This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and
Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Real Estate
Appraisals, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens,
Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate,
Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and
Bronx and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manhattan.
"Entered at the Post Office at New Yorlc. N. Y., aB second class matter.
No. 2555
New York, March 3, 1917.
Borough of Manhattan.
FEB. 23. 24, 26, 27, 2S & MAR. 1.
Burling sl, 26-30, see Front. 169-75.
Clierry st, 70-4 (1:111-1), ns, 55.3 w
New Chan-ibers. runs n61.1 to sws New
Chambers (Nos 90-4). xse76.4 to ns Cherry
xwo5.3 to beg. gore,3-4-sly bk tnts & strs;
Realtv Redemption Co of N Y to N Y
Trust Co, 26 Broad; B&S; mtg $15,000;
Feb26: Feb27'17- A$15.000-18,000. nora
Cherry sti 335. see Water, 582,"
Cliff st, 12-14, see Pearl, 239.
Columbia st, 117 (2:335-25). ws, 175 s
Houston, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & sirs; Saml
Hellinger, 1229 Park av, to 117 Columbia
St Co, 309 Bway: AL; Febl5; Feb24'17; A
$15,000-31,000. O C & 100
Duane st, 141 (1:147-7), ns, 99.6 e West
Bway, 25x75, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Jonathan & Ellen S Bates, both of Bos¬
ton, Mass, to Bates Bros Real Estate Co,
c/o Dixon & Holmes, 32 Liberty; B&S;
Oct29'12: re-recorded from Nov8'12: Mar
1'17; A$28,000-38,000. nom
Kast Broadway, 234 (1:286-58), ns, 46 w
Montgomery, 23x56.9, 3-sty bk tnt; Abr P
Lubell, 200 W 113. to Broadway-John St
Corpn, 206 Bwav; mlg $11,500 & AL; Feb
30; Feb27'17; A$13,000-16,000. nora
Forsytii st, 141 (2:420-29), ws, abt 105
n Delancey. 24x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs;
Public Service Realty & Mtg Co. 309
Bway. to Ella Mack at Hotel Leonori, 63d
st & Mad av; AL; FeblS; Peb24'17; A$19,-
000-26,000. nora
Forsyth st, 141 (2:420-29), ws, abt 105
n Delancey, 24x100, 5-sty bk tnt & sirs;
Ella Mack, Hotel Leonori, 63d & Mad av,
to 141 Forsyth St Co, 309 Bway; AL; Feb
24; Feb26'17; A$I9,000-26,000. nom
Forsytii st, 143 (2:420-28). ws, abt 130
n Delancey, 24x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs:
Ella Mack, Hotel Leonori, 63d & Mad av,
to 143 Forsvth St Co, 309 Bway; AL; Feb
24; Feb26'17- A$19,000-26,000. nom
Forsytii st, 143 (2:420-28), ws, abt 130
n Delancey, 24x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs;
Public Service Realty & Mtg Co, 309 Bway,
lo Ella Mack, at Hotel Leonori, 63d st &
Mad av; AL; Febl5- Feb24'17; A$]9,000-
26.000. nom
Front St. 32 (1:7-5), ns, 104.2 e Broad,
28.6x59.0x28.5x60.5, 4-stv bk loft & str
bldg; Rosina Vollhart, 250 W 82, to Geo B
Hewlett, 116 W 121; mtg $15,000: Feb28
'17; A$15,000-19,000. nom
Front St. ie!>-75 (1:72-16-20).sec Burling
sl (.Nos 26-30), runs sS4.5xe76.6xn37.5xe23.9
xn23.6xe4.3xn23.1 to slip xwl07 to beg, 3-
5 & 1-4-sty bk loft & str bldgs; Phelps-
Stokes Estates, a corpn, to Jos F Cullman,
39 â– W 71; mtg $55,000 & AL; Feb27; Feb
2i,'17; A$96,500-113,500. O C & 100
Gold St. 4-0. see Pearl, 239.
Gold St. 76 (1:99-17). es, 97.10 s Ferry,
37.6x78x38x79.1. 5-slv bk loft & str bldg;
Justus L Bulklev to Jas Moss. 130 S 11,
Newark. NJ- B&S; Jan29: Feb27'17: A
$36,000-47,000. O C & 100
Greenwich st, 94 (1:53-41), nwc Rector
(Nos 14-8), 20.11x90.8x15.8x90.6, wilh AT
to alley in rear, 2 & 4-sty bk tnt & strs;
Augustine L McCrea, 125 6th st. Pitts¬
burg, Pa, to Caroline M Keeler, 125 Mon¬
tague. Bklvn: Vz pt; QC; Feb26; Feb28'17;
A$40,000-43,000. nom
Greenwich St. 401 (1:211-3). es, 25.1 n
Beach. 24.11x100. 4-stv fr bk ft tnt & strs.
1-sty ext; Edw C Cammann, BNR. &c,
Dani Ed.gar et al to Phoenix Cold Stor¬
age Co, 402 Greenwich; mtg $14,000 & AL:
Feb27- Marl'17; A$1S.000-18,500. 23,000
Greenwich st. 403 (397) (1:214-4), es, 50
n Beach, 25x100. 4-sty bk tnt & strs, 1-
sty ext: Henry Leerburger. 542 W 113, to
Phoenix Cold Storage (io, 402 Greenwich;
mtsr $17,000 & AL; Feb20; Marl'17: A$17,-
500-19,000. nom
Houston st, 190 E, see Isl, 91 B.
., Houston st E, nec Tomnkins, see Tomp¬
kins, nec Houston.
.lohn st, 20 (1:65-22), ss, abt 125 w
Nassau, 25x64. 4-stv bk loft & str bldg:
Seth S Terry. lOOn Park av, to Abbie M
6 Henrietta E Peffers. botli at 'Westnort,
Conn: Vz Pt: B&S & CaG; mtg $75,000;
FehlS'n: A$10n.000-115,000. nora
John St. nec Pearl, see Pearl, 239.
Ludlow st, 82-4 (2:409-35-36), es, 60 n
Broome, 40x65.7, 2-5-sty bk tnts & strs;
N Y & Westchester Suburban Land Co to
Sophie Levin, 119 W 71; mtg $25,625 &
AL; FeblS; Feb26'17; A$26,000-'35,000.
O C & 100
Macdougal st. 15 (2:506-39), nws. at ns
Vandam (Nos 1-3), runs n20.lxnw59.9xn
21.9xnw21.9xs74.4 to Vandam xe65 to beg,
vacant: McCotler Constn & Imnt Co, 150
W 4, to Chas H Van Aken Co, 148 W 4;
mtg $16,000: Feb26; Feb27'17; A$22,000-
22,000. nom
New Chambers st, 90-4, see Cherry. 70-4.
Xorth Moore st. 8 (l;189-ot lot 41), ss,
abl 40 e Varick, 25x30x26x41. es. 6-stv bk
loft & str bldg; A$------$------; also WEST
BROADWAY, lis (1:144-10). ws. abt 50 s
Duane. 25x71x28.2x59.3. ss. 3-stv fr bk
loft & str bldg; A$] 4.000-16,000; also
PL, 43-5 (13-5) (1:133-16), es. 50 s War¬
ren, runs e25xs20xe25xsl7.6xw50 to st xn
37.6 to beg, 6-sty bk loft & str bldg; A
$33,000-45,000: Robt J Leaycraft to Anna
E Leaycraft, his wife, both at 116 St
James pl, Bklyn; AL; Febl4; Feb27'17,
O C & 100
Pearl st, 205-7. see Pearl, 239.
Pearl st. 230 (1:75-31). nec John. 27.4x
126.9x27.11x128.6. 2 & 3-stv bk tnt & strs;
A$36,000-40,000; also CLIFF ST, 12-14 (1:-
75-38). es. 51.9 n John, runs se. e & ne
76.6 xnw59.8 to st xs32.4 to beg. 4-sty bk
loft & str bldg; A$23.000-28.000; also
GOLD ST, 4-6 (1:69-19), es, 67 n Maiden la,
runs n42.3xe37.6xslxe52.S XS36.7 xwSS to
beg, 4-sly bk loft bldg- A$36,000-44,000;
also PEARL ST, 205 (1:69-9), ws, 37.7 n
Maiden la, runs n21.4xwl34.3xs9.10xe66.4x
slSxe70.3 to beg, 4-sty bk loft & str bldg;
.A.$16,000-21,000; also PEARL ST, 207 (1;-
69-8), ws, 59 n Maiden la. 26.6x134.3x26.8x
134.3. 5-sly bk loft & str bldg; A$29,000-
37,000; Mary A Campbell of Newark, NJ,
lo Campello Corpn, 128 Bway; Vi Dt: AT;
.\L: Feb21; Marl'17. 32,125
Pearl st. 239: also CLIFF ST. 12-14; also
GOLD ST. 4-6; also PEARL ST, 205-7;
Howard Townsend, EXR Maria L Camp¬
bell, to same; % pts; AT; AL; Feb24; Mar
117. 96,375
Pearl st, 304 (1:98-28), es, abt 90 s Peck
sl, 21.3x98.4x22.9x97.7 on nes, with rights
to alley from ws Peck slip, 4x103. 4-stv bk
loft & str bldg. 1-sty exl: .\nnie W Ite
Lanoy of Piscataway, NJ, heir, &c, Jas B
Wright to J Dunbar Wright, 1 W 67; AT;
B&S & CaG; Feb21; Feb23'17: A$16,000-
19,000. nom
Pine St. 38 (1:44-3). ns. 87 w William,
23.7x61.6x23.9x61.9, 5-sty stn office bide;:
Michl J Egan, ref, to Underwriters Build¬
ing Co, 55 John, plff; mtg $135,000 & AL;
FORECLOS Dec29'16; Feb37'17: A$160.000-
190,000. 70,000 over & above mte
Rector St. 14..S. see Greenwich, 94.
Klvingtou st, 156 (2:34!l-33), ris, 104 e
Suffolk, 23x100, 4-sty bk tnt & strs & 5-
sty bk rear tnt; Eugene L Richards as
TRSTE in bankruptcy of Adolf Mandel,
bankrupt. 61 Bway, to Nathan Shapanka
,>t Isaac Goldberg, Isoth at ('39 Williams av,
Bklyn: B&S; mtg $17,500; Febl4; Feb24
â– 17: A$22,000-26,000. 2,800
Rutgers st. 49 (1:256-33), es, 25 s Mon¬
roe, 25x104, except 5 ft strip off rear, 6-
sty bk tnt & strs; Irvina Silverslone to
Louis Goldstein, 49 Rutgers; mtg $22,500;
Feb28'17; .\$16,500-33,500. nom
Scammel st, 3«-3GVi on raap 30 (1:266-
78). es, 25.1 n Monroe. 27x95.2. 5-sty bk
tnt & strs; Mark S Y'aches, 96 Willett, to
Abr Katz, 141 Broome; Vz R T & I; AL;
Pcb24; Feb26'17; A$ll,500-26,000.
O C & 100
Sprlnsr st, 191 (2:503-43). ns. 65.11 e Sul¬
livan. 18.9x100. 3-sty bk tnt & strs: Fran¬
cis W Pollock, ref. to Emisrant Indust
Savings Bank, plft; FORECLOS Febl6:
Feb28: Marl'17; A$13,000-17.000. 11,000
.Stanton st, 12 (2:427-50). ns. 175 w
Chrystie, 25x100, 5-stv bk tnt & sirs .t
5-stv bk rear tnt: Bainbridire Colb.v, ref,
lo Henrv P Knapn. 3? South av. West
Cranford. NJ. plft; FORECLOSED & drawn
FPb27: Marl'17: .'^$20.000-29.000. 30.000
Toniiiklns st (2:320). nec Houston, runs
n to ss 3d. the bulkhead contains 116
linear ft: also AT to land under water.
wharfage rights, &c: Morris Weinstein,
1621 Mad av, to City NY; B&S; Marl'17,
Vandam st. 1-3, see Macdougal, 15.
^Vnshington st. 785 (2:642-39). es, 25 n
Jane, 25x02.10x25x54.7, 3-sty bk tnt & strs;
Terminal Realty Co to Alios K Ames. 63 E
59; mtg $9,000 & AL; FeblU; Feb24'17; A
$7,500-9,000. nom
-Water st. 370. see Water. 372.
Water st. 372 (1:251-46). ns, 69.8 w Oli¬
ver, runs n60xw4.3xs2.5xwl7.Sxs5S.3 to st
xe21.8 to beg, 3-sty bk tnt & sirs; A$5,000-
6,50u; also WATER ST, 370 (1:251-45). ns,
61.11 to Jaraes sl, 16.6x50x16.6x49.10. 3-sty
bk tnts & strs; A$3.500-4.500; Martha A
Peaston of Spring Valley. NY. to Jas Ra¬
gone. 20 Janies sl: mtg $6,000 & AL; Feb
26: Marl'17, O C & 100
Water st, 582 (1:245-40), ns. abt 155 w
Montgomery, 30.8x120 to ss Cherry (No
335), 5-sty bk loft bldg: Teresa Wallach
to Terrain Realty Co, 25 Pine- AT; mtg
$23,000; Oct27'16: Feb27'17; A$13,000-23,-
500. nora
Willett st, 6 (2:336-35). es. 100 n Grand,
25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Ida Gutten-
tag, widow, to Solomon Neuville, 168 De¬
lancey, Bklyn; y, pt; mtg $31,000; Feb28
'17; .^.$14,000-30,000, nom
1ST St. 91 E (2:428-14 & 37), ss, 375.2 w
Av .K, runs sS3.6 to ns Houston (No 196).
xw-18xn54.7xw.07y2Xn31.2 to 1st xel8.6 to
beg. 4 & 5-sty bk tnts & sirs; Joe Fleisch¬
man to Jno Ossman, 215 Van Buren, Bk¬
lyn: Stephen Ossman, 1454 3 av, & Jno A
Melvin, 218 St James, Bklyn, & Stephen
Ossman, TRSTES will Kale Deubert- mtg
$26,000 & AL; Feb20; Feb23'17- A$l'3 000-
13.000. 26,000
3D St. 325 E (2:373-43). ns. 100 w Av D,
20x96, 3-sty bk tnt; Thos A McGrath, ref,
to Geo P Sanborn, 38 Livingston, Bklyn,
TRSTE will Wm C Martin, plff; FORE¬
CLOS Feb23: Feb27'17; A$ll,000-12,500.
OTH St. 819-25 E (2:366-52). ns. 231 e
Av D. 83.8x92.3, 3-sty bk warehouse; Ed¬
win Epstein el al to John W Sullivan Co.
of Mamakating. Sullivan Co. NY- mtg
$12,000 & AL: Marl'17; A$25,000-28,500.
IOTH St. 27 E (2:562-44). ns, 154 e Uni¬
versity pi, 24.10x94.6, 7-sty bk loft & str
bldg; Edw H Kelly, ref, to Greenwich
Savings Bank, 246 6 av, plff; FORECLOS
Febl9; Feb26; Feb2S'17; A$23,000-43,000.
IOTH st, 23 W (2:574-56), ns. 336.5 w 5
av, 20.4x94.10, 4-sly & b bk dwg: Helen
Adams. 70 W 55, to Sunshine H, wife
Frank R Ford, 23 W 10; mtg $20,000 & A
L; Marl'17: A$24,500-33,000. O C & 100
IOTH st, 27 W (2:574-58), ns, 391.1 w 5
av, 25.4x94.10, 4-sty & b bk dwg; Johns¬
ton de Forest & ano, EXRS Countess Gas¬
ton d'.Arschot. to Bartlett Arkell. 15 W
10; Feb26; Feb28'17; A$20,000-24,000.
14TH St. 351-3 E. see 1 av, 239
14TH St. 344-6 W (2:629-13), ss. 550 w
8 av, runs w50xs46.1xe.0%xs—xw.O-'^xs—x
e50xnl03.1 to beg, 6-stv bk tnt- Interna¬
tional Real Estate Co to Sydnev Ballin,
505 5 av; AL: Jan2; Feb27'17: A$42,000-
82,000. O C & 100
IOTH St. 347 AV (3:740-10). ns, 225 e 9
av. 25x93.9. 5-sty stn tnt; Ella Mack, at
Hotel Leonori, 63d & Mad av. to 34; West
letli St Co, 309 Bway; AL; Feb24: Feb26
•17: A$10,500-23,000. nom
IGTH St. 347 W (3:740-10). ns, 225 e 9
av, 25x91.9. 5-sty stn tnt; Public Service
Realty & Mlg Co, 309 Bway. to Ella Mack,
at Hotel Leonori. 63d st & Mad av; AL;
Febl5: Feb24'17- A$10.500-25.000. nom
1.STH St. 113-43 W (3:794-17 & pt 30), ns,
I'!9.4 w 6 av, runs n61.6xw9.4xn67.4xe9.4xn
55.4 to ss Illth (Nos 110-20) at pt 149.4 w
6 av xwl54.6xsl00xwl71.4xs84 to 18th Xe
325.8 to beg. 6-sty stn str & 5 & 6-sty bk
stable: Department Store Realty Corpn to
Warner-Hudnut Cnrnn of Tslin. LI- mtg
$585,000 & AL; Febl; Feb23'17: A$------
$------. O C & 100
IOTH St. 106 E (3:874-73), ss. 200 e 4
av. 25x92, 12-stv bk loft & str bldsr: Leona
Hnlding Cornn tn B F K- G Realtv Co. 2
Wall- inta: $110,000; Feb28; Mar1'17: A
$31,000-107,000. O C & 100
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