October tt, 1888
Record and Guide.
Messi-s, Scott & Bowne, tbe chemists of South 5tb avenue, contuiue to
acquh'e West End avenue lots, Diu-iug tbe week tbey took title to fifteen
lots between aud on lOod and 104th streets. The consideration was §113,000,
A previous purchase was the southeast corner of 83d street {four lots) at
Weiustein & Jaruiulowsky bave sold tbe flve-story brick and stone flat
No, 235 East IOtb street, 25.\:.50s04.10, for §34,350 to Aaron Hnsb; aud
Weiustein & Mandelbaum have sold the six-story and basement brick tene¬
ment No. OS Christopher street, 26x70x35x65, for §24,000 to Beter E.
Jobn Boyd bas sold the lote Nos. 151 and 153 East 23d stieet, ,53x98,9. for
§41,000. Thos. L. Duffy bas filed plaus for a factory to be biult on these
Tbe four-story store No. 335 6th avenue, southwest corner of 32d street,
size 23x65, wbicb was to have been sold at auction on Tuesday, by order of
the executors of David Hayward, was not offered, having been previously
sold at private contract. The particulai's bave not transpii-ed,
Mauy Nortb New Yorii property-owners wUl oppose Mayor Hewitt on
account of the position ho has taken against tbe opening of any streets
beyond the Harlem which ai'o moi'e than a mile loug.
Notice is given that the biU of costs, etc., in tbe matter relative tothe
opening of 143d street, from 8tb aveuue to tbe first uew avenue west of Stb
avenue, wili be presented for taxation to oue of the justices of the Supreme
Court ou October 24tb.
IVm. Noble is the purchaser of the five lote on tho northeast corner of
Oth aveuue and SSth street, wbicb wei-e this week transferred by John C.
Overhiser to Elizabeth Coates for #75,000. The brokers were Maclay &
The Fostei- mortgage forgeries have so much disturbed the trustees of
the Produce Exchange Gratuity Fund that they have sent all tbe genuine
mortgages negotiated by Foster to The Title Guarantee and Trust Company
for re-examination and guarantee of the title, tbat there may be no further
uncertainty about theh' securities. The Fuiul has thus foUowed the example
of tbe Maritime Exchange, which did tbe same thing.
Cbas. A. Seymour & Co. bave sold for James Bryar the foin--story
brown stone dwelling with box stoop No. 136 Joralemon street, 25x60x100,
for §54,000 to Jobn Notman, of Butler, Stiilman & Hubbard. Mr. Bryar
pm-chased the bouse last May fi-oui Broker Henry S. Ives foi- §35,000. It
is said that tbe latter spent many thousand dollais on the interior of tbe
Corwith Bros, have sold for H. D. Van Orden thi'ee lots on the south¬
west coi-ner of Nassau avenue and Newell street, 73x100, to Chas. Stock-
ford, for §0,200.
J. P. Sloane has sold for Thos. McCaffrey the lot, 25x100, with two-story
frame house, at No. 183 Greenpoint avenue, to Albert Rolfing for §3,300.
R. "Westbrook Myers has sold tbe plot, 32x80, on the southwest corner of
Concord and Gold streets, with three buUdings thereon, for §12,300 to
Fred. Buse, of New York,
1887. 188"?.
Oct. 7 to IS inc. Oct. 4 to 10 inc.
Number...................................... aw 392
Amount iuvolved............................ $851,878 $1,(105,187
fiiiimber nominal............................ 51 83
Number....................................... 212 219
Amount Involved............................. K808,5'17 $ri4,'i4I
Number at 5 S or less....................... 110 IS8
Amount Involved............................. $480,334 $517,4311
1887. 1888.
Oct. 8 toI4 inc. Oct. 6 to 13 mc
Number of buildings...................... 96 S9
Estimated cost................................ $398,365 $493,445
Oiit Among the Builders,
Richard Berger has plaus on the board for extensive altei'ations to the
old Prescott Hotel, ou tbe northwest corner of Broadway and Prince
street. It wiU be entirely remodeled, reconstructed in parts, and wiU be
fitted up as an office building, with elevators, steam beat, etc. Nathan
Schwab is the lessee.
Oseai' Hammersteiu is having sketches drawn by Andrew Spence for a
seven-story aud basement hotel, which be intends building on the block
between 110th and 117th streets, St. Nicholas and 7th avenues. It will have
a frontage of 103 and 133 feet ou tbe two avenues, respectively, and 76 feet
ou 117th street. The fronts will be of Ohio stoue, and an elevator, steam
beat, partial fire-proofing, electrical apparatus and other improvemente
will be provided. The cooldug, laundry and dining rooms wUl be on tbe
top fioor, and tbe steam-power in the vaults helow ground. The cost
is osthnated at §80,000.
We bave received several inquiries lately as to wbeu work will probably
ba eommenced ou the new World building. Certainly tbere has been a
little delay in starting coustruetion, considering how far advanced the
season is, but we know of no reason for thinking, as some of uur coi'respon-
dents bint, tbat the project bas been abandoned. From inquiries which
we have made at tbe World office, we learn that George B. Post has made
the designs, and tbe delay is solely due to some slight bitch witb the plans.
It is easy to understaud that arranging for so large a buildiug requires
time and much consideration,
Ed. Wenz has the plans oa tbe boards for four flve-story brown stone
frout fiats, 25x87, to be built by Hugh Brady on tbe northeast corner of
4th avenue aud 104th street. The corner wiU be 23x96.11, witb thi-ee stores,
and tbe others 23xST each, and they will cost §75,000. The same architect
has plans for a five-story tenement, 25x57, to be buUt by O. T. Mai-sbaU on
the nortb side of llStli street, 245 feet east of 1st avenue. The front wUl
he of brick and Euclid stoue, aud tbe cost $13,000.
Dempsey Se Fredericks intend to improve two lots on the west side of
Pleasant avenne, 50.10 feet nortb of 113th street.
Competitive designs are now beiug prepared for two important ecclesias¬
tical buildiugs—the Protestant Cathedral, aud St, Luke's Church to be
bnilt ou the west side for t!ie Trinity corporation. Tbeerectionof the first-
named building is stUl some considerable distance ahead, but in aU proba^
hUity work will be commenced on tbe latter within a reasonable time. We
understand that among the arcbitecte who are engaged upon designs for
one or both of these edifices are Messrs. Charles C. Haight, R, M, Ubjohn,
W. A. Potter, Wm, Halsey Wood, Frederick C. Withers and R. H. Rob¬
Joseph Wolf has plaus for a fonr-story brick and stone fiat, to be erected
at No. 1060 IOtb avenue by Catherine EHer. It will be 2.5x63.6.
Wm. Noble wiU improve five lots on tbe northeast corner of Otb avenue
and SSth street, which plot he has just purchased, by tbe ei->:,ction of flate.
The details have uot yet beeu settled on,
Peter Bebrens and Cornelius Liuk intend to bnild flve five-story brick
and brown stone front fiate,'35xS3 each, on the south .side of 114tb street,
100 feet east of Sth avenue, to cost $90,000. Architect, Andrew Spence.
Louis Kayser has plans for building a two-story aud cellar tenement for
Vina Dvorak on tbe west side of Vanderbilt avenue, near Tremont avenue.
Alex. Fowler is drawing plans for a five-story tenement, 35x85, to be
buUt by Thomas Melnnery on tbe south side of 134th street, 375 feet eastof
Sth avenue.
Tbe twenty-second annual convention of tbe American luatitute of
Arcbitecte will be opened at the Buffalo Library Building, Buffalo, N. Y.,
ou Wednesday next, 17th of October. Tbe headquarters wUl be at the
fT-enesee Hotel, wbicb offers special I'ates to Institute members.
Tb. Engelhardt is preparing plans for tvvo foui'-story brick flate, 25x63
eacb, with extensions 12x14. four stories high, to be built on the south side
of Hartstreet, 150 west of Lewis avenue, for William Mogk, to eost §15,000.
Josepb Ryan is about to build a four-story brick flat, 30x55, on Jay
street, near Concord street, to co.st §4,000,
Out of Town, -â– *
Far Rockaway, L. I.—H. Rutgers MarshaU has made plaus for a three-
story residence, of frahie, 2(<x52, for Eugene Lentilhou. Cost, §8,000.
Islip, L. I.—F. Carles Merry has plans under way for a two-and-a-half-
story !-esidence, 60x70, of stone aud frame, for Mrs. D. Head. Cost,
Kansas City, Mo.—Tbe National Graud Lodge of Colored Masous have
approjn-iated §200,000 for a uew temple to be erected here. The architect
bas not been eboseu.
Sharon, Conn. —Lamb Sc Rich have plans on the boards for a two-and-
a-half-story i-esidence, 30x80, in the old Colonial style, for Mrs. E. O.
Wheeler, of this place.
Oontractors' Notes,
The Department of Docks will receive bids until Wednesday, October
24tb, for dredging at tfae bulkhead between Perry street and West llth
sti'eet, North River.
P, J. Morau Se Co. have the contract for coustructiug approaches to and
reconstructing the of grounds around tbe Metropolitau Museum of Art in
Centi-al Park. Estimate, §30,235.
Proposals for materials and work required in the erection of a residence
for the medical superiutendeut, Branch Lunatic Asylum, Hart's Island,
New York, wUl be received by the Commissioners of Public Charities and
Correction until Wednesday, Octobei' 24. Bids wiU also be i-eceived untU
the same date for materials and work required for steara-faeating, at
Central Islip, L. I.
Bids wiU be received by tbe Department of Public Works until Wednes¬
day, October 34th, at 11 o'clock, for tbe foUowing work ; For i-egulating
and paving -with ti-ap-block pavement tbe carriage-way of Boston aveuue,
from 3d avenue to 167tb street, and laying additional crosswalks in said
avenue ; for regulating, grading, setting curb-stones and flaggmg the side¬
walks in Lind avenue, from Devoe street to WoU' street; for the construc¬
tion of retaining waU and appm-tenances thereof, walk and drainage in the
Riverside Park.
Special Notices.
The advertisement of Walter Stabler, No. 31 Nassau stieet, will be found
in another column. It is of special interest to aU persons desiring builder's
loans and second mortgages. Mr, Stabler also bas large sums to pnt out
pei-manently on city or Brooldyn propei'ty, at from iy to 6 per cent.
Pratt & Molleson, tbe well-known quarriers aud ageuts for various kinds
of granite, onyx aud marble, bave removed from No. 11 to No. J T East
42d street, thi-ee doors further west.
Porter & Co., tbe well-known east side real estate ageuts, have decided
to bid for as large a share of the west side business as possible, and to that
end have opened an office at No, 200 West 133th street. On tbe east side, at
theii-old headquarters, No. 7T Bast 125th street, this firm has beeu con-
spicuonsly successful—due to thorough business methods aud the strict at¬
tention given to the interest of cUeuts. David F. Porter, one of the mem¬
bers of the fli-m, is also a membei' of tbe Real Estate Exchange.
AU builders should wi-ite to G, Bickelboupt, Nos. 243 and 343 West 47tb
street, for one of his iUustrated catalogues of bis patented sky-lights. They
stand uow among the very first sheet metal sky-lights in tbe market, aud
represent the very latest improvements iu these articlas. Tbey are manu¬
factm-ed by several uew and novel machines, and are specially constructed
for convenience of operating, strength and durability of pai-te and simplic¬
ity. They are fire-proof, and are made^so that the metal does not conflict
with the glass in expausieu and contraction. The prices are not higher
than tbose often asked for very inferior articles.
Our readers should inspect some work recently completed for Enoch Mor.
gan's Sons on tbe corner of Bank and West streets, hy James O'Toole, the
weU-knowu biuldei- and mason. It is regarded by some as one of tbe finest