This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and
Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions. Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Real Estate
Appraisals, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens,
Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate,
Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and
Bronx and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manl^ttan.
"Bntered at tbe Post Office at New Tork. N. T.. as second class Matter.
Vol. C
No. 2587
New York, October 13, 1917.
Borough of Manhattan.
OCT. 5, 6, 8, 9 & 10.
Broadway alley, 3, see 26th, 153 K.
Canal st, 2,%7-9, see Walker, 104.
Chrystie st, 194-6 (2:421-8). es. 244.6 n
Rivington, 37.7x100x37.4x100. G-sty bk tnt &
strs; Morris Wangrow to Herman Wan¬
g-row, 69 Chrystie; mtg $53,000; Decl9'16;
Oct6'17; A$25.000-48.000. O C & 100
Forsyth at, 24 (1:292-10), es, 75.1 S
Canal. 31x100, 6-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Morris Wangrow to Herman Wangrow, 69
Chrystie; mtg $49,000; Decl9'16; Oct6'17;
A$23,000-42,000. O C & 100
Goerck st, 00 (2:324-1), es, 81.3 n Riving¬
ton, 15.4x99.11. 5-sty bk tnt; Mollie
Schachne. of Bklyn, to Ethel Qoffen, 158
Hart, Bklyn; mtg $8,225; Janl; OctS'17;
A$5,000-9,000. nom
Hamilton ter, 33 (7:2050-1011^), es, 221.9
n 141st, 17x76.11x17x75.8, 4-sty & b bk
dwg; A$6.500-11.000; also HAMILTON TER.
35 ( 7:2050-106). es, 328.3 n 141st, 18.6x84.7
xl8.6xS3.3. 4-sty & b bk dwg: A$7,700-12.-
000; 163 West 93d St Co, 155 W 5S, to Ger¬
mania Life Ins Co, 50 Union sq; B&S &
CaG; AL; Septl; Octl0'17. nom
Hamilton ter, 3o, see Hamilton ter, 23.
Irving pl. 71 (3:874-19), ws, 92 s 19th.
23x85.6, 4-sty Sc b bk dwg; Charlotte W S
Krans, of Plalnfield, NJ, to Krans Realty
Co, 233 Bway; Oct4; Oct9'17; A$27,500-31.-
000. nom
Mott st, 73-5, see Mott. 77.
Mott st, 77 (1:200-21), ws, 100.5 s Canal,
runs wl00xs46.5xe3g.6xnl8.6xe60.4to st xn
27.11 to beg, 4-sty bk stable; A$23,000-28.-
000; also MOTT ST, 73-5 (1:200-22-23), ws,
234.9 n Bayard, runs wl00xnl9.6xe39.6xn
18.7x660.6 to st XS37.8 to beg, 2-5-sty bk
tnts & strs; A$22,000-30.000; Sarah A, wife
Geo B Albro. to Geo B Albro, 2153 Walton
av; Vz pt; B&S; party 1st pt reserves life
estate; OctS; Oct9"17. nom
Orchard st, 35 (1:299-22), ws, 75.2 s Hes¬
ter, 30.6x100, 6-stv bk tnt & strs; Theresa
Bernstein, individ & EXTRX Marris H
Bernstein, to Isaac Kalmowitz, 47 Ludlow;
AL; Oct3; Oct8'17; A$27,000-51,000. nom
Ridge ai, 132 (2:344-50). es. 67 s Stanton.
27x100, 4-sty fr bk ft tnt & strs & 5-sty
bk rear tnt; Louis Jacobson. ref, to Edw A
Morrison, 49 W 47; Alfred E Marling, 35
W 47, & Frederic D Philips, at Lawrence,
LI, TRSTES will Saml Philips (Trust No
7), for Harriet W Marling, plffs; FORE¬
CLOS Septo; Oct4; Oct5'17; A$17,000-22,000.
Stanton st, 78 (2:417-73). ns, 45 e Allen.
21x65. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Katie Graff,
1404 Mad av, to Wilhelmina K Gronholz,
213 S 9. Bklyn; mtg $16,000; Apr2; Oct8'17:
A$9,500-15,000. * nom
Thompson st, 30 (2:476-56). es, 105.2 n
Grand, 38.4x94, 4-sty bk rnt & strs; A$16,-
000-20.000; also THOMPSON ST. 32 (2:-
476-57), es. 143.10 n Grand. 18.10x94.4x18.10
X93.6, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; A$16,000-20,000;
Florence C Clark et al to Davidson Estate
Corpn, 233 Bway; B&S & CaG; Septl8: Oct
9*17. nom
Thompson st, 33, see Thompson, 30.
Walker st. 104 (1:197-29). ns, 78.4 e La¬
fayette. 24.7x57.3x24.9x59.10. 5-sty bk loft
& str bldg; A$17.000-20,000; also CANAL
ST. 257 (1:209-26), ns, 5 6 w Lafayette.
25.10x67.5x26.2x71.3. 6-sty stn loft & str
bldg; A$24,000-31,000; also CANAL ST, 259
(1:209-27). ns, 81.10 w Lafayette, 25.4x84.6
x25.10x89.5. fi-sty stn loft & str bldg; A
$28,000-37.000; also CANAL ST (1:209), ns.
327 e Bway, a strip runs n84.6xwl.5xs—â– to
beg, gore: also BROADWAY, 678 (2:530-5).
es, 114 n Bond. 28.6x130 to ws Cross la or
Jones or Shinebone alley, 5-sty bk loft &
str bldg; A$67.000-77.000; also 5TH AV (6:-
1614-4). es. 75.7 n lOSth, 25.2x100. vacant;
A$23.000-23,000; Banyer Clarkson to Mor¬
timer Bishop, 35 Hamilton ter; AL; Oct4:
Oct5'17. nom
Walker st, 104; also CANAL ST, 257-9:
also CANAL ST, ns, 327 e Bway, a strip as
above; also BROAWAT, 678; also 5TH AV;
same prop; Mortimer Bishop to Banyei
Clarkson & Helen S, his wife, 2 6 W 50, as
tenants by entirety; AL; Oct4; Oct5'17.
3D st, 127-0 AV (2:543-64-65), ns. 134.9 w
Macdougal 46x100, vacant; A Walker Otis^
ref, to Courtney Development Co. 156
Bway; FORECLOS Julyl7; Oct5'17; A$18,-
"00-18,000. 17,500
6TH st, 601 E, see Av B, 93.
12TH st, 64 W (2:575-23), ss, 266 e 6 av,
19.4x103.3, 3-sty & b bk dwg; Fredk
Brooks, 400 Park av, NY. to Josephine S
Redfield, 160 Collins st, Hartford. Conn;
Mary A Wells, 156 Collins st, Hartford,
Conn; Anna S Nichols, at Bronxville, NY,
& Martin C Stokes, 302 W 102; QC; Octl;
OctS'17 ; A$14,000-16,000. nom
13TH st, 320 E, see 13th, 222 E.
13TH .st, 222 E (2:468-20), ss, 363.6 w 2
av, 21.5x103.3, 3-sty bk tnt; A$12.000-14,-
000; also 13TH ST, 220 E (2:468-19). ss, 385
w 2 av. 15.6x103.3, 4-sty stn tnt: A$7.500-
11,000; Geo Hennessey to Dorothy Hen¬
nessey, both at 2844 Decatur av. Bronx;
correction deed; AL; Oct2: Oct5'17. nom
IOTH St. 150 W (3:791-72), ss, 191.8 e 7
av, 20.10x103.3, 4-sty & b bk dwg; Morris
Weinstein of Wash, DC, to City Real Es¬
tate Co. 176 Bway; July31; Oct6'17: A$14,-
000-16,000. O C & 100
26TH st, 153 E & 3 Broadway alley (3:-
882-39), ns, 125 w 3 av, 20x98.9. with AT
to alley, 8-sty bk hotel; Irving Gromet-
stein, 630 W 172, to John Kirkwood, 394
St Nicholas av; mtg $95,000 & AL; Oct4;
Oct5'17: A$17,500-65.000. O G & 100
29TH St. 43 E (3:859-34). ns. 281.9 e Mad
av, 21.3x98.9, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Con¬
stance C Harrison, of Washington, DC. to
43 East 29th St Co, 119 Nassau; mtg $23,-
696 & AL; Sept28; Oct5'17; A$46.500-48,000.
O C & 100
43D ai, 339 E (5:1336-22y2), ns, 73.9 w 1
^v. 26.3x75.5. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Helen
Bauer, 170 Willis av, to Josephine Schmitt,
599 W 178; AL; Oct2*16; Oct8'17: A$9.000-
19.000. O C & 100
4STH st, 507 W (4:1077-27). ns. 125 w
10 av, 25x100.5. 5-sty stn tnt; Gardner
Realty Corpn. 115 Bway, to Hermine Bo-
junga. 152 Jewett av, Jersey City, NJ; B&S;
mtg $21,500 & AL; Mayl7; OctS'17: A$10,-
000-17.000. O C & 100
51STst, 543 W (4:1080-11), ns, 250 e 11
av, 25x100.5, 3-sty bk tnt & 2-sty fr rear
tnt; Ellen C Treanor to Owen E Treanor.
both at 543 W 51: mtg $5,500 & AL; Oct9
'17; A$10,000-10,500. nom
53D st, 421-7 W (4:1063-17-20), ns, 300
w 9 av. 100x147.4x100.4x139.8. 4-6-sty bk
tnts: Wm Laue to Gertrude A Vanderbeek.
ns W 126: B&S: rntg $80,000; Octl; Oct5
â– 17: A$56,000-104,000. nom
53D at, 432 W (4:1062-51), ss, 450 w 9
av, 25x100.5, 5-sty bk tnt: Marv E Merritt
to Marie Caraccia. 338 W 26, & Anna
Forenga. 138 8 av; mtg $14,000; Octl0'17:
A$ll.000-19,000. O C & 100
64TH st E (5:1379-lot 8 & pt 9), ns. 175
e 5 av. 35x100.5. vacant; United Securities
Corpn to Wm H Richter, 99 49th st. Corona,
B of Q: AL; Sept28; Oct5*17; A$-------$-------.
O C & 100
64TH at E (5:1379-lot 8 & pt 9), ns, 175
e 5 av. 35x100.5, vacant: Wm H Richter
of Corona. LI, to City Real Estate Co. 176
Bway; mtg $100,000; Sept29: Oct5*17; A
It_____It______ O C & 1 00
67TH St.* 16 E (5:1381-61). ss. 120 w Mad
av. 25x100.5, 5 & 6-stv stn dwg; Eliz
Yoakum, of Oyster Bav. LI. to Geo L Will¬
iams. 76 E 42; mtg $75,000; Octl0'17; A
$78,000-155,000. O C & 100
69TH St. 213 E (5:1424-10). ns, 240 e 3
av. 28x100.5, 5-sty bk tnt: Michael .Maier
& Pauline, his wife, to Lina Maier .133 W
113; AT: mtg $17,000 & AL: Augl3; Oct5'17:
A$13.500-27.000. O C & 100
71ST st, 130 E (5:1405-61). ss. 284 e Park
av. 16x100.5. 4-sty & b bk dwg: Jeannette
r Hemphill, at Spring Lake. NJ. to Edw J
Williams. 130 E 71; B&S & CaG; AL; OctS;
Oct9'17: A$27.000-39,000. O C & 100
74TH St. 103 W (4:1146-28). ns. 100 w
Col av, 20x102.2. 5-sty bk art gallery, 1-
sty ext; Wilton Holding Corpn to Joseph¬
ine M Kneeland van Ferls, 103 W 74; mtg
•121,000; Oct5; Oct6'17; A$19.500-29,000.
O C & 100
77TH st W, nwe West End av, see 77lh.
:joi W.
77TH St. 301 VV (4:1186-22), ns, 25 w
West End av, runs n30xwl2xo35xwl8xs6ri
to st xe30 to beg, 5-stv & b bk dwg; mtg
$20,000; A$21,000-28,000; also WEST END
AV, 361-5 (4:1186-25), nwc 77th, runs n55
xw25xnlOxwl2xs35xel2xs30 to ns 77th xe
25 to beg, 5-sty & b Dk hospital; mtg $35,-
000; A$56,000-65,000; also WEST END AV.
367 (4:1186-27), ws, 55 n 77th, runs nSOxw
82.6xsl5xe27.6xs0.5xe30xsl0xe25 to beg, 5-
sty & b bk hospital; mtg .1122,000; A$3S,000-
45,000; A Richard Stern, 44 W 87, to 301
West 77th St Realty Co, at 301 W 77; Aug
—: Oct8'17. O C & 100
7STH st, 112 W (4:1149-40), ss, 175 w Col
av, 16.8x98.10x16.8x99.2, 4-sty & b stn dwg;
Service Realty Co, 55 Liberty, to Louis
Heitzmann, 38 W 90; B&S; mtg $17,000;
OctS; Oct9'17; A$14,500-19,000-. O C & 100
fSSTH St. 101 \V, see Col av, 580-2.
93D st, 183 E (5:1522-31), ns, 130.6 w 3
av, 30x100.8, 4-sty stn tnt; Josef Neuwald,
874 Bway, to John P Karlik. 183 E 93; mtg
?17,000: Sept20; Oct9'17; A$15,500-24,500.
97TH St. 219 E (6:1647-12), ns, 287 e 3
av, 24.6x100.11, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Mil¬
dred Partegas, 124 E 108, to Winthrop
Kellogg, on ss Brook av, opposite 4th st,
B of R; mtg $12,000; t:;ctl0'17; A$6,S0O-
12,500. nom
lOlST st, 54 E (6:1606-47), ss, 125 e Mad
av, 25x100.11. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; August
G Klages, ref, to Lockwood Estates, Inc, 46
Cedar, plff; FORECLOS Oct2; OctS; OctS
'17; A$9,000-18,000. 13,000
113TH St. 30S W (7:1847-29), ss, 133.4 w
8 av, 16.8x100.11, 3-sty & b bk dwg; Martin
Lynch to Helene H Lynch, his wife, both
at 312 W 113; mtg $6,000; Oct6; OctS'17;
A$8,500-9,500. nom
113TH st, 324 W (7:1847-37), ss, 86.8 e
Manhattan av, 16.8x100.11, 3-sty & b bk
dwg; Robt E & R Victor Crowley to Ida N
Crowley, 324 W 113; AT; B&S & CaG; Oct
3; OctS'lT; A$8,500-9,500. nom
115TH st, 4 E (6:1620-68), ss, 100 e 5
av. 20x100.11. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Lion
Realty Co to 4 East 115th St Corpn. 556
W 184; AL; Oct3; Oct5'17; A$8,500-18.500.
115TH st, 156 E (6:1642-51), ss, 378 w 3
av, 17x100.11, 4-sty stn tnt; John J O'Grady
to Jas Walsh, 115 E 102; mtg $7,800; Oct
5; Oct6'17; A$6.200-11.500. O C & 100
115TH st, 167-107V2 E (6:1643-27-27 V>).
ns, 245 w 3 av, 25x100. 2-3-sty & b stn
dwgs; Jacob M Guedalia. ref. to Emanuel
Alexander. 167 E 115; mtg $9,000 & AL,
FORECLOS June28; Oct4; Oct5'17; A$S,800-
10.000. 2.500
115TH st, 414 E (6:1708-42%), ss. 132,6 e
1 av, 18.9x100.10, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Sadie
Frank. 863 Hunts Pt av, Bronx, to Susan
Rubenstein, 986 Aldus st, Bronx; B&S; A
L: Oct4; Oct5'17: A$5,200-8,000. nom
117TH st, 169 E (6:1645-261/2). ns. 244.6
w 3 av, 19.1x100.11, 4-sty & b. bk dwg; Wm
Bondy, ref. to Harlem Savgs Bank, 124 E
125. plff; FORECLOS Sept20; Oct9; OctlO
•17; A$7.000-8,000. 9,000
117TH st, 322 E (6:1688-42). ss, 275 e 2
av, runs sl00xe25xs0.11xel2.6xnl00.11 to st
xw37.6 to beg, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Ma¬
thiide Baer to Mary Munro. 258 W 35: B&
S: mtg $35,000; Octl; Oct6'17; A$10.500-
34.000. nom
121ST st, 505 E (6:1818-4%). ns, 81 e
Pleasant av. 17x84.3, 2-sty & b stn tnt;
Hudson P Rose Co. 7 W 45, to Nicol-
angelo Ferrara. 54 Old Bway; mtg $2,000
6 AL; OctS; Oct5'17; A$2.700-3.700. nom
124TH st AV, nec St Nicholas av, see St
Nicholas av, 2*^0-6.
129TH st, 222 W (7:1934-43), ss. 234 w
7 av. 17x99.11. 3-stv & b stn dwg: Fidelita.s-
Realtv Corpn. 66 Libertv. to Jacob Hertz-
berg. laS W 115; B&S; OctS; Oct9*17; A
$5,300-8.000. O C & 100
129TH st, 222 W; Jacob Hertzberg to
Andw P Nahmens, 216 W 129; mtg $4,000:
OctS; Oct9'17. O C & 100
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