of thf
This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and
Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, 'Voluntary Auction Sales, Real Estate
Appraisals, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens,
Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate,
Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and
Bronx and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manhattan.
"Eniereo al the Poai C^fflce af -New York N. Y.. aa second class matter
No. 255()
New York, March 10, 1917.
Borough of Manhattan.
JI-VH. 2. 3, 5, 6, 7 & S.
.\lithori»'.-« lane, el, see 93d, 57 W.
Ai»tlior|i's iaiie, cl, see 93d, 63 W.
Beflviuuu . Ill, 34 (5:1362-37), swc Slst,
34x2d, 4-sty tic b stn dwg; Andw S Ham¬
ersley, ret, to Carl F Ijoker, 75 il SU;
FUKiiiCLOri Febl; Marl; Mar2'17: A$5,-
00u-!>,oUU. !S,U<H>
Broome st, 33 (2:326-13), ss, 50 w Lewis,
25.X1UO. 5-stv bk tnt & strs; Dora Kessler.
of Bronx, lo Jos L, B Mayi.r. 63 E 74; .\L,;
Feb2s: MarU'U; .\;f 12.000-25,500. O C & lOU
Broome st, lUU (2;Jo2-ti3), nwc Suffolk
(No 63), 25x^2.6. 8-sty bk loft it str bldg;
Eugene L, Richards, TRHTE in bankruptcy
Adolf Jlandel, bankrupt, 61 Bway, to
Morris Rubin, 46 Canal; B&S; mtg $22,-
000, to be reduced to $18,000; Feb20- Mar
3'17: A$23,000-31,UOO. 4,000
Broome st, ai'3 (2:351-9), ss. 25 e Essex,
25x75, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Edw J O'Reillv
to Maria .-V O-RelUy, both al 31 Vf 96; Vz
pt; Marl: Mar5'17- A$20,000-27,SOU.
O C & 100
Cherry st, 42T (1:260-35). ss, 100.4 w
Jackson, 25.1 x 90.7 x 25 x 92.6, 5-sty stn
tnt & sirs; Benj Mischner to 'Victor Ros-
ensweig, 347 Madison; Vz pt; AT: mtg
$23,000: Marl; Mar7'17- A$7,000-15,OUU.
O C & 100
Clinton st, 157 (2:346-27), ws, 83.5 n
Grand. 20x50, 4-stv bk tnt Sc strs; Jennie
Kamsler. 817 West End av. to Anna Cer-
nik. 1366 Odell; B&S; AL: Feb26: Mar517:
$14,000-17,006. nom
Downing st, 24-8 (2:527-13 & 15), ss, 75
e Bedford, 60x75, 7-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Geo L. Lewis, ref, to John E Schermer--
horn. 434 Riverside dr- Amos C Scher¬
merhorn. 25 E 79. & Katie S Matthews. 225
\V 86. E.XRS Katie T Schermerhorn, plffs;
FORECLOSED & drawn Feb6; Mar5'17- A
$22,500-63,000. 4,-.,000
East Broadn-ay, 311 (1:2SS-4S), ss, abt
24U e Scammel. 25.1x78.10x24.inx79.3, ws,
4 & 5-sty bk oftice bldg Ella S Hopkins,
at Tarrytown, NY, to .-Arnold Tovnbee
House, Inc, at 311 East Bway; AL; Mar7
'17: .â– \.$15,U00-3U,0U0. O C & 100
Front st, S,-i-7 (1:35-5). ss. abt 95 e
Old sl. 23.9x101.11x23.9x101.6. es, 2-5-sty bk
loft & str bld.sjs; Howard C Smith to Saml
Kilpatrick, 554 Jefterson av, Bklyn- 8-15
pts; B&S & CaG; Peb26; Mar2'17; A$19,-
000-29,000. nom
Front st, So-7: Forrest Raynor. of
Montclair, NJ, & ano. EXRS, &c, Henri¬
etta H Smith, to same; 7-15 nts- AL- Feb
24: Mar2'17. ' nom
Front st, S5-7: Saml Kilpatrick to Chas
E Perkins. 261 Henry, Bklyn; Marl- Mar
2'17. O C & 100
Fnlton st, 22 (1:74-48), ss, 53.9 w Front
runs wl8.ll xs25 Xwl0.10xs32.0xe29.2xn56.2
to beg, 4-sty bk loft & str bldg; Mary T
Brosnan to .\ngela M Brosnan, botli at 140
W 74; 5-14 pts; B&S & CaG; Sept21'16;
Mar7'17: A$23,000-28,O'O. nom
Granil st, :S!)1 (1:313-13), sec Suffolk
(No 32). 20.1x80.1. 5-slv bk tnt & strs;
Nathan Burnstine. 520 W 114, to Henry C
Burnstine. 523 W 112; mtg $37,UOO: Jan
31; Mar7'17: .â– \$37.00U-46.000 nom
Grand st. 411-3 {1:314-13-14). s=; 25 e
Clinton, runs e50xsl00xw25xn25xw25xn75
to beg, 2-5-slv bk tnts & strs; Max Gold¬
berg et al to Grandon Realty Corpn. 5
Beekman: AL: Jan24- Mar6'17- A$48.50n-
67.000. O C & 100
Lewis St. S-r, (2:326-22). ws. 85 n Grand,
runs n40xwl00xs25xe5nxsl5xe50 to beg. 6-
sty bk tnl & strs: Louis I P.arnn. lOs' â– «'
43. to Barnett Edelsack. (45 Trinity av-
Janl5: Mar5'17: A$17,000-37.000.
O C & 100
L,evvis st. 111 (2:330-2'7). ws. ISO n Stan¬
ton, 20x100. 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 3-stv
bk rear tnt: Natsim Corpn, 55 John, to
Sarah Amsterdam, 1453 SOth. Bklvn- mtg
$12,000; Marl; Mar2-17: A$10.500-15,000.
Madison st. 237 (1:270-37), ns, abt 120 e
Jefferson. 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs;
Edith R Lethaby et al to Jac-^ib Hertzberg.
135 W 115; B&S; Nov23'10; MarS'l7- A$17'-
000-21,000. O C & 100
.Maiden la, 65 (1:67-8), nwc William (No
85), 21x35x20.8x40.2. 5-slv bk tnt & strs;
City N Y Ins Co to Maiden I.ane & William
St Co. 63 Maiden la; B&S- AL: Feb23: Mar
5'17; .%$115,OUO-120,0U0. loO.OUO
i»Iercer st, 233 (209) (2:"i33-21). ws. abt
130 s 3d, 25x100, 6-sly bk loft & str bldg;
Kath O'Brien, of .-Vtlantic City, NJ, to
Morris J Solomon. 867 De Kalb av. Bklyn-
B&S: mtg $25,000; Feb28: Mar8'17; A$2U,-
000-32,000. nom
Monroe st, 173 (1:269-12), ns, 116.5 w
Muntgomery. 23.Ix 100x23 :ixj 00, 6-sty bk
tnt & strs: G & I Realtv Co to Harris
Rabinowitz, 218 5th: mtg $27,600; AugS
'15; Mar7'17; A$1S,000-28,000. nom
Monroe st, 27» (1:265-3), ns, 50.2 e Jack¬
son. 2ox95, 6-sty bk tnl; Yetta Green to
Gussie Lefkow-itz, 255 Ft Washington av;
mtg $23,oUU & .VL; .MarS'17; .\$10,000-24.-
50U. O C & 100
Montgomery st, s«c Water, see Water,
.Xassau St. 7» (1:79-5), ws. abt IUS n
John, 25.7xlU6.5x24xlU5.3. ss, 6-sty bU loft
& str bldg; .â– V$145.0UU-157.000- also NAS¬
SAU ST, 81 {1:79-4). ws, abt 110 s Fulton.
25,8x106.6x24x108. ns. 6-sty bk office Sc
str bldg; A$145,000-160,000; Mary F Gall-
wey. widow, & Lucile R Edgar, both of
Newport, RI, to Herman Le Roy Edgar,
— Bway. ot Dobbs Ferrv. NY- % pt- AT-
mtg $45,000 on No 79- Feb20; Mar617
Xassau st, 7i)-Sl; Herman Le Roy Edgar
of Dobbs Ferry. NY, to Birbro Realty
Corpn, 75 Nassau: mlg $13,000 on No 79 &
.-VL; Feb26; Mar6'17. O C & 100
Nassau st. 81. see Nassau. 79.
Nassau st, IOO (1:90-19), nws. abt 35 n
.Ann. 25x70. 5-stv bk loft & str bldg; Chas
U Russell, individ & EXR &c Anne V R
Russell, of .Albany. NY. to Norman S
Riesenfeld. Inc. 160 Bwav; AL- Mar3- Mar
6'17: A$105,000-110.OUO. O C & 100
.Xa.ssau st, lOJ); Hannah Tj. wife Chas W
Russell, of Albany, NY, to same- CaG:
Mar3; Mar6'17. nom
North .Moore st, 8 (1:189-41), ss, aht 40 e
Varick. 25x30x26x41. es. O-stv bk loft &
str bldg; .-^.$30.500-50,000; also WEST
BRO.A.DW.\Y. 228 (1:189. assessed wilh
above), ws. abt 60 s North Moore. 25x71x
28.2x50.3. ss.: also WEST BHO.-VDWAY 71-
3. late COLLEGE PL. 43-,-) (13-5) (1:133-
16), es, 50 s Warren, runs e25xs20xe35xs
17.6xw50 to st xn37.6 to beg. 6-slv bk loft
& str bldg; .\$33,000-45.000: Robt" J Leay¬
craft to .-Vnna E Leaycraft. his wife both
at 116 St Janies ol. Bklvn- .\L; Felill: Feb
27'17: corrects error in lust issue, when
2d parcel read West Bway. 118.
„ O C & 100
Renn-ick st, 2.1-7 (2:594-14-46) ws 273 8
s Spring, 56.4x6('x55.10x60. 3-2-stv bk tnts-
Cheever N Ely et al. EXRS Smith Ely, to
-Augustus D Juilliard, at Tuxedo P.nrkNY-
.AL,; Feb27; Mar7'17: A$I5 000-18,000.
„ 1,''.,000
Rutgers pl, irt (1:257-23), ss, 180.4 e
Jpfferson, 25.7x125.11x25.7x126.6, 6-stv bk
tnt r strs; Saml Cohen to Harrv W (^ood-
p-an. 1864 7 av; mtg $40,400 & AL; Mar6-
Marri7: A$21.000-44.000. nom
SufTnlli st, 32, see Grand 391,
.inflTolk st, as, see Broome, 196
Thou pson sf, 171-,-. (2:525-21-23) w-s
10(1 n Houston, 72.8x100, 2-6-stv bk' tnts
K- strs: Jo.=! Snektorskv to P.asquale Di
Vernievi. 157 Thompson; mtsr $93,000 &
AL: Marl: Mar2'17: A$48,000-105.000.
O C & 100
Uator St. .-S--<>5 {l;2l5-pt 11), swc
Montgomery, 1 85.10x70x185.;;x70. 6-sty bk
f^ctor^-- David Dows ti David Do-vvs .t
Co. 120 Bwav: B&S .& CaG; mtg $100,000-
Feb26: Mar8'17: A$------$------. o â– ..-'& ino
Wafer st. ftS2 (1:260-32). ns, 25 w Jack¬
son. 25x100. 5-stv bk tnt- Wm Haffner to
Ida F Haffner, NY; .AL: Junel3'98- Mar8'17-
A$5.5O0-16.5n0. jjifi
M'illiani st, ST.. see Maiden la. 65
1ST St. SI (2:428-9). ss. 120.7 e 1 av
runs s42 6xe2.9xs4,2xptixn7,''xe7.4xnll 1 &
2S.11 to st xwl7.6 to besr. 3-stv bk tnt &
strs: A$6.000-7.nno: also 1ST ST 83 (2-4''S-
10). ss. 138.1 e 1 av. runs & li.Ixe
23,2xn3.2xnel3.4xn2S.8 to st xwl7.9 to beg
3-sty bk tnt & sirs; A$6.000-7.000: Chas
Perlman et al to Warwick Corpn, 30
Church: mlg $10,000: Marl: Mar2'17. nom
l.ST st, S3, see 1st, 81.
3D st, 13-17 K, see Ith, 66-8 E.
4TH st, tMi-,S K {2:459-19), ss, abt 290 e
Bowery, 50x192.5 to ns 3d 'Nos 15-17), 4-
sty bk bldg; Ida Herzog et al heirs Dora
Levy to D i\I Levv Estate, Inc, 256 Bway;
.AL,; Marl; Mar3'17; .A$6S,0U0-80,0UU. nom
IITH st, 341 E (2:453-44), ns, 100 W 1
av, runs nl3s.2xw63.3.xse72.6xss6.10 to st
xe25 lo beg. 6-sty bk stable; Rosa Teven
(Greenhoot) lo Mabel Sanf,er, 3505 Bwav:
AL,; Feb23: MarS'l?; A$21.000-36,OOU. nom
IITH st E, nwc 2 av, see 2 av, 1(5.
irTH st, 012 E (3:984-49), SS, 213 e Av
B, 25x92. 5-stv bk tnt & sirs; Rose Dineo-
witz, of Bklyn, lo Sandol Realtv Co. 1976
S4th, Bklyn: -AL; Feb2; Mar7-17; A$6,5U0-
13,500. O C & 100
17TH st, 39 W (3:819-17), ns. 335 e 6
av, 23x92. 7-sty bk lott & str bldg; Milo
K Maltbie. as chamberlain of Cit.v N Y, to
.N Y Electrical Trade Sehool, 39 W 17;
E&S: Mar6; Mar7'17; A$28,500-61,SOU. nom
1!>TH St. 310 W (3:743-29). ns. 200 w 8
av. 21.4x92. 3-sly & b bk dwg; Sarah J
:VIiller. B of Q, to Annie E Woodcock, 39
W 93; mtg $9,000; Marl- Mar5'17- .ASIO.000-
12.500. O C & 100
19TH st, 31D W: Aniiie E Woodcock to
Wm Fricke, 237 W 16; mta $9,UUO- Mar2;
Mar5'17. O C; & 100
:;OTH St. 238 E (3:900-36). ss, 144 w 2
av, 22x92. 5-st.v bk garage: Wm Bondy,
ref. lo Emigrant Indust Savgs Bank, plff;
FORECLOS Dec27'16; Marl; Mar217- A
$10,900-23:500. 23^000
23D st, 120 W (3:798-55), ss. 175 w 6 av,
25x98.9, 4-sty bk sir: WHL Edwards ref,
to Bowerv Savgs Bank, plff; FORECLOS
Feb29; .Marl: Mar2'17; .A$60.000-72.OUO.
24TH st, 223 E (3:905-15).'ns, 287.9 w 2
av. 19.7x98.8. 1 & 3-stv bk bldg; Fredk L
Durland lo J M Horton Ice Cream Co, 205
E 24; B&S & CaG; mlg $4,500: Feb28; Mar
6'17: .A$S.200-8.700. nom
27TH st, 315-7 W (3:751-29-30), ns,
167.9 w 8 av. 40.9x98.9, 2-3-sty & b bk
dw,gs; Morris Weinstein to Stonemor
Really Co. 135 Bway; Vz ot: B&S: MarS-
Mar6'17; A$19.500-22.500. O C & 100
SOTH St. 14r. -E (3:886-37). ns. 166.8 w
3 av. 26.8x98.9. 5-sty bk tnt; Bradley
Martin, at Westbury. LI. t.i 14S E SOth St
'â– orpn. at ISS E 30; B&S; Mar2'17- A$24.-
500-40.000. O C & 100
31ST st, .350 W (3:754-08). ss, 280 e 9
av. 20x98,9, 3-stv & b bk dwg; A$16.000-
18.000; also 31ST ST, 354-6 W (3:754-70-
71). ss. 220 e 9 av, 40x98.9. 2-3-sty & b
lik dwgs; .AJ3-?.000-36.000: Alois Gutwillig
& ano. EXRS &c .Alois Gutwillig, to
.Alward Realtv Co. 299 Bway; V.. pf mtg
$30,000; Feb23; Mar2'17. 6 C & 100
31ST st, 352 W: also 31ST ST. 354-6 W;
Fd)y Baer to same: i/, pt; AT- mtg $30.-
000 & AL; Feb9; JIar2'I7. O C & 100
31ST st, ,3,-i4-C «-, see Slst, 350 V/
SGTH st, 224 W (3:785-58), ss, 522 e 8
av, 20x98.9, 4-sty bk tnl & strs; Marv D
Fitzsimons to N Y Telephone Co. 15 Dev-
-AT & B&S: Mar2'17; .A$2G.000-29.000
O C & 100
37TH fit, 145 E {3:893-31), ns. 172 e
Lex av. 14x98.9. 4-sty & b stn dwg- Nnncv
A. -wife, & .Arnold S Purst to Michl Fu"St,
115 Prospect Park W, Bklvn; mtg Sl'i.SOO
& AL: DeclO'IS; Mar2'17: A$14;o00-20,.5no.
37TH sf, 145 E (3:S93-S1). ns, 172 c L-x
av, 14x98.9, 4-sty & b stn dwg- M*-hi
Furst, of Bklyn, to Economx Realty
Corpn. 215 Montague. Bklvn- B*.-^- mt.-^
S16.500 & AL; DeclO'IS; Mar2'17- .A$14.5in-
20,500. nom
39TH St. .103 R {3;<)45-K). ns, 74 e 2 av.
runs n49.4xelxnl6xe25xsll.4xw0,6 xs --.Ixw
25.6 to betr. 5-stv bk tnt & strs- Ei'fania
Franzoni. 940 1 av, to Salvatore Di Salvn,
030 1 av; mtET $14,500 & -AL: Feb-3S: Mir
2'17: A$7.000-12.000. O C & 100
40TH sf. 520 W (3:711-45), ss. 300 w 10
.'IV. 25x98 9. 5-stv bk fn^^torv: Bankers
Trust Co. 16 Wall. TBSTE Thoo V Vail, 'n
-Albt Haase swc Prnsnp"t <â– â– Vill-"-! -ivs.
Hollis. LI: AL- MarB- M.-ire'lT- AjlO.onO-
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