Record and Guide.
gage was handed into the Registers office to be re-
*'°Vintenever the letter.^ " P. M." occur, preceded by the
name of a strc'-t. in ?As-/« af morhjages, Ihey mean
tlmtitisal'mvliKsi- iLin.-'tl ."H'lr/giigc. and lor I aller
varti<?idarssvelheli.-:t of Inni.^fei-.'! under Hit, corre
sponding date. Wlieneuer the rate is not given, rcaa
as G per cent.
May 17, 18, 20,' 31, 33, S3.
Alexander, Morris aud Josepb M, to Stephen
Merrihew and auo, trustees for Caroline M,
Lockwood. East Broadway, P. M, April
39 duo May 1, 1^*90, 6 %. $17,000
Andrcws,Wal!acoC. to James W, White, Brook¬
lyn. 18th st, P. M. May 31, 6 years.
5-*^^ 60,000
Auiie'l. Joseph to Abraham Brown and Isaac
Haft. Pittst. P.M. May 20, installs. 4,750
Ballard, Frank H, to Charles T. Bai-ucy. 74tb
st, I'. M. May 13, due May 18, 1S92,
4 (/_ 7,300
Becker, Frank A, to Alexauder Gowdy. West
Fai'ins to Hunt's Poiut road. P. M. May
18, due July 1, 1894, or soouer, S %. 1,000
Bensel, Mary M. to Moses B. Maclay ti-ustoe.
24th st. No. 9. n s, 653,6 e Otb av, 24x98,0.
May 16, due May 31, 1894, 4^ %■ 8-130
Same to Henrietta E. Tisdale, Same property.
May 16. due May 31, 1894, 4i4 %. 17,000
Brown, Charles W, to Linda L. McElroy.
13-il St. P. M. Sub. mort. $8,000. May 30,
due May 1, 1894. or installs, 5 %. 4,000
Berrv, Harry aud Paul G. Decker to Wilham
G."Talman. ISOth st, u s, 133.6 e Eltou av.
P. M. May is, 5 years, 5 %. 2,800
Sarae to John Inglis. 1.59tb st, n s, 100 e Eltou
av, 2 lots. P. Bl, 3 P. M, moi'ts,, each i.3,S00,
May IS, 5 years, 5 '■.L ..,'.
Same to Louisa F, Runk. 1.59tb st, n s, 150 1
e Elton av, P. M. May IS, ,'j years, 5 % 3.800
Bla\incr, Jacob lo Mark Rosenthal, Brooklyn,
Broome st, n e cor Norfolk st, P. M, May
16, 7 years or iustalls, 5 %. J^~'-'^
Bannon, Michael J, and John Feehan to The
Bowery Savings Bakk. 106th st, n w cor
4tb av, 35x75.11. May 33, S years, 4M % lo,000
Sarae to same. 106tb st, n s, 35 w 4th av, 3,'jx
75 11. May 33, 5 years, 4% %. 11,000
Same to sarae. 106th st, n s, 75 w 4tb av, 25x
100.11. May 23, 5 years, 4% %. lo.OOO
Same to sarae, 106th st, n s. 50 w 4th av, 3Sx
75 II. May 33, 5 years, 4% %. 11,000
Sametos.ame, 4tbav, ws, 75.11 n 106th st,
25x7.5. May 33, 5 years, 4}-^ %. 8,500
Same to Jacob Bookman aud Sarauel M. and
Bernard Cohen. 4th av, ws, 7,5.11 n lOOthst.
25x75 Sub. to mort. $8,500, May 23,3
years, 6 %. , .1.000
Sarae to same. lOOth st, n s, 75 w 4th av, ,J5x
100.11, Sub. to raort, $13,000, May 2-3, 3
years.S-?. „^ ^^^ ^^-^"0
Same to same. 100th st, n s, 25 w 4th av, 3
lots, each 2.5x75.11. Sub. to mort, $11,000.
2 raorts., each $4,000. May 22, 3 years,
5 rf 8,000
SauTe to same, lOlith st. n w cor 4th av, 25x
7511 Sub, to raort, $15,000. May 22, 3
yeai-s 5 % '''000
Sarae td WiUiara H.all's Sons. 106th st, n s, 25
w4thav runs north 75.11 X east 2d x nortb
25 X west 100 x south 100, U x east 75, May
23, 6 months or soouer. 4,500
Bach Lewis Z. to i\'Iai-y A, Monahan. S5th st.
P M May 33, due May 1, 1S93, 4y, %. 9,000
Beck. Helena to Andi-eas Stengele. Brook av,
w s, 35 n 146th st, 35x70, May IS, installs,
fe f* 1 ,uuO
Blumborg. Woolf J, to Mary Cooke. Broome
st No 237, s s, SO e Ludlow st, 35x50, May
31, 5 years, 5%. , . , . ^''£^^
Baer. Albert to John W. Salter, Ibth st. P.
M. May 30, 3 years, 5 ^. 16,000
Brennan Tbomas to Tlie Williamsburgb Brew¬
iug Co. (Lim.) Canal st. No. 503, Saloou
lease. May 21, deuiand, ^ • . ^ ^"'^
Brockner, Jefferson to Celia M. Creightou.
40tbst,_ns, SO e 3d ay, 25x98.8, May L 3^^
BeS,' Joseph to The Gebman Sa™s
Bank, 49th st, s s, 300 e IOtb av, 25x100 5
May IS, due May 20, ISOO, 18,000
Sametosame, 49th st, s s, 32S e lOthav, 2,5x
100 5. May IS, due M ay 20,1890. . 18 000
Bell, Enocb C. to George Bradish, Bayside, L.
I. lOOth Bt, s s,-220 e 1st av. P.M. April
10,5 years, 5 ;g, _ . WIOO
Sarae to sarae, 109th st, n s, 9o e Ist av, P.
M. April 10, 5 years, 5 ;;. 3,000
Barker, Margaret L. wife of and Stepbeu T. to
Elizabeth J. L. Tobias. 40th st. P- M
May 30, lyear, 4H«. 20,000
Berriau, Thoraas B. C. to Henry Beste trustee
for Pauline G. Ouativia, Rivington st, s e
cor Allen st, 58x77, May 33, 3 years, '^H%-
Cbesebrougb, Robert A. to George S. Lespin¬
asse and ano. trustees Leopold Friedinan,
8th av, s w cor 109tb st, P. M. May l.S. 3
years, 5 %. 35.000
Chivvis Annie E. wifeof and Ferdinand W.,
Mount Vernou, N, Y,, to Frank A, Otis aud
ano trustees Uriah J, Smith. 134th st, s s,
335 6 Stb av, 35x99.11. May 23, 3 years, 5^.
Cook, Martin to Charles H. Philips. 79th st, s
s. 173 w 9th av, 23x103.2. May 23, due May,
1890, 5 %. 10,000
Cleland, Lillian C. to Dore Lyon. Manhattan
av, n w cor llOthist. P. M. May 33, mstalls.
Crothers, John A., Jersey City, to I'etcr
Mitchell. 144tbst, ns, 149.6 vv 8th av, .50x
99.11. Sub. to raorts. $31,300, Mar, 35^4
moutbs 01- sooner. 5,700
Campman, Heleu D, tu Stephen Ward commit¬
tee of Thoraas Ward. ISthst. P.M. May
17,1 year or soouer. 11,500
Chambers, Fanuie to Patrick J. Keary. Kings-
bridge road. P.M. MaylS, Syears, S;;, 1,000
Christie, David to Lydia A. Hough.' 90lh st,
ss, 40 e lOthav. 30x70.4. May 17, due Jan,
22, 1890, „ ?/'00
Coben Betsey wife of and Harris to Maurice
Levy, Delaucey st, Nos. 44 aud 46, P. M.
3 P. M. morts,, eaeh $2,000. May 17, 1 year,
Crothers, John A, to Peter Mitchell, 144tb st,
us, 149,6 w Stb av, 50x99.11. Sub. morts,
$12,000, Mar. 35, 6 months or so<jner, 9.300
Sametosame. Same property. P. M, Sub,
mort. $6,300. Mar. 25, 6 months or soouer,
ChUton, Mai-y'S. to Elizaheth Aymar. 49th
st No .52 s s. ISO wlthav,-20xl00..5. May
2l', due Jau. 13, 1893. 2,000
Cohen, Adolph and Eliza his wife to Jenme
wUe of Max Goldberger, Ridge st, w s, 80 s
Houston st, 20x50. May 30, 5 years or in¬
staUs. 5 %. 3,250
Cohen, 'will'iam and Bertha his wife to Gevert
Weudelken. 9th av, w s, 25,11 n 98th st,
P M. May 30, installs,, 5^. <>,000
Same to sarae, Otb av, u w cor 98th st. P, M,
May20. installs,, 5?;. , 10,000
Coheii Williani to Eruestiene Loewenberg.
10th av, s w cor 96th st. P. M. May !6, due
Jan, 16, 1890. , .-.,■'"•''""
Conley, Johu to Heury Morgenthau. lotli st.
P IV], May 16, 1 year or sooner, S ^. 10,900
Cou"-an, James J. and Harriet G. his wife to
The New Youk Lirs Ins, Co. .52d st, u s,
436.6 e Oth ;iv, 17xlo0,4. April 8. I year, 5%.
Cuiiuuighaui, Thomas to Josepbine C. Kalh-
fleiseb, 97th st, n s, 300 e Stb av, 3 lots. P,
H 2 P, M. raorts., each $3,500, May 18,
due May 31, 1891, 5 ^, 7,000
Decker, John W, to Isabella McCorraack,
Jacksou av, w s, 114,6 n Clifton st, 39,6x75,
April 39, deraand, 3,400
Decker, John W, to Isabella McCorraack, lm¬
tou av, n e cor Deuraan pl, 145,2x93, Apnl
29, demaud, 1'''>-'JOO
Same to R, Clarence Dorsett. Sarae property.
April 39, demand, l-'i'^
Deeves, Richard to The Dime Savings Bank
of Brooklyn, Utb av, n e cor 79th st, 27.-3x
85. May IS, 3 years, 4 $. 25,000
Sarae to sarae. IOth av, e s, 27.2 n 79th st, 3
lots, each 3.5x85, 3 morts,, each $15,000.
May 15, 3 years, 4 %. 45,000
Same to same, IOtb av, e s, 27.3 s SOth st, 3
lots, each 35xS5, 3 morts,, each $15,000,
May 15, 3 years, 4 %. 45,000
Sarae to sarae. 10th av, s e cor SOth st, 37,3x
85. May 15, 3 years, 4 $. 3.5,000
Same to same. SOtb st, s s, 85 e 10th av, 30x
103,3. May 15, 3 years, 4 %. 15.000
Sarae to same. 79th st, n s, 85 e IOtb av, SOx
102.2. May IS, 3 years, 4 %. 15,000
Deitsch, JuUus mortgagor with Jeunie Scbul-
bolf, Extension of reduced mort. May 17. nom
Diuinny. FcrralC, Jr., to Charles E. Appleby,
Glen Cove, L. I. 12th and IStb avs, 83d aud
SSd sts. P. M. May 16, S years or instaUs,
5 5 35,000
David, Adelaide to EUse DeCoppet, 125th st,
n e cor Otb av, 30x74,11, with aU title to strip
adj and wall thereon forraing part of 2004
Oth av. May 14, due May 15, 1892, 5 g. 17,000
Delnoy, Carrie L. wife of Alfred to The New
York and Suburban BuUding and Loan As¬
soc. Sedgwick av, w s, 300 s I84tb st, runs
southSSx west 100 X west 19.11 to N. Y. C,
& Northern R, R, Co., x north 2n x east 18,2
X again east 100, May 17, installs, 5 g. 4,000
Disken, Martin to Ma^: Danziger and Newman
Coweu. Macdougal st, s w cor 4th st, 34x8(%
P M May 3, due May, 1890, or sooner. 12,a00
Donnelly Frank to Tairant Putnam tnistee
Emraa A. Putnam. Rockfield st. May 17.
3 years. See Conveys. „,„,,,, V
Dwyer, John to Tbe West End Building and
Loan Assoc. Ryer av, e s, 235.3 n Iblth st._
50x165 3x50x168.10, May 17. installs, 5 %. 5,7o0
Danziger. Max to The Greenwich Savings
Bank. Oth av, s e cor 98th st, 35.5x100
May 8, due May 1, 1893, 4\4 %■ , I'-^'-^OO
Saraeto same. 9tb av, e s, 26.S n 97th st, 4 lots,
each 3.5x100, 4 raorts., each $14,000. May
8, due May 1, 1892, 4,1,' %. ofa 000
Sarae to sarao Oth av, n e cor 97th st, 2b 5s
100. May 8, due May 1,1892, 4'^ !?. , 19,500
Eberhardt, George to The German Savin&;s
Bank. Sthst, s s, 100 e Av B, 17,11x962
May 16, due May 17, 1890 3,500
Eichhoru, Mary K. wife of Andrew J, to The
Title Guarantee and Trust Co -^^d |t
P M May 13, due April 1, 1893, 5 %. 35,000
Eisele, Rudolph to Jobn B, Ryer. 159th st, s s,
200 e Courtlandt av, 35x100. April 30, 3 yrs^^^
Entwistle, John to The Hablem Sa'vings
Bank. 134th st, n s, 131 e St, Anus av, 2 lots,
eacb 17x100. 3 raorts., each $3,500. May
17, 1 year, 5 %. ^'O^O
Etzel Josepb and Albert to James A. Roose¬
velt et al trustee for Corinne R. Robmson.
Hudson st.No, 116, e s, 31.10x75. May 17
5 years, S i. 10,000
Eichler, George to MatUda Weil et al. exrs.
Max Weil. Stanton st, No. 14, n s, loO e
Bowery. 25x100. May 20, due July 1,1894
4M%. ^^'^^
Franke, Henry and Eunice R. his wife, Brook-
l^'ii, to Charles G, Landon and auo. exrs. B,
S, Hutton, 114th st, s s, 130 w Sth av, 13Sx
100,10. MaySI, lyear, 5;;^. 23,000
Flood, James F. to Newman Cowen and Max
Dauziger, Goerck st. No. 28, e s, 35x100.
Mar, 11, due Oct. 1,1589, or sooner. 9,000
Ferrero, Eilward to Howard W. Coates nnd
auo. exi-s, G, H, Peck. 78th st, n s, 167 w flth
av, 3 lots, each 17x102,2, 2 morts., each
$2,000, May 20,1 year 5 %. 4,000
Foley, John R. to Chai-les E. Appleby, Glen
Cove. L, L. trustee for J, B, Miller. l-27th st,
li s, 375 w Lenox av, 16.Sx99.lI. May 31, due
May—,1893, 5^. "/'OO
Frank, Abraham to Patrick Shea and Mary his
wife. Madisou st. P, M. Sub. to raort.
$15,000. May 31, installs. S %. 3,000
Sameto Denis Sbea. Same property. P, M,
May 31, 3 years, 5 ^. 15,000
Felbel, Edward to Paulina A, Morgan. SOth
st, No.' 363, s s, 18,9 w 1st av, 18.9x100.5.
May 17, 5 years, 434' %. 10.000
Fiske, Frederic B., Brooklyn, to Daniel J.
O'Couor exr. Owen Byrne, Water st. P,
M May 3, due Maj- 1, 1890, 4 %. 10,000
FarreU, Fi-ancis to Mary E. Moore. 38th st, n
s, 335 w 10th av, 50x98,9. Lease. May 33, 3
years, 3,000
I'lake, Albert to Hem-y Morgenthau. River¬
side av. P. M. May 23, 1 year or sooner,
5 g, 10,000
GoeriitK, Philip to Lewis Hurst and ano, exrs.
David Babcock. 4Sth st. P. M. May 23, 3
ycai-s, 5 %. 3.8S0 ,
Goeller, Cb:u-les, Edwin aud Robert aud tran¬
ces wife o[ and Richard Bang aud Sophia
wife of and Phili)) H. Dugro devisees of
Sopbia Goeller to Union Trust Co. trustee
G M, Graves. West Ilth st, Nos. 55 and 57,
n s 261 e Oth av, 3 lots, each 34x103,3,
3 morts, each, $13,000, April 36, due May 16,
1894. 4'ii. ^ „ '^'''''™
Goldstein, Isidore to Annie T, Curiieu, Henry
Kt, No, 219, n s, 33,6x87,6, May 6, 5 years,
5 (J 13,000
Gent, Lonis A. to Auna R, Fairchild. 94th st,
n s ISO e 3d av, 5OxIO0.8. May 20, due Mar.
26, 1893, 5 %. „ , -.000
Gibbeus, Frederick H. to Conrad Vorbach,
Madisou. N. J, 74th st. P. M. May 20, 3
years or sooner, 5 %. 6,000
Glucksmau, Morris to Lewis S Levy. Canal st.
P M. May 15, 5 vears or installs, 5 ;J. 14,000
Goldberg, Lewis to Gerson Krakower, Clinton
st, w s, bet Broome and Delancey sts, adj
land of Isaac Kuapp on the north, 35x100,, April 10, due Ang, 1, 1R89, 1,000
Guntzer, Friedi-ieke wife of and Charles to The
Greenwich Ravings Bank, 2d av, P,
M May 14, due May 15, 1894, 4% %. 14,000
Greenblatt, Lewis to Micbael Fay and William
Stacora, WUlett st, P, M, May IS, 3 yrs, 3,500
Sarae to same. Same property. P, M. May
15 due June 7, 1889, or sooner, 1,500
■Hussey, Cbai-les to Robert Wmthrop. Madi¬
son st, s e cor New Bowery, P. M. May 33,
S years 5 %. 15,000
Heyman,'Jolin to Mary J,, James and Robert
C. Hoy exi-s. EUa M. Hoy, 5th av, P, M,
May 21, 9 months or scouer, 5 %. 75,000
Henricb, Louisa wUe of Conrad to Katrina
Seirahauser, Stebbins av, e s, 363.4 n lOSth
st, ;25xl45.10s25.4xl41.8. May 31, 3 years,
5 V 1,800
Hart" Sarah W, wife of and Coleridge A. to
Jaraes P. Keiuochau et al. exrs. Lorillard
Speucer. Edgecombe av. P. M. May 4.
due May 1,1893,5^. „ , ^'^-^
Hartung, PauUne, Brooklyn, to .lohn Belzer.
TOth St. P. M. May 17, 3 years, 5 %. 6,000
Hoftman, Harriett B, wife of and Charles B. to
The Manhattan Life Ins. Co. Cortlandt
st No, 44. n s, 60.S e Qreeuwich st, 3.5xl'3.5.
AprU 36, 5 yeai-s, 4 g. 15,000
HofEmau, Emily, Skaneateles, N, Y., to Johu
P Joralemon trustee S, F, Mott, Bowery,
No 57 e s, 50.3 s Caual st, 25x85x-2.5xSI.8.
May 14, due June 1,1890, 4^. 10,000
Huntress, Annie A, wife of aud WiUiara A, to
The East Side Co-operative Building aud
Loau Assoc. WiUard av, s s, 136.11 w Ist st,
,50x100. May 18, installs, 5 %. 5,000
HaaroH .ruhn W, to George Pnpham, Nabant,
M-L.;-. ;;d av, ws, 25.2 n 97th st, two plots, ,
50 -ixlOO, 2 raorts. each, $30,000. May 17,
S years, 4)4 %. 40,000
Same to same. 3d av, n w cor 97th st, 25.3x
100. May 17, 5 yeai'S, 4J.J',;, 30 000
Heacock, Delaphiue S. wife ol" and WUliara b.
B to Mary G. Richardson. lOStb st, s s, 133.4
w'iOth av, 16.8x95. May 17, installs,5 %. ■6,,500
Herter, Peter to The Philadelphia Savings
Fund Sociey. Eldridge st, Nos, 214 aud
316, e s, 73.10 s Stauton st, 31,-2x87.6. Apnl
29, S years, 5 %. 37,500
Hirsch, Moritz to Adolph G, Hupfel, i77th st.
No, 739 E, Lease, May IS, demand, 750
Hmne. Alexander W. to Jacob W. Feeter. 92d
st s s 343 w 3d av, 33x109. Feb. 8, due Beb,
i,'is»o, 7.-?oo
Hyland Maurice to The East River Savings
Inst Park row, No. 156. n s, runs west 3.10
to Pearl st, X northwest 43,9 x northeast 40.6
xsouth54.I0 to beginning; also property in
Brooklyn. May 11, I year, 5 %. 30,000
Hyer Mary E, aud Frank to Jobn B, and Han¬
nah HUlyer trustees John B, HUlyer. Chani-
bersst J^o. 101,n w cor Cburcbst, runs north
103 6 X west 50 X south 28 x east 25 x south
75.6 to Cnambers st, x east 25, May 13, 1
year, 5 %. ^I'^OO
Hanlon, John mortgagor with James O'Neil,