of the
This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and
Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Real Estate
Appraisals, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens,
Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Reil Estate,
Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and
â– Bronx and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manhattan.
"Entered at the Post Offic« at New York, N. Y., aa second class matter.
No. 25G7
New York, May 26, 1917.
Borough of Manhattan.
MAY 18-19. 21-22-23-24.
Allen at. 0«, see Goerck, 62.
Ann st, SU (I;a3-I4). ss, !)6.10 w Gold,
25.3xb0. 3-sty bk tnt & str; Emily A Water¬
man, of Sandwich, Mass. to Theo A Water¬
man, 48 St Marks av, Bklyn; Vz pt; AT;
mts $6,5UU; Mayl7: May22'17; A?16,U00-18.-
000 nom
Attorney st, 31 (2:346-59), ws, 100 u
Grand, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 4-sJy
bk rear tnt; Isaac F Russell, ref, to Fredk
L Haug, 22b K 51, Se Hy J Schumacher, 3a5
Ft Washington av, KXRS John C Hau;?,
plffs; FORECI^OS Mayl; May21'n; A$I5.-
000-22,000. 13,000
.attorney st, 34 (2:341-6), es, 175.9 n
Grand, 25.9x100, 5-sty bk tnt; Paulina
Obstbaum to Minnie U Mendelson. 803 VV
ISO; Apr2: May24'I7; A$15,OOU-2S,000. nom
Barclay st, US, see West, 113-4.
Barclay st, 102, see West. 143-4.
Broome st, 403-3, see Lafayette. 179.
Broome st, 407, see Lafayette, 179,
Bruome st, 400, see Lafayette, 179.
Broome st, 564-6, see Varick. 111-5.
Canal st (2;cii5-pt lot II). ss. 90 w
V/ashington, a strip, 0.10x60x2.3x60; Henry
G Trevor et al to Jennie Kranich, 250 \V
88 QC; May22; May23'17; A$------*------. nora
Canal st (1:208). ns. bet Centre Se La¬
fayette, a strip bounded s by above, e by
land allotted to Jas P Kernochan et al, as
TRSTES, & deed recorded Mar20, I8C9, ^v
by land conveyed to Hy I Barbey Aprl9
'06. Se n by land of Peter Lorillard; .S
Stanwood Menken to Ernest E LorillarJ,
of Bernardsville, NJ; Alfred R Conkiinj;,
157 E 70. & Alfred Seton. at Tuxedo, NY,
as TRSTES for Jacob Lorillard, deed, un¬
der will Peter Lorillard, deed, for and
durinp; life of Gertrude Lorillard, widow.
& after her" death to Ernest E Lorillar.l,
at Bernardsville, NJ, il'/'c: Jacob LorillarJ,
Titusville, Florida, 12-36-1007c. Sc Frances
A Sands. 33 W 50, 46-64-1007o; QC: April;
Mayl8'17. nom
Canal st (1:308); same prop; Edith Cov¬
entry (McCreery) to same; QC; Aprl-);
MaylS'17. nom
Cathedral Pkway, 210 (7:1881-41). ss, 200
w Ams av, 100x70.11, 12-sty bk tnt: Saml
Strasbourger, ref, to Harrv H .Martin, 13J3
Dean, Bkiyn; FORECLOS Apr2; May22;
May23'17: A$90,000-300,U00.
5U.000 over Se above 1st mte 225,000
Centre sf, â– 2'3', see Lafayette, 119.
.. Ceutre st, 23U, see Lafayette, 179.
Centre st, 241, see LafayetiO. 179.
Centre st, 243-5, see Lafayette. 179.
Centre st, iil'J, see Lafayette, 179.
Centre st, 231, see Lafayette. 179.
Centre st, l'35-9, see Lafayette, 179.
Cherry st, 505-7 (1:264-48-51). ss. 100 w
East. 145.6x100. vacant; Alice Keteltas. 9
E 79. et al. to Crane Co. 490 Cherrv; Apr
27; Mayl9'17; A$35.000-35.000. O C & 100
ddridfse sf, 218 (2:416-12). es. 49.6 s
Stanton. 24.6x87.6. 5-sty bk tnt & strs;
Harjo Realty Corpn to Deru Realty
Corpn. 309 Bway; B&S & CaG; AL; MayU<;
Mayl9-17: A$18.000-26.000. nom
Essex st, ««-8 (2:351-5-6). es, 100 s
Broome, 50x100, 3-sty fr bk tnt & str & 1
& 3-sty bk rear tnt & 3-sty bk & fr hall;
Hyman German to Martha Buildins Corpn,
1032 Forest av. Far Rockaway, B of Q;
mte $34,000; May22; May23'17; AJIO.OOu-
46.000 nora
Goerck sf, B2 (2:333-4). es. 150 n De¬
lancey. 25x99. 5-stv bk tnt; A$9.000-15.000-
also ALLEN ST. 96 (2:414-34). es. 99.9 n
Broome. 24.9x87.6. 5-stv bk tnt & strs- A
$14.000-23.OOf); Sophia Gruenstein et al to
Alriok Holdins: Co, 230 Grand; AT; AL;
Apr23: Mavl8'I7. 'nom
Grand st. 157 (1:334-10). ss. 5.9 e La¬
fayette. 17.5x55.2x17.5x55.1. 5-stv bk loft Se
.str bldg; Emma Trenkmann et al. all of
Bklyn. to A Trenkmann Estate. Inc 181
Laf-1 vette; AL; Mayl7: Mayl8'17; A$I2 0nO-
16.000. O C & 100
Howard st, 54 (1:231-18). nec Merer
(Nos 12-14), 30.5x58x30.6x57.11, 5-sty sta
loft & str bldg; Amos R E & Gifford Pin¬
chot, EXRS Mary E Pinchot, deed, Se ano,
to Hasco BuildinK Co, 245 W 55; Mayll;
May2i'17: Ai25,UOU-32,000, 25,U00
Hudson st, 543 (2:632-31), ws, 63.1 3
Perry, 18.10x73.6x17.9x79.2, 4-sty bk tnt St
str; A$9,5O0-ll,U0U; also HUDSON ST, 545
(2:632-50), ws, 44.2 s Perry. IS.10x79.2s
17.9x84.9, 4-sty bk tnt & strs A$9,500-ll,-
500 Miigt Blakley, 661 W ISO. individ &
EXTRX Saml G Blakley to Saml G Blak¬
ley, 502 S 6 av, Mt Vernon, NY, a son of
party 1st pt; .-^L; May23'I7.
22,000. belns part of bis Int In Estate
Hudson st, 545, see Hudson. 543.
Jane st, 02 (2:641-39). ss, 8S.5 e Wash¬
ington. 24x70.8x24x70.2, 3-sty & b bk dw.g,
John J Danahar to Mary E Danahar. his
wife, 770 Washington; mtg $6,600 & AL;
Mayl7; MayI9-17: A$7,500-ll,500. nom
Lafayette st, 170 (Elm st. 107) (2:472-4)
old es, abt 175 n Grand. ,20.5xV4 blk x21x^
blk, pt 7-sty bk loft & str" bldg; also
L.\FAYETTB ST, 181 (Elm ST, 169), old
es, 195.2 n Grand, 20.3x65.4x20.8x65.3, pt
7-sty bk loft; also LAF.-\YETTE ST, 1S3
(ELM ST, 171), old es, 137 s Broome, 20.5x
64.10x20.8x64.8. except parts taken for st.
pt 7-sty bk loft & str bldg; A$3u,000-44.-
000; also BROO.ME ST. 409 (2:472-10), sec
Lafayette (Nos 187-93), 26.9x118x26.1x117,
except part for Lafayette, 8-sty bk loft &
str bldg; A$37,0U0-So,000; also BROOME
ST, 407 (2:472--pt lot 11), ss, abt 25 e La¬
fayette, 26.9x119x26.1x118. pt 7-sty bk lolt
& str bldg- A$------$------: also CENTRE ST,
2o5-9 (2:472-12), swc Broome (Nos 403-5),
71.3x53x67.11x54. 7-sty bk loft Sc str bldg;
A$61.000-82,000: also CENTRE ST, 251 (2:-
4i2-pt lot II), ws, 96 s Broome, 25x52.3x
25.8x52.8, Pt 7-sty bk loft & str bldg; -K
$------$------; also CENTRE ST, 249 (2:472-
pt lot 17), ws, 121.3 s Broome. 21.3x64.I9x
20.10x65.3, pt 7-sty bk loft bldg; A$------
$------: also CENTRE ST. 243-5 f2:472-rit
lot 19), ws, abt 165 s Broome, 42.2x64.8x42,
2x64.4, ss, pt 7-sty bk loft & str bldg;A$------
i------; also CENTRE ST, 241 (2;472-pt lot
19), ws, abt 150 n Grand, 25x64, pt 7-sty blc
loft & str bldg: A$------$——; also CEN¬
TRE ST, 239 (2:472-22), ws, 125.5 n Grand,
25x64, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; A$I5,00;)-
21,000; also CENTRE ST. 237 (2:472-23),
ws, abt 100 n Grand, 25x64. 3-stv fr bk ft
loft & str bldg: A$15,000-17.060; Emraa
Trenkmann et al, all of Bklyn, to .A
Trenkmann Estate. Inc. 181 Lafayett-i:
AL; Mayl7: Mayl8'17. O C & 100
Lafayette st, ISI, see Lafayette. 179.
Lafayette st, 1S3, see Lafayette. 179.
Lafayette st, 1S7-03, see Lafavette, 17D.
Manhattan st, 173, see 34th, 213-17 W.
Mercer st, 12-14, see Howard. 54.
Monroe st. I,-)« (1:258-30), ss, 137.7 9
Clinton. 24.11x99.4x25x99.4. 6-stv bk tnt &
strs; Jacob Heller et al to David Paley,
494 E 147; mtg $26,250: MaylS; MaylS'l/;
A$14.000-32,000. O C & 100
Monroe st, lofis David Palev, of Bronx,
to Benj M Gruenstein. 2 W 72; Jos L 3
Mayer. 63 E 74. & Moritz Gruenstein. 60 W
95; mtg $26,250; Mayl7; MayI9'17.
O C & 100
Mott St. 202-4. see Soring. 26-S.
Perry st, 35 (2:613-37). ns, 184 e 4th, 17
x74. 4-sty bk office & loft bldg; Agnes
Lynch, of New Rochelle. NY. to .\gnes V
O'Sullivan, 322 W 100- mtg $4,500- Apr:-
May32'17; A$5.000-6.OnO. ' nom
Pine st, 45. see William. 51-3.
Renwick St. 22-4. see 27th. 158-64 W
St Luke's pl. 16 (Leroy st) (2:583-45),
ns. 340.5 e Hudson, runs nlOOxelS.lOxse
13.10xsS6.6 to st XW32.1 to beg. 3-sty & b
stn dwg; Hy T Nichols. 333 Sterling pl,
Bklyn, to Josephine L Brokaw. 109 W 11-
mte- $7,000 & AL; Mayll; MayI9'17- A
$10,500-11.000. nom
South st, 27 (1:34-30), nws, 20.11 s Cuy¬
lers alley, runs wS3.9xsl9.9xw0.9xs5.7xe84' 9
to st xn35 6 to bes-. 5-sty bk loft Sc str
bldg: Elbridge T Gerry, of Newport RT
tn Albt E Straker. 191 9 av; May2- MavIS
•17: A$17,000-23,0nn. norn
South St. 27: Albt E Straker to Minnie
Bottler. 403 W 21; mtg $19,000; Mayl7:
MaylS'17. O C & 100
Sprine st, 28-8 (2:479-14). sec Mott (Nos
202-4). 47.7x91.5x46.7x102.8. 6-sty bk tnt
& strs: Wm Prager to Celestino De Marco.
239 E 17; hi Pt; mtg $90,000 & AL; May2J:
May24'17; A$44.000-92.000. O C & 100
Spring st, 26-S, seo Mott (Nos 202-4);
Isaac Lowenfeld et al, EXRS &c Pincus
Lowenfeld, to same; hi Pt; mtg $90,000 &
AL; May23; May2I 17. O C .4 100
University pl, 45 (2:561-3). es. 51 n 9th,
27x79x26.11x81, 5-sty bk loft & str bld4
& 2-stv ext: Geo Gardiner Fry. ref. to Mu¬
tual Life Ins Co of N Y. plff: FORECLOS
Mayl5; Mayl9; May33'17; A$26.000-32.000
Varick st, 111-5 (2:578-71). nwc Broome
(Nos 564-6). 63.6x90. 6-sty bk factor..':
Sevmour Realty Co to Eborac Realty
Corpn. both at 25 Broad; mtg $75,000; May
18; Mayl9'I7; A$42.000-90.000. nom
Washington st, 214-0, see West, 143-4.
West st, 142, see West, 143-4.
West st, 143-4 (1:84-16-17 & 32-33). es,
63.7 s Barclav. runs e74.9xsl5xel08xnl5xe
75 to ws Washington (Nos 214-16) xs42.7
XW257.4 to West xn42.6 to beg. 2-5 & 2-;t-
sty bk loft cS: str bldgs; .\$104.000-130.000;
also WEST ST, 142 (1:84-15), es, 106.1 a
Barclay. 25.6x73.9x24x83.9. 3-sty bk lod.;-
ing house & str; A$36.000-28,000; also ISTK
ST, 127 W (3:791-25), ns, 470 e 7 av. 20x
103.3. 3-sty & b bk dwg; A$12.500-14.000;
% pt of this: also B.^RCLAY ST. 98 (1:-
84-25). ss. 97.6 w Washington. 21.5x75.'C
21.4x75. 4-Ptv bk tnt & strs; .'\$26.500-31,-
000; also B.iRCLAY ST. 102 (1:84-23). s-i.
140.2 w Washington. 21.6x75x21x75. 3-s;y
bk loft & str bldg: A$27.000-31,nfi0; also
STH AV, 304 (3:775-3). es. 49.4 n 25th. 24.S
XlOO. 4-sty bk loft & str bldg & 2-stv ext;
A$20.000-33.000; Albt Joske to Eborac
Realty Corpn, 25 Broad; AL; Mayl7; May
22'17. nom
William st, 51-3 (1:43-14-15), swc Pine
(No 45), 46.10x42.10x43.8x42.11. 2-5-stv bk
office Sc str bldgs; also 28 lots in Bronic
on map Adee Estate. Westchester; also
54 3-100 acres at Throgmortons Neck,
Westchester; also Lots 21 to 30, map of
Greene. Owen iSL- Gelston, at Throggs Neck,
Westchester; Ellen B Adee, of Bronx, "-o
Geo T Adee, at Country Club of West¬
chester, Eastern Blvd, Westchester; 3-7t;-i3
of all RT&I which party 2d pt acquired ag
heir of his father. Geo A .\dee, et al, Sc
which he conveyed to oartv 1st pt bv deed
dated Oct7-14; AL; Mayl7: May22'17; A
$300,000-315,000. nom
2D St. 32-4 E (2:438-32). ns. 20.G w 2 av,
41x78.1x41x79.1. 6-sty bk tnt Se strs; Lou.s
Bloch to Lena Bloch. his wife, 430 W 132-
hi pt; AT; mtg $51,500 & AL; Dec32-17:
May22'17; A$24,000-44.0(10 O C & 100
1.-TH st, 127 W, see West, 143-4.
16TH st, 615 E (3:984-12). ns. 33S e Av
B. 2.^x92. 5-sty bk tnt: Louis Honn X: Mor¬
ris Stone as TRSTES to James Crimmins,
1042 Kelly; B&S; AL; May23'17: A$B.5iiO-
13.000. O C & 100
IfiTH st, 615 Es James Crimmins. 1042
Kelly st, Bronx, to John D Kroog Sc
Emma, his wife, 1496 Vyse av, Bronx, as
tenants by entirety; mtg $13,000: Mav23
'17. O C & 100
17TH st, 3 E (3:S46-5). ns. 100 e 5 a,r,
25x92. 9 & 10-sty bk loft & str bldg- War-
dour Coron to Jacob Axelrod. 166 W 87-
B&S: mtsr $50,000; Mav21; Mav22'17- .\
$40,000-97.000. (3 c &'l00
17TH St. .<!21 W (3:741-24), ns. 225 w S
av, runs w25xnn3xe25xsl O.lOxw.OS'AxsI9xo
.02hi xs 15.8 xw .011,4 xs 9.9xse.01i/f.xs36.9 lo
beg. 5-sty bk tnt; Benno Lewinson. ref. to
Bond & Mtg Guarantee Co. 175 Remse:i,
Bklyn; FORECLOS Mayl6- MaylS;
21'17; A$10.500-22.onn. 15.000
17TH St. .S23 W (3:741-22). ns. 2o0 w S
av. 25x92, 5-sty bk tnt: Jos J Corn, ref,
to Bond .<;• Mta- Guarantee Co. 175 Remsen,
Eklyn: FORECLOS Mayl6: MaylS: Mav?l
'17: .A $ i5,nno
ISTH St. 12 W (3:819-53). ss. 2S0 w 5
av. 5Sx92. 9-Ktv bk loft ,«• str bldg: Jacob
H Schiff 965 ." av. to Herman Wootr. 5" W
77: B&S X- CaG: mte $160,000 & AL; May
18'17: A$77,500-133,000. O C & 100
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