This section includes all recorded Convejancet, Miscellaneons Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages mad
Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Real Estate
Appraisals, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens.
Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate,
Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and
Bronx and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manhattan.
"Bntered at the Post OSlee at New York. N. T., as second class mattar.
Vol. CI
No. 2600
New York, January 12, 1918.
Borough of Manhattan.
JAN. 4,
7, S, 9 10.
Academy st, G45 (8:2234-45), nes, 100 n
w Greenwich. 37.10x51.10, 2-3-sty bk tnts;
tnt; Delta Holding Corpn to A R T Hold¬
ing: Co, 3 Van Corlears pl; mtg $49,000;
JanlO-lS; AnO,000-$------- (K S $5).
O C & 100
Charlton st, 122-4 (2:596-69-70), ss. 75.11
w Greenwich, 37.10x51.10. 2-3-sty bk tnts;
Alfred & Leopold Edelmuth, EXRS Rachel
Edelmutii to Alfred & Leopold Edelmuth,
both at oi E 96; JanS; JanlO'18; Ano,000-
12,000. O C & 100
Division st, 105, see East Bway, 206.
East Broadway, 27 (1:280-47), ss, abt
115 e Cath, 25x87.6. vacant; Jos Weiss-
man of New Haven, Conn, to Maze &
Seideman, Inc a corpn; QG; pr mtg $-------
& PM mrg $15,000; Dec24'17; JanlO'lS; A
$26,000-29,500 (R S $5). O C & 100
East Broadway, 20G (1:-2S5-3S), ns, 183.6
e Jefferson, 26.2x113.3 to ss Division (No
195) x26xll3.7, 4 & 5-sty bk lyceum; Har¬
ris Rosenthal et al to National Hebrew
Schools Assn. 183 Madison; mtg $39,000;
Jan2; Jan7'lS; A$29,000-46,000 (R S $5).
O G & 100
Front st. 100 (102) (1:33-30), nws, 45.7 n
w from nwc Front &. Gouverneur la, 19.10
x84.8x19.10x84.6, ss, 4-sty bk loft & str
bids;-; Henry M Baker of Darien, Conn, to
Wm A Shilstone, 1016 E 38. Bklyn; mtg
$12,500; Dec28'17; Jan8'lS; A$16.000-21,000
(R S $17). O G & 100
Goerolc st. 66 (2:323-6), es, 200 n Delan¬
cey, 25x99.4 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Nathan
Schancupp, 317 E 79. to 66 Goerck St Cor¬
pn; B&S; JanS'lS; A$9,000-15,500 (R S 50c).
O C & 100
fioerok sf 123, see Stanton. 320.
Greene st. 158-60 (2:523-1). es, 82.8 n
Houston, runs e75.4xnl7.9xe25xn24.6xwl00.6
to st XS41.4 to beg, 7-sty bk loft & str
bldg; John A Stewart et al. as TRSTES in
N Y of the Liverpool & London & Globe
Ins Co (Ltd), to John A Stewart, 16 W 53;
Walter C Hubbard, 138 W 74, & Thatcher
Magoun Brown, at Red Bank, N J, as
TRSTES in N Y of the Liverpool & London
& Globe Ins Co (Ltd); B&S; Dec27'17; Jan
4'IS; A.1123,500-42,000. nom
Henry st, 320 (1:267-61). SS, 225.7 W
Jackson, 25x95.3. 6-sty bk tnt & strs;
Elemco Realty Co to Lawyers Mtg Co;
E&S; AL; Sept25'17; Jan5'lS; A$10,500-20.-
500. nom
Houston st, 306 E (2:384-62), ns, abt 75
e Av B, 22.6x70. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Adolf
Leichter, 309 E 4, to Jed Frye, 2 E 45; AL;
Jan8; Jan9'18; A$17.000-23,000 (R S 50c).
O C & 100
I^nfnyette st, 42.S (41) (2:545-40). ws,
abt 2Sn s Astor pl, 27x137.6. 3-sty bk tnt &
str; Louis J de Milhau to Ferdinand T
Hopkins, Jr Town of Somers, NY; mtg
$26,000; Jan2; JanlO'lS; A$35,000-36,000 (R
S $5). O G & 100
Lewis st, 3-5 (2:326-22), ws. 85 n Grand,
runs n40xwl00xs25xe50xsl5xe50 to beg, 6-
sty bk tnt & strs; Barnett Edelsack. 745
Ti'inity av, to Louis I Baron, 108 W 43; Jan
22'17; Jan7'18; A$ll,500-30,000. nom
I^ewis st, 08 (2:329-50), sec Stanton (No's
311-3). 25x75. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Chas
Gelewski to Rifa Galewski, his wife. 216
W 94: 1-9 pt; AT; B&S; AL; Novl9'17; Jan
9"18: A$16,500-34,000. nom
Maiden la. 2-4, see Bway. 166-72.
Monroe st. 171 (1:269-11), ns, 139.8 w
Montgomery. 22.10x100, 6-sty bk tnt & strs;
Anthony Av Realty Co, 5 Beekman, to Mor¬
ris Sandberg, at Livingston Manor. Sulli¬
van Go. NY; mtg $25,000 & AL; Dec31'17;
Jan7'lS; A$13,000-30,000 (R S $7). nom
Monroe st. 264 (1:261-42). ss, 125.5 w
Jackson, 25x85.8x25x87.6. 3-sty fr bk ft
tnt; Max S Levine, ref, to Hamilton Hold¬
ing Go. 37 Liberty; PTJREGLOS transfer
tax lien recorded May8'14; Jan4; JanlO'lS:
A$10,000-l$,500 (R S $3). 3,000
Prince st, 131-5 (2:515-39), ns, 100 e
West Bway, 60x71.3. 7-sty bk loft & str
bldg; John A Stewart et al. as TRSTES in
N Y of the Liverpool & London & Globe
Inc Go (Ltd), to John A Stewart, 16 W 53;
Walter C Hubbard. 138 W 74. & Thatcher
Magoun Brown, at Red Bank, NJ, as
TRSTES in N Y of the Liverpool & London
& Globe Ins Go (Ltd); B&S; Dec27'17; Jan
'418; A$35,000-5S.O00. nom
Rivingrton st, 327 (2:323-14). ss. 85.4 e
Goerck. 18 9x75. 3-sty bk tnt & strs; Na¬
than Schancupp, 317 E 79, to 327 Rivington
St Corpn; B&S; JanS'lS; A$5,500-7,000 (R
5 50c). O C & 100
Rutgers pi, 21, or Monroe st (1:270-11),
ns, 78.6 w Clinton, 26x110. 6-sty bk tnt &
strs; Jos F Mulqueen, Jr. ref. to General
Theological Seminary of the P E Church
in U S, 175 9 av, plff; FORECbOS Dec24'17;
JanS; Jan4'18; A$18,500-37,500 (R S $39).
Stanton st, 311-3, see Lewis. 98.
Stanton st, 320 (2:330-70), nwc Goerck
(No 123). 25x75. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Bes¬
sie Kamber, of Boston. Mass. to Mark S
Reardon. 3d, 170 Keap. Bklyn; mtg $32,000
6 AL; Dec31'17; Jan9'18; A$15,000-27,500.
Willett st, 62 (2:338-45), es. 175 s Riv¬
ington. 25x100 4-sty bk tnt & strs & 3-sty
bk rear tnt; A$15,000-19,000; also WIL¬
LETT ST, 64 (2:338-46), es, 150 s Riving¬
ton, 25x100. 4-sty bk tnt & strs & 4-sty
bk rear tnt; A$15,000-19,000; Bertha Frie-
der to Dora Frieder. 316 E 50; Va RT&I; A
L; Nov26; Nov30'17. (Corrects error in is¬
sue Decs when address of grantee was
omitted). gift
Willett st, 02 (2:339-48), es. 225 n Riv¬
ington, 25x100. 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 5-sty
bk rear tnt; Robt L Luce, ref, to Sarah
Asch, 3681 Bway. TRSTE will Simon A
Asch; FORECLOS Dec6'17; Jan3; JanlO'lS;
A$15.000-21.000 (R S $15). 17,000
Willett st, 101 (2:339-23). ws, 75 s Stan¬
ton. 25x100 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Abr Miller
of Bklyn et al to Annie E Walker. 1499
Sutter st, San Francisco. Cal; mtg $21,000
& AL; JanS'lS; A$15,000-29.500 ( RS 50c).
William st, 103-5 (1:67-2). ws. 27.2 s
John, runs w54.7 & 20.4xsl8.1 & 18.1xel8.5
& 58.9 to st xn41.9 to beg, 6-sty bk office &
&str bldg; Howard H Williams. 915 Ken¬
sington av, Plainfield. NJ, to 105 William
St Corpn, 95 William; mtg $115,000; Feb6
'17; Jan7'18; A$180,000-195.000. O C & 100
William st, 103-5; 105 William St Corpn,
at 95 William, to Maryland Casualty Co. of
Baltimore, Md, office at 100 William, NY;
AL; Jan2; Jan7'lS (R S $170).
O C & 1,000
4TH st, 320 W^ (2:615-59). es, 22 s Jane,
22x55, 3-stv fr bk ft dwg; Alfred & Leo¬
pold Edelmuth, EXRS Rachel Edelmuth,
to Leopold Edelmuth. 51 E 96; mtg $5,500;
JanS: JanlO'lS; A$6.000-7,000. O C & 100
8TH st, 358-62 E (2:377-11). ss, 107.5 e
Av C, 50.7x97.6, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Adolph
Newman to Stanley Newman. 247 W 127;
AL; Decl0'17; Jan5'18; A$28,000-63.000 (R S
$8). O C & 100
17TH st, 413-5 W (3:715-25-26). ns, abt
150 w 9 av, —X—, 2-5-sty bk tnts; i/^ pt;
A$19.000-39,000; also 129TH ST. 160-4 W
(7:1913-59-60), ss abt SO e 7 av. —x—. 3-
4-sty & b bk dwgs; ^^ pt; A$17,400-30.000;
also bonds, stocks &c: deed of trust; Margt
S Dillard, of Pasadena. Cal, to N Y Life
Ins & Trust Co. 52 Wall, in trust for life
of party 1st pt. & her mother, Margt H
Stuart. & then to Wm C Stuart et al; AL;
Decl8'15; recorded in mtgs Dec28'17; Jan
9'18. nom
2.%TH St. 208 E, see 31st. 209 E.
2.%TH st, 406-8 E (3:956-49-50), ss. 112 e
1 av, 38x98.9, 2-4-sty bk tnts. 2-sty ext;
Rose Kornbluth of Bklyn to Julius Fisch-
man 194 Rodnev st. Bklyn; mtg $17,500;
Aug7*17; JanS'lS; A$13,000-20.000.
O C & 100
25TH st, 411 W (3:723-26). ns, 150 W 9
av, 27.6x98.9, 4-sty bk tnt & 5-stv bk rear
tnt; Eliz Herb. 315 Central Park W, to
Julia E, Sarah E & John A McMahon, all
at Mohegan Lake, NY. & Thos M Mc¬
Mahon, 616 W 182; B&S & CaG; mtg $14,-
500; Jan2; Jan9'18; A$ll,500-15,500 (R S
$2). O C & 100
26TH St. 235-7 E, see 31st. 209 E.
27TH st, 313 W (3:751-31). ns. 148 w S
av, 19.9x98.9. 3-sty bk tnt; Mary Freeland.
widow, at Anfs av & 103d. to John L Gor¬
don, 1400 Grand st, Hoboken, NJ; mtg $8,-
400 & AL; JanS; Jan9'18; A$9,500-10.500 (R
5 $1.50). nom
31ST St. 200 E (3:912-7), ns, 135 e 3 av,
18.9x98.9, 3-sty & b bk club; A$9.000-11,-
500; also 25TH ST. 208 E (3:905-53), ss,
146.4 e 3 av, 25x98.9. 5-stv bk tnt & strs;
M; pt; A$12.000-26.000; also 26TH ST. 237
E (3:907-22), ns, 125 w 2 av. 25x98.8, 5-sty
bk tnt; leasehold; A$ 12,000-24,000; also
26TH ST, 235 E (3:907-21), ns, 225 w 2 av,
25x98.8, 5-sty bk tnt; leasehold; A$12,000-
24,000; also property at Jamaica & Belle
Harbor, B of Q: also at Brooklyn; Fredk
W Sherman to Robt A Brown. 139 Engert
av, Bklyn. & Fredk B Maerkle, 161 Lef-
ferts av, Bklyn. as TRSTES in trust for
life of party 1st pt. & then to Margt
Brown et al; AL; Oct9'17; Jan9'18. nom
33D st, 151 E (3:889-28), ns, 148 e Lex
av ,20x98.9, 4-sty bk dwg; Alex O Thlseng
6 Susan M his wife, to Olga K Ihlseng,
all at 449 W 123; mtg $15,000; Nov23'17;
JanS'lS; A$17.000-20.000 (R S $6). 2.425
34TH st, 436-40 W (3:731-65-07), ss, 380
w 9 av, 60x98.9. 3-3-sty & b bk dwgs;
Harriet M Leach, of Montclair, NJ. to
Lanier McKee. 152 Madison av; AL; Dec28
'17; Jan9'18; A$42,000-48,000 (R S 50c).
35TH st, 310 W (3:759-29). ns. 225 w 8
av, 25x98.9. 4-sty bk tnt & strs & 2-sty bk
rear tnt; Theo Budenbach & ano, EXRS
Selma Leschhorn, to Anna S Budenbach,
537 W 121; Jan2; Jan4'18; A$15.000-18,000
(R S $16.50). 16,500
36TH St. 238 W (3:785-65). ss, 380.10 e 8
av, 19.2x98.9. 3-sty bk tnt; Isidor Wels,
ref, to W Forbes Morgan, Jr. 71 Bwav,
TRSTE will Ellen R Morgan, plff; FORE¬
CLOS JanS; JanlO'lS; A$23,000-24.000 (R S
$20). 20,000
47TH St. 341 E (5:1340-22 V2 ). ns. 79 w 1
av, 21x50.3, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Mark
Goldberg, ref, to John M Bowers, 45 E 65,
& Wm T Gray, at Niagara-on-the-Lake,
Ontario Can, EXRS &c Henrv W Gray,
plffs; FORECLOS Nov8'17: Jan7'18; A$5.-
000-9.500 (R S $5.50). 5,500
40TH st, 327 E (5:1342-12). ns, 286.3 e
2 av, 18.9x100.5, 3-sty & b bk dwg; Monroe
& Blanche Bauer, children & heirs Henry
Bauer, to Sophie Bauer, their mother, NY;
AL: Marl9'10; Jan9'lS; A$6.500-S.OOO. nom
40TH st, 327 E; Sophie Bauer to Lewis
M White. 7 Beekman; AL; Nov2fi"17: Jan
9'18. O C & 1,000
50TH st, 223 E (5:1324-11). ns, 245 e 3
av 20x90, 3-stv & b stn dwg; Robt D Don¬
ohue 223 E 50. to Michl Hefferon. 208 E
48; QC; AL; JanlO'lS; A$7,500-10.500.
50TH St. 223 E; Jos D Donohue et al. by
Robt D Donohue, to same; AT; mtg $6,500
& AL; Janl9'18. 0,000
50TH St. 314 E (5:1342-47). ss. 132 e 2
av. 18.6x100.5. 3-sty & b stn dwg; Podgur
Realty Go to Sarah Hirsch. 977 Simpson,
Bronx: mtg $9,000; Jan7; JanS'lS; A$7.-
000-10.000. 75
.-.OTH st, .520 W (4:1078-45). ss. 300 w
10 av, 25x100.5 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Paul
T Kammerer, Jr ref, to l^ond & Mts" Guar
Co. 175 Remsen, Bklyn: FORECLOSED &
drawn Dec27'17; JanS'lS; .MIO,000-16.000
(R S $10). 10'«*>«
.n5TH st, 426 W (4:1064-r\ ss. 318.9 w
9 av, 21.10x100.5, 2-sty fr i: .t & 2-sty fr
rear tnt; John Vogel. of B ^t Q- ^^ al. to
Dominican Sisters of th.? Sick Poor. 140 W
61; AL; Jan4'18; A$7.000-7,000 (R S $10).
O C & 100
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