of the
This section includes all recorded Conveyances. Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and
Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Real Estate
Appraisals, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens,
Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics* Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate,
Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and
Bronx and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manhattan,
'*I!nter«d at th« Post Office at New York. N. T.. as aecond class »att«r
Vol.- C
No. 2577
New York, August 4, 1917.
Borough of Manhattan.
JULY 27. 28. 30. 31. AUG. 1 & 2.
Broome st, 26-8 (2:322-30), ns. 50 e
Goerck. 50x75, 6-sty bk tnt & strs: Eph A
Karelsen. ref. to Empire City Savgs Bank.
231 W 125. plff; FORECLOS July20: July
30; July31'17: A$12,00U-33.000. 40,000
Cannl st, 31 (1:297-34). ns. 65.10 e Lud¬
low, 21.4x57.2x21.7x57.2. 5-sty bk tnt &
sirs: Amber Medicine Co. 27 Canal, to
Clara P Harrison, 219 East Bway; AL;
Julyl9; July2S'17: A$18.500-23.000.
O C & 100
Cannon st, 61 (2:333-63). ws, abt 175 8
Rivington. 27x100. 5-sty bk tnt & strs;
Ignatz Leblang, 49 Clinton, to Rebecca
Fuchs. 160 Tompkins av. Bklyn: 42-100
pts; RT&I; mtg $28,000; JanlS; July31'17;
A$13,000-25,500. O C & 100
Cannon st, 61; Rebecca Fuchs or Tuchs.
of Bklyn. to Regina Miller. 74 S 4. Bklyn;
42-100 pts; RT&I: mtg $28,000; July 24;
July31"17. O C & 100
Chrystie st, 218 (2:422-3), es. 224.3 s
Houston. 25x75, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Pru¬
dential Bond & Mtg Co & Elinore Realty
Co to Vincenza Montana. 20 Spring; mtg
$23,000 & AL; July31: Aug2'17: A$15.000-
23,000. nom
Delaneey st, 108 (2:410-67), ns. 87.6 e
Ludlow, 21.10x100. 5-sty bk loft & str
bldg; Hyman Rubin et al to Benj N Lefko-
witz. 110 Delaneey; mtg $42,800; June27:
July2.S'17: A$29.000-37.000. O C & 100
Greene st, 170 (2:523-7). es. 150 -s
Bleecker. 24.4x100, 6-sty bk loft & str
bldg; Etagioc Holding Co to Harry Swan¬
son. 324 W 96: mtg $30,000 & AL; July26:
July27'17: A$15,500-26,000. nom
Greenn-leh st, 702 (2:634-27). ws. 82 3
Bank, runs w33.6xsw25.3xs2xsl4.5xe23.8 &
33.5 to st xnl7.6 to beg. vacant: Stanley M
Isaacs, ref. to Metropolitan Savgs Bank. 5!>
Cooper sq E. plff: FORECLOS Julv24: Julv
30: Julv31'17: A$4.000-4,000. 5.000
Hamilton ter. 36 (7:2050-661/.). ws. 565
n 141st, 18x100. 3-stv & b stn dwg: Spen¬
cer Waters at Rye, NY. to Jas S Roberts.
246 W 136: mtg $9,000; July28; Augl'17: A
$7,800-12,500. O C & 100
Hester st. 70 (1:299-20). ss. 25 w Orch¬
ard. 25x75, 3-sty bk synagogue: Geo Rosen
of Boston. Mass. to Prank E Rosen. 12 7
W 111: AT: B&S: AL: May22: July27-17:
A$21.500-26.000. nom
John Rt, 15 (1:79-14), ns. 162.11 e Bway.
runs n38.9 & Sl,10xe25.9xs31.10 & 47.1 &
45.8 to st XW26.4 to beg. 9-sty bk loft &
str bldg: John V Cockcroft. of Ossining.
NY. to John V Cockcroft. Tnc. 71-3 Nassau:
July5; July31'17: A$155.000-240.000.
O C & 100
James al, .%-9. see Water, 360.
Lewis St. 161. see Lewis, 163.
LewU st, 163 (2:357-77). ws, abt 115 n
3d. 22.6x100. 4-stv bk tnt & strs & 4-stv
bk rear tnt: A$9.500-12.000: also LEWIS
ST. 161 (2:357-78), ws. 84 n 3d. 25x100, 4-
stv hk tnt & str & 5-stv bk rear tnt: A
$11,000-15.000: Goldberg & Greenberg, Inc,
to Julius Freedman. 15 Eldridge; mtg
$31,250: July23: Jiilv27'17. O C & 100
LeroT st, 10 r2:.SS6-7S). ns. 225 w Bleeck¬
er. 25x90, 2 & 3-stv bk stable: Thos Gill-
eran. ref. to Stephen H Jackson. 151 W 121.
plff: mtg $8,750: FORECLOS Mar28- Anr
3'16: Aug2'17: A$10.000-14.500. .n.OOO
Leroy st, 10: Stephen H Jackson to Mar¬
garita Camniglia, 19 Leroy; mtg $13,850:
Julv7: Aug2'17. O C & 100
Mnoiloncrnl at, 131 (2:543-57). ws. 58.10 n
3d, 19 6x65.9, 2-stv hk dwg; John Frank¬
lin. 210 W 37. to Florence Gordv. 245 W
131: U pt: Angl'17: A$7.500-8.500. nom
Mnlden In. S3 (1:68-9). ns. 54.1 w Gold.
25 3x81.11x24.3x91.2. 5-stv hk loft ^ str
hldg: Wnloott G Lane et al to 83 Maiden
Lnnp Corpn. 49 Wall; B&S & CaG- mtg
$37,500 & AL: Julv28: Aug2'17: A$G3.000-
66.000. O C & 100
Monroe st, 231 (1:266-18). ns. 119.R e
Scammel. ?4x96. 5-Btv bk tnt: Beni J Weil
to Be'-tba Knhn. 4'!! E ^2; B&S: AL- AprS;
July31'17: A$13,000-20,000. O C & 100
Monroe st, 231 Bertha Kahn to Benj J
Weil. 21 E 82: B&S; AL; AprS; July31'17.
O C & 100
Monroe st, 268 (1:261-40). ss. 75 w Jack¬
son, 25x87x25x87.10, 6-sty bk tnt & strs;
Alex H Kaminsky. ref, to Geo G Kip. at
Morristown, NJ, plff; FORECLOSED &
drawn Augl; Aug2'17; A$12.000-2o.500.
Pearl st, 14^2, see State. 8.
Pearl st. 16 (1:9-23). ss, 114.8 w White¬
hall. 31.8x108.8x34x109.3. 6-sty bk loft &
str bldg: Chesebrough Building Co to No
8 State St Realty Corpn. 115 Bwav: B&S;
mts: $25,000: Augl; Aug2'17: A$40.000-50,-
000. O C & 100
Pine st, 45, see William. 51-3.
Prinee st, 19 (2:508-47), ns. abt 20 w
Bowery. —x—. 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Han¬
nah J Miller to Michele Volini. 20 Prince;
mtg $8,000; July30'17; A$10,500-14.000.
O C & 100
Rivington st, 173-5 (2:348-53). ss. 90 e
Clinton, runs e40xs80xw20xs20xw20xnl00 to
beg, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Depositors As¬
sets Corpn to Maurice Krautman. 903
Whitlock av. Bronx; E&S & CaG: mtg
$50,000 & AL; Julyl7: Augl'17; A$36.000-
65.500. O C & 100
South st, 63 & 64 (1:37-50). ws. abt 75 n
Wall. 38.1x118.11x37.9x116. ws. 6-stv bk
storage: Frederic de P Foster & ano. EXRS
Sarah C Goodhue, to Lawvers Realtv Co
160 Bway; June29; Augl'17: A$42.000-55 -
000. 58.750
Stanton st, 114 (2:412-75) ns. 44 w Es¬
sex, 22x80. 6-sty bk tnt & strs: Susan
Jager, 229 Eldridge, to Anna Goldev (Gold¬
stein), 71 St Marks pl; undivided int: cor¬
rection deed: sub to % of all Hens- July30-
July31'17; A$13.000-22.000. O C & 100
State st, 8 (1:9-9). ns. abt 225 e Pearl.
35.7x— to ss Pearl (No I4V2). xll.llx—,
5-sty bk home & pt 2-sty bk bldg- Luth¬
eran Immigrant Soc to Margt M Carev. 16
W 49; Augl'17: A$16.500-P$17.000 & ex-
embt. 85.000
State St. 8: also PEARL, ST. 14V^- Margt
M Carey, 16 W 49. to No 8 State St Realtv
Corpn. 115 Bway: B&S: mtg $56,500; Augl
'17. O C & 100
Water st, 3flo (1:110-57). nwc James si
(Nos 5-9). 36.2x64.4, 5-stv bk loft bldg.
Gesina F Rose. 24 Park av. West Cald¬
well, NJ. to Wm D A Rose. 24 Park av,
West Caldwell. NJ: AT: AL; Julv21; Julv
2S'17: A$19.000-32.000. nom
White St. 64-6 (1:193-1), ns. 80 w Bway.
46.1x108.8x46.11x109.3. 5-stv stn loft & str
bldg: Norlin Realtv Cornn. 27 Wm. to
Chas B Sauier. — Monumert av. Old Ben¬
nington. Vt: mtg $50,000- Julv25: JulvS7
•17: yv«60,000-80,000. O C & 100
William St. 51-3 (1:43-14-15). swc Pine
(No 45). 46.10x42.10x45.8x42.11. 2-5-j=tv bk
office & str bldg; also nronertv In Bronx-
Clara T A Collier to Goo T Adee at Coun¬
trv Club on Eastern bWd, We'^tchester.
Bronx; 4-7ths of all RT&I which saf 1
partv 2d pt acauired as heir from hl.^
father. Geo A Ad^^ & et al- A- Julv5'
Aue2'17: A$3 00.000-31 5.000 nom
"William St. 03-7 (1:R7-.'^). wr. 93 n Maiden
la. runs n60 3xw84.4x'5l.5 xw 25.6 xs 49.11xp
25 6xs14.3xe3r;xs7.5xe48 to beg. 14-stv hk
nftJnf- bld-T- Ideal Invpstintr Inc. 45 E 17.
fn TVest 40th X- 41st Sts Rpaltv Co, at 1^^
W 40: mttr iCROO 0 00 & AL; Julv31- Aue-3'17-
.^'' O C & lOO
AVooster st. 70-2 (2:486-5). es, 190.3 n
Broome, runs spIOO xne 35 xw 4.10 xn 25vnw
95.2 to st xsw60 to hpg, 3-stv hk Inff &
str hldg: Moss Estate. Inc. 60 Wall, to
navid L Cohen. 117 Van Buron. Bklvn. &
Harold Snher. 569 W 1.^0- B&S & CaG-
mts- $40,000: Augl: Ang2'17: A$37.000-42 -
000. nom
"W'*»rfh St. sr-01. s^p Bwav, 335-7.
1«T R*. 4r; p, (2:442-18). qs. 244.11 e 2 av
"O.Tv??.! X 2n 4 X 74.6 5-Ptv hk tnt & str;
PhlHo Mnndplman & Ycpftie his wife, to
Yettip Mandplmnn 2'4 W ?5 • M pf AT*
AT," Jnn3- Aiisr9M7- A ^1 0.000-1 4.000. 'nom
.^r» St. 4-1 K (?:l44-in> ps. 40 p 3 av. ?0x
PO 2-stv & h hk dw*?- .Tpnnip wffp x- Wm
P Shprid^n tn nor.9 rtav's T*^ E Houstnn-
July31- Augl'17: A$8,000-9.000. O C & 10*)
6TH st, 410 E (2:433-12). ss. 150 e 1 av,
25x97, 5-sty bk tnt & strs: mtg $25,000: A
$15,000-19.000; also 6TH ST. 412 E (2:433-
13), ss. 175 e 1 av. 25x97. 5-stv bk tnt &
str: A$15.000-19.000; Saml Abramowitz to
Hvman Siegelbaum, 248 7th: July31; Augl
'17. O C & 100
eTH st, 412 E, see 6th. 410 E.
STH st, 324M: E (2:390-20). ss. 387.6 e A^'
B, 24.9x58.11x24.10x61.5, 5-sty bk tnt &
strs: Herman Greenwald. 261 E 7, to Rose
Friedman, at Roosevelt. NJ; mtg $15,000:
July27; July31'17: A$ll,000-16.000.
O C & 100
IITH St. 512 E (2:404-10). ss. 170.6 e Av
A. 25x75. 5-stv bk tnt & strs; Victor Her¬
bert to Abr Kipp. 78-80 Bank; V^ pt; B&S
& CaG; July24: July31'17: A$ll,000-15.000.
18TH St. 534 E (3:975-32). ss. 95.6 w Av
B, 43.9x92. 6-stv bk tnt: Lena Vogeler
(Hellmann) to Paul Hellmann. 160 E 66;
Vs pt: B&S & CaG: mtg $30,000; Ju!v5;
July31'17: A$13.500-42.000. nom
22D at, 157-01 E, see 3 av. 282.
25TH St. 406-8 E (3:956-49-50), ss. 112 e
1 av, 38x98.9. 2-4-stv bk tnts. 2-stv ext;
Jennie Zinman to Rose Kornbluth, 155
Ross, Bklyn: mtg $18,000; July26: July27
'17; A$13,000-20.000. O C & ICO
27TH st, 45S W (3:724-pt It 66). ss. 50 e
10 av. 24.10x24.10x24.10x24.8. I-sty bk str;
Moses Redler, Jersey City. NJ. to Philip
Simon of Danbury. Conn; AL; Julv23-
July27'17: A$------$------. nom
30TH St. 626-32 AV (3:675-48-49), S3. 350
w 11 av. 100x98.9. 3-stv bk tnt & str & 3
& 5-sty bk factory: Jas C Crawford of Mt
Vernon, NY. to John T Stanley. 448 W 23;
CaG: mtg $50,000; Dec22'l3: Julv28'17: A
$31,500-39.500. nom
SOTH St. 626-32 Wj John T Stanlev to
John T Stanlev Co. 650 W 30; mtg $50,000
& AL: Octl'16: July28'17. nom
33D st, 317 W (3:757-23). ns, 250.11 w S
av. 24.1x98 9. 4-stv & b stn dwg: Conrad
Stein, at Shippan Pt. Conn, to Michl Mc¬
Bride, 317 W 33; B&S & CaG: mtg $19.00."!
& AL; Augl'17: A$21,000-25.000. O C & 100
34TH St. 300 E (3:940-8). ns, 100 e 2 av.
21.5x98.9, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; John H Ro¬
gan, ref, to College of Dental & Oral Sur¬
gery of NY. 302 E 35: FORECLOS JulvlO:
July27- July3ri7: A$9.500-1 2.000. 10.000
34TH st, 413-21 AV (3:732-26-30). ns.
192.11 w 9 av. 107.1x98.9. 5-3-sty & b bk
dwgs: Saml Woolverton, TRSTE will Ann
E Cairns, to Webster Apartments, a cornn,
280 Mad av; AL; June30: Julv27'17: A$75.-
000-85.000. 100,000
37TH St. 335-7 E. see 37th 339 E.
37TH St. 330 E (3:943-23). ns. 128 w 1
av. 25x90 8x25.3x87.2. 4-stv bk tnt: mtg $8.-
400: ASS.500-12.000; also 37TH ST. 341 E
(3:943-24). ns. 103 w 1 av 25x87.2x25.8x
S3.5. 4-stv bk tnt- mtg $8,100; A$8.500-12.-
000: also 37TH ST 343 E (3:943-25). ns. 78
w 1 av, runs n49.4xw2xn30.6xnw22.11xsS3.5
to st xe25 to beg. 4-Ktv hk tnt: mtg $7,500:
ASS.000-12.000: also 37TH ST. 335-7 E (3:-
943-21-23). ns. 153 w 1 av. runs n90.6 to ss
old Susan xnw50.6xs97.8 to st xe50 to be«r.
2-4-st- bk tnts: mtp- «17.500: A$17.700-24.-
500 Marv J Rvan. of Bronx, to Normar
Rpm Estate Corpn. 170 Bway; Julv21: July
27"17. nom
37TH St. 341-3 E. see 37th. 339 E.
37TH St. 247-57 AV (3:787-14-19). ns. 150
p 8 av. 100x98.9. 3-3 & :?-4-Rtv bk tnts:
Edw Grafmneller. of Rutherford. NJ. to
Tjucion A Dubernet. 33 W Passaic av. Ruth¬
erford. NJ; QC: June22: Julv30'17: A$126.-
500-133.500. nom
30TH at, 241-0 AA'" (3:788-71-72), ss. 325.6
e 8 nv. 37.7x98.9. 3-Ptv bk tnt & str & 4-stv
hk tnt; T,ucien \ Dubernet. of Rutherford.
N.T. to Edw Grafmueller. at Alwyn ter.
Rutherford NJ- OC; AL; June22: Julv30
'17- A556.000-59 000, nom
30TH «+. 244-6 AV (3:788-71-72). S3. 325.6
e 8 av, 37.7x98,9. 3-stv bk tnt x- <ztr & 4-
sfv bk tnt- AS56,000-59 000: also 123D ST.
?3 W (6:1721-41'». ns. 100 e Lenox av. 25x
ino.11. 5-stv bk tnt: A$14 000-31.000: Mirle
pprnclis to Arips Cornn. 359 Fulton. Bklvn;
QC: AL: July27: JulySO'17. nom
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