ol the
This section includes ail recorded Conveyances, MisceUaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages aad
Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Real Estate
Appraisals, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens,
Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate.
Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and
Bronx and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manhattan.
"finter«d at the Post Offlc« at New Torlc. N. T.. as aftcoDd claaa Matter.
Vol. C
No. 2592
New York, November 17. 1917.
Borough of Manhattan.
NOV. 9. 10, 12. 13, 14 & 15.
Bank st, 72 (2:623-28), ss, 225 w 4th, 25
x9U. 3-sty & b bk dwg; John F Wichelns,
635 Prospect pl, Bklvn. & ano, EXRS Metta
B Wichelns, to Marv J Wichelns. 112 Put¬
nam av Bklyn, as sub TR^TE will Metta
B Wichelns; AL; .JulylU; NovlU'17; A$ll.-
000-13,500. nom
Bruome st, 216-8 (2:352-30), ns, 42 w
Norfolk, 46.9x75.5. 6-sty bk tnt Sc strs;
Jacob Levy to No 216 Broome St Corpn, at
220 Broome; AL; Novl2; Novl3'17, A$33,-
000-56.500. nom
Cherry st, 230 (1:255-12). nec Peiham
(Nos 16-S). 25.6x108.7x25.1x109.7. 6-sty bk
tnt & strs; Rachel Isaacs, 541 W 150. to
Emma A Mayhew. 1522 Pacific. Bklyn;
B&S Sc CaG; mtg- $28,500 & AL; NovB; Nov
12'17; A.n2,000-34.500. nom
Chrystie st, »» (1:304-23), ws, 75 s
Grand, 25.2x49.8x25.2x49.10. 2-sty fr bk ft
tnt & strs; Wolf Karnis to Mendel Ber¬
man 723 E 5; AL; NovlO; Novl3'17; A$12.-
000-13.500. O C & 100
Chrystie st, 225 (2:427-34). ws, 214.8 ne
Stanion, runs nw 20 xnw 100 xsw 20 xse 100
(probable error, two sw courses), 4-sty bk
tnt & strs. 1 & 2-sty ext: Albt Cohn. of
Bavonne NJ, to Jacob Nusbaum, 76 E 4;
AL; Novl: Novl5'17; A$l3,00O-lS,000. nom
Chureh st. 202 (1:147-27 & 30). ws, 50 s
Thomas, runs s25.8 xw 100.3xn75.11 to ss
Thomas (Nos 50-2) xe50.1xs50.2xe50 to beg.
5-stv bk loft Sc str bldg; Isabel Anderson,
of Wash. DC, to Jerome E Bates, 374
Washington av, Bklyn; Septll; Novl2'17;
A$68.000-91,000. O C & 100
Clinton st, ISO (1:314-5), es, abt 145 n
Division. 25x100, 1-2 & 3-sty bk theatre;
Peter P Cappel to Sarra Wolff 561 W 174;
1^ pt; B&S; AL; Oct2; Novl5"17; A exempt-
exempt. O C & 100
Greenwich at, 297*4 (1:137-21), ws, 40.2 s
Chambers, 13.2x65x12.8x67, 3-sty bk str, 1-
sty ext; Isaac Fischlowitz. 215 W 116, to
Gustav G Fisch. 1298 Mad av. NY. & Abram
Fisch. 550 4Sth. Bklyn; mtg $6,500; Nov9
'17; A$10,000-13,000. nom
t;reentvich .st, «ll-5 (2:601-46-51), sec
Leroy (Nos 120-6). 100.4x108.4x100x100, 4-
3-sty bk tnts, 4-sty bk tnt & strs & 1 & 2-
sty bk factory; Gouverneur Mtg Corpn, 149
Bway, to Baker & Williams, a corpn. 512
Washine,ton; mtg $45,000 & AL: Novl5'17;
A$47.100-61.000. O C & 100
John st, 26 (1:65-25). ss, 49.11 w Nassau,
25.4x64.5x25.4x63.11. 6-sty stn office Sc str
bldg: Fredk M Hilton, of Briarcliff Manor,
NY, et al. to E P Reichhelm & Co. 24 John;
B&S & CaG: mtg $100,000; Novl2; NovlS
•17; A$100.000-135.000. nom
Jumel ter, 2 (8:2109-70), nwc 160th (No
425). 75x94x76.3x80. 6-sty bk tnt; Neville
Constn Co to Richelieu Holding Co. 26
Cortlandt: mtg $82,000 & AL; Novl; Nov
13'17: A$39,000-115.000. O C & 100
Jumel ter, 2, nwc I60th (No 425): Riche¬
lieu Holding Co to Effie P Gladding. 172
Gates av. Montclair, NJ; mtg $94,800: Nov
12; Novl3'17. O C & 100
Lafayette st. 185 (2:472-7), old es 116.6 s
Broome. 20.6x65.4x20.6x65.6, except pt for
St. 3-sty bk bldg: Peter P Cappel to Sarra
Wolff. 561 W 174; Vz pt; B&S; AL; Oct2;
Novl5'17: A exempt-exempt. O C & IOO
Leroy st, 120-6. see Greenwich. 611-5.
Manf^in st. 65 (2:323-22). ws, 150 s Riv¬
ington, 25x99, 5-sty bk tnt Sc strs; Her¬
bert Frankel to 65 Mangin St Corpn, 54
Loew av; B&S; Novl4; Novl5'17; A$7,000-
19.000. O C & 100
Monroe st, 27-0 (1:276-14). ns. 376.10 e
Cath. 49.8x100.6x50x100.7. 6-sty bk tnt &
strs: Abr Simkowitz to Sam W Rubin 73
W 116; AL; Junell; Novl4'17: A$30,600-
61,000. nom
Monroe st, 233 (1:266-19), ns, 143.6 e
Scammel. 24x96. 5-sty bk tnt; Benj J Y\^eil
to Bertha Kahn. 421 E 82; B&S; AL; Oct
31; Nov9'17; A$13.000-20,000. O C & 100
Monroe st, 233; Bertha Kahn to Benj J
Weil. 21 E 82: B&S: AL: OctSl: Nov9*17.
O C & 100
Monroe st, 21».s (1:263-13). ss, 226.7 w
Corlears. 37.7x97.10. 6-sty bk tnt & strs;
Jacob Blauner to Elemco Realty Co. 59
Liberty; AL; Novl; Novl5'17; A$14,500-35,-
500. nom
31ott St. 41 <3») (1:164-30), ws. abt 175 s
Bayard, 25x93.6x25x94, 4-sty bk tnt & strs,
1 & 2-sty fr ext; Le Roy D Ball at Yale
Club, NYC. to Florence V Burden. 5 E 73;
AL; Aprl7'16; Nov9'17; A$17,000-19.000.
iXorfolk st, 150 (2:354-48), es, 100 s Stan¬
ton, 25x100. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Lawyers
Mtg Co to Henry Breslauer, 1845 7 av; B&S
& CaG; AL; NovS; Nov9'17; A$20,000-28.-
5U0. O C & 100
Orchard st. 181 (2:417-64), ws. 125 n
Stanton. 25x87.6, 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 4-
stv bk rear tnt; Sarah Elfenbein to Evelyn
Elfenbein, both at 165 E 95; Vz RT&I; mtg
$25,000; Nov7; Nov9'17; A$17,000-23,000.
Peiham st, 16-8, see Cherry, 230.
Pike st, 52 (1:274-17). ws, 49 n Monroe.
24x86, 4-sty bk tnt & strs, 2-sty ext;
Amelia Ackermann of Bronx to Jos Gu-
sowski, 790 Cauldwell av. Bronx: i^ part
of AT; AL; Novl4'17; A$12,500-16,500.
O C & 100
Stuyvesant st, 2-14, see 3 aV. 29.
Th4»inas st, 50-2, see Church. 202.
White St. :VJ (1:175-18). ss, 75 e Church.
24.4x100x24.8x100, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Wm P Schoen. ref, to Eugenia Kelly
Davis, at Jericho. LI, plff: FORECLOS Oct
24; Nov9; Novl3'17: A$25.500-33.000. 28,004)
5TH at, 313 E (2:447-52), ns. 150 e 2 av.
25x97. 5-stv bk tnt & strs; A$16.000-24,000;
also STH ST. 315 E (2:447-51). ns, 175 e
2 av, 25x97. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; A$16,000-
24,000; Mary Henig to Sarah Greenberg, 65
Rivington; V2 pt; AT: mtg $50,000; July5;
Novl5'17. nom
5TH st, 315 K, see 5th. 313 E.
6TH St. S06-8 E, see 6th, 810-2 E.
6TH St. SlO-2 E (2:360-50), ss, 129 w
Lewis 42x97, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; A$17,-
500-45,000: also 6TH ST, S06-S E (2:360-48).
ss, 171 w Lewis, 42x97, 6-stv bk tnt & strs;
A$17,500-45,000: Elias Senft. 17 E 105, to
37 West 19th St Realty Co 35 Nassau; AL;
Nov5: Nov9'17. 600
OTH St. 10 E (2:567-25). nes, 300 e 5 av.
25x92.3. 4-stv bk loft & str bldg: Isidor
Wels to Thos Snell, 323 Lex av; mtg $19.-
000 & AL; Jan30; Novl4*17; A$19,000-22.-
000. nom
12TH st, 34 W (2:575-37). ss, 350 w 5 av.
20.11x103.3. 4-stv & b stn dwg; Isidor Wels.
268 E 7, to Thos Snell. 323 Lex av; mtg
§13.000; Mar21'16; Novl4'17; A$15,000-18.-
000 (R S $9). nom
13TH st, 539 E (2:407-41), ns. 145 w Av
B. 25x103.3. 4-sty bk tnt & strs & 4-sty bk
rear tnt; Jos D Kellv, ref. to Dry Dock
Savgs Instn. 341 Bowerv. plff: FORECLOS
Nov9; Nnvl3'17; A$10.000-15.000. 12,000
16TH St. 3.54 AV (3:739-72), ss. 125 e 9
av. 25x73.9x25x76, 4-sty bk tnt: Michl F
McGrorv & ano to Jos J Hetinessey, 330 W
16: mtg $6,000: Sept6; Novl3'17; A$9,000-
11.000. nom
27TH St. 114-0 \V, see 42d. 220 W.
27TH St, 135-7 W, see 42d, 220 W.
318T St. 252 \V (3:780-70), ss, 150 e 8 av.
25x32.5x25x34.8, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg.
1-stv fr ext: Alrose Realtv Co to Wm Gold¬
stone. 2 W 89: AL; Apr23: Nov9'17; A$13,-
000-19,000. nom
32D st E. ns. 1.3S e 5 av, see 5 av, 806-7.
34TH St. 238 E (3:914-41). ss, 152 w 2
av. 18.3x98.9. 3-sty bk tnt: Lawvers Mtg
Co to Henry K Tully, 637 E 3. Bklvn; B&
S & CaG: AL: NovS; Nov9'17; A$10,000-11.-
500. O C & 100
37TH st, 228 W (3:786-65). ss. 340.7 w 7
av. 28.1x98.9. 5-sty bk tnt; Herman Joves¬
hof & ano. EXRS &c John G Jenny, to Jos
:\ranheimer. 212 E 60; mi:g $25,000; NovS;
Novl2'17: A$36.500-45.500. 35.000
41ST st, 221 W, see 42d. 220 W.
42n st, 218 W. see 42d. 220 W.
42D St. 220 W r4:1013-this & 42d st 212.
and 41st st. 221 W. lot 41), ss. 222 w 7 av.
78x98.9 20-stv bk office loft & str bldg:
also 41ST ST. 221 W (4:1013). ns. 275 w 7
av 25x98.9, 16-sty bk loft, office & str
bldg: also 42D ST. 218 W (4:1013). ss. 578
e 8 av, 22x98.9, 5-sty bk loft office & str
bldg; A$550,OUO-1,375,000; also 42D ST 226
W (4:1013-45), ss, 300 w 7 av, 25x98.9, 5-
sty bk office loft & str bldg; A$100.000-
150,000; also 27TH ST. 114-6 W (3:802-52),
ss, 200 w 6 av, 43.9x98.9. 12-sty bk loft Sc
str bldg; A$72,000-185,000; also 27TH ST,
135-7 W (3:803-16), ns. 425 w 6 av. SOx
98.9, 12-sty bk loft & str bldg: A$82,500-
218.000; Asa G Candler & Lucy E, his wife,
1040 Ponce de Leon av, Atlanta, Ga, to Asa
G Candler, Inc, a corpn, of Fulton Co, Ga;
AL; Maris: Nov9'17. nom
42D St. 226 \i\ see 42d. ^20 W.
47TH st, 327 E (5:1340-16), ns, 375 e 2
av. 25x100.5, S-sty bk tnt & strs; 173d St
Realtv Co, Inc. to Hattie Miller, 700 W
179; mtg $12,000; OctS; Novl4'17; A$9.000-
16,500. nom
51ST St. 241-9 "W^ (4:10^-6). ns. 122.6 e S
av. 82.6x100.5, 9-sty bk tnt: 245 West Slst
St Corpn. 55 Liberty to Landseer Realty
Corpn. 62 Wm; mtg $250,000; Novl; Nov9
'17; A$123,000-300.000. O C & 100
51ST st, 330 AV (4:1041-47), ss, 361 w 8
av, 30.9x100.5. S-sty bk tnt; Cornelia B
Page to Chas M Page, both at Albany, NY;
sub to unpaid balance on mtg $35,000; Nov
10; Novl3'17; A$22.000-47.000. 14,000
52D St. 409 AV (4:1062-27). ns. 125 w 9
av, 25x100.5, 5-sty bk tnt; Henry Brink¬
mann, 96 7 Sherman av, to Helen Brink¬
mann. 2426 Grand av; AL; OctSO; NovS'17;
A$ll,000-22.000; corrects error in last is¬
sue, when address of grantee was 2426
Grant av. nom
54TH st, 2 E. see 5 av, 685.
56TH st, 9 E (5:1292-8), ns, 175 e 5 av.
25x100.5, 4 & 5-sty & b stn dwg; Fireside
Realty Co to Herbert F Dawson, 612 W
115: B&S; AL; Novl2; Novl3'17; A$87.000-
130,000. O C & 100
57TH st, 21 E (5:1293-15). ns, 49 w Mad
av. 23x100.5. 6-sty bk dwg & studio bldg;
Saml W Arnheim & ano. EXRS Fannie
Arnheim to Arnheim Estate Corpn 60
Wall; mtg $75,000; Oct25; Novl2'17; A$110,-
000-120,000. O C & 100
57TH st, 21 E; Saml W Arnheim et al to
same: QC; mtg $75,000; Oct25; Novl2'17.
SSTH st, 158 AV (4:1010-55). ss. 203 e 7
av, 42x100.5. 9-sty bk tnt; 158th West 58th
St Co to Geo D Waring at South Norwalk,
Conn; mtg $180,000 & AL; Novl4'17; A$76,-
000-176.000. O C & 100
SSTH St. 532 AA" (4:1086-49), ss, 400 w 10
av, 25x100.5, 5-stv bk tnt: Julius Friedman
to Abr Goldberg, 46 W 83; E&S & CaG; A
L: Novl3; Novl4'17; A$9.500-15,000.
O C & 100
62D st, 2 E, see 5 av, 806-7.
62D st, 59 W (4:1115-2). ns, 20 e Col av,
20x75, 5-sty stn hotel: Saml Posner, 555 W
151 to B f" Keith's New York Theatres Co,
1564 Bwav; mtg $20,000; Octl7; Novl3'17;
A$30.000-36,000. nom
e2D st, 61 W. see Col av. 61-5.
64TH St. 420-4 E (5:1458-35), ss. 231.5 w
Av A 75x100.5. 1-sty fr stable & 2-sty bk
loft bldg; Flora N. wife of & Jas A Brown,
both at Brickhouse Farm. Pleasant Valley,
Dutchess Co, NY. to Helen N Spraker. cor
Roland rd & Washington av, Ardsley-on-
Hudson NY; Vi pt; QC; Dec31'15; Nov9'17:
A$26.000-27.000. O C & 100
71ST st E, nwc Madison av, see Madison
av, 872.
72D St. 334 AV (4:1183-48). ss, 365 w West
End av, 20x102.2, 4-sty & b stn dwg; Lillie
V Kohn. at Belnord Apts, Bway & 86th.
to Lvdia' S F Prentiss, 1 Riverside dr; AL:
NovlS'l": A$35,000-44,000. nom
74TH St. 310 E (5:1428-43), ss, 135 e 3
av, 25x102.2. 4-sty bk tnt & strs & 3-sty
bk rear tnt; Malie Halpern to Kath W A
Shrady 135 W 73; mtg $14,500 & AL: Nov
12- Novl3'17: A$10.000-15.000. O C & 200
74TH st, 150 W (4:1145-53). ss, 500 w
Col av. 22x102.2. 4-sty & b bk dwg; Henry
W Eaton to Arlanden C Bridges. 14S W
74- AL; Novl4; Novl5'l7; A$21.500-28.000.
O C & 100
77TH st, 349 B (5:1452-22). ns. 100 w 1
av 25x104.4 4-sty bk tnt & 3-sty fr rear
tnt; Delco Holding Co to Eugene A Feh-
ringer 315 Bleecker. Bklyn: mtg $8,000;
Oct27- Novl2'17: A$9.000-15.000. O C & 100
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