" â– ^*^*^®'^'^®**S^» ^'»'^''^^orpeBros,
BETWEEN 59th and 125th 8TRBBT3,' WEST OP
8th avenite.
64th st, n 8, 225 w 9th av, four four-story brick
(stone front) dwell'gs, 20x52, flat roofs tinned,
inansard^lated; cost, each, $14,000; Charles H
Bhss, "The Rutland," 57th st and Broadway*
ai-'t, E. L. AngeU. Plan 1527, •^'
69fch st, n w cor 9th av, five-story brick flat
with store, 25x96.5, tm roof; cost, $30,000; Michael
Giblm, 453 West 76th st; art's, Thom & Wilson-
bmlt by day's work. Plan 1529. """son,
69th ^st, n 8, 25 w 9th av, four four-story brick
(stone front) dwell'gs. 18,19 and 20x55, an J exten-
i-ion 11x13, tin roofs; cost, each, $19,000; ow'r
and art's, same as last. Plan 1530.
^lOth av, n e cor 67th st, flve-story briok tenem't
with store. 25.5x40, tin roof; cost, $13 000-
Maggie C. Smith. 123 West 67th st; ar'fc, Ge^rg^
Keister, Plan 1528. > we^ige
fiats with stores; cost, two corner buUdiugs,
$16,000 each; others, $24,000 each; Lucas Sullt-
van; ai-'t, Richard Berger. i^lan l.'.ll.
10th av, u w (lor 185th st, one-story frame store.
50x35; cost; $800; Dorette Christ, Plan 1512. '
23d and 34th wards.
Buckout st, u s, 100 w Anthony av. one aud-a-
half-story frame stable, 25x18, shhigle'roof; cost,
$500; Henry Budelman, Jr., rJO? East 110th st-
ar't, J. C. Kerby. Plan 1532.
2d st, e s, abt 200 u Claremont av, eireenhuuse,
100x4-3; rost, $1,000; Mary Macintosh, Highbridge-
ar't, J. C. Kerby. Plan 1523.
Forest av, w s, S2S s 165th sL, two tliree-story
frame stores and dwell'gs, 17.10x42. tin roots-
cost, each, $3,800; ow'r and b'r. John W. Decker,'
841 Forest av. Plan 1521.
Jackson av, e s, 425 u Clay st, two-stoi-y aud
basement frame dweU'g, 20x30, tiu roof; cost,
$1,500: Edwai-d Sherman, Tremont; b'rs. Dow¬
ling & McMahon and John Kern. Plan l,n06.
Jackson av, e s, 145 s 165th st, six buildings,
and Jackson av, w s, 145 s 165th st. eight build¬
ings, in all fourteen three story frame dwell'gs,
18x28, tin roofs; cost, each, $2,700; ow'r and b'r,
John W. Decker, 841 Forest av; ar't, Adolph
Pfeiffer. Plan 1520.
Jackson av, w s, 450 n Columbia av, two story
frame dwell'g, 20x38, tin roof: cost, abt $1,200;
Patrick Dolan, Jackson av, Belmont; ar't, John
Kern. Plan 1504.
Whitlock av, e s, abfc 50 s, ISfith st, one-story
frame dwell'g, 14x24, tin roof; cost, $300; lessee.
Walburga Schneider, 114th st, n s, bet 5th and
6th avs, agent, Frank Schneider; ar't and b'r,
George Winter. Plan 1.50.5.
Whitlock av, e s, abt 50 s 15oth st, rear one-
story frame stable, l.ox35, rear lo, tin roof; cost,
$100; Walburga Schneider, 114th st, n s, bet 5th
aud 6th avs; ar't and b'r, George Winter. Plan
Willis av, w 8, 50 n 139th st, two four-story
brick tenem'ts with stores, 25x19.6, tin roofs-
cost, each, $10,000; Elisabetha Gei«, 637 East 147th
st, and Harriet Kusche, 633 East 139th st- ar'tand
b'r, Wm. Kusche. Plan 1508.
139th st, s s, 625 e WiUis av, three-story brick
tenem't, 21x.')3, cement and gravel roofing: cost,
$6,500; Mary M. Merritt, 516 East 140th st.
Plan 1540.
140th st, s s, 66 w Willis av, three-story brick
tenem't, 18.')x4(>, tin roof; cost, $.5,500; Aku La
Cost, 541 East 144th st; ar't, H. S. Baker; b'r, C.
L. La Cost. Plan 1535.
149th st, n s, 150 w Court'andt av, two-story
brick stable and dweU'g, 25x52; cost, $4,000-
Michael Vetter; ar'fc, Adolph Pfeiffer. Plan 1.532.'
183d st, n s, 240 e Courtlandt av, two-story
frame stable, 20x30; cost, $400; Wm. H. Basman.
Plan 1517.
177th st, n s, 191.10 e Railroad av, two-story
frame dweU'g and store, 20x50 and 53; cost.
$3,000; John Potter; ar't, James P. Clark; b'l-,
Max Schneckenberger, Plan 1513.
Stebbins av, s s, 83 e Home st, frame shed aud
chicken-house, 2i>xlO, tin roof; cost, $150; J. C.
Inzelmann, 22 Stebbins av; ar't, C. C. ChurchUl.
Plan 1533,
Summit av. e s. 350 s Devoe st, one-and-a-half-
story frame stable and coach-house, 32x22, shingle
roof; cost, $1,200; O. P. Raynor, Ogden av, cor
Devoe st; ar't, H. S, Baker. Plan 1539.
Plan 1252—Orient av, w s, 125's Blake av, one
two-story fi-ame dweU'g, 20x26, tin roof; cost,
$1,400; J, B, MaxweU, Brooklyn; ar't, C. L. D.
Spalthoff; b'rs, O. S. Totten and F, VoUinger.
1253—53d st, u 8, 320 w 8d av, one two-story
and basement frame (brick filled) dweU'g, 20x85,
tin roof; cost, $2,000; E. M. Clarkson, 49th st,
bet 3d and 4tli avs; ar't and fe'r^H. J. Skinner.
1254—Cooper pl, w 8,125 s Herkimer st, one
two-story frame (brick fiUed) dweU'g, 23x35. tin
roof; cost, $2,500; William Laubert, Saratoga avt
ar't, C, E, Hebberd; b'rs, W. Almstedt and H. &
D. Hook.
1255—Greene av, n s, 20O w Nostrand av, five
three-story and basement brown stone dweU'gs,
80x45, tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each,
$10,000; Alex. L, Baird, Wythe av, cor Hewes st;
ar't, A. HiU; b'r, W. J. Rider.
1256—Bastern Parkway, n a, 100 e Sheffield av,
one one-story frame stable, 14x17, shingle roof;
cost, $40; M. Beatarm, Broadway, u e cor Shef¬
field av.
1357—Sackman av, w s, 125 u Blake av, one
two-story frame dweU'g, 17x36, tin roof; cost,
$1,200; ow'r, &c., C. Ludwig, Sackman av.
1258—North 2d st, n w cor Ewen st, two foui'-
story frame (brickfllled) dwell'gs, 25x55, tin roofs:
cosfc, total, $13,000; ow'rs, ar'ts and c'rs, Sammis
& Bedford, 461 Graham av; m'ns, Doyle & BraziU.
1259—27th st, n s, 335 w 5th av, oue two-story
frame office and dwell'g, 20x36, tin roof; cost,
$800; MatUda Goodwin, 123 28fch st; ar't and b'r,
J. P. M. Goodwin.
1260—Lafayette av, n s, 124.2 w Franklin av,
one three-story brick tenem'fc, 20x45, tiu roof,
wooden cornice; cost, $5,000; G, W. Hubbard
1807 Paciflc st; ar't and b'r, C. King.
1261—Schenck st, e s, 50 s Park av, one one-
story frame stable &c., 15x30, gravel roof; cosfc,
$100: R. W. Howard, 91 Stuyvesant av, b'r, G,
W. Maynard,
126S---Stone av, e a, 60 u Bay av, one one-story
frame chicken coop, 10x18, shingle roof; cosfc,
$lfO; William Murray, on premises; ar'ts and
e'rs. Whitlock; & Hill; b'rs, Wicks & Lindsay.
186 j—Stone av, e s, 80 n Bay av, oae one-story
irami stable, 10x15, sblngle roof; eost
few'r, &Q„ same 'm lasW ' '
1264-—McKibben st, n s. 515 e Bushwick av, oue
two-story frame stable, 22x17, giavel roof; cost,
$200; Mr. Dannenhoffer, 79 Himrod st; ar't, Th.
Engelhardt; bY, J, Wagner, Jr;m'n, day's v»ork,
1265—Court st, s w oor 9th st, one two-story
brick store and dweU'g, 2Sx2(\ tin roof, wooden
cornice; cost, $2,580; Peter Weiumann. on prem¬
ises; ar't, G. Damen; b'rs, J. Cody and W.
1286-~15lh st, n s, 257.1 e 5th av, one one-story
frame dwell'g, 15.9x35, tin roof; cost, $850;
Thomas Butler, 15th st, near 5th av; ar't and b'r,
C. Walberg.
1267—Lafayette av, Nos. 562 and 562a, s s, two
two-sfcory and basement brick dwell'gs, 16.8x42,
tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, each, $4,0o0; N.
B. Cook, 564 Lafayette av; ar't, M. J. Morrill-
b'rs, E. T. Rutan and Smith & Thompson.
1268—McKibben st, n s, 560 e Bushwick av, one
one-story frame glass factory, 9-<Jx46.3, shingle
roof; cost, $4,000; Mr. Dannenhoffer, 79 Himrod
st; ar't, Th. Engelhardt; m'n, day's work; c'r, J.
Wagner, Jr.
1269—WaU st, Nos. 13-19, one three-story brick
singing hall, 80x80, tin roof, iron cornice; cost,
$40,000; Arion Society, 21 and 23 Wall st.
1270—Central av. No. 175, s e cor Elm st, one
three-story frame (brick fiilled) store and tenem't,
25x55, tin roof; cost, $5,600: Margareth Breuer,
943 Broadway; ar't, Th. Engelhardt: b'r, J.
1271—48d st, s s, 250 e 5th av, one two-story
frame dwell'g, 18x25, tin roof; cost, $1,000; James
Ramsey, 1040 3d av; b'rs, Spence Bros.
1273—Baltic st, e s, 350 s East New York av,
one two-sfcory frame dweU'g, 16x28, tin roof; cost,
$800; Perry Barker, 8 Baltic st; b'r, W. H. Tuu-
1273—Central av, No. 134, a w s, 74.3 from Elm
st, one one-story frame kitchen, 13x20, tin roof;
cost, $75; Margaret Schwab, 166 Central av; ar'ts,
G. Schwab and B. Klimmen.
1274—Warren st, n s, 90 e Clinton st, one three-
story brick school house,87 and 52.8x108.6, tin roof,
iron cornice, cost, $38,000: Trustees of St. Pauls
R. C. Church; ar't, T. P. Houghton; b'r, J.
1275—Hopkinson av. n e cor Herkimer st, one
one-story brick church, 53x80, shingle roof; cost,
$7,000; Ocean HUl Ref. Church; ar't, L. B. Valk;
b'rs, F. Mapes and J. S. McRea.
1276—George st, s s, 125 e Hamburg av, one
three-story frame (brick filled) tenem't, 25x55, tin
roof; cost, $4,200; A. Dillmann, George st; ar'ts
and b'i-8. Henry Loettler, Jr., & Co.
1277—Ten Eyck st s s, 75 e Ewen st, one three-
Btory frame (brick filled) dweU'g, 24x20. tin roof;
cost, $3,500; Philip Dugro, adi premises; ar'ts,
Platte & Acker.
1278—Cook st, s B, 250 e Morrell st, oue two¬
story frame stable. 16x30, tin roof; cost, $6'j0 ;
George Klein, 158 Boerum st; ar't, G. Hillen¬
1379—McDonough st, n s, 353 e Throop av, lour
two-and-one-half-story and basement brown stone
dweU'gs, 17.8x45, mansard tin roof, wooden
cornice; cost, each, $5,286; J. J, Almirall, 408
Grand av; ai-'t, T, F. Houghton; b'rs, O. Nolan
and M. C. Rush,
1380—7fch av, n w cor Sth st, -five three-story
brown stone stores and tenem'ts, 19.6, 20 and 21
x53 and 57, tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost,
total, $-23,000; H. MaUer, 115 Dikeman st; ar't,
C. M. Detlefsen.
1281—Broadway, Nos. 1007 and 1009, e s, 45 from
Kossuth pl, two four-story brick stores and
dv/ell'gs, 20x50, tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost,
each, $10,000; Mary J. Hechthausen, 57 Linden
st; ar'tand c'r, G. H. Bohannon; m'n, J. Lam¬
1382—Woodbine st, s s, oT)0 e Broadway, eight
two-story and basement frame (brick fiUed)
dweU'gs, 15x42 and 45, tin roofs; cost, each,
$3,000; George F. Chapman, 681 Monroe st,
1283—Prospect pl, n s, 302.10 w Schenectady av,
one two-story frame dweU'g, 20.3x30, tin roof-
cost, $3,000; ow'r and b'r, John Hegner, 1041 Sfc.'
Marks av; ar'fc, G. W. Anderson.
1384—5fch av, e s, bet President and Carroll sts,
five four-sfcory brick and brown sfcone stores an d
teuem'ts, 26.8x63, tin roofs, wooden cornices- cost
total, $60,000; James F. Jewett, 43 7th av; ar't
and b'r, T. Williams.
1385—Madison st, b s, 375 e Sumner av, three
two-and-a-half-story and basemenfc and three-
sfcory rear brown stone dweU'gs, 30x43, tin roofs,
wooden cornices; cost, each, $6,000; ow'r and ar't,
A, Miller, 773 Quiney st,
1286—Lee av, Nos. 331 and 233, two four-story
brick stores and dweU'gs, 35x56, tin roofs, wood¬
en cornices; cost, each, $6,000; ow'r and c'r,
Jacob Bossert; ar'ts, Platte & Acker; m'n, J.
1387—Magnolia st, n s, 125 e Central av, oue
one-story frame store, tin roof; cost, $1,000; Johu
Meehan, 178 Magnolia Bt; b'rs. Eve & Blumen-
1288—Evergreen av, s w cor Linden sfc, four
three-stoiy frame (brick fiUed) stores and
dweU'gs, Ss5.3 and 25x62 and 57, tin roof; cost,
each, $5,000; ow'r and b'r, Thos. Elson, 1134 La¬
fayette av; ar't, H. VoUweUer.
1289—Chestnut sfc, w s, 250 s Fulton st, one one-
story frame chicken coop, 13x10, wood roof; cost,
$20; Charles Braun worth, on premises,
l:19(>—ISth st, n s, 300 e 3d av, one three-story
frame tenem'fc, 25x30, tin roof; cosfc, $3,500;
James Carmiehaeljl2618th st; ar't and c'r T.
McCormick; m'n, T. Brennan.
1291—Taylor sfc, Nos. 165-159, n s, west of Bed¬
ford av, three three-story and basement brown
stone dwell'gs, 16,8x45, tin roofs; cosfc, each,
$8,000; Garret L. Hardy, 153 Taylorsfc; ar'fc, E, F