June 5, 1897,
Record""'and Guide
sts, ali, Eslate Robt C Fisher to Margaret,
John C and Geo L Hein; 2 years.........
....................repairs and 2,500
West Bnd av, s w cor GOth st, slore floor and
Yj basement. Conrad Michaels lo Michael
Fennelly; 5 years......repairs and 1,749
Ist'av, No 761, s w cor 43d st. Assign lease,
John H Hoppe lo Herman Hoppe.......nom
1st av, n e cor 103d sl, cellar and store, 20x
50, and 2 floors Upstairs, 40x50. Kate F
AUen to Jacob Stahl. Jr; 5 years.........
......................repairs and 2.100
2d av. No 1324, bet 69th and TOth sts, south
store. Charles Unbebagen lo Mary Tucbler;
5 years........................4S0
Sd av, Nos 385 and 387, bet 27lh and 2Sth
Ets, roof of building. J S Bryce to H Mun¬
son; S years......................25
Gth av, e s, 20'n 12tb st, 20.2x80. i.lary
A Chisholra, College Poiut, L I. to John
Newton exr Rachel Bunce, Bloorafleld, N J;
2j yeara............ta.xes. &c, and 3.182
7th av, No 507, e s, .59.3 n 40lb sl, 39x00.
Agreement subordinating lease to mort.
John Brady to Institution for the Savings
of Merchants' Clerks. May 23. nom
8lh av, No 306, bet 15th and IGlh sts. As¬
sign lease, Joseph and Mary E Corbit to
Chas L Ritzmann ............val consid
luth av. Nob 556 and 55S, bet 41st and 42d
sls, stores, Franklin Bartlett as agent for
Lydia S Cutting extrx and trustee to John
B McCuaig; 4 years. ., .repairs and 3,800
13th av, 3 e cor 24th st. Eagle Tube Co to
Henry Holsten; 8 years, taxes, &c, and 3,G(J0
137th st, southerly cor Soulhern Boulevard.
Christina Jack admrx. &c, Henry Welsh to
Thos P Hughes; 5 years.repairs and 600, 840
*Union av, cor Southern Westchester Turn¬
pike or Harlem road, hotel, Chas B Kelley
to James P Conner; 5 years, frora Feb 1.
1895...........repairs and 8OO, 900
NOTE.—The arrangement of this list is as fol¬
lows: The first name is that ot the mortgagor,
the next that of the mortgagee. The description
of the property then foUows, then the date of
the mortgage, the time for which it was given
and the amount. The general dates used as
headings are the dates when the mortgage was
handed into the Register's oflice to he recerded-
Whenever the letters "P. M." occur, preceded
by the name of a street, in these lists of mort¬
gages, they mean that it is a Purchase Money
Mortgage, and for fuller particulars see the list
ot transfers under the corresponding date. When¬
ever the rate is not given, read as 6 per cent.
Mortgages against 23d and 24th Ward prop¬
erty will he found altogether at the foot of this
May 2y; 29, June I. 2, 3.
Alexander, Emma C forraerly Colyer grantee
of John H Colyer who was child and heir
of Henry W Colyer to Lucinda W David¬
son, Brooklyn. Attorney st, Nos 151 and
153, w s, 250 s Houston st, 50x100, all
title lo 1-4 part. June 1, 3 years, 5%.
gold, 2,000
Acker, Jobn to Edward Oppenheimer aud
Isaac Metager, 114th st, n s. 225 w Lenox
av. P M. May 29, due Peb 1. 19,950
Becker, Henry and Martha mortgagors witb
Cornelia Trimble. 16th st, n s, 138 e Av
B, 25x92, Extension of mort at 5%. Feb
7. nora
Bodine, Clothilde, Alice M, Louis A S and
Geo C to The Araerican Swedenborg Print¬
ing and Publishing Society. 14th st, n s,
325 e Tth av, 25ifl03.3. May 29, 1 year,
57 3,000
ASSUR SOC of the U S. IOlh av. No 402;
SSd st. No 470, being 10th av, s e cor 33d
St. 24,8x52x25x50,2. June 1, due Jan 1,
1900, 5%, go><l. ■^■■'>00
Bernheimer, Simon B and Josephine Schmid,
ot Bernheimer & Schmid, with INST FOR
both mortgagees. 7th av, e s, 59.3 n 40lh
st, 19.9x60. Agreement as to priorily of
bortgages made by John Brady and sub¬
ordinating lease thereto. May 21. nom
Bernhelm, Beatrice B wite of Eli H to TITLE
No 122. s s, 273 w Lenox av, 20x100.11, '
May 29, due June 1, 1899, 4Yi% and 4%.
3 2,500
Bernbard, Flora W wife of Henry to TITLE
No 39, n B, 300 e CoLurabus av, 20x102.2,
June 3, due June 3, 1902, 4%, 20,000
Boyle, James F mortgagor with Corns F
Kingsland as trustee of Henry P Kingsland
under will of Arabrose C Kingsland tbe el¬
der, Lexington av. No 482. w s, 60.5 n
46th st, 20x75. Extension of mort at 5%.
May 24, nom
Bach, Betsey to Abraham J Dworsky. De¬
lancey si. No 47, bet Forsyth and Eldridge
sts, P M. Sub to morls, June 1, instaUs.
,_____ .._. . 2,ooy
Barning. John to Carl A Weber. Delancey
sl. No 232. n w cor Cannon st. No 47, SOx
50, June 1. 5 years, 5%. 3,060
Budelman, Virginia wife of Henry to Kalh
D wife of J Campbell Thorapson, llOlh st,
n s, 110 e 3d av, 2-5x100-11. June 1, 1 yr,
5%. ' 10,000
Baldwin, BIbert F to THE EQUITABLE
LIFE ASSUR SOC, West End av. w s, 7S.S
s 98tb Bt, 50.3x100, May 24, due Jan 1,
1899, 5%. gold, 34,500
Barry, Warren C mortgagor with Cornelia A
Benjarain. S2d st, No 357 West. Exten¬
sion of morl. May 22. nom
Eomhoeft, Edward to Harry Johnson. Bast
End av. No 1700, w s. 50.8 s SSth st, 25x
96. June 2, S years, 4^,^%. 12,000
Bi'osen, Julius, Selma Byk and Babette Lo¬
wensohn lo Anna Michaelis. 107lh st. n s,
73 w 2d av. P M. Sub lo raorl $10,000.
June 2, inslalls. 5,000
Baker, John O, Newark, N J. to Saml N
Hoyt trustee for Mary I Hoyt under will
of Jesse Hoyt. OSth st, s s, 500 w Central
Park West, 25x100.11, P M, May 28, 3
years, 5%. 20,000
Sarae to same. OSth st, s s, 550 w Central
Park West, 25x100.11. P M. May 28, 3
years, 5%. 20,000
Boehm, Caroline to THB DIME SAVINGS
BANK of Brooklyn. SOlh st. n s, 149.11 V
e 5th av, 24.11x102,2. 'May 28, due May *^
1, 1902, 4%, 55,000
Boom, Marie P mortgagor to Selma Lisner
proposed assignee. SSd st. No 169 W,
Certificate of validity of mortgage and as
to araount due thereon. 'May 27, nom
Bowers, John R to Wm A Oakes trustee.
60th st, Nos 15T and 3513, n s, 215 w 3d
av, 2 lots, each 20x100.5. (See Conveys.)
2 morts, each $20,000- May 28, due May
25. 1900, 5%. 40,000
Broadbelt, William to CITIZENS SAVINGS
B.4.NK. 363st st, n s, 100 e Boulevard,
274.6x99.13. May 28, 1 year, gold, 132,500
Same to Jacob D Butler. Same property.
Sub to last mort. May 28, 1 year. 36,368
Buckley, John J to Jessie D Bowne, Flush¬
ing. L I, Elm st, Nos 20S and 20'5. e s.
abt 275 n Broome st, 41.4x41 to Marion
st, Nos 22 and 24, x43.1x53. Sub lo morls.
May 28, 1 year, gold, 4,750
Buek, Cbarles to Edward and Henry Hirsh.
Riverside Drive, s e cor 76lh st, 25.4.x95.S
x25xl00. March IS, due Jan 1, 1898. 20,000
Carroll, Wm F lo John Schrieber, lS5th st,
s s, 70 w Wadsworth av. P M. May 12,
due May 28, 1960. 5%- 6,020
Same to John Renehan, 171st st. n s, 12_i)
w Amsterdam av, 2-5x95, P M. May 2o,
due June 1, 190O 5%. 2,030
Same to same. ITlst st, n s, 1.50 w Am¬
sterdam av, 25x9o. P M, May 25, due
June 1, 1900, 5%. 2,100
CO. Riverside av. n e cor 89lh st, luns n
e 158.S X e 197.7 x s to point 125,8 s OOlh
sc. X w 112 X s 95.8 to SOth st, x w 174.30
to beginning. Sub to raorts. May 28, 1
year, 5%. 15.000
Cardwell, Sophia aud ano trustees will of
Samuel Cardwell mortgagors with Jobn B
Sirapson, Jr, and ano as truslees uuder will
ot John B Simpson. Lexington av, w s,
40.5 n 65th st, 20xT0. Extension of mort.
May 18. "ora
Cass Realty Corporalion. S2d st, Nos 43, 4a
and 4T West. Consent of stockholders to
TRUST CO, for 300,000
Cutting, William, formerly Junior, a son ot
Brockholst Cutting dec'd. to Marion Cut¬
ting widow. Chambers st. No_95, n s, 70.1
e Cburch st, 27.Gx75.4x28.9x7o.4; Reade st.
No 77, s s, 75.3 e Church st, 25.2x75.7x
23.11x75.8. May 1, 'Secures annuity of.
per year, 3,000
SUR SOC. Oth av, No 365, w s. 49.4 s
31st st, 25x100. May 21, due Jan 1, 1^102,
Cohn, Jeannette wife of Emanuel to Bdward
Oberndorf and ano exrs and tructees Julius
Oberndorf. 114th st, No 224, s s. 271.2 e
3d av, 16,8x100.11. June 1, 5 years, 4%.
Cox, Mary B to Carrie Ridley. 302d st, n s,
100 e Columbus av, 40x100.11, Suh to
mort $42,000, June 1 due Dec 30, 1S9T,
Sarae to Frederic J Middlebrook. Same prop¬
erty. Sub to morts .$4T,00O- Juue 1, due
Dec 30, 1897 1,000
Same to Carrie Ridley. 102d st, n s, 146 e
Columbus av, 27x100.11. Sub to mort
$25,000. June 1. due June 30, 1897. 3,000
Chase, Jobn S to Samuel Bachrach, 70th st,
No 159, n s, 270 w 3d av, 19x100.5xl9x—.
June 2, 3 years, 5%. gold, 2,000
Clason, Augustus to Saml B KUner and ano
trustees under will of Frederick Billings.
104tb st, No 322, s s, 100 e Riverside av,
20x100,11. June 1, 5 years, 5%.
gold, 20.000
Davidsohn, Nannchen to TITLE GUARAN¬
TEE AND TRUST CO. Oth st, No 631, n a,
443 e Av B. P M. June 1, S years, 4^2%-
AND TRUST CO. Glh st. No 633, n s, 463
e Av B, P M, June 1, 3 years, i^AT,-
Davidson, Isaac to Saloraon Davidson. 82d
sl. No 126, s w cor Lexington av, 18x70.
May 28, demand. gold, 2,903
Deitsch, Charles and Bdw J to John T Wil¬
iets as guard of eslate of Valentine M
Willels. 17th_st, s s. 216.10 e 5th av, 25
x92. Juue 3, a years, 5%. 95,(iOO
Degener, Otto P to John M Slattery. Monroe
st, No SS, s s, 114.4 e Pike st, 22.8x93.2x
22.6x93,10, Juue 1. Secures contract.
Day, Walter L to Joseph Walker, Sr, Joseph
Walker, Jr, and E R Walker, of Joseph
Walker & Sons 142d st, n s, 225 e Boule¬
vard, 16.8x99.11. Sub to mort -$10,000.
May 20. Secures note, G months, 1,200
Dietrich. Philip to George Bhret. Columbus
av. No 686, bet 03d and 94lb sls- Store
lease. May 29, demand. 5,750
Dumond, Cornelius J to TITLE GUARAN¬
TEE AND TRUST CO. 6ih av. No 824. e s,
TO s 47th St. P M, June 1, 3 years, 4V>%.
De Balaine, Mary A T to Fredk P Forster.
ISSd st, n s, 200 e llth av, 25x99.11.
May 17, 2 years, 5%. gold, 1,000
Douglas, Win H to Henry 'M Taber. River¬
side av. e s. 225 s 119ib st. 3 lots. 3PM
morts, each $7,500, May 27, 3 years, 4')^%.
Same to same. Claremont av, w «, 225 s
119th St. 3 lots, 3PM morts, each $3,500.
'May 2T. 3 years. 4Y>7o- 10,500
Dougan, Joseph W to THE MANHATTAN
'SAVINGS INST. Columbus av, s e cor
Gist st, 20.OXT0.6. May 28, 3 years, 4%.
Danziger, Siraon and Rebecca to Louis Man-
del. Pilt st, e s, SO s Broorae st, 20xT4.5.
May 26, secures agreement. 1,000
Dolphin, Edwd' W to Beadieston & Woerz.
West sl. No 186, s e cor Reade at. Lease.
May 10, demand. 2,00tl
Ellis. Cbristopher C to BROADWAY SAV¬
INGS INST, 3d av, No 934, n w cor 56th
sl {Nos 163, 165 an_d IOT), runs w 120 x n
100.5 X e 25 X s To X e 95 to av, X 3 25.5
to beginning. June 1, 1 year. 4'/:;%. 48,000
Ebeling, Wra P and Sophie to Mary E Dwin¬
eile. Slth st, n s, 58 e Lexington av. P
M, May 2S due June 1, 1902, 5%. 46,000
Eschwege, Morria to District Number One of
the Independent Order Benai Berith. Av
C, No 121, w s. 39.4 s 8lh st, 19.4x83. May
27, due 'May 28. 1900, 4y^%, 0,500
BtKcl, Albert to Walter D and John P Burke
exrs and trustees Mary C Burke, OSth st,
n s, 253.G e Amsterdam av. P M. May
25, 1 year, 5%, 2,500
Fischel, Jacob to John T Willels as guard
Josiah M Wiliets. Monroe st. No 82, s
s, 59.7 e Pike st, 27.4x1009x27.6x101.4.
May 2S, 5 years, 5%. 28,000
Same to sarae as guard Valentine M Wiliets.
Monroe st, No 84. s s, 86.11 e Pike st,
runs s 100.9 x e 35.2 x n 6.6 x e 11.6 x n
93 to Monroe st, x w 27, May 28, 5 years.
5%. 28,000
Fischer, Jacob H to Wm H Hall, Jr. 11.5th
st, No 69, n s, 225 e Lenox av. P M. June
1, installs, 5%. 1,300
Fischer, 'Mary F widow, Philadelphia, Pa,
to Calh B Fischer widow. Brooklyn. Bax¬
ter st, Nos 22 and 24, w s, 50xllTx50.2x
llT.l. All title. May 2T. Secures indebt- ^
edness of 1,647
Frank, Emil and Louisa lo INST POR THB
Tth av, e s, 50.3 n 40th st, 19.9x60. June
1, 5 years, 4Vi% and 4%, gold, 12,000
Pay. Michael and WUliam Stacom to Rachel
Nachtigall, Ludlow st. No 125, w s, P M,
June 1, 1 year, 2,500
Falvey, James V to Kalman Haas. 4th av,
w s 86 n 29th st. P M. June 1, due May
33, ISOS, 4%, 35,000
INST, Church st, Nos 82 and 84, w s, 61.1
E Barclay st, 43.8x32; Park row, s w cor
Jaraes sl, runs w 16.9 x s 16.8 x w 12.3 x
5 36 X w 21,S X s 16,9 x e 52,5 to James
st, X n TS to beginning; Canai st, n s, 43.10
e Ludlow st, runs e 21.11 x n 5T.3 x w 4,S
X n O.T X w 35.4 x s 0.2 x w 2.4 x s 57.3 to
Canal st. June 3, due May 1, 1900, 4Vi7o-
Frankenthaler, Louis to THB METROPOLI¬
TAN SAVINGS BANK. Oth st, n s, 118 w
Av C, 25x92.3. May 28, 1 year, 41/2%-
Felt, Anna M extrx John Fett to Amelia Pett.
Brooklyn- Stanton st, n e cor Essex at, 25
xGO.ll. June 3, 5 years, 5%- 6,500
Fitzpatrick, Agnes B to Louise E Bettens.
Oth av, No 818, e s, ISO s 47th st, 20x902;
6lh av. No S14. n e cor 46th st, 25.1x50.11
x25.1x50,30; 46th st. No 7.5, n s, 50,10 e
(lib av, 19,11x50.8; 46th st. No 73, n a,
T0.6 e Oth av, 20xoO.S; 46th st, No Tl West,
n s, 18.0x100. 1-6 part of all. May 29.
due Juue 1, J0O2. gold, 8.500
Fleischhauer, Jacob and Julius to TITLE
Nos 336 to 340, s s, 100 w 1st av, 3 lots,
eaoh 25x86.1. 3PM morts, each $T,00O.
Juno 1, 3 years. 4Yi%- 21,000
Same to same. 1st av. No T93, w s, 75.8 n
44tb sl. 1' M. June 3, 3 years, 41/0%. 10.000
Feinberg, Jacob and Joseph Rosenberg to