This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances. Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and Satisfied
Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales. Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits,
Judgments in Foreclosure Suits. Lis Pendens, Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens. Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Aitecting
Real Estate. Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded
Wills and Real Estate Appraisals in the Borough of Manhattan. Entered at the Post Ofiice at New York, N. Y., as second class matter.
Vol. cm. No. 6
Borough of Manhattan.
JAN. 30. 31, FEB. 1, 3, 4 & 5.
Attorney st, 43; see Broome. 159.
Barclay st, 2-4^; see S av, 644-8.
Bleecker st, i::0-30; see S av, 644-S.
Bleecker nt, 3S3; see St Marks pl, 85.
Bleecker st, 228-32; see Carmine, 22-4.
Broome st, 150 (.2:346-53), swc Attorney
(No 43), 19.3x50x19.5x50. 7-sty bk loft &
str bldg; Lawyers Mtg Co to Manhattan
Bridge Plaza Realty Co, 233 Bway; B&S;
AL; Jan3U; Feb4'19; A$14,500-22.000 (R S
$12). O C & 100
Carmine st, 22-4 (2:527-72), swc Bleeck¬
er (Nos 22S-32), 49.11x70, 6-sty bk tnt &
strs; Henrietta Boroschek et al, EXRS
W^olf Boroschek. to Rose, John, Paul &
Jas Demartini, all at 171 Bleecker; mtg
$43,000 & a PM mtg $10,000 & AL; Jan30
•19; A$30.000-62,000 (R S $32). 75,000
Cherry st, 3:^-0 (1:260-6), sec Scammel
(Nos 52-S). 71,3x156.6 to ns Water (Nos
630-6) x71.3x151. 1-sty bk garage; 914
Simpson St Realty Co et al to Max Tarta-
kov. 335 78th. Bklyn, & Morris Breenberg.
475 50th. Bklyn. & Louis Greenberg, 5301
3 av; mtg $72,500 & a PM mtg $3,000 &
AL; Janl5; Febl'19; A$------$------ (R S $13).
O C & 100
Cherry »t, 460 (1:263-36). ns, 237.5 e
Jackson, 37x97,9, 6-sty bk tnt; Alfred H
Townley, ref, to Timothy Davenport, 26
Belmont ter. Yonkers, NY, & Ira H Brain¬
erd, 11 W 88, TRSTES will Roswell Smith,
plffs; FORECLOS Jan2S; Jan29; Jan30'19;
A$13,500-35,000 (R S $1). 1,000
Cleveland pi, 15; see Kenmare. 97-107.
Columbia st, 144-50; see Houston. 427 E.
Division st, 315 (1:286-78), ss, 70 e Clin¬
ton, 23.4x54.6x23.4x54.9, 4-sty bk tnt &
Strs; Abr M Wattenberg, 60 Wall, ref, to
Jas L Holland. 225 W 78; FORECLOS Dec
27'IS; Jan2; Febl'19; A$9,500-11.500 (R S
$9.50). 0.50O
Division st, 215; Jas L Holland, 225 W
78, to Mary Rabinowitz. 267 Division; Jan
10; Febl'19 (R S $9.50). nom
East Broadway, lOS; see 15th, 119 W.
Eldridge st, 220 (2:416-13), es, 25 S
Stanton, 24,6x88.7, 5-sty bk tnt & strs;
Jerome B Burge. of Bklyn, to Lena A
Johnson. 17 W 132; AL; June22'18; Jan31
'19; A$17,000-25,000 (R S $2). O C & 100
Elizabeth st, S2 (1:239-7), es. loO n Hes¬
ter. 25x110, 5-sty bk factory; Clifford L
Weston, of Camp Upton. Suffolk Co, LI. to
Grace W Cornell, 500 W 143, & Chas W
Weston. 79 High st, Montclair, NJ; B&S
& CaG; Febl; Feb3'19; A$17,500-28.000 (R
5 $3). O C & 100
Essex st, 81 (2:409-57), ws, abt 95 s De¬
lancey. 22x87.6, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Ber¬
nard Harris to Clara Harris, both at 81
Essex; Vs pt; AT; mtg $14,000; Jan29: Jan
30*19; A$16.000-22,000 (R S $1). nom
F>ont Kt, 57-61; see South, 30-31-32.
F*ront st, 88 (1:33-36), ns, abt 120 e Old
si. 22.2x88.3x23x88.3. 4-sty bk loft & str
bldg; Chas A O'Donohue, TRSTE will
John V O'Donohue. for Mary Isenbarth, to
Edw Bleecker. 1378 President, Bklyn; Wm
R Bleecker, 629 Eastern Pkway. Bklyn. &
Chas P Melber. 462 Bronxville rd. Bronx¬
ville, NY; AL- Febl; Feb3'19; A$15.000-
20.500 (R S $40). O C & 100
Fulton st, lis (1:78-46), ss, abt 75 w
Dutch, —X— to Cow alley. 4-3ty bk loft
6 str bldg; A$S6.000-92,000; also FULTON
ST. 120 (1:78-45), ss. 76.4 e Nassau. 25,3x
82.3x25.3x82.1. 4-sty bk loft & str bldg;
A$87.000-93,000; Chas Herman Realty Co
to Max Mandel. 155 Ross. Bklyn; mtg
$100,000 & AL; Febl; Feb3'19 (R S $35).
O C & 100
Fulton st, 120; see Fulton. IIS.
Grnnd st, 3S3-3.S3V- on map 383 (1:312-
18). S3. 100 e Norfolk. 25x100, 4-sty bk tnt
& strs; Chas Bloch. 68 Bradhurst av. to
Lazar Yesersky. 2 W 120; ^ pt; mtg $25,-
000 & AL; Feb3; Feb5'19; A$32,000-40.000
(R S $3.50). nom
Greene st, 81 (2:486-19), ws, 51 s Spring.
25x100. 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Wilton
Holding Corpn to Lorenzo I Jones, 93
Sterling, Bklyn; mtg $16,000 & AL; Jan
20; Feb3'19; A$15.000-21,000 (R S $7).
O C & 100
Greene st, 133-5 (2:514-28). ws, 246,5 n
Prince. 36.5x100. 6-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Etagloc Holding Co to Parmelee Realty
Corpn, 92 William; mtg $30,000 & AL; Feb
1; Feb3'19; A$22.000-37.000 (R S $12).
O C & 100
Grove st, 25 (2:588-77). ns. 96.1 e Bed¬
ford. 32x100, 5-sty bk tnt; Isidore Weck¬
stein to Israel Leibsohn. 625 Wales av;
AL; Jan22; Feb4'19; A$14,000-32,000 (R S
$1). nom
Henry at, 134 (1:273-32), ss, abt 155 w
Rutgers, 23.10x100, 4-sty bk tnt; Chas J
Campbell, of Bronx, et al, heirs &c An¬
nie Campbell, to Abr Lefkowitz, 1459 51st,
Bklyn; mtg $5,900; JanSO; Jan31'19; A
$15,000-18,000 (R S $9.50). O C & 100
Hester st. 104 (1:301-17). ss. 75.2 e For¬
syth. 25x100,8, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Bar¬
nett Schencker to Henrietta Garcy. 1800 7
av; % pt; AL; Junel7'18; Feb5'19; A$25.-
000-37,000 (R S 50c). O C & 100
Hester st, 104; Max Schencker to same;
I3 pt; AL; Nov6'18; Feb5'19 (R S SOc).
O C & 100
Houston st, 404-6 E (2:371-20). nwc
Sheriff (No 131), 40x58.1 to ss 2d (Nos
295-7) x40.4x52,ll, 6-sty bk loft & str
bldg; Max Schwartz to Saml M Schwartz,
447 Fort Washington av; % pt; AT; AL;
Jan30; Feb4'19; A$25.000-41,000 (R S $1).
O C & 100
Houston st, 404-6 E, nwc Sheriff (No
131); also 2D ST. 295-7 E: Saml M Schwartz
& Isaac Bleicber to Max Silverstein, 146
Lewis; all; AL; Jan30; Feb4'19 (R S $1).
O C & 100
Houston St. 404-6 E (2:371-20). nwc
Sheriff (No 131). 40x58.1 to ss 2d (Nos 295-
7) x40,4x52.11. 6-sty bk loft & str bldg; Max
Silverstein to Saml M Schwartz, 447 Ft
Wash av; ^^ RT&I; B&S; AL; Jan30; FebS
'19; A$25,000-41,000 (R S $1). O C & 100
Houston st, 4tM-6 E, nwc Sheriff (No
131); also 2D ST. 295-7 E; same to Isaac
Bleicher, 29 W 111; V-* RT&I; B&S; AL;
Jan30; Feb5'19 (R S $1), O C & 100
Houston st, 427 E (2:335-5S), sec Colum¬
bia (Nos 144-50). 50x75, 6-sty bk tnt &
strs; Z & Y Holding Co to Hanover Mtg
Co. 49 Wall; AL; Jan29; Jan30'19; A$35.-
71,000 (R S $1). O C & 100
Jane st, 41 (2:626-50). ns, 87,2 w 8 av.
26.6x87,6, 5-sty stn tnt; Wm S Bogert, of
Bellingliam. Wash, to Jos H Oilman, 86
Christopher; AL; Dec31'18; Feb3'19: A
$10..^00-25,000 (R S $22), O C & lOO
Jay Ht, 46 (30) (1:142-30), ss, 80,9 w
Washington. 26.8x59.4x27.5x59.3, 5-sty bk
loft & str bldg; Richd S Chisolm et al to
Standard Cold Storage Corpn. 48 Jay- mtg
$13,500 & AL; Jan30; Jan31'19; A$18.000-
24.000 (R S $10). O C & 100
Kc^nmare st, 07-107 (2:481-7), nec Cleve¬
land pl (No 15), 100.6x19x99.5x3.6, 3-sty bk
hotel: Jos & Edw Liebertz. EXRS. &c.
Augusta Liebertz, to Edw Liebertz. 812 E
169; mtg $10,000 & AL; Jan29; Feb4'19; A
$15,000-22.000 (R S $5). O C & 100
Leonard st. 11-13 (1:179-52-53), ns. 138.9
e Hudson, runs e50.2xn91,5xw25.5xs—xw
25,7xs62.6 to beg. 4-sty bk tnt, 3-sty bk
rear tnt & 3-sty fr bk ft tnt; Jas Elgar,
EXR Louise Combe, to West Beach Realty
Corpn. 46 Cedar; sub to PM mtg $15,000 &
AL- Jan29: Feb3'19; A$33.000-34.000 (R S
$22.50). O C & 1.000
Ivconard st, 11-13; West Beach Realty
Corpn to Markham Realty Corpn. 31 Nas¬
sau; B&S; mtg $15,000 & AL; Febl; Feb
3'19. nom
Liberty st, 54-8; see Nassau. 35-9.
Ludlow st, 110 (2:410-37). es. 100 n De¬
lancev. 25x87,6, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; David
Wilder, 550 W 158, to Esther Kantro. 600
W 113; Ida Briliant, 171 Audubon av. &
Jeanette Wilder. 550 W 158; QC; AL; Jan
29- Feh5'19; A$18.000-32.000. nom
Manhattan st, 129-31; see Bway. 3200.
Manhattan st, 172-4 (7:1995-53), ss, 466.3
w Bway, 50x150, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Har¬
lem Savgs Bank to Union Chemical Glass¬
ware Co, 206 Bway; AL; Jan31'19; A$33,-
000-90,000 (R S $72). O C & 100
Manhattan st, 172-4; Union Chemical
Glassware Co to Meyer Rappaport, 541 W
124, & Morris Shachnow, 986 Av St John;
mtg $69,500 & AL; Jan31'19 (R S $5).
O C & 100
Mott st, 278 (2:508-16), es, 126.6 s Hous¬
ton, 25x87.1x25x87. 6-sty bk tnt & strs;
Michele Volini to Louise Aquino, hia
daughter, 20 Prince; mtg $22,000; Jan30'19;
A$14.500-23.000. gift
Aassau st, 35-9 (1:48-9), swc Liberty
(Nos 54-8). runs s79.2xw99.7xs0.8xw9.2xn
88.8 to Liberty xelll to beg, 15-sty bk of¬
fice & str bldg; Croyden Corpn to Incas
Realty Co, 511 5 av; QC; Octl6'18; FebS
19; A$l,550.000-2,150,000 (R S $1).
O C & 100
Orchard Ht, 189 (2:417-60), ws, 226 n
Stanton, 25x87.6, 6-sty bk tnt & strs;
Jennie Paley of Bronx to Jos L B Mayer,
63 E 74; AL; Jan29; Jan31'19; A$16,000-
25.000. O C & 100
Pearl st. 248-50; see Water, 186-90.
Perry st, 88; see St Marks pl, 85.
i'ine st, 41-3; see William, 45-9.
Piatt St. 12 (1:69-27), ws. 84 s Gold, runs
\v83.1xsl4.4xel0.1xs3xe71.10 to st xn20.11
to beg, 4-sty bk loft & str bldg; Lawyers
Realty Co to Mon Santo Chemical Works,
Inc. ISOO S 2d, St Louis, Mo; B&S; mtg
$20,000 & AL; JanSl; Febl'19; A$16,000-
19,000 (R S $11,50). O (^ & 100
St Marks pl. 85 (2:436-60), nec 1 av (^03
134-6), 20x73.8. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; A$14,-
000-23,000. all; mtg $23,000; also 85TH ST,
147 W (4:1216-11), ns, 520 w Col av, 18x
97.6. 4-sty & b bk dwg, all; mtg $12,000;
A$14.000-21,000; also BLEECKER ST, 383
(2:621-41). sec Perry (No 88), 25x61,7, %
pt, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; mtgs ^ of $16,000;
A$13,500-19,000; Gustav J Dohrenwend to
Philippine Dohrenwend, 147 W 85; Jan20;
Jan31'19 (R S $13). O C & 10(J
Scammel st, 52-8; see Cherry, 385-9.
Sheriff st, 131; see Houston. 404-6 E,
South St. 30. 31 *â– 32 (1:34-25-27 & 9-10),
nws. 19.1 ne Cuylers alley, runs nw85xne2
xnwSo.S to ses Front (Nos 57-61) xne61.2
xseS6.3xswl.9xse87,5 to South st xsw62.7
to beg, 5-2-sty bk loft & str bldgs; J Arch¬
ibald Murray to Rathbone Realtv Corpn,
49 Wall; mtg $70,000 & AL: Jan21: FebS
•19; A$80.000-109,000 (R S $6), nom
South st, 248-9; see West End av, 320.
Vesey St. 8-10; see 8 av, 644-8.
AVater st, 37 (1:7-18), ss, abt 50 W
Coenties si, 28.4x83.8x28.8x83.8, 4-sty bk
loft & str bldg; .N Y Cotton Exchange to
Jos B Morrell. at Northport. LI. & Amos
D Carver, of Locust Vallev. LI; B&S; Feb
1: Feb3'19; A$21.000-28,000 (R S $35).
O C & 100
AVater st, 51 (47) (1:32-5), es. abt 110
n Coenties si, 30.6x85; also STRIP on 3
0.6x85. except STRIP on nes 0.8x85, 4-sty
bk loft & str bldg; Jos B Morrell, at
Northport, LI. et al, to N Y Cotton Ex¬
change. 60 Beaver; B&S; JanSO; Feb3'19:
A$24.000-32.000 (R S $35). O C & 1(W)
AVater st, lSG-00 (1:75-4-5). nws. 74.1 no
Burling si. runs nwl41.3 to ses Pearl (Nos
248-50) xne39.2 xseSO.IO xne24,4 xse39 to
Water st xsw60.10 to beg, 4 & 5-sty bk
loft & str bldg; Osborn Fitz-Randolph
Bruce of Port Washington, LI. to Bank¬
ers Trust Co as TRSTE in trust for party
1st pt et al: AT; AL; Jan30; Feb3'19: A
$66,000-99.000. nom
AA'ater st. 480-91; see West End av, 320.
AA'ater st, 0.30-C; see Cherry. 385-9.
AVhite st, 21-3: see 8 av. 644-8,
AA'illlam st. 45-9 (1:43-16), ws, 80 n Wall,
runs n6S.4xnw43.3xne45.8 to ss Pine (Nos
41-3) at point 12.9 w William xnw3S.5xsw
71.8xsel4.2xs39,lxel0.1xs4.5xe57.10 to beg
9-stv bk office & str bldg; John A Stew¬
art et al. as TRSTES in N Y of Liverpool
& London & Globe Ins Co to Bank of
America, 44 Wall; Febl; Feb3*19; A$650,-
000-775.000 (R S $700). O C & 100
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