This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances. Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages sad
Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions. Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Real Estate
Appraisals, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens,
Mechanics* Liens, Satisfied Mechanics* Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate,
Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and
Bronx and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manhattan.
"Sntered at the Post Office at New Tork. N. T.. as second class Matter.
Vol. C
No. 2596
New York, December 15. 1917.
Borough of Manhattan.
DEC. 7. 8. 10. 11, 12 & 13.
Bedford st, 86 (2:588-3), es, 48.9 n Bar¬
row, 25x68.5x25x67.4, 2-sty bk tnt Sc 2-sty
bk rear tnt; Angelo Musanti to Elvira
L-ehrer, 882 Beck; AL.; Decti; Dec7'17; A$7,-
500-8,500. nom
Bedford st, 86; Elvira Lehrer, of Bronx,
to Angelo Musanti. UG Bedtord; correction
deed; AL.; Decti; Dec7'17. nom
Broad st, 117 (1:6-7), es. 62.5 s Front,
22.6x76, except from above a piece in rear
7 feet sq at nwc, 6-sty bk home; Julian F
Strzelecki, 101 S 2d, Bklyn, to Ignacy Pok-
urski 102 St Marks pl; mtg $19,000; Dec
5; Decl0'17; A exempt-exempt (K S 50c).
O G & 100
Broad st, 117; Ignacy Pokurski. 102 St
Marks pl, to St Sanislaus B 6c M Church,
otherwise known as Polski Kosciol Sw
Stanislawa B i M, a corpn, 103-7 E 7; Dec6;
Decl0'17 (R S 50c). O G & lOu
Broome st, 413 (2:473-40), swc Lafayette
(Nos 1S6-92), 25x113x26x114, 5-sty bk loft
& str bldg; Anna E Smith, — Woodland
st, Englewood, NJ, to Marion S Irwin
Martin, 21 W 54; Decl; Dec8'17; A$40.000-
57,000. nom
Columbia st, 9S (2:334-51), es, 300 n
Rivington, 25xl0o, 4-sty bk tnt Sc strs Sc
3-sty bk rear tnt; Harry Sc Gussie Wolff
to Isidor Wolff, 98 Columbia; AL.; Decl;
Dec8'17; A$14.000-18,000. nom
Downing st, 49-51 (2:528-82). ns. 122.3
w Bedford, 39.6x90, 4-sty bk garage; Jos
A Caragher to Eliz R Caragher. his wife,
both at 2323 Newkirk av, Bklyn; Vz Vt;
AL.; OctlO; Decl3'17; A$16,500-30,000. norn
Essex st, 179 & 181 (2:412-62), nws, abt
50 s Houston, 60x25, 4-sty bk tnt Sc strs;
Abr Neuman to Moritz Rothstein. 451 E
171, Bronx; mtg $24,500; N0V28; Decl0'17;
A$13,000-17,000 (R S ?1). O G & 100
Fletcher st, swc Water, see Water, 167-9.
Front st, 102 (1:33-29), ns. abt 145 w
Wall, 19.8x79.9. 4-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Jas M Montgomery to Chas Runyon of
Mantoloking, NJ; AT; QC; Mar7'lti; re¬
recorded from Apr6'17; Decl2'17; A$17,000-
22,000. nom
Front st, 103; Ghas Runyon of Manto¬
loking, NJ, et al to W A Shilstone, 1016 E
38 Bklyn; Dec3; Decl2'17 (R S $13).
O C & 100
Goercic^ at, 23 (2:327-63), ws, 25 n Broome,
25x75, 6-sty bk tnts & strs; Benj J Weil
to Bertha Kahn, 421 E 82; B&S; AL.; Dec
10; Decll'17; A$6.000-17.000 (R S 50c).
O C & 100
Hndson st, 358 (2:578-52); es. 42 s Dom¬
inick, 21x70. 3-sty bk tnt; Minnie K Mad¬
den & Abram I Elkus, EXRS Helena
Michels, to Eenj B Davis, at Sherman Sq
Hotel, Bway & 71st; DecS; Decll'17; A
$10,000-11,000 (R S $12). 13,000
Lafayette st, 186-92, see Broome 413.
Macdoug;al st, 95 (2:542-63), ws, 74 n
Bleecker, 25.6x75, 5-sty bk tnt Sc strs; An¬
gelo Musanti to Elvira Lehrer, 882 Beck;
AL; Dec6; Dec7'17; A$12,600-20,000. nom
Macdougal st, 95; Elvira Lehrer to An¬
gelo Musanti, 86 Bedford; correction deed;
AL; Dec6; Dec7'17. nom
Madison st, 57 (51) (1:279-30), ns, 44 e
Oliver, runs n22xe3.6xn3xnelxn3.2xel8.3xs
31.6 to st XW22.2 to beg. 3-sty bk tnt; Jos
A Kirk of Ronkonkoma, LI, to John Vil-
lios, 31 Oliver; mtg $3,000 & AL; Decl;
Decl0'17; A$3,600-4,500 (R S $5).
O C & 100
Madison st, 180-8 (1:272-31-32), ss, 183.4
w Rutgers 42.6x100, 2-5-sty bk & stn tnts
& strs; Saml Weil et al. EXRS Jonas Weil,
to Bertha Kahn, 421 E 82; Vz Vt; AL: Dec
10; Decll'17; A$24,500-38,500 (R S 50c).
O C & 100
Madison st, 180-8; Bernhard Mayer to
same; Mi pt; B&S; AL; DeclO; Decll'17 (R
5 60c). O C & 100
Madison st, 340 (1:266-68), ss, 95.5 e
Scammel. 24.7x95.10x24.2x96. 5-sty bk tnt
6 strs; Rae Shinsky, of Bronx^ to Saml
Weinstein. 331 Madison; QC; Decl2; DeclS
'17; A$10,500-18,000 (R S 50c). nom
Urchurd st, 25 (1:299-27), ws. abt 150 n
Canal, 26x79, 6-sty bk tnt 6c strs; Abr
Zubrinsky to Morris Harrison. 1164 Sea¬
bury pl; AL; Dec8; Decll'17; A$20,500-32.-
500. O C & loo
Pitt st, 72-4, see Rivington 217-9.
Kiving-ton st, 95 (2:410-16), ss, 25 w
Ludlow, 25x100. 3-sty bk tnt; Hivington
Neighborhood Assocn to First Rumanian
American Congregation of City N Y. S9
Rivington; mtg $4,500; Decl; Dec8'17; A
exempt-exempt (R S $14). 1S.500
Rivington st, 217-9 (2:338-12), sec Piit
(Nos 72-4). 49.10x57. 6-sty bk tnt & strs;
Mores Goldberg to Max Goldberg, 110
Stanton, & Solomon Mingelgreen, 78 1 av;
all RT&I in Vz pt; QC; AL; Apr29'16; Dec
7'17: A$34.000-62,000. O C & 100
Rivington st, 217-9, sec Pitt (Nos 72-4);
Max Goldberg & Hanie, his wife, et al, to
Rosie Goldberg, 72 Pitt; all RT&I in Vz
pt; AL; Mayl8'15; Dec7'17. O G & 100
Rivington st. 217-9 (2:338-12) sec Pitt
(Nos 72-4), 49.10x57, 6-sty bk tnt & strs;
Hany Goldberg et al. EXRS. &c. Max Gold¬
berg & et al to Dora Bierman, 316 E 5;
mtg $60,000; Dec6; Dec8'17; A$34,000-62,-
000 (R S $6). 5,000
Stanton st, 310 (2:330-74) ns, 76 e Lewis
22x75, 2 Sc 3-sty fr & hk tnt; Jas C Gulick
to Clarence H Fay, 45 W 11; Vi pt; Sept
15; Decll'17; A$8,500-10,000. nom
Stanton st, 318 (2:330-71), ns, 25 w
Goerck. 24.5x75. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Benj
J Weil to Bertha Kahn 421 E 82; B&3:
AL; DeclO; Decll'17; A$i0,000-16,500 (R S
50c). O C & 100
Water st. 157-9 (1:71-12-13), swc Fletch¬
er, 40.3x51.9x40.8x50.6, 2-6-sty bk loft &
str bldgs; Wm Kent, of Tuxedo Park, NY,
Sc ano, TRSTES will Emily L Kent, to
Emma M Gibson, 625 E 32. Bklyn; mtg
$24,000; Oct5; Decll'17; A$29,000-39,000 (R
5 $31). O C & 100
AVater st, 157-9, swc Fletcher; Emma M
Gibson to Smith Valley Realty Corpn, 17
Cedar; mtg $24,000; DeclO; Decll'17 (R S
$31). O C & 100
AVaverly pl. 176-82 (2:610-22-25), ws abt
25 s 10th, —x—, 4-3-stv & b bk dwgs;
A$24,000-28,000; also all land, whether
within or without the State of New Jersey,
6 wheresoever situated, of which John
Kean died seized, except parts conveyed &
devised by will, &c; Julian H Kean et al,
EXRS John Kean, late of Ursino, NJ, et ai,
to Realty Transfer Co, 68 Broad st, Eliza¬
beth. NJ; Nov24; Dec7'17. nom
AVaverly pl, 170-83 (miscl) ; also all
land, whether within or without the State
of New York or elsewhere, of which Lucy
Kean. late of Ursino. NJ, died seized, ex¬
cepts parts conveyed or devised by will,
&c: Julian H Kean et al, EXRS of Lucy
Kean et al. to Realty Transfer Co, 6S
Broad st, Elizabeth, NJ; Nov24; Dec7'17.
OTH st, 324-6 E (2:447-18-19), ss. 325 e
2 av, 50x97, 2-5-sty bk tnts & strs; Chas
Rubinger to Millie Segal. 144 W 117; Decl;
Decll'17; A$32,000-42,000 (R S oOc). nom
STH st, 327 E (2:391-46). ns, 238.6 w Av
C, 24.9x93.11. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; S Wal¬
ter Kaufmann, ref. to Cornelia L Man¬
ierre, 330 W 76, 20 parts; Eliz W Man¬
ierre. 352 West End av, 7 parts; Joseph¬
ine C Jenner, 535 Park av, 10 parts. &
Mary A Hannan, 3 parts. & Wm J Hag¬
gerty, 1020 Bedford av. Bklyn. 3 parts. &
Ellen M Lewis, 210 Garfield pl, Bklyn, 7
parts; in all 50 parts; FORECLOS Aug27;
Decll; Decl2'17; A$16,000-25,000 (R S$27).
IITH st, 628 E (2:393-21), ss, 308 w Av
C 25x94.9. 5-sty bk tnt: Leopold Harris to
Sadie Harris, both at 317 E 13; an undi¬
vided int; AT; AL; Decl; Decll'17; A$12.-
000-22.000. nom
13TH st, 317 E (2:455-57), ns, 217 e 2 av.
23x103 2 & 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Leopold
Harris to Sadie Harris, both at 317 E 13;
AL- Dec4: Decll'l?; A$ll.500-19,000. nom
14TH st, 214-6 W (2:618-24), ss, 250 w 7
av. 50x131.6x50x131, 8-sty bk loft & str
bldg: D & R Realty Co. a corpn, to Dag¬
gett & Ramsdell, a corpn. 214 W 14; B&S:
AL; Dec8; Decl0'17; A$44,000-P44,000 (R
S $252.50). 252,400
19TH St, 353 E (3:925-30), ns, 110 w 1
av, 2ux92, 3-sty & b bk dwg; JosE New-
burger. 1 W 7u, to Jennie Levy, Sol E 19;
Henrietta Herzenberg, 44 Cnarlton; Car¬
rie Weisboord, 277 W 11; Jacob Goldmann,
80 Latayette. & Nathan Goldmann 220 vv
98; QC; Dec7'17; A$9,000-11,600. nom
33D st, 463 W (3:720-78), ss. 90 e 10 av,
22X9S.9, 4-sty stn tnt; Eliphalet L Davis,
249 W 22, to Emile S Dreux, 135 Hamilton
pl, & Clara L Archibald. 433 W 23; mtg
$15,000 & AL; Sept27; Dec7'17; A$13,000-
16,000. nom
24TH st, 355 W (3:748-8). ns. 171 e 9 av,
20.6x9s.9. 3-sty & b bk dwg; Julia S Wall-
berg, of Ossining, NY, to Henry W Archi¬
bald 433 W 19; mtg $10,000; Nov26; Dec
7'17; A$10,000-11.600. nom
26TH st, 213 E (.3:907-10), ns, 160 e 3 av,
25x97.8. 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 2-sty bk
rear loft bldg; Wm C Hagen Sc Flora E,
his wife, to Emily S, Mary L, Julia M &
Dorothy Hagen, all at 140 Herkimer, Bklyn;
AT; QC; Dec8; DeclO'17; A$12,000-21,000
(R S $1). O C & 100
26TH st, 213 E (3:907-10). ns. 160 e 3
av. 25x97.8, 6-sty bk tnt & strs Sc 2-sty bk
rear loft bldg; Julia M & Emily G Hagen
to Dorthy & Mary L Hagen, both at 66
Halsey st, Bklyn; AT; QC; Decll; Decl2
'17; A$12.000-21,000. O C & 100
29TH st. 111 & 113 "W (3:805-48-49), ns.
150 w 6 av, 41.8x68.10x12x76.11. 2-sty bk
str Sc 3-sty bk tnt; Richd O'Gorman. ref,
to Edw D Ellis, at Poultney, Vt, plff;
mtg $40,000; FORECLOS Decll; Decl2'17:
A$48,000-49,500 (R S $10). 10,000
32D st, 44-50 E (3:861-47), ss, 83.8 w
4 av, runs sll0.2xw8S to cl old Middle rd
X again wlS.4xnl07.5 to st xe66.4 to beg,
12-sty bk loft & str bldg; Hasco Build¬
ing Co. 52 Vanderbilt av, to Land Map
Realty Corpn, 160 Bway; mtg $352,000;
Dec6; Dec7'17: A$l85,000-$------. nom
33D st, 44-50 E; Land Map Realty Corpn,
150 Bway, to Hasco Bldg Co, 52 Vander¬
bilt av; mtg $364,000; Dec6; Dec7'17. nom
35TH st E, sec Madison av, see Madison
av. 195-7.
45TH st, 431 W (4:1055-17), ns. 375 w
9 av, 25x100.5. 5-sty bk tnt; John G Pep¬
pier, of Weehawken. NJ. et al, heirs &c
Christian & John Peppier, to Emeline
Roffe (Peppier), 2305 Prospect av. also
heir as above; AT; B&S; JunelS; Decl3'17;
A$ll,000-19,600. nom
47TH st, 431-3 W (4:1057-211^ & 22), ns.
507.3 e 10 av, 42.9x100.5, 4-sty bk tnt &
str & 2-sty fr rear tnt & 4-sty stn tnt;
Barbara Peppier 720 Blvd Loop. Weehaw¬
ken, NJ, to Hebig Realty fe^Bldg Co; B&S;
Junel8; Decl3'17: A$21,000-27,000. nom
4STH st, 333 E (6:1311-13), ns, 300 e 2
av, 25x100.5, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Meta
Piepenbring, of Landis, NJ. to Ignazio
Martorana, 22 Spring, & Gioacchino La
Rosa, 117 Elizabeth; mtg $14,000; Deci2,
Decl3'17; A$9.000-20,000 (R S $2.50). nom
77TH st, 341 E (5:1432-16), ns. 205 w 2
av, 26x102.2, 4-sty bk tnt & str; Jessie
Maier 150 E 78, to Hampton Suffolk Cor¬
pn, 266 Bway; mtg $14,000 & AL; Novl9:
Decl0'17; A$10,000-15,000. nom
79TH st, 79 E (5:1491-32), ns, 100 w
Park av, 16x102.2 4-sty & b stn dwg:
Sophie Stein, 112 E 74, to Wm H Richter,
99 49th Corona, B of Q; mtg $24,500 &
AL: Dec3; Dec7'17: A$33,000-40,000 (R S
$14), O C & 100
79TH st, 79 E; Wm H Richter, 99 49th.
Corona. B of Q. to Milton Newitter. 35
St Nicholas ter; mtg $24,500 & AL; Dec
7'17. O C & 100
79TH st, 330 E (5:1433-381^), ss, 246 e
3 av. 20x102.2. 3-sty & b stn dwg; mtg
$12,000 & AL; A512,000-14.000; also 108TH
ST 59 E (6:1614-27). ns, 238 w Park av, 17
XlOO.ll 4-sty stn tnt; mtg $7,000 & AL;
A$6,500-8.500: Equality Constn Co to Paul¬
ine Schimmer 219 Audubon av; Decl; Dec
13'17 (R S $1). O C & 1,000
86TH st E, nec 5 av, see 5 av. 1050.
89TH st, 2 AV, see Central Park W, swo
S9TH st, 179 AA', see Ams av, 601.
89TH st AA', ss, 150 w Central Park AV,
see Central Park W. swc 89.
93D st, 188-90 E, see 3 av, 1660.
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