This section inclucJes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and
Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Real Estate
Appraisals, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens,
Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate,
Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and
Bronx and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manhattan.
••Entered at the Post OfTlce at New York.. N. Y.. as second class matter.
No. 2561
New York, April 14, 1917.
Borough of Manhattan.
.\PRIL, 6, 7, 9. 10, II & 12.
.•Vnn st, IS («) (I;S9-17). sws. abt 105 w
Na.ssau, runs sw54.2xnw22.1uxne36xnwlxn
elS.a to st xse2I to bes, 5-sty bk loft &
str bldg; U S Trust Co of N Y. EXR Har¬
ris B i_ilck, to National Park Bank; Apr
9; Aprll'17; A$4S,000-52,000. O C & IOO
.\tfomey st, 41 (2:346-54), -n's, 50 s
Broome, 25x01), 5-sty bk tnt; .4$13,000-19,-
000; also 47TH ST, 232 E (5:1320-33), ss,
169 w 2 av ,23x100.5, 4-stv bk tnt- A$9.000-
13,500; Jos Kisselstein, 59 W 115, to 232
E 47th St Corpn, 66 E 113- -AL; Aprl; -Apr
6T7. O C & lOU
Barrow st, «0 (2:584-60), ss, 50 vy Bed¬
ford, 24.4x74 to ns Commerce (No 33), x
24.6x74, 5-sly bk loft & str bldg; Frank
R Greene to Carolina Devito, 23 Wood-
side av, Trenton, NJ; B&S; AL; Mar31;
AprIl'I7: .\$12,000-24,000. nom
Bethune .st, 34 (2;U40-71), ns, 233.11 w
Green-wich, 17.1x80x16.5x80. 3-sty & b bl:
d-wg; Wm S McColter & ano, EXRS, See,
Mary A -Allaire, to Fredk .\ Culbert, at
Cold Springs, Putnam Co, NY; mtg $3,000
& AL; Mar28; .Aprll'17: A$6,000-7,000.
Bleecker st, 280 (2:587-25). -ws. SI ii
Morton, 25.11x75x16.6x75.6, 4-sty bk tnt
Sc strs- Herbert C Pell to Clarence C Pell
of Tuxedo Park, NY; .\prlO; Aprll'I7: A
$13,000-16,500. gift
Bend st, 30 (2:530-43), ns, 163.3 w Row-
ery, runs nIO0xe.04.xn25xe25.Sxs50xe5.-l.xs75
to st XW31.6 to beg, 7-sty bk loft & str
bldg; Jonas Weil et al to Bertha Kauf¬
mann. 1496 Lex av; B&S: .\L; Mar7; .-^pr
12-17; .A.$25,000-51,000. O C & 100
Bond st, 50: Berth.i Kaufmann to Jonas
Weil, 21 E 82. & Bernhard Maver, 41 E
72- B&S: -4L; Mar7: .-\pi-12'17. O C & 100
Broome st, 9.3 (2:336-46). ss. abt 25 w
Sheriff. 25x75, 6-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Irving S Ottenberg- to Hawk-Eye Realty
& Security Corpn at Eddyville, Ulster Co,
NY; B&S & CaG; j\L: AprS; Aor6'17: A
$13,000-23,000. noiP
Barling si, 2-10. see Pearl, 228-34.
Chambers st, 192-4 (1:138-36), sws. 145.1
se West, 44x87.10x44x88.2. 5-sty bk lott &
str bldg; Nina Erlich ot Chappaqua, NY,
et al to Wm A Bonnell, COI 6th, Bklyn;
mtg $42,000 & .KL: Mar27- Apr6'17: --^$44,-
500-62,500. O C & 100
Chrystie st, 206-12. see Stanton, 2S-30.
Commerce st, 3:t, see Barrow, 69.
East Broadway, 185 (1:281-28). ss. abl
25 e Rutgers, 26.1x100, 7-sly bk oftice
bldg, 1-stv ext; Loretta Corpn to Jas It
Kingsley. 44 W 44- QC; Dec8'16; April
â– 17: -\$39,000-61,000. nom
Forsyth St. 95 (2:418-21), -ws, 75 n Grand,
25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Lizzie Mon¬
day to Marvel Land Co, 29 Manhattan st;
mtg $20,000; .\pr9: .\prl2'17; -\$20.000-28.-
000. nom
Front sl, 102 (1:33-29), ns, abt 145 w
Wall, 19.8x79.9, 4-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Jas M Montgomery to Chas Runyon ot
Mantoloking, NJ: AT; QC; Mar7'16; -\pr6
'17; A$18,000-21,000. nom
Front st, 12<S (1:38-38). ws, 90.3 n Wall,
runs w75xs0.8xw7.2xnIS.7xeS2.2 to st xs
18.6 to beg. 3-sty bk loft Sc str bldg; Wm
J McNulty, 2701 Kingsbridge ter. Bronx,
to Kamark Realty Co, 10321 112th, B of
Q: mtg $22,000 & AL; Jan29: -\prll'17: A
$17,000-22.000. nom
Ciolii St. 2."5. see John 88.
Great Jones st, 39 (2:530-26), ss, 261.8 w
Bowery. 27x100, 7-stv bk loft & str bldg;
Waitie W Tvler of Bklyn to Eliz Seitz ^t
Pearl River. NY: mtg $44,500; .•^pr2: -A.pr
9'17: .^$23.000-42.000. nom
Hamilton ter, 11 (7:2050-97), es. 107.6 n
I4Ist. 17.5x67.6x17.6x66.3, 3-sty & b bk
dwg: Kenmore Operating Co. 99 Nassau,
to Minna Von Drann. 365 Manhattan av;
mtg $7,500 & -\L: Jan3: -\pr9'17- -\$5,500-
8,000. nom
Henry st, .320 (1:267-61), ss, 225.7 w
Jackson. 25x95.3x25x95.2. 6-sly bk tnt &
strs; Julius Salzstein of Newark, NJ, to
Rose Gershowltz, 176 Madison av, & Ger-
liude Greene. 326 Henrv; QC & correction
deed; Sepl2'I6; Aprll'17: .-^$12,500-23,500.
Jnines «I, 1.1 (1:110-4). ws. abt 55 s
Water, 18.4x37.4x18.4x37, ss, 2-sty bk loft
bldg; Eliz W Williams, al Saranac Lake,
NY, et al, lo Philipp Frank. 17S6 W 9,
Bklyn; Mario; Aprl2'I7; .A.$4,000-4,500.
O C & 100
John st, 8« («,S) (1:68-47), sws, abt 18 w
Gold, 17.Sx'jS.1x14.1x93.3, with AT to alley
in rear to Gold st, 2.10x—. except part
taken for st, 4-sty bk loft & str bldg;
.\lice Keteltas, 9 E 79, to Geo P Wetmore
of .Vewport, RI; Vz part; AL,: .Kxtrll- Apr
12'17; .-\$I3.000-47,000. O C & 100
John St. .SS (1:68-48). sws. at nws Gold
(.No 2Z). 17.7x90.2x14.3x8.7. except part
taken tor John st, 4-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Alice Keteltas. 9 E 79. to Geo P Wetmore
of Newport. RI: 3-7 pts; .\L: .A.prll; .-^pr
12'17: .\$57.000-62.000. O C & IOO
Lispenard st, 14-lt> (1:192-27), ss. 125.2
e \\-est Bway. 50.2x94.4. e-sty bk loft bldg;
Eernard S Van Rensselaer, ret, to Metro¬
politan Trust Co, 60 Wall, plff- mtg $67.-
364.40; FORECLOS Mar22: MarSO; AprlO
'17; A$40,000-68,000. 2.<,O0O
Ludlow st, 20 (1:297-7). es. lul.7 s Hes¬
ter. 25.1x87x25.3x87, 5-stv bk tnt & strs;
Harry M Lewy. ref, to Morris Jacoby, 285
Central Park W: FORECLOS -Kvrb: .K\>rO
â– 17; A$lS,000-25,000. 1S,3V0
Mnnhattan st, 27-29 (7:1966-49-50), nrs,
327.1 se -Amst av. 50.3x100x47.3x78.5, 2-5-
sly bk tnts & sirs; also MANHATTAN
ST. nes, 139 nw Morningside av al pt
equi-distant bet 125th & 126th sts, runs n
e—xsw— to st xsel.3 to beg; Lizzie Mon¬
day to Marvel Land Co, 29 Manhattan;
mtg $31,000; Apr9; Aprl2'17: .\$3b,000-41.-
000. nom
-Mott st, 162 (2:470-6). es, abt 135 s
Broome, 25x94; also LOT in rear 25x12,
5-sty bk tnt & strs; Raffaele Di Luglio,
of Bklyn, lo Concetta Di Luglio, his wife.
1627 Shore rd. Sheepshead Bay, Bkiyn; V'
o- --VT- AL; April; Aprl2^17; .A$19,500-
34,000. nom
Mangin st. 22 (2:322-35). es, 75 n Broome,
25xlu0. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Ben] J Weil
to Elsie -A. Duncan, widow. 14 Willcocks
st, Toronto. Can; B&S; -AL; Mar20- -AprlO
â– 17: -\$S.000-24,000. nom
Pearl st, 22S-34 (1:70-27-29 & 32), ses
at sws Burling sl (Nos 2-10). runs sel73.4
to nws Water (Nos 172-SO), xswllO.Sxnw
S4.8xnel9.6xnwI3.Sxne23.10xnw5.I xsw.03 x
. nwo3.4xne2xnw36.S to Pearl xneSI.I lo
beg, 6-sty bk loft & str bldg, 4-stv hk
lott & str bldg, I-sty stn str & 4-sly bk
steam plant; Kenneth Stevenson, 44 E 50.
to N Y City District Realty Corpn, 242
Water st. Augusta, Maine; QC: -Apr3: -Apr
6^17: A$243,000-$--------. nom
Ruteers st. 54 (1:255-29). ws. 17 s Mon¬
roe. 25x106.10x21.11x106.9, 6-stv bk tnt &
sirs; Desireen Realty Corpn to Bernhard
Peifer, 109 E 81; mtg $20,000; -Apr6- Anr
7^17; A$16.500-36.000. O C & 100
ShorilT st, 91 (2:339-62). ws, 125 s Stan¬
ton, 25x100. 6-sty bk tnt & strs: Henrv
Gans of Bklyn to Lafayette Investing Co.
150 Lafayette: -AL: Apr9^17- A$15,000-22.-
"00. O C & 100
Stanton st. 28-30 (2:422-37). nec Chrvs¬
tie (Nos 206-12), runs nl00xe28xs.02S4 xe
5.6-'-:iXs99.9xw36.6 to beg. 7-siy bk tnt &
strs: East River Savings Instn, 291 B'way.
to Giambatista Gauzza, 8 Baxter- B&S:
-Apriri7: AS44.000-86.000. nom
Stanton st, 101 (2:349-17). ss. 125 e Suf¬
folk. 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & sirs; Bayard
P Holmes, ref, lo Seamens Bonk for Sav¬
ings, 74 Wall, plff: FORECLOS .MarSO: Apr
6^17: .A$20,000-27.500. 22,.-.0II
ThomiiKon st, 34-S (2:476-58). es, 162.8 n
Grand. 61.10x94. 5-sty bk loft & str bldg;
sub to most n 5 ft as alley to Nos 40-2
Thompson st; .A$36.000-49.000- also WEST
HRCl.ADWAY. 356-60 (2:476-73), ws. 125.3 s
Broome. 59.5x68.7x59.5x68.3. 6-stv bk lott
& str bldg; .A$37.500-50.000; Greenwich
Savings Bank to Leon T Dour. 526 61st
Bklyn, & Emil J & Fredk J Dour. 369
Canal. NY'; B&S & AL: .Apr6- Apr9'17.
Wadsworth ter (S:2170-pt It 336), es.
100 n 19Uih. 309.5x84x290.7x84. vacant; Citv
Real Estate Co to Crimson Realty Co, 160
Bway; B&S; -AL; -AprlO; Aprl2-17; A$--------
*-—--, O C & 100
Wndsnorth ter (8:2170-pt It 336), es, 100
11 19Uth, IUJx84x9bx84, vacant: also W.ADS-
WuRTH TER (S:2170-pt lot 336), es,. 202
11 190ih. Iu-'x84x98x84, vacant: also WADS-
\\'ORTH TER (S:2170-pt lot 336), es, 304 n
190th, 105.5x84x94.7x84, vacant; Crimson
Itealty Co to Harrison Avenue Building
Co, 215 W 125; B&S & CaG AprlO; AprI2
â– 1''- O G & 100
Wadsivorth ter, es, 202 * 304 n IDOth.
see 'rt'adswortli ter, es, IOO n 190.
Wushins'tou st, 3U9 (1:217-11), es. abt
2o n Hubert. 25x80, 5-sty bk stable- Chas
M -Ams et al, EXRS, &c. Max Aras, to
ilax -Ams, Inc, a corpn, 372 Greenwich-
nitg $10,UOO; AiM-lS'I6; .Apr6^17: A$16.000-
22,000 (R S $5.50J. 5,400
Water st, 172-SO, see Pearl, 228-34
Water st, e«0 (1:243-96), ss. 203.S w
Jackson. 17.10x70, 2-sty bk tnt; Louis H
Schultz el al lo Jas S & Danl L Reardon
113 Prospect Park W, Bklvn: MarS- Anr
7'17: A$3,000-3,500. O C & 100
3D st, tSS E (2:398-24), ss, 176.7 w -Av
B. 24x106. 5-sty bk tnt & sirs; Lizzie
-Monday to Mar% el Land Co. 29 Manhattan-
mlg $26,000; -Apr9; Aprl2^17; .A$16,500-28-
"*'"- nom
4'rH st, 2,-.7 VV (2:612-2), es, 95 n Charles,
il.lxoO, 3sty & b bk dwg; Morris I Mai-
brunn to Dinah Berkowilz, 31 Favette
Bklyn; AL: -Aor2; Aprl0^17: A$6,000-"7,500.'
4TH st, 2,";7 W'. Phineas Lewinson as
TRSTE in bankruptcy ot Morris I Mai-
bi-unn. bankrupt, to same; AT; Apr2; Apr
1" !'â– 500
UTH St. 37 W (2:573-6 = ), ns, 465 10 w
0 av, 17.5x92.3. 4-sly bk dwg; A$12,500-
lo.oOO; also 9TH ST. 39 W (2:573-64) ns
4 83.3 w 5 av, 17.5x92.3. 4-stv bk dwg- a!
$12,500-15,500; also OTH S"!-, 41 W (2-573-
65), ns. 500.S w 5 av, 17.5x93.3 4-sty bk
dwg; A$12.500-15,500: Jas .A Renwick, in¬
divid. & ano. TRSTES will Hy B Ren¬
wick for Meta R Sedgwick, to The Man-
ber Co, Inc, 41 Park Row- CaG; -AL- Apr
6: Apr7'17. 55,000
»iH st, 39 W. see Oth 37 AV
!)TH st, 41 W. see Oth. 37 KV
IITH st, t!2(S E (2:393-20). ss, 333 w Av
C. 2ox94.9, o-sty bk tnt & sirs: -Anna Mark¬
witz, of Bklyn, to Evelyn Markwitz, 46
Hampton pl, Bklyn: mtg $20,000- Aor9-
Aprl017; -A$13,000-24,000. O C Sc 10()
IITH st, 718-22 E (2:380-17). ss. 21.1 w
Dry Dock. 62.11x75.4. 3-5-stv bk loft & str
bldgs & 2-sty bk rear stable; J F M Co to
Wecaw & Co, both at 1029 E 163- mtg
$28,000 & AL; Apr5; Apr7^17: A$17.500-
25.0OO. O C & 100
IITH st, 71S-22 E; Wecaw & Co to Wm
Peters. 4444 Van Cortlandt Park E- B&S-
.AL- AprS: -Api-7^17. nom
i:{TH st, 5I» E (2:407-51), ns, 246 e Av
.\, runs nl03.3xe25xs—xeO.2 V-xs6S.llxw25
to beg. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Henrv Hof¬
heimer, ref, to Hilda Worthington Smith.
219 Roberts rd. Bryn Mawr, Pa, plff-
FORECLOS -AprS; Apr9^17: -A$ll,000-26.-Jfo'
I4TH St. 2:15-7 E (3:896-17). nes. 156.11 w
2 av. 52.1x103.3. 1-sty bk theatre: St Eliz-
iibeth's Industrial School, 236 E 15 to Wm
Bernstein. 238 E 3: nug $46,000- .AuKl2^1."i-
Apr:fl7: A$I8,000-$-------- (R s $9). 9,<MU(
l-.TH St. 2S \v (3:816-58). ss 400 w 5
av. 25x99.2x25.8x93.4. 10-sly bk loft & st:-
bldg; John .A Stewart el al, TRSTE-> in
N Y nt the Liverpool ,« London & Globe
Ins Co to East 46th St Realtv Corpn, 14
E 46: Marll; -Apr6^17: -A$76.500-80.000.
l.-.TH St. 28 W: East 46th St Realtv
(-•oipn to 2S AVest 15th St. Coron. 505
av: mtg JlO.onO; .Aoro
KITH St. 51 W (3:81
211x92. 4-stv stn tnt:
217 W 110- to Louis
110- mtg $12,000: Aprl
IOTH St. 51 W
110. to Sidnev
ns.UlO; .Aprl .\iir7^17.
--- ________ ... 6
-Apr6^17. nom
-8). ns. 115 e 6 av.
Hurtra Realtv Co.
Schlechter. 217 W
: -Aor7^17; .A.?19.00n-
O C & 100
. . Louis Schlechter. 217 KV
(â– ;;olestock. 47
. av-: mtg
O C & 100
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